
You slowly rouse to the sound of a low hum. Sounds like electronic lights. It's cold in here, like The Irons, but it isn't clammy like The Irons. Your body's stiff. No. No, something's holding you down. Consciousness crawls back to you, and the first thing you hear:
"Unnh..." Quiet Riot mutters, coming to near you. You look up and see she's in some kind of chair, a thick metal one, and she's strapped down into it. Straps across her legs, her ankles, her arms, even her wrists. Around her neck is a metallic collar. Other than the straps, she is completely nude. What's the weirdest mark on QR's body, Motley? How did she get it?
She whips her head around, "What in the... Mot!" She struggles against her bonds.
You're bound, too, Motley. Nude as well. You are in perfect health, you realize as you shake loose cobwebs. You're both in a concrete room with bright fake light in recesses above you. There is a single metal door.
"What kind of..." Quiet Riot says as she tries to wriggle free, without success. Even her palms are bound to the chair, fingers laid over the arm of it. "What kind of happy horse shite... " Her tirade is cut off by the sharp sound of an electric shock. You smell ozone and she jerks in pain. "Well FUG TH-..." A second shock, her whole body spasms, and she goes slack.
What do you do?
I blink and shake my head trying to clear it. I am truly surprised that I am alive. This is not something I expected. I am also surprised at QR being present as well. The the electrocuting begins. I scream, and begin thrashing against the restraints. "You MOTHER FUGGERS! You are all dead, you hear me? You better kill me because your life has no meaning. Come out and face me instead of this fipper hide in the shadow crap! You too scared to face me like a real person? "
I continue to tug and pull on the bindings, even trying to move the chair if possible.
After a few minutes, the door opens. You see a hallway outside, darker than here, almost looks like natural lighting. In the doorway is a woman you recognize. She's wearing a gray jumpsuit and a collar like yours. You'd know her anywhere. It's Rose.
She steps just inside, closes the door, and stands by it, her back against the wall. She recognizes you, but doesn't say anything.
What do you do?
I try to steady my breathing after that jolt. I must be seeing things. That looks like can't be. "Rose? ... Is that you? I... I don't understand? What the hell is happening? Are you working with..." I stop unable to put voice to my thought. She can't be working with the fippers, I mean she couldn't right?
You hear the sound of footsteps and she adds urgently, "She hates cursing, says it demeans the soul. The collar fires a shock when you cuss, so be careful." A pained look crosses her face, and before the door opens, she whispers, "I'm sorry."
Her sharp eyes flick up to you, and she gives you a wide smile. "The camera really adds more than ten pounds to you. You are much more impressive in person." She turns to look back at Rose, "I think he'll do. Good work, Prisoner Rose. You may eat today."
"I have a golden opportunity for you, my handsome prisoner." She reaches up to her cigarette, takes a long draw, then removes the cigarette, makes an "o" with her mouth and softly blows the smoke over you.
"Would you like to do me a favor, Motley?"
I jerk at my bonds, "Let me get this straight. You're the Fipper who is in charge of putting me and my crue through hell without committing a crime. It is ultimately your fault that Rose there lost her partner Guns. And you have the cojones to ask some chum-headed blaze..." I feel the electricity speed through my body causing it to tense in pain, some of the worst I have ever felt..."uuhh, like a favor for you. I would have to say MISS Gloriana that my answer is NO. We are the mother fugg....[grunt]" I bite down ..."ing Crue and we don't do favors for chum like you!"
In a very smooth, pleasant tone, "Motley. Would you like to murder someone for me, in a vicious and brutal fashion, in order to be free of this place? I'll give you back your two friends in the bargain."
I look at her, anger - no seething rage - evident in my face. "You little self-deluded bitcARRRGGHH" My teeth clamp closed nearly biting off my tongue. I take a moment to gather my breath, panting and staring, my vision red and slightly blurry. When did it become blurry? I take a deep breath. The decision made, "How would I even know you would hold up your end of the bargain. It's not like a fipper can be trusted. What's the catch? I suspect you already know what I would do for my crue. I don't give a sh..... I don't care about freedom unless it was for all of the crue. That an aspect of the deal? See I don't really trust you to hold up your end, but who is it you want me to kill?"
I grimace at Riot in pain, its the worst. I never really knew my parents; I see the crue as my children in a way. I can't stand them to be suffering and the like. I would do anything to make it stop, hell it's not like we ain't killed for someone before.
"Lady, I don't like you, you probably guessed as much, but it ain't like I got a lot of choice here. I'd do anything to protect my crue even for people I don't like. So you gonna give them freedom if I kill someone for you, fine. But I need a down payment from you. You let loose Riot here first, then I go do your job. Then the rest of my crue gets their the way that does include Rose here as well...
We got a deal?" I look her in the eyes, no shame, no submission, I do this for my reasons, for my family, on my terms - even if it does benefits her - I hope its enough.
She walks over to pet Quiet Riot's cheek. QR tries to bite her finger, but she's too fast, pulling her hand away, "So feisty. It's adorable. Reminds me of someone I love. She's much, much prettier than you, though. Motley, you have three days to brutally murder the doctor known as Fleece. I want Sierra to watch. That. Is very important. You do that. And your whole gang goes free."
I stare at Gloriana for a moment, my brain trying to process what I'm hearing. Why did it have to be Sierra this would affect...but I couldn't think about it. This was for my crue, that's all that mattered right.
I look down to the floor, the realization of all that this means. We will all be free but will I be able to live with myself after? I will have become the animal they all said I would. "Yeah, I got it." My eyes focused on the ground, unable to meet Rose or Riots eyes. The words feel dirty in my mouth, I spit them out anyways, "I'll kill Fleece for you."