
You've had to pull into the queue at Truk Stop before rolling into Depot. Mimi's in the passenger side of the car. She's been strangely quiet most of the ride. For the first half hour, she turned back around to stare out of the rear window, watching Junkyard grow smaller and smaller. When it disappeared behind the hazy horizon, she turned around rightways and slumped for a bit, tired and worn.
There are a couple of merchant cars ahead of you, mish-mash machines made from a dozen other cars, the kinds of things that just manage to stay mobile. Mimi's watching the guards of Truk Stop warily.
What do you do?
There's a long silence on the way. I know better than to talk when it ain't called for... ain't wanted.
But as we linger in the queue for the 'stop, feels like time.
"Helluva thing, ain't it?" I say quietly, without looking, "if that shiite can't take you down... can't take him down, Mimi, makes me feel like maybe we got a fuggin' chance."
Chance at what? I wonder myself... not dyin' maybe... at lest not dyin' for nothin.
I hear it, and it hurts. Mimi ain't never had the chance to know what it's like out there. Why the fugg can't it be like that in here? I know... no fuggin' way.
"It's possible... it ain't gotta be shiite after shiite every damn day..." I look out at the sky, the only thing that's the same here and there, "you just look for the shinin' moments inside all the hurt of this place. Find the people that feel ya and hang."
I click my tongue.
"That's my naive fuggin' opinion anyway... you can start with me," I look at her, extend a hand, palm-up like.
I nod at the guards as we near, as we pass. But my mind is in here with Mimi, "something about that guy..." I say quietly and seriously, "I felt somethin' too... but Gigg... in his mind he's dead already and he's tryin' to set right all the stuff he thinks he made broken..."
I think about that... I hope I've got the man right in my mind. I wish I could see his face. I wonder if he had a nice smile.
"You're part of that, Mimi... he wants you to get the fugg outta there and find your own life... you're somethin' good he thinks he can leave behind... and I thought on this more'n a little... I wanted to save him! But he don't wanna come back. He's got too much shiite draggin' him down and the fugger don't wanna share."
What do you do?
Well. I'm not gonna panic or anything that'll draw attention to us.
I reach up and wrap and arm around Mimi's neck and touch her face, should hide her pretty well from the guards. I lean in and touch her forehead with my cheek as we near. Enjoying the touch, but also making it hard to see who she is...
"Stay put," I whisper as we near the gate. She's sharp enough, I think, to know what's up.
I pull up the the guard at the gate with a little rumble under the hood. My window half-down.
I smile at the guard, rubbin' myself on Mimi as we near, "hey, you know a good place for a romp in the sheets?" I ask, breathless, aimin' to look like I can't wait to get ass naked with my girl here.
Truth is, I wouldn't mind one bit.... but she don't like me... just makes me smile even more. Can't help it.
Lesse how it goes:
Acting under fire: Cool+2
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 11)
reminder of Truk Stop layout
You're waved through, some chuckles and jealous smiles as Mimi continues nuzzling against your neck, then actually moves down to kiss your tummy and make like maybe her head's in your lap, but she's not doing anything. You have to exit the vehicle once you pull in, and hand over the keys to one of the guards, a woman with a rooster Mohawk who is not very impressed with you hooking up (jealousy maybe?)
With Mimi leaning into you, her face, hovering close to your neck again, you make your way to the Waiting Room (area 14). Once you're inside this small room with couches lining the walls, Mimi heads over to slump on a couch, pulling a blanket off and tossing it over her head.
What do you do?
Not here to impress the guards, they can think what they want. Whisper what they want... more than enough rumors out there about me already. Few more won't hurt.
"Hey," I wait a good bit before interrupting the quiet she obviously needs, "I know you don't like me... but we both know this ain't about us. I just gotta know you're where you need to be before I hit the horizon. You got somethin' lined up right? Spare parts?" I try and smile about it... she's lucky enough to have somethin' lined up for her arm... leastways I understand it... enough folks around here missin' pieces permanent.
I don't have much else to say... it's her fuggin' life. I'm here if she needs me along the way but I ain't her keeper.
I listen, she's letting off steam, but then she gets personal. In a bad way.
"That's bullshiite," I wonder where that hint of defiance comes from, if she fuggin' believes that, "you know why I been followin' you all this fuggin' time?" I stand and face her, "cause back in the arena... you had me... right on fuggin' tail, in your sights steady... you had me... then..." I throw my hands apart, "gone! You bailed on the match, Mimi! Right when you had a move on me...
didn't make any fuggin' sense! I get it now... other shiite goin' on..."
I sit back down, heavy, kick up my feet, "but you think I'm happy? Shiite, Mimi, any team'll take you in a heartbeat... hit up the Skorps, they'll take you on my word or my word ain't the shiite I thought. If they ain't up for that... hell... drive with me and we'll take'em all down!"
I pump a fist and hold it out towards her.
"Cinch... you know I've been watching you a long time." Mimi says in a low voice, "In and around the arena, you always walked around like you were so above everyone. Like the way we lived, you were too good for it. You were this big fuggin fipper who turned on 'em to come out this way and I dunno... fuggin' save us from ourselves." She holds up her hand anticipating an objection, "I know you never said those words, but that's how it looked. Well, to me it did!"
You're still holding out your fist, and she looks at it. "Like I said... been watchin' you. And dammit all if you aren't walking the walk. Helped out the folks at Diamond when my asshole UFers came down like thunder. Helped Gigg and Last and her whiny bitches. Now me. Me? Cinch..." Her voice wavers a little, "I've lied and killed and stole shite, left folks to die, helped catch a bunch for the Front and they're still with the Front." She sniffs, swallows, looks away. "You actually want a fuggin' pariah like me to ride... with you?"
I never saw myself like that. Better... but maybe it kinda was that way without thinkin' of it. I came here on my own choice. Came here prepared and kitted up for the thing... I had every advantage comin' into this place. Maybe it made it easier.... hell this place ain't ever easy. But less hard.
She's got me thinkin.
"Hey," I lower my hand a touch, but not all the way, "I don't give a shiite where you come from or what you had to do to get by," I shake my head, "Mimi, I just care who you are right now, who you wanna be..."
It pains me to think of the shiite she had to do to survive. She's mentioned only a hint of it just now.
"I'd ride with you cause you kick ass, girl..." I get up and walk over, crouch in front of her. "ain't no shame in doing whatever to stay living... wherever I come from... Mimi... today we're the same. You and me... you ain't no pariah in my eyes."
End Scene