This action sequence is super exciting and I don't want to let it run away any further while I'm swamped at work. I put a hold on the scene for a few hours. I'll post before I leave work.
This action sequence is super exciting and I don't want to let it run away any further while I'm swamped at work. I put a hold on the scene for a few hours. I'll post before I leave work.
That's a good thing. I should really be working too right now.
As for keys, I was being influenced by the Key of Greed and the Key of Fraternity. I wouldn't say I put myself in danger for either of them though.
I'm going to try to use any of the quick tags you'll give Kale on my next roll. I think an argument could be made for any of them.
One thing about the PBF medium that is pretty neat in Lady Blackbird is if you can use the Trait and tags in a sentence to describe your action. First of all, it's a neat little challenge. Secondly, it adds some nice flavor. Last, but not least, it definitely makes the tags "fit" more easily as justification of their use in the roll.
FREX: Trait of Tricky, tags of Quick, Dirty Fighting, Tumbler, Escape, Contortionist
Right now, I could see Kale using all of those tags to get past the blonde sideburned guard except dirty fighting (although that might make it into a clever description) and contortionist.
For future reference, should I describe a rollable action like that in this table chatter thread or right in the thick of things?
With that first roll I made this afternoon, I made sure to spell out what dice I was using in order so that if one or more didn't jibe with you, you could just drop those, since they'd be in order.
For future reference, should I describe a rollable action like that in this table chatter thread or right in the thick of things?
I'm good with you posting in live thread. If there's something "hinky", I may waggle a finger, but nothing more. If it's egregious, I may delete the roll and ask you to revise. I'm more interested in trusting you all to play with what makes sense, rather than stretch too far.
I'm good with you posting in live thread. If there's something "hinky", I may waggle a finger, but nothing more. If it's egregious, I may delete the roll and ask you to revise. I'm more interested in trusting you all to play with what makes sense, rather than stretch too far.
Nice. Thanks. Still getting the hang of this play by post thing I guess
Hey Rich. Ol' Snargle's down to 3 in her pool. When it makes sense, can I get a refresh scene?
It makes sense now. You can do a flashback, which we'll set up as a solo scene (or not solo, depending on circumstances), or you can hold until the fight is over (trust me, it's just about over) and chat with another PC for a bit. What do you prefer?
The refresher between Lady B and whoever else can easily be "Are you really Lady friggin Blackbird?" It doesn't have to be a big drawn out thing. It's cool, it should be organic and let us learn a bit about the characters.
Refresh scene ideas: * Naomi and Jonas in the pit * Vance, Kale and Snargle getting the job they're on right now * Lady B doesn't need a refresh, she can continue talking to Caess
Sound good?
ALSO, I'm worried we're posting too fast and leaving Vance behind. I need to be mindful of that, please help me out there, folks. I'm loving Vance so far, but I'm worried we're blowing poor Todd away when I said it was a post a day thing.
Hey Rich and all. Sorry I'm not always keeping up. I am pretty busy, but I'm trying to keep in there. The real problem is that since I teach and have a baby, there are just certain times of the day I'm blocked out from posting at all. Having said that, I'm totally having a blast, and I feel like I'm still getting in there to mix it up, so don't worry about me. If anything, I just feel bad that I was away while the guards got taken out and I didn't get a chance to roll any dice and contribute!
So... Keys. Do we just call them out when we think we've hit them? Because I think I hit the Key of the Warrior there...
You TOTALLY hit that Key! If you'd done the murdering on guards, you'd hit key of vengeance, too But you're pursuing key of guardian instead. nice work.
Hey Rich and all. Sorry I'm not always keeping up. I am pretty busy, but I'm trying to keep in there. The real problem is that since I teach and have a baby, there are just certain times of the day I'm blocked out from posting at all. Having said that, I'm totally having a blast, and I feel like I'm still getting in there to mix it up, so don't worry about me. If anything, I just feel bad that I was away while the guards got taken out and I didn't get a chance to roll any dice and contribute!
It's a problem with group scenes. I normally run PBP with lots of smaller pairs and solo scenes. I wanted to see how a group scene would work.
There's no need for an apology, Todd. I asked for a post a day, and you're doing that. I don't want to leave you behind. I'm sure Vance will have some die rolling coming up soon.
In case it isn't clear, you can work through flashbacks AND post in the Brig thread. I won't move past the brig itself until the flashbacks are done, though.
All - I'm unusually curtailed, posting-wise, for the next two days. Probably offline from a bit before 3pm (EST) until sometime around 10:30 or so (also EST, I'm not getting on a plane.) I should be able to keep up with reading via tablet and hotspot for some of that time, but I'm not great without a keyboard...
I'm about to head out to see family so I'll be busy driving for a few hours. I'll also be busy during the afternoon tomorrow. I'll get a few weekend posts out for sure, though.
Tansy's eyes are red and her skin is white and a bit scaly because she survived a kiss from a sky squid. Kraken-kissed they call it. Some say that gives you special powers, that the Mother Squid chose you. Most say it's bunk.
That sounds cool. Out of curiosity, did you mean its beak or suction cup?
Weekends are usually bad times for me to post, in part because I'm busy doing things and in part because my roommate is home...and I find it impossible to post coherently while he's around, because he doesn't listen to the TV at a reasonable level!
Sorry for the delay, guys!
Annnnnnnnnd, as I understand it, we're doing this fast and hard. If we're trying to be sneaky, let me know, and I'll fix this!
That sounds cool. Out of curiosity, did you mean its beak or suction cup?
Oh, I thought I'd be deliberately ambiguous. Could be beak, or tentacles, or just seeing the sight of one in all its glory. Or it could just be something some people tell other people to make themselves seem special.
Sorry for no post last night! I will have one up today. Seriously, I mean it, the post is already started, I ended up pulling some reports for work and it took foreverrrrr.
I'm in transit today, so I might have to post sporadically. I'll definitely be able to get some stuff on there in the next hour or so, then tonight, but in between it might be difficult.
Before I catch up real quick, I should also warn everyone that I'm having home computer problems. So for the next week or so there's a good chance that I won't be able to check/update in the evenings--just during my lunch break which is around this exact time.
Before I catch up real quick, I should also warn everyone that I'm having home computer problems. So for the next week or so there's a good chance that I won't be able to check/update in the evenings--just during my lunch break which is around this exact time.
Sorry about the weekend stuff, the holiday gave me too much free time.
As for lunch posting, thanks for the heads up and good luck getting the computer fixed.
Thanks though! I'm ok with failing this roll. (David's ok with it, not so much Kale.)
Should make things interesting, haha
Sorry for the full stop, it won't happen often.
As for keys, I was being influenced by the Key of Greed and the Key of Fraternity. I wouldn't say I put myself in danger for either of them though.
Trait of Tricky, tags of Quick, Dirty Fighting, Tumbler, Escape, Contortionist
Right now, I could see Kale using all of those tags to get past the blonde sideburned guard except dirty fighting (although that might make it into a clever description) and contortionist.
With that first roll I made this afternoon, I made sure to spell out what dice I was using in order so that if one or more didn't jibe with you, you could just drop those, since they'd be in order.
Nice job, Kale!!
Anyone want to refresh with Snargle?
Any idea for a trigger? Or a specific question to answer?
Maaaybe.... how is it that The Owl ended up with this job with Lady B anyways?
* Naomi and Jonas in the pit
* Vance, Kale and Snargle getting the job they're on right now
* Lady B doesn't need a refresh, she can continue talking to Caess
Sound good?
ALSO, I'm worried we're posting too fast and leaving Vance behind. I need to be mindful of that, please help me out there, folks. I'm loving Vance so far, but I'm worried we're blowing poor Todd away when I said it was a post a day thing.
There's no need for an apology, Todd. I asked for a post a day, and you're doing that. I don't want to leave you behind. I'm sure Vance will have some die rolling coming up soon.
Ima go check now.
EDIT: Looks like it. Yay.
I'll set up Refresh scenes later tonight, hopefully.
BTW, folks- this is my first PbP experience and I'm really enjoying it. I've kind of avoided PbP but this is actually a ton of fun.
Can I say again that I love that pic of the crew? Why doesn't Kale get sweet glasses though
I've got a pretty limited window today, again. Things are back to something more like normal for me next week.
I'm about to head out to see family so I'll be busy driving for a few hours. I'll also be busy during the afternoon tomorrow. I'll get a few weekend posts out for sure, though.
Sorry for the delay, guys!
Annnnnnnnnd, as I understand it, we're doing this fast and hard. If we're trying to be sneaky, let me know, and I'll fix this!
Any of those could be interesting
If you're uber bored, let me know. Maybe we can do something over the holiday.
...did he even make it before alerting everyone of his presence
uhm... I'll insert him. whoops!It's fixed!
Before I catch up real quick, I should also warn everyone that I'm having home computer problems. So for the next week or so there's a good chance that I won't be able to check/update in the evenings--just during my lunch break which is around this exact time.
As for lunch posting, thanks for the heads up and good luck getting the computer fixed.