Todd, we crossposted. I'm not envisioning the Owl being able to get to ground level in the city, but she's theoretically AT the tenement. How shall we handle this?
x1 paragon for sticking up for Snargle. x1 paragon for not giving up the ring since it's more valuable than currency. x1 paragon for sympathizing with Naomi. x1 mission for escaping the flat?
Did I miss any key hits, or suggest too many?
x1 paragon for scolding kale when he made the couch all dirty XD I'm just kidding!
Whitney, your key hits are good. David, I agree with both key hits there. I'll look for any you might've missed. And please, dude, that spotlight was yours for the taking!
Dang it, Snargle! I told ya once and I told a hundred times--the Owl's a so-fist-o-cated piece a machinery. Quit flyin her like she's a goblin glider at a rainy Orc-Moot.
I just want to say a couple things here. so-fist-o-cated is my favorite word today! There are Orc-moots? ORC MOOTS!
I know I have that secret that I could use if I choose to, but I feel kind of goofy using it to reroll...because my current roll already defeats her, right? So it's not that I'd fail to protect the lady... I just failed to protect her without destroying everything in my wake.
Also, I think this is what I've got for keys hit/experience earned in the last two scenes: Key of the Guardian - Came running when Lady Fruit Salad screamed Key of the Guardian - Staying put in the flat/entertaining the lady rather than investigating sirens Key of the Guardian - Confronting Hecate Key of the Warrior - Fight with Hecate
Next time we get down time on the ship let's make it happen! I saved an advance for it too
Speaking of, Rich, would it be possible for Kale to pickup one of these magic -blooded tags and fold it into the petty magic? (Thinking Void-blooded would make the most sense/be the coolest.)
Maybe the Lady could discover something in Kale that no one else saw?
I was thinking so. I took senses for that reason...and to perhaps sense her boo's fireblood. Had it in my head her magic could sense his, but like in a 'look at that little loser's magic...we can cause malestoms lololololol' kind of way. But, it's enough to make her curious.
I think this scene is my fav so far, tied with the chat with Naomi. Yup, I like these two scenes EVEN MOAR THAN THE SCENE WITH NATASHA MAKING OUT WITH A HOT PIRATE!
Don't worry! That was interesting because I think Naomi just changed MY (as in Todd's) mind about what Cyrus should do about LB as well as Cyrus' mind.
You know, I wasn't planning on just barging my way in, but it did seem sort of perfect to get the love triangle together given that LB and Kale are having a moment between the two of them and then Naomi went ahead and gave the Cap a nice stirring speech about putting yourself out there.
If folks are cool with it, then yeah, Cap would make his way over.
Don't worry! That was interesting because I think Naomi just changed MY (as in Todd's) mind about what Cyrus should do about LB as well as Cyrus' mind.
Reading over the thread, I think I missed a bombshell yesterday. So Drabbler, the middling midwife, told the Lady she was pregnant before she got separated from Uriah last?
Yeah, but I assumed Kale missed it because he was too heartbroken sempai didn't notice him again. I was implying she found out she was pregnant, and Caess somehow knew...and LB woke up at home and was likely told she lost the baby.
They probably thought that was a good thing since they more than likely thought she was a captive somewheres, and LB's conclusion was: I'm not on Uriah's ship and this news sucks life sucks...which is another reason why she wasn't herself when she met Naomi.
Also, given how awkward that conversation was, I can totally see someone's reaction simply being pretending not to have heard and latching onto the nearest distraction!
And Naomi is kind of turning into everyone's big sister, and I love it.
Sha lalalalalala don't be scared, you got the mood prepared go on and...kiss the girl. Sha lalalalalala don't stop now, don't try to hide it how you wanna...kiss the girl.
Don't forget you can tack and suggest along the way, as well.
x1 paragon for the dance (already claimed)
x1 paragon for sticking up for Snargle.
x1 paragon for not giving up the ring since it's more valuable than currency.
x1 paragon for sympathizing with Naomi.
x1 mission for escaping the flat?
Did I miss any key hits, or suggest too many?
x1 paragon for scolding kale when he made the couch all dirty XD I'm just kidding!
Also, by my calculation I've hit the key of greed (making sure I got those kitchems from the Lady) at least.
Maybe key of fraternity with the special moment I tried to start with the Cap (even though it didn't work out, haha) and key of the mission just now.
Anyone see anything others?
David, I agree with both key hits there. I'll look for any you might've missed. And please, dude, that spotlight was yours for the taking!
Speaking of which: I'm not sure Naomi's so handy with turrets, so someone else can go ahead and do the shooting thing there!
so-fist-o-cated is my favorite word today!
There are Orc-moots? ORC MOOTS!
hastily scribbles notes
I know I have that secret that I could use if I choose to, but I feel kind of goofy using it to reroll...because my current roll already defeats her, right? So it's not that I'd fail to protect the lady... I just failed to protect her without destroying everything in my wake.
Also, I think this is what I've got for keys hit/experience earned in the last two scenes:
Key of the Guardian - Came running when Lady Fruit Salad screamed
Key of the Guardian - Staying put in the flat/entertaining the lady rather than investigating sirens
Key of the Guardian - Confronting Hecate
Key of the Warrior - Fight with Hecate
Speaking of, Rich, would it be possible for Kale to pickup one of these magic -blooded tags and fold it into the petty magic? (Thinking Void-blooded would make the most sense/be the coolest.)
Maybe the Lady could discover something in Kale that no one else saw?
Andrea, your XP tracking works for me.
(in other words, I just snorted while sitting in my cubie at work)
Also, sorry to keep you waiting. I'm hoping I'll get a couple mins to write up a post before I leave work.
And don't worry about it
Joys of being an adult.
David, I think you just made up the best rock band name ever.
Also, I think it's really funny that David and I have both settled on "if'n/iffin" as a thing that Cyrus and Kale say.
If folks are cool with it, then yeah, Cap would make his way over.
They probably thought that was a good thing since they more than likely thought she was a captive somewheres, and LB's conclusion was: I'm not on Uriah's ship and this news sucks life sucks...which is another reason why she wasn't herself when she met Naomi.
On that note, Namoi is the best big sister ever!
And Naomi is kind of turning into everyone's big sister, and I love it.
We probably mentioned this somewhere but I can't find it at the moment
Kale is quickly becoming my favorite character to play