I'll leave Malin to that one, and now that I said the bagel sandwich aloud, I'm interested in it, so I fix it for myself. I don't think Malin's had anything to eat, so I'll keep an eye out to make sure she does. Don't want to interrupt her in the "hazing ritual".
Malin whips up Nizoni's odd omelette, careful to set the eggs, then adding the ingredients with precision. She folds it, slips it onto a plate with two biscuits, and hands it to Nizoni, waiting for the elf to take a taste.
Nizoni, having made the request, now has to eat it. It winds up looking pretty good as she cuts into the omelette with her fork, and when she takes a bite she nods. "Okay, bluff called and that worked out." She sets in to finish, cutting small, precise bites and chewing thoughtfully.
After that, the first round of cooking's almost done. Mat just wants a big pile of scrambled eggs, enough bacon to make a raft all five of you could travel down the river on, and a bottle of your good hot sauce. Malin makes herself a simple vegetarian omelette with just a sprinkling of cheese.
You're all gathered around the table when your work-node pings. It's your Motown Mr. Johnson.
Seeing Nizoni "give in" is nice. She's crazily stubborn most days. I think it's a good sign. When my work-node hums, I hold up a finger and excuse myself to my balcony, "Hello, Mr. Johnson."
I respond in a concise, professional tone, "My team is nearby, we can be there ASAP. Forward me the details and contract, I'll look it over as we head the port." I walk back in from the balcony, catching eyes as I do so.
Nizoni and Lindo have already finished their omelettes. Mat shoves another three or four pieces of bacon into his mouth and chews furiously. Malin puts down her fork.
"Destination? Any ideas as to the parameters, or should I grab the big bag?" She's on her feet and moving toward the fire escape. Apparently she means to leave the way she came in. "Where are we meeting?"
Mat and Lindo are on their feet, as well. You know that they could take off, as-is, but both of them keep go bags at the Sekrit EmmDub HQ, as well as at home. Malin looks a bit lost. She doesn't need any equipment, but saying that out loud would be a pretty big hint.
Everyone snaps to. Nizoni heads back out down the fire escape, calling back something about helping with the dishes next time. Mat and Lindo get up, Mat still chewing on bacon, and head to the front door. Malin looks at the mess on the kitchen table and the counter, clearly wanting to clean up, but moves into 'her' room to change and pack.
What's in your 'go' bag, Jubilex? What do you need to do before you leave?
I'll call the maid service to clean the flat, message Jessi that I'm out of town on a job. I make the call to check up on the fixes for Abuela's apartment. Then, I'm grabbing my bag. Items of note: Ares Predator IV kevlar vest (covers torso to thighs) monofilament whip (only, only ever for back-up emergency, OMG situations) air-filter mouthpiece Shotty (my semi-auto shotgun, pump-action) with variety of ammo 4 dual-charge grenades Binocs, flares, maglite, MREs, leatherman tool, K Bar, poncho, sat phone, high impact music player and headphones, extra durable tablet, bottle of nice cologne, two pairs of nice clothes
You and Malin are packed in no time. When she sees the deck and goggles, she turns and lifts her hair to show a tracing of silver. A blue light starts blinking as you look. "All cosmetic except for the jack, which lets me connect to offline or wired data storage and such. It should be enough that most people won't look too closely."
Just as you reach the Wellby Cave, a file comes through from Mr. Johnson. It's brief, but contains the essentials. Jonas Sonoma, one of Motown's blue-chip artists, has gone missing. He landed in Hong Kong 36 hours ago with his entourage, where they took over the top floor of the luxurious New Peninsula Hotel. Hotel security footage shows that he went into his room alone and his own security staff confirm that. However, when his personal assistant entered the room several hours later to talk about the upcoming show, Jonas was no longer there. There is no record of the door opening before the assistant used his copy of Jonas' key card, and no other electronic records of him leaving.
Your mission, of course, is to find Jonas. Motown's Ares Peregrine is waiting for you at the 'Port, and will deliver you to Hong Kong a little more than five hours after you're cleared for takeoff. The head of Jonas' security team, Lara Justine, will meet you at the hangar on the far end and has been instructed to provide any further information and support you need.
"Malin," I say as I find a parking spot. "I don't want you to have to hide who you are from the team for long, ok? I just want them to see what you can do before then. Mat and I are in your corner. Just keep focused and do what you know how to do, everything will work out."
Malin clears her throat. "It'll be fine, I'm sure. Lindo and Nizoni seem... well, frankly, intimidating. But I'm plucky, right? And I'm good at what I do."
When you walk through the bar to get to the Wellby Cave, Variska is there at her usual spot. She gestures to Malin, regally, and Malin takes a quick detour. Something changes hands between the old troll and the young dwarf, and Malin gives Variska a kiss on the cheek.
Once you get down to the cave, everyone's assembled. Nizoni has the "big bag," a gigantic duffel that you know is filled with mysterious and nefarious gear. Mat has his big rucksack and three cases that must contain various drones and other tech. Lindo is resplendent in his "travelling suit," the black fabric of the coat, pants, and tie dark as night, and the shirt almost blindingly white. His tophat and cane seem almost jaunty.
I give them all a nod, "Good work getting prepped fast. I got the deets on the way. We're headed to HK. One of Motown's big stars went missing thirty seven hours ago. His name is Jonas Sonoma. Malin, get me details on him, any surgeries, identifying marks, cyberware."
I look at Nizoni, "We're meeting Lara Justine at the HK 'port, she's the head of Jona's sec team. We need to get all the intel we can from her." I glance at Mat and Lindo, "Any questions? We can chat on the way." I shoot the hangar location to Mat so he can route us.
Everyone is ready, and Mat leads the way to the van. You get to the 'Port in about ten minutes, breaking all the traffic laws that the libertarian PRD doesn't have, but not causing any damage that you're aware of. The doors of the hangar are open, and Mat slides the van in with a lovely slip-and-turn.
"Malin, Jubilex, we don't need to wait for intel if this is a standard Peregrine. We should have wireless access to the Matrix the whole trip. I wonder if they have those little packets of peanuts? I love those."
I nod the comment on peanuts. I'm more interested in a cute stewardess myself, but I don't say that. I'll help lug any gear, then check out the hangar and the jet as we head over and board. I'll do meet and greet with any folks who need such and such.
The crew is minimal, just a pilot and a single flight attendant, both human. The pilot is an older man with a short gray brush-cut, clearly retired military. He holds out a hand. "James Ellingworth." The attendant, who you see over his shoulder, is a real cutie. Bright red hair, green eyes, slender but curving in the right places.
I shake his hand, "Nice to meet you, James. I'm Jubliex, this is my team. Let us know where we can stow our gear and get us in the air soonest." I look over at the redhead. This should be a fun trip. Mile High Club.
James responds in a clipped but not unfriendly tone. "Plenty of room for your gear in the main cabin. Gwen will get you settled and give you the safety briefing while I finish preflights. We should be wheels-up in five." He turns to go to the cockpit.
"Captain, do you mind if I join you once we're cruising? I've never seen a Peregrine's cockpit."
Over his shoulder, the pilot replies, "I don't see why not. I'll let you know when it's a good time."
You help Mat lug his gear into the cabin, which is nicely comfortable, but not over the top. There are a dozen swiveling leather bucket seats, a small conference table, a large screen monitor. The AR overlay shows a node allowing you to change the look to your tastes.
Speaking of looks, Gwen immediately pours on the charm for you. She's got just a touch of an Irish accent. "It's a pleasure flying with you folks. Just let me know if there's anything you need." Once everyone's seated and buckled in, she gives a well-rehearsed safety spiel, then sits down in the chair opposite you.
Gwen dimples as you compliment her. "If you don't mind my saying, you five aren't the usual sort of passengers we get on this plane. What sort of work do you do?"
My grin slides into a smirk, "We're troubleshooters, Gwen." I give her a sly wink. "Highly. Specialized."
I'm very interested in getting some time alone with Gwen. I'll chat with her, ask about her job, how long she's worked for the airline, where she's from originally. I'm actually interested, to be honest. I like hearing her talk.
Gwen and the pilot are actually employees of Motown, it turns out, part of a small staff assigned to the plane. "Some weeks, I'm in the air more than I'm on the ground, it seems like. But I like it. I've met all sorts of famous people." The pilot announces that you're at cruising level, and invites Mat to join him in the cockpit. Gwen unbuckles and leans forward further to touch your hand. "But you're my first... troubleshooter." She stands. "Can I get you a drink?"
Oh my my my. I catch her eyes and ask, "A drink would be nice. You know, I've never been on a Peregrine before. Could you perhaps... give me a tour?" I unbuckle my seat-belt and away her answer.
You follow Gwen to the well-stocked bar. Nizoni is already napping (lightly, you assume), and Malin is in a data trance, staring at nothing, but gives you a little wave as you walk past. Mat already moved up to the cockpit.
Gwen gestures to the bottles. "So, what's your pleasure, Jubilex?"
I look over the bar, noticing a half-full bottle of Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey. "Give me some Midleton Whiskey. Neat. If you please." I squint at it, "Is that an '89? Damn."
Gwen opens the bottle and pours two fingers into a tumbler. As she hands it to you, she turns up the brogue a few notches. "Sure an' you've got fine taste in whiskey, sir. Whyn't follow me if you'd like that tour." She turns toward the curtain hanging at the rear of the cabin, twitching her hips a wee bit.
I take a drink of my scotch, pause to savor it, then follow her. I'm all smiles and savoring this moment as we head away from the team. "I've only been to Ireland a couple times, both on business. Where should I go the next time I'm there?"
"Tir na Nog is an interesting place. It depends on what ye're lookin' for. Me, though? I'd visit the coast. Dunkineely or Sligo, maybe. But sure, if you're lookin' to party wi' some elves, then ye'll be wanting Dublin." She opens a door leading into a small but well-appointed kitchen. "This is the galley, of course."
She continues the tour, which includes a rather luxurious restroom complete with a full tub and shower, and two sleeping compartments, beds made with silver satin sheets and brocade comforters. The windows are wider than in the larger passenger compartment showing you the clouds whipping past and a blue, blue sky. The two of you stand at one of the windows for a moment, looking out together.
When she gives her recommendations or Ireland stops, mentioning partying with elves, I casually mention, "Elves are well and good, but I like all kinds of people to party with."
Those satin sheets look inviting. I notice she's standing close when she asks if my job is dangerous. I don't want to lay it on thick, but I do answer honestly, "Yes. We faced down a pack of ghosts last week, I didn't know if we were going to make it. I've lost people along the way." I look over at her, not the view, "That's why I live life to the fullest, don't leave anything lying on the table. Like now. I see now as a brilliant opportunity to spend some time with a lovely lady, Gwen." I take a drink from my glass of scotch, looking at her over the glass.
Gwen is definitely game for a little mile-high action, in general, but it's definitely a game, to her, if you get what I'm saying? Even if she wants to "lose," and tumble into bed, it wouldn't be any fun if you didn't earn it, would it?
So, rolling dice. This is going to be a Contest, with a goal of four victories. If you win, I assure you the outcome will be legen... wait for it... dary. If you lose, not only do you not get any right now, but you're going to wind up thinking about the way those Irish Eyes Are Smiling until you do manage to lap up some of that sweet Irish cream.
Here's how a Contest works. It goes in "exchanges". Your roll for each exchange must be either Rapport or Deceive. Gwen will "defend" with Empathy (+2), in either case, but if you LOSE the Contest and you have rolled Deceive at any point, she will think you're Slightly Skeezy from here on out. It's already clear, by the way, that she's Into Bad Boys, so you've got that going for you, if you like.
BEFORE your roll for any exchange, you may roll any skill you can justify in order to Create an Advantage. There's a risk attached, though. She will defend as normal, and if you fail the Create an Advantage roll, you automatically forfeit the exchange, giving Gwen one victory.
A success (Gwen's roll +1 or +2) gives you one victory, a success with style (Gwen's roll +3 or more) gives you two victories. A tie gives no one a victory, but introduces some sort of twist. Gwen has the same margin of victory as you do. Success = 1, Success with Style = 2.
"Tell me, Gwen," I say as I finish my glass, walk over to put it on a table in the bedroom. "You seem very dedicated to your job, aren't you?" I give her a wolfish smile, "Are you... supposed to make sure I'm happy?"
"Comfortable? Yes. Happy? I mostly deal with stars... they're never really happy. Mostly high or asleep. Not as fun as you'd think." Gwen winks. "A few exceptions, of course."
"Exceptions?" I ask, intrigued. "Who was your favorite star, Gwen? And what did you like about them?" I am hoping for a hook-up, but the girl has me genuinely interested in this.
Gwen smiles again, showing those dimples. "You really want to know? Well..." She leans in close, brushing her lips against your ear as she whispers. "Queen Lili. She's not a Motown artist, but she was on tour with Buckley Jefferson. Best... ever."
So, there's a moment when you're both A Little Turned On, Thinking of Lili. So, there's that. It's on the table for both of you. Let's see what your next move is, Jubilex. It's still 1-0 in Gwen's favor.
My eyelids flutter closed as she whispers in my ear. I turn to face her, hovering close, "I saw Queen Lili just the other night, in the PRD at a local club. She's amazing.. You're just as beautiful as she is." I put a hand up to her cheek, thumb brushing across her lip.
Gwen sucks in a breath. "The surprise show-up at the Leprechaun? I really wanted to be there, but I was ferrying Boyz-2-Elves to a gig in Dusseldorf." She reaches up a finger to trace your earlobe. "Do you really think I'm that pretty?"
"Yes, Gwen, I certainly do." I say as I lean in for a kiss, my lips replacing my thumb. It's sure and strong, not gentle and loving. I want her to be turned on, not falling for me.
And I'm spending another FP to activate A Little Turned On
Gwen buys it, and the introduction of Lili into the conversation has her jazzed. She leans up to give you a little kiss on the cheek. "How was it? Seeing her without all the lights and AR? I mean, I've seen her naked, but I've never seen her play with just the ukulele."
Your next invoke of Turned on by Lili will be free, as long as the setup is good.
Holy shit. She slept with Queen Lili?!? Yo quero Gwen mas!
"There were maybe a dozen musicians who played that night, Gwen," I relay to her truthfully. "When she strummed that little ukulele, it was like time stopped." With my free hand I gesture to the side as if waving a hand over the crowd. "Everyone held their breath. Somewhere Over the Rainbow was ethereal." I move in closer, looking into her eyes and imagining she's Lili. "When she played Leather and Lace, it was like she was playing just for me. They all felt the same. It was unreal."
I lick my lips before asking, "How was she, Gwen? Tell me about your time with her."
This game of hers is getting to me, I don't want to wait any longer. The talk of Lili, her talk of being with her. That bed. "Gwen, how delicious are you?" I grab her by the back of her neck and kiss her fiercely. She wants a bad boy? I can give her that. My right hand roams over her tight little tummy, then reaches around to squeeze her ass.
The dam breaks and she bends to the kiss. All the play has broken down barriers and we both know what we want now. I let go of her head and my hands are at her shirt, pulling it up out of her tight skirt, searching for the skin. My body presses against her and I start walking her towards the bed, still kissing, still touching and enjoying.
Gwen returns your kiss hungrily for a few seconds. You hear the click of the door locking behind you as she engages the maglock with a thought. Her hands are at your shirt, frantically unbuttoning. She mutters into your mouth. "Troubleshoot me, runner. Troubleshoot me hard."
The dirty talk would get a smirk out of me if I weren't in the middle of this, but in the moment, it's perfect. Simply perfect. "Oh, these clothes are trouble. You better remove them," I kiss her, pushing my tongue into her mouth as my hands roam over her back. As I pull back, I nibble her lower lip. "Or I will remove them from you." I'm pushing her to the edge of the bed, until her calves touch the bedspread, then I step back. To watch.
Gwen reaches behind herself to unzip her short, kelly green dress, slides her arms out and lets it slide to the ground. She picks it up and folds the fabric neatly on a chair, giving you the chance to admire her body. The bra is next, followed by heels and panties. For the record, the carpets match the drapes. "So," she says, reaching a hand up to toy with her left nipple, "Are you getting in the game, or is this a spectator sport for you?"
As she strips in a showy way, I'm peeling off my shirt, showing my scars. Then my shoes and pants come off as she neatly lays her clothing on the chair. Needless to say, I'm standing at attention here.
To her question about the game I answer her with actions, not words. I rush forward, grabbing her hips and picking her up like she's a "wee lass" and toss her back onto the bed. Then I join her, crawling on top of her, kissing her, feeling my body against her smooth skin, enjoying the sensations. "Oh, I'm in the game." I reach my right hand down between us, probing her wetness, making sure she's ready for me. In moments, I'm eager to push inside her. Since she likes a bad boy, I don't wait, don't ask permission.
Oh, she's ready. Also, fierce, at least in this moment. As you push home, her hands come around your back, and if there aren't new scars later, there will at least be scabs from her fingernails. Gwen is an active partner, her pelvis pounding against yours hard enough to bruise both of you.
I don't mind a few bruises for this lass. After I spend some time on top of her, I'll get her to switch positions, sliding onto my back so she can climb on top of me. My hands are drawn to those lovely breasts of hers, as well as holding her hips as she grinds on me.
At one point, I ask / demand, "Who seduced who, Gwen? Did you move on Lili? Or did she gobble you up? Tell me what Queen Lili did to you. Tell me what drove you crazy." I won't last much longer, but that seems like a story worth telling.
Gwen hears the question, but she's really not in any condition to answer right now, focused as she is on getting you as far inside her as she can. Her fingernails on your back and butt should be painful, but the sensation just merges with the pleasure, sending you to the brink. She's right there, with you, Jubilex, ready to blow.
Gwen snuggles up to you, her perspiration-moist skin smooth and slick against yours. "Whew. I was a a little tense. Not any more." She reaches a finger out to trace a little circle around your left nipple.
Gwen chuckles. "Me, seduce her?" She shakes her head. "It was pretty funny, actually. She was alone back here, said she wanted some time to work on a new song. There were two of us working the flight, since there were more people. The other attendant was Marcos. So, Lili rings the service bell, asks for a bottle of mineral water, and when I walked in with it, she was naked, just strumming on her guitar." Gwen shakes her head again. "Thing is, there was no way she could know which one of us was going to bring the water. Marcos is as gay as a treeful of monkeys on nitrous, but I swear he'd have gone for it, too."
I chuckle, "She's caliente, that's true. But you... you are a bonny wee lass, Gwen. Thank you for bringing me into the Mile High Club." I kiss her playfully, "I need to take a shower, you should come help me, si?"
The shower is just as wonderful as you'd expect, if rather longer than most. A little work with her mouth and hands is sufficient to get you back "in shape" for a nice aquatic second round, followed by the requisite back scrubbing and such. You emerge very relaxed and fresh as a daisy, and once all the various clothes are back on the appropriate body parts you re-emerge back into the main cabin, Lindo and Nizoni are still asleep, Mat's still in the cockpit. Malin looks up from whatever she's doing in the Matrix, starts to smile, but does a quick calculation and you see her face fall as she figures out what just happened.
I'm playing it cool when I come back. That was a bit of fun, but she and I may never see each other again. Malin, however, that's a girl I'll see quite often. Seeing her look a bit glum is not pleasant, but I can't sleep with teammates. If I did, I'd have shagged Nizoni until we were both raw. I know, I know, shouldn't stick my dick in crazy. But let's be honest, she's crazy good.
I head to my seat, and I'm not gloating, but I do feel pretty awesome. After a bit, I'll check in on Malin. I'll catch her eye, then ask, "Malin, ever been on a nice ride like this before? You should have a few drinks, not too many. But a few is alright."
Malin is polite, professional, when she responds. "I've never been on a private SST. It's pretty impressive, isn't it? All the features and the... amenities?" She makes some small gesture, just a finger-twitch, to whatever's in her AR field of view. "I'm trying to get us into the Aitch-Kay CCTV system. Surprisingly hardened. Should have it by the time we land, though. If you feel like making me a Screwdriver, though, it'd be nice to have something to sip on."
"Oh, the CCTV should be handy." I say as I get up. I head over to the bar and make her a heavy screwdriver. Glad she isn't catty, that's good to know.
"Here you go, Malin." I set it down in the armchair holder, linger for a moment if she needs to talk to me, then head over to my seat if she doesn't. I should study up on our star target.
Malin thanks you for the drink and opens a port (no request for permission) to send you a file. All the details on Jonas Sonoma, including the commercially released audio files and AR/VR environmental stuff. Background from the Motown servers, personal details, arrest records, the whole kit and caboodle.
Rather than me dumping a whole load of stuff on you, why don't you ask me some questions here? Assume you pretty much know as much as his closest associates, in terms of names and dates and details, for the duration of the mission. Motivations? Drives? Personality? Well, you've got a lot of interviews and a lot of music, but... that's less certain.
Malin's good. The file is more complete than you could have hoped for. So, fire away. Give me whatever questions you might want answered, as long as you're dealing with Jonas. I'll answer truthfully as far as I'm able, and will indicate where I'm hedging or where there's a gap. You can certainly start now.
For starters: Were there any competing record labels that made offers to him? Could this be an aquihire? Does Jonas have any contacts here that he might have reached out to, seen? Does he have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Family he's close to? Weak points that someone could use as leverage on him? Is he magically aware?
Were there any competing record labels that made offers to him? Could this be an aquihire?
He's a star. Any other media corporation would be happy to have him, but he's on record as valuing his connection with Motown Corp, and seems unlikely to be cooperative to a "hostile takeover".
Does Jonas have any contacts here that he might have reached out to, seen?
None, in particular, but he has got a hinted at taste for the drug, red orchid, popular in the sprawls. Word is that a new drug, tempo, has all the high of red orchid with less negative effects. The HK sprawl is full of red orchid addicts.
Does he have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
No one special at the moment, but lots of potentials on all sides of the gender aisle. His most recent (disastrously broken up) ex is the VR star Hayley Soolasee. (Hot, male-to-female trans, black, not particularly talented from your perspective.)
Family he's close to?
A daughter from a previous dalliance, named "Saturn Ring". She's a sophomore at Seattle University, apparently. The trail says that they speak regularly, but haven't met face-to-face in two years.
Weak points that someone could use as leverage on him?
Those things up above. Aside from that, his real name is actually Seymour Butts, Jr. (His father was a drunk who wanted to saddle his son with the same burden he'd had, all his life.) Also, he collects life-sized animatronic figures of Twen-Cen Sanrio characters. (Hello Kitty, etcetera...) That may be worth something? It's not public knowledge.
More questions: Who are the top three known dealers of tempo in HK? Where is Hayley Soolasee right now? Most recent contact from Saturn Ring to Jonas? Any rare dealers in HK of animatronic Twen-Cen Sanrio characters? Where is Seymour Butts Sr right now?
"I'm just gathering everything I can, so far, sending sprites out along all the threads. It's going to be too much to keep in my head soon, so I'm setting up a private node for the team. Here's the address." She shoots over a link. "I'll stop the hunting/gathering soon and start applying some smart filters, see what shakes out."
Lindo looks at you thoughtfully. "Haven't heard of tempo, Jubilex, sorry. That sort of thing usually takes a while to hit the PRD. We're not exactly a hotbed, you know? I've got a niece that does research on Awakened psychotropics at the University of Miami, though. Let me reach out to her?" He's still thinking, though. "Frags with talents, how?"
Lindo makes a brief scowl. "Like deepweed, then, that way. Nothing good comes of opening the astral up to people with no gift or training, Jubilex. The astral shouldn't be for tourists." He shakes his head, then holds up a finger. When he's not paying attention, Lindo tends to move his lips when he subvocalizes, so you can tell he's doing that now. After about thirty seconds he stops. "Left a message for Marie-Rose. She's a good niece, she'll get back to me soon."
He looks at you with a glint of humor in his eye, then opens up a channel to subvocalize. Still moving his lips, but silent now, he says, "Well, if you're done with that flight attendant..." He breaks into a broad grin, showing his teeth. You know he's just getting a little jest in.
After Malin's reaction, I'll take Lindo's ribbing with a grin. "It's a five hour flight. You never know..." I chuckle with him, but I seriously don't expect anything more to come of it.
Not that I'd mind another go, but honestly, I need to focus on this. I'll check HK media feeds, see if anything's public on this.
Nothing on the public feeds yet about the disappearance. Apparently Jonas Sonoma's team is that good. They've even been seeding fake rumors and sightings for the last twelve hours or so, still promoting his big upcoming concert.
For the next few hours, you paddle around in the sea of data that Malin keeps filling. By the time the pilot announces that you're on final approach, you feel that you have a good handle on your target. You've got maps with color-coded pins, lists of Awakened drug hot-spots and the organizations that service most of them, the address of a Hello Kitty fetish club in the Sheung Wan neighborhood, and dossiers on every member of Sonoma's personal staff.
Gwen is professional for the rest of the trip, but finds a moment when you're leaving the bathroom to whisper in your ear, "On the trip back, cowboy?"
You make it to the tarmac, a smooth landing. Hosk comes out of the cockpit, a little jazzed on having learned about this (pretty amazing) machine, once you've landed. Everyone grabs their drek, Malin shouldering one of Lindo's bags, and you troop out. Gwen gives you a pinch on the ass as you debark.
Meeting you at ground level is Jonas's head of security, Lara Justine. She is not happy to see you, but she holds out a hand, pegging you as the boss. "Lara Justine. Don't know why fragging Motown sent you halfway across the world, we've got this, but I've got my orders." She gives you a fake smile. "Welcome to Hong Kong. How can I help?"
I shake her hand. Damn, this lady has a strong grip. I think I feel some dermal plating in her forearm when I put my hand on it. "Ms. Justine, I'm glad you're here. As you are aware, Motown made the decision to bring us in. Let's work together to get Jonas back as soon as possible and I'll make sure your cooperation is recognized in my after-action report."
After letting that sink in, I ask, "Can you take us to his last location, please?"
"To be clear, I work for Mr. Sonoma, not for Motown. My contract requires me to cooperate, but I don't give two piles of drek from a mutant baboon about your fragging after-action report." Her tone and the look in her eyes are equally flat. "I assume your gear can't make it through customs? How about the five of you? Is Immigration a problem?"
I nod, "Understood, M.s Justine. We are not good through customs. We'll need you to circumvent that for us. Get us to Jonas' last known location, we want to see the place. Do you have an Awakened member of your team?"
"Wait here in the hangar. An airport services vehicle will pick you up within the next fifteen minutes, and drop you once you're outside the perimeter. I'll be waiting with the van."
Malin seems puzzled. "My SIN is fine..." She gets it, even as she's starting to speak, though. "Yeah. I don't want actual me on anyone's radar. Besides, it would be good for me to keep my real SIN clean anyway? Almost like having my real identity as an alias."
Nizoni shrugs. "My SIN was burned a long time ago."
In twelve minutes, a service van arrives, driven by an overweight Chinese man with a bad combover and coveralls, with a name-tag reading "Bucky". "You get in the back, and tote your stuff yourself. The lady didn't pay for lifting."
"I couldn't imagine Niz as a normal girl with a SIN and all that." I joke as the driver pulls up in the van. We load our gear without complaint and I sit up front.
I'll leave Malin to that one, and now that I said the bagel sandwich aloud, I'm interested in it, so I fix it for myself. I don't think Malin's had anything to eat, so I'll keep an eye out to make sure she does. Don't want to interrupt her in the "hazing ritual".
Malin whips up Nizoni's odd omelette, careful to set the eggs, then adding the ingredients with precision. She folds it, slips it onto a plate with two biscuits, and hands it to Nizoni, waiting for the elf to take a taste.
Nizoni, having made the request, now has to eat it. It winds up looking pretty good as she cuts into the omelette with her fork, and when she takes a bite she nods. "Okay, bluff called and that worked out." She sets in to finish, cutting small, precise bites and chewing thoughtfully.
After that, the first round of cooking's almost done. Mat just wants a big pile of scrambled eggs, enough bacon to make a raft all five of you could travel down the river on, and a bottle of your good hot sauce. Malin makes herself a simple vegetarian omelette with just a sprinkling of cheese.
You're all gathered around the table when your work-node pings. It's your Motown Mr. Johnson.
Seeing Nizoni "give in" is nice. She's crazily stubborn most days. I think it's a good sign. When my work-node hums, I hold up a finger and excuse myself to my balcony, "Hello, Mr. Johnson."
I respond in a concise, professional tone, "My team is nearby, we can be there ASAP. Forward me the details and contract, I'll look it over as we head the port." I walk back in from the balcony, catching eyes as I do so.
Everyone sits up as you walk back in, clearly aware that something's up. Malin pauses with her fork actually half into her mouth.
"Yes. A reup from Motown, they pay well, we need to travel. everyone chow down, unless you get sick on supersonics." I'm munching.
Nizoni and Lindo have already finished their omelettes. Mat shoves another three or four pieces of bacon into his mouth and chews furiously. Malin puts down her fork.
"Destination? Any ideas as to the parameters, or should I grab the big bag?" She's on her feet and moving toward the fire escape. Apparently she means to leave the way she came in. "Where are we meeting?"
Mat and Lindo are on their feet, as well. You know that they could take off, as-is, but both of them keep go bags at the Sekrit EmmDub HQ, as well as at home. Malin looks a bit lost. She doesn't need any equipment, but saying that out loud would be a pretty big hint.
"Big bag, Mr. Johnson is sending the deets. We're getting go-bags, meeting at HQ, leaving from there. Malin, grab your gear out of your room."
Everyone snaps to. Nizoni heads back out down the fire escape, calling back something about helping with the dishes next time. Mat and Lindo get up, Mat still chewing on bacon, and head to the front door. Malin looks at the mess on the kitchen table and the counter, clearly wanting to clean up, but moves into 'her' room to change and pack.
What's in your 'go' bag, Jubilex? What do you need to do before you leave?
I'll call the maid service to clean the flat, message Jessi that I'm out of town on a job. I make the call to check up on the fixes for Abuela's apartment. Then, I'm grabbing my bag.
Items of note:
Ares Predator IV
kevlar vest (covers torso to thighs)
monofilament whip (only, only ever for back-up emergency, OMG situations)
air-filter mouthpiece
Shotty (my semi-auto shotgun, pump-action) with variety of ammo
4 dual-charge grenades
Binocs, flares, maglite, MREs, leatherman tool, K Bar, poncho, sat phone, high impact music player and headphones, extra durable tablet, bottle of nice cologne, two pairs of nice clothes
You and Malin are packed in no time. When she sees the deck and goggles, she turns and lifts her hair to show a tracing of silver. A blue light starts blinking as you look. "All cosmetic except for the jack, which lets me connect to offline or wired data storage and such. It should be enough that most people won't look too closely."
Just as you reach the Wellby Cave, a file comes through from Mr. Johnson. It's brief, but contains the essentials. Jonas Sonoma, one of Motown's blue-chip artists, has gone missing. He landed in Hong Kong 36 hours ago with his entourage, where they took over the top floor of the luxurious New Peninsula Hotel. Hotel security footage shows that he went into his room alone and his own security staff confirm that. However, when his personal assistant entered the room several hours later to talk about the upcoming show, Jonas was no longer there. There is no record of the door opening before the assistant used his copy of Jonas' key card, and no other electronic records of him leaving.
Your mission, of course, is to find Jonas. Motown's Ares Peregrine is waiting for you at the 'Port, and will deliver you to Hong Kong a little more than five hours after you're cleared for takeoff. The head of Jonas' security team, Lara Justine, will meet you at the hangar on the far end and has been instructed to provide any further information and support you need.
"Malin," I say as I find a parking spot. "I don't want you to have to hide who you are from the team for long, ok? I just want them to see what you can do before then. Mat and I are in your corner. Just keep focused and do what you know how to do, everything will work out."
Malin clears her throat. "It'll be fine, I'm sure. Lindo and Nizoni seem... well, frankly, intimidating. But I'm plucky, right? And I'm good at what I do."
When you walk through the bar to get to the Wellby Cave, Variska is there at her usual spot. She gestures to Malin, regally, and Malin takes a quick detour. Something changes hands between the old troll and the young dwarf, and Malin gives Variska a kiss on the cheek.
Once you get down to the cave, everyone's assembled. Nizoni has the "big bag," a gigantic duffel that you know is filled with mysterious and nefarious gear. Mat has his big rucksack and three cases that must contain various drones and other tech. Lindo is resplendent in his "travelling suit," the black fabric of the coat, pants, and tie dark as night, and the shirt almost blindingly white. His tophat and cane seem almost jaunty.
I give them all a nod, "Good work getting prepped fast. I got the deets on the way. We're headed to HK. One of Motown's big stars went missing thirty seven hours ago. His name is Jonas Sonoma. Malin, get me details on him, any surgeries, identifying marks, cyberware."
I look at Nizoni, "We're meeting Lara Justine at the HK 'port, she's the head of Jona's sec team. We need to get all the intel we can from her." I glance at Mat and Lindo, "Any questions? We can chat on the way." I shoot the hangar location to Mat so he can route us.
Everyone is ready, and Mat leads the way to the van. You get to the 'Port in about ten minutes, breaking all the traffic laws that the libertarian PRD doesn't have, but not causing any damage that you're aware of. The doors of the hangar are open, and Mat slides the van in with a lovely slip-and-turn.
"Malin, Jubilex, we don't need to wait for intel if this is a standard Peregrine. We should have wireless access to the Matrix the whole trip. I wonder if they have those little packets of peanuts? I love those."
I nod the comment on peanuts. I'm more interested in a cute stewardess myself, but I don't say that. I'll help lug any gear, then check out the hangar and the jet as we head over and board. I'll do meet and greet with any folks who need such and such.
The crew is minimal, just a pilot and a single flight attendant, both human. The pilot is an older man with a short gray brush-cut, clearly retired military. He holds out a hand. "James Ellingworth." The attendant, who you see over his shoulder, is a real cutie. Bright red hair, green eyes, slender but curving in the right places.
I shake his hand, "Nice to meet you, James. I'm Jubliex, this is my team. Let us know where we can stow our gear and get us in the air soonest." I look over at the redhead. This should be a fun trip. Mile High Club.
James responds in a clipped but not unfriendly tone. "Plenty of room for your gear in the main cabin. Gwen will get you settled and give you the safety briefing while I finish preflights. We should be wheels-up in five." He turns to go to the cockpit.
"Captain, do you mind if I join you once we're cruising? I've never seen a Peregrine's cockpit."
Over his shoulder, the pilot replies, "I don't see why not. I'll let you know when it's a good time."
You help Mat lug his gear into the cabin, which is nicely comfortable, but not over the top. There are a dozen swiveling leather bucket seats, a small conference table, a large screen monitor. The AR overlay shows a node allowing you to change the look to your tastes.
Speaking of looks, Gwen immediately pours on the charm for you. She's got just a touch of an Irish accent. "It's a pleasure flying with you folks. Just let me know if there's anything you need." Once everyone's seated and buckled in, she gives a well-rehearsed safety spiel, then sits down in the chair opposite you.
I know something I need.
"Gwen," I say as I lean forward a bit, catching her lovely green eyes, "You have a lovely accent." I smile my most winning smile.
Gwen dimples as you compliment her. "If you don't mind my saying, you five aren't the usual sort of passengers we get on this plane. What sort of work do you do?"
My grin slides into a smirk, "We're troubleshooters, Gwen." I give her a sly wink. "Highly. Specialized."
I'm very interested in getting some time alone with Gwen. I'll chat with her, ask about her job, how long she's worked for the airline, where she's from originally. I'm actually interested, to be honest. I like hearing her talk.
Gwen and the pilot are actually employees of Motown, it turns out, part of a small staff assigned to the plane. "Some weeks, I'm in the air more than I'm on the ground, it seems like. But I like it. I've met all sorts of famous people." The pilot announces that you're at cruising level, and invites Mat to join him in the cockpit. Gwen unbuckles and leans forward further to touch your hand. "But you're my first... troubleshooter." She stands. "Can I get you a drink?"
Oh my my my. I catch her eyes and ask, "A drink would be nice. You know, I've never been on a Peregrine before. Could you perhaps... give me a tour?" I unbuckle my seat-belt and away her answer.
Gwen gestures to the bottles. "So, what's your pleasure, Jubilex?"
I look over the bar, noticing a half-full bottle of Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey. "Give me some Midleton Whiskey. Neat. If you please." I squint at it, "Is that an '89? Damn."
I take a drink of my scotch, pause to savor it, then follow her. I'm all smiles and savoring this moment as we head away from the team. "I've only been to Ireland a couple times, both on business. Where should I go the next time I'm there?"
She continues the tour, which includes a rather luxurious restroom complete with a full tub and shower, and two sleeping compartments, beds made with silver satin sheets and brocade comforters. The windows are wider than in the larger passenger compartment showing you the clouds whipping past and a blue, blue sky. The two of you stand at one of the windows for a moment, looking out together.
"Is it dangerous, troubleshooting?"
When she gives her recommendations or Ireland stops, mentioning partying with elves, I casually mention, "Elves are well and good, but I like all kinds of people to party with."
Those satin sheets look inviting. I notice she's standing close when she asks if my job is dangerous. I don't want to lay it on thick, but I do answer honestly, "Yes. We faced down a pack of ghosts last week, I didn't know if we were going to make it. I've lost people along the way." I look over at her, not the view, "That's why I live life to the fullest, don't leave anything lying on the table. Like now. I see now as a brilliant opportunity to spend some time with a lovely lady, Gwen." I take a drink from my glass of scotch, looking at her over the glass.
So, rolling dice. This is going to be a Contest, with a goal of four victories. If you win, I assure you the outcome will be legen... wait for it... dary. If you lose, not only do you not get any right now, but you're going to wind up thinking about the way those Irish Eyes Are Smiling until you do manage to lap up some of that sweet Irish cream.
Here's how a Contest works. It goes in "exchanges". Your roll for each exchange must be either Rapport or Deceive. Gwen will "defend" with Empathy (+2), in either case, but if you LOSE the Contest and you have rolled Deceive at any point, she will think you're Slightly Skeezy from here on out. It's already clear, by the way, that she's Into Bad Boys, so you've got that going for you, if you like.
BEFORE your roll for any exchange, you may roll any skill you can justify in order to Create an Advantage. There's a risk attached, though. She will defend as normal, and if you fail the Create an Advantage roll, you automatically forfeit the exchange, giving Gwen one victory.
A success (Gwen's roll +1 or +2) gives you one victory, a success with style (Gwen's roll +3 or more) gives you two victories. A tie gives no one a victory, but introduces some sort of twist. Gwen has the same margin of victory as you do. Success = 1, Success with Style = 2.
"Tell me, Gwen," I say as I finish my glass, walk over to put it on a table in the bedroom. "You seem very dedicated to your job, aren't you?" I give her a wolfish smile, "Are you... supposed to make sure I'm happy?"
Rolling Rapport:
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: -1. Rolls: 0, -, -, -)
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: 3. Rolls: +, 0, 0, 0)
I'll spend a FP to use my Lothario Aspect to re-roll:
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: 2. Rolls: 0, 0, -, +)
"Exceptions?" I ask, intrigued. "Who was your favorite star, Gwen? And what did you like about them?" I am hoping for a hook-up, but the girl has me genuinely interested in this.
Rapport again:
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: 4. Rolls: +, -, +, +)
(Rolled: 4dF+2. Total: 4. Rolls: +, -, +, +)
So, there's a moment when you're both A Little Turned On, Thinking of Lili. So, there's that. It's on the table for both of you. Let's see what your next move is, Jubilex. It's still 1-0 in Gwen's favor.
My eyelids flutter closed as she whispers in my ear. I turn to face her, hovering close, "I saw Queen Lili just the other night, in the PRD at a local club. She's amazing.. You're just as beautiful as she is." I put a hand up to her cheek, thumb brushing across her lip.
Rolling Deceive (lying about her comparing to Lili):
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 6. Rolls: +, 0, +, +)
(Rolled: 4dF+2. Total: 5. Rolls: +, +, +, 0)
"Yes, Gwen, I certainly do." I say as I lean in for a kiss, my lips replacing my thumb. It's sure and strong, not gentle and loving. I want her to be turned on, not falling for me.
And I'm spending another FP to activate A Little Turned On
Your next invoke of Turned on by Lili will be free, as long as the setup is good.
Holy shit. She slept with Queen Lili?!? Yo quero Gwen mas!
"There were maybe a dozen musicians who played that night, Gwen," I relay to her truthfully. "When she strummed that little ukulele, it was like time stopped." With my free hand I gesture to the side as if waving a hand over the crowd. "Everyone held their breath. Somewhere Over the Rainbow was ethereal." I move in closer, looking into her eyes and imagining she's Lili. "When she played Leather and Lace, it was like she was playing just for me. They all felt the same. It was unreal."
I lick my lips before asking, "How was she, Gwen? Tell me about your time with her."
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: -1. Rolls: -, -, 0, -)
I'll tag that damn Aspect for a re-roll on Rapport:
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: 0. Rolls: -, -, -, +)
Gwen rolls Empathy
(Rolled: 4dF+2. Total: 3. Rolls: 0, +, +, -)This game of hers is getting to me, I don't want to wait any longer. The talk of Lili, her talk of being with her. That bed. "Gwen, how delicious are you?" I grab her by the back of her neck and kiss her fiercely. She wants a bad boy? I can give her that. My right hand roams over her tight little tummy, then reaches around to squeeze her ass.
Deceive roll (pushing on the "you're as hot as Lili" fib)
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 5. Rolls: +, 0, 0, +)
(Rolled: 4dF+2. Total: 1. Rolls: -, +, 0, -)
The dam breaks and she bends to the kiss. All the play has broken down barriers and we both know what we want now. I let go of her head and my hands are at her shirt, pulling it up out of her tight skirt, searching for the skin. My body presses against her and I start walking her towards the bed, still kissing, still touching and enjoying.
The dirty talk would get a smirk out of me if I weren't in the middle of this, but in the moment, it's perfect. Simply perfect. "Oh, these clothes are trouble. You better remove them," I kiss her, pushing my tongue into her mouth as my hands roam over her back. As I pull back, I nibble her lower lip. "Or I will remove them from you." I'm pushing her to the edge of the bed, until her calves touch the bedspread, then I step back. To watch.
As she strips in a showy way, I'm peeling off my shirt, showing my scars. Then my shoes and pants come off as she neatly lays her clothing on the chair. Needless to say, I'm standing at attention here.
To her question about the game I answer her with actions, not words. I rush forward, grabbing her hips and picking her up like she's a "wee lass" and toss her back onto the bed. Then I join her, crawling on top of her, kissing her, feeling my body against her smooth skin, enjoying the sensations. "Oh, I'm in the game." I reach my right hand down between us, probing her wetness, making sure she's ready for me. In moments, I'm eager to push inside her. Since she likes a bad boy, I don't wait, don't ask permission.
I don't mind a few bruises for this lass. After I spend some time on top of her, I'll get her to switch positions, sliding onto my back so she can climb on top of me. My hands are drawn to those lovely breasts of hers, as well as holding her hips as she grinds on me.
At one point, I ask / demand, "Who seduced who, Gwen? Did you move on Lili? Or did she gobble you up? Tell me what Queen Lili did to you. Tell me what drove you crazy." I won't last much longer, but that seems like a story worth telling.
I don't hold back, letting the climax hit me like an explosion. I call out Gwen's name and squeeze one of her nipples. She seems to like the pain.
Afterwards, I pull her down to my arms and hold her, looking into her green eyes as I do. That was a damn fine amusement.
"Me either." I kiss her forehead, then reach over to brush some of her lovely red hair away from her face. "Did you seduce her?" I give her a grin.
I'm looking forward to a shower. I don't expect to be alone.
I chuckle, "She's caliente, that's true. But you... you are a bonny wee lass, Gwen. Thank you for bringing me into the Mile High Club." I kiss her playfully, "I need to take a shower, you should come help me, si?"
The shower is just as wonderful as you'd expect, if rather longer than most. A little work with her mouth and hands is sufficient to get you back "in shape" for a nice aquatic second round, followed by the requisite back scrubbing and such. You emerge very relaxed and fresh as a daisy, and once all the various clothes are back on the appropriate body parts you re-emerge back into the main cabin, Lindo and Nizoni are still asleep, Mat's still in the cockpit. Malin looks up from whatever she's doing in the Matrix, starts to smile, but does a quick calculation and you see her face fall as she figures out what just happened.
I'm playing it cool when I come back. That was a bit of fun, but she and I may never see each other again. Malin, however, that's a girl I'll see quite often. Seeing her look a bit glum is not pleasant, but I can't sleep with teammates. If I did, I'd have shagged Nizoni until we were both raw. I know, I know, shouldn't stick my dick in crazy. But let's be honest, she's crazy good.
I head to my seat, and I'm not gloating, but I do feel pretty awesome. After a bit, I'll check in on Malin. I'll catch her eye, then ask, "Malin, ever been on a nice ride like this before? You should have a few drinks, not too many. But a few is alright."
Malin is polite, professional, when she responds. "I've never been on a private SST. It's pretty impressive, isn't it? All the features and the... amenities?" She makes some small gesture, just a finger-twitch, to whatever's in her AR field of view. "I'm trying to get us into the Aitch-Kay CCTV system. Surprisingly hardened. Should have it by the time we land, though. If you feel like making me a Screwdriver, though, it'd be nice to have something to sip on."
"Oh, the CCTV should be handy." I say as I get up. I head over to the bar and make her a heavy screwdriver. Glad she isn't catty, that's good to know.
"Here you go, Malin." I set it down in the armchair holder, linger for a moment if she needs to talk to me, then head over to my seat if she doesn't. I should study up on our star target.
Malin thanks you for the drink and opens a port (no request for permission) to send you a file. All the details on Jonas Sonoma, including the commercially released audio files and AR/VR environmental stuff. Background from the Motown servers, personal details, arrest records, the whole kit and caboodle.
Rather than me dumping a whole load of stuff on you, why don't you ask me some questions here? Assume you pretty much know as much as his closest associates, in terms of names and dates and details, for the duration of the mission. Motivations? Drives? Personality? Well, you've got a lot of interviews and a lot of music, but... that's less certain.
Malin's good. The file is more complete than you could have hoped for. So, fire away. Give me whatever questions you might want answered, as long as you're dealing with Jonas. I'll answer truthfully as far as I'm able, and will indicate where I'm hedging or where there's a gap. You can certainly start now.
For starters:
Were there any competing record labels that made offers to him? Could this be an aquihire?
Does Jonas have any contacts here that he might have reached out to, seen?
Does he have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Family he's close to?
Weak points that someone could use as leverage on him?
Is he magically aware?
Were there any competing record labels that made offers to him? Could this be an aquihire?
He's a star. Any other media corporation would be happy to have him, but he's on record as valuing his connection with Motown Corp, and seems unlikely to be cooperative to a "hostile takeover".
Does Jonas have any contacts here that he might have reached out to, seen?
None, in particular, but he has got a hinted at taste for the drug, red orchid, popular in the sprawls. Word is that a new drug, tempo, has all the high of red orchid with less negative effects. The HK sprawl is full of red orchid addicts.
Does he have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
No one special at the moment, but lots of potentials on all sides of the gender aisle. His most recent (disastrously broken up) ex is the VR star Hayley Soolasee. (Hot, male-to-female trans, black, not particularly talented from your perspective.)
Family he's close to?
A daughter from a previous dalliance, named "Saturn Ring". She's a sophomore at Seattle University, apparently. The trail says that they speak regularly, but haven't met face-to-face in two years.
Weak points that someone could use as leverage on him?
Those things up above. Aside from that, his real name is actually Seymour Butts, Jr. (His father was a drunk who wanted to saddle his son with the same burden he'd had, all his life.) Also, he collects life-sized animatronic figures of Twen-Cen Sanrio characters. (Hello Kitty, etcetera...) That may be worth something? It's not public knowledge.
Is he magically aware?
He is Awakened, but at most a low level talent.
More questions:
Who are the top three known dealers of tempo in HK?
Where is Hayley Soolasee right now?
Most recent contact from Saturn Ring to Jonas?
Any rare dealers in HK of animatronic Twen-Cen Sanrio characters?
Where is Seymour Butts Sr right now?
Who are the top three known dealers of tempo in HK?
Unknown, even to Malin. Tempo is new, just now hitting the streets in places like Seattle, and it seems to pop up like a ghost.
Where is Hayley Soolasee right now?
Hayley is currently in LA, "filming" a new VR epic in which she is apparently playing Abraham Lincoln. (You can't make this drek up.)
Most recent contact from Saturn Ring to Jonas?
Sixteen days ago. Voice-only, encrypted (par for the course), but Malin's got the decrypt. Just small-talk.
Any rare dealers in HK of animatronic Twen-Cen Sanrio characters?
A couple folks that move that sort of thing in general. No one who specializes, though. You've got a list of possibles if you need it.
Where is Seymour Butts Sr right now?
Drank himself to death a few years ago, apparently. Jonas paid for the burial, but didn't attend.
Tempo, by the way, is delivered via a transdermal patch. It has a few effects.
I'll drop pins in the map for the Sanrio dealers, read over the tempo details, and ask Malin what she's found interesting or noteworthy.
"I'm just gathering everything I can, so far, sending sprites out along all the threads. It's going to be too much to keep in my head soon, so I'm setting up a private node for the team. Here's the address." She shoots over a link. "I'll stop the hunting/gathering soon and start applying some smart filters, see what shakes out."
"Anything I can help with?" I ask, ready to help, knowing I can't. Once she waves me off, I'll check in with Lindo.
"Lindo, it turns out our target has some latent Awareness, and he likes a new designer drug called tempo that frags with those talents. Heard of it?"
Lindo looks at you thoughtfully. "Haven't heard of tempo, Jubilex, sorry. That sort of thing usually takes a while to hit the PRD. We're not exactly a hotbed, you know? I've got a niece that does research on Awakened psychotropics at the University of Miami, though. Let me reach out to her?" He's still thinking, though. "Frags with talents, how?"
I rattle off what I know, "The research on it says that temp boosts your empathy, significantly. Also, it allows anyone to see astral."
Lindo makes a brief scowl. "Like deepweed, then, that way. Nothing good comes of opening the astral up to people with no gift or training, Jubilex. The astral shouldn't be for tourists." He shakes his head, then holds up a finger. When he's not paying attention, Lindo tends to move his lips when he subvocalizes, so you can tell he's doing that now. After about thirty seconds he stops. "Left a message for Marie-Rose. She's a good niece, she'll get back to me soon."
I pat his shoulder, "Thanks, Lindo. I appreciate your family network. Need anything? "
He looks at you with a glint of humor in his eye, then opens up a channel to subvocalize. Still moving his lips, but silent now, he says, "Well, if you're done with that flight attendant..." He breaks into a broad grin, showing his teeth. You know he's just getting a little jest in.
After Malin's reaction, I'll take Lindo's ribbing with a grin. "It's a five hour flight. You never know..." I chuckle with him, but I seriously don't expect anything more to come of it.
Not that I'd mind another go, but honestly, I need to focus on this. I'll check HK media feeds, see if anything's public on this.
Nothing on the public feeds yet about the disappearance. Apparently Jonas Sonoma's team is that good. They've even been seeding fake rumors and sightings for the last twelve hours or so, still promoting his big upcoming concert.
For the next few hours, you paddle around in the sea of data that Malin keeps filling. By the time the pilot announces that you're on final approach, you feel that you have a good handle on your target. You've got maps with color-coded pins, lists of Awakened drug hot-spots and the organizations that service most of them, the address of a Hello Kitty fetish club in the Sheung Wan neighborhood, and dossiers on every member of Sonoma's personal staff.
Gwen is professional for the rest of the trip, but finds a moment when you're leaving the bathroom to whisper in your ear, "On the trip back, cowboy?"
I give Gwen a smirk, "It's a date." Then I move back to my seat.
You make it to the tarmac, a smooth landing. Hosk comes out of the cockpit, a little jazzed on having learned about this (pretty amazing) machine, once you've landed. Everyone grabs their drek, Malin shouldering one of Lindo's bags, and you troop out. Gwen gives you a pinch on the ass as you debark.
I shake her hand. Damn, this lady has a strong grip. I think I feel some dermal plating in her forearm when I put my hand on it. "Ms. Justine, I'm glad you're here. As you are aware, Motown made the decision to bring us in. Let's work together to get Jonas back as soon as possible and I'll make sure your cooperation is recognized in my after-action report."
After letting that sink in, I ask, "Can you take us to his last location, please?"
Well, there goes the "nice and easy" method.
I nod, "Understood, M.s Justine. We are not good through customs. We'll need you to circumvent that for us. Get us to Jonas' last known location, we want to see the place. Do you have an Awakened member of your team?"
I give her a curt nod. "Thank you for your assistance." I gather up the team, give them the rundown. "Malin, we need to work on your SIN."
Malin seems puzzled. "My SIN is fine..." She gets it, even as she's starting to speak, though. "Yeah. I don't want actual me on anyone's radar. Besides, it would be good for me to keep my real SIN clean anyway? Almost like having my real identity as an alias."
The girl's smart. "Right. Exactly. We need to keep the real you safe. Like everybody on the team."
Nizoni shrugs. "My SIN was burned a long time ago."
In twelve minutes, a service van arrives, driven by an overweight Chinese man with a bad combover and coveralls, with a name-tag reading "Bucky". "You get in the back, and tote your stuff yourself. The lady didn't pay for lifting."
"I couldn't imagine Niz as a normal girl with a SIN and all that." I joke as the driver pulls up in the van. We load our gear without complaint and I sit up front.