Mat glances over at Lindo, then you, with a look that you can't quite read. "He's a tough old bird, but I wonder..." He shrugs. "We got the job done, though. Do we even know what we're being paid? That happened fast."
I wonder it, too. When is too long? Should I sit down and talk about a fraggin' retirement plan with Lindo? Have him help me train in a new wizard? Let the guy go be a happy grandpa?
Conversations to be had soon. Not now. But soon.
"Mr. Johnson was in such a hurry to get us going that we can set the rate." I tell Mat, and anyone listening. "I think something along the lines of what we got for the last job is fair, don't you?"
Mat shrugs. "I'll take what you can negotiate for, of course, but it seems like they've borne much more of the expenses from this job than the last. Of course, you and Niz did most of the work, and that Lara woman helped, so I'm no judge."
Mat nods. "I've still got some of those instincts, from being a magistrate. Can't help it. Nizoni tells me I'm a patsy, of course." He shrugs.
Time passes, the doctor arrives, Lara comes out. "He's okay, for now. Still don't know how much damage he sustained, his self, I mean, but..." It's clear that going on is going to hurt her a bit. "I couldn't have pulled that off with my team. Jubilex, you've got great people and more than impressive skills, yourself."
Lara's admission is nice to hear. She didn't have to admit that. I offer her a bit, "You were really there in a pinch, Ms. Justine. You're one hell of a fighter." I drop my voice, offer her a hand, "If you're ever interested in running the shadows, contact Marcus Wellby."
She smirks. "Not likely. I still enjoy having a regular paycheck." She does take your hand, though, and shakes it with a firm grip. "Can I give you folks a ride back to the plane?"
I playfully grimace when she gives that firm grip. I'm rather sure she's got a full body mod. I would not want to meet her in a dark alley. "A ride would be excellent. Thanks, Ms. Justine." I make sure my team's good to go, and wake up the old man.
Well, that's pretty impressive. I give her a nod, "Not bad, Malin. Not bad at all." Then, feeling a little playful, I offer up, "What do you think about the handle of Majestrix?"
Malin makes a slightly sour face, then realizes she might be insulting you by doing so and manages a little smile? "We could try that, I guess?"
From that point forward, things proceed smoothly. Since you're flying private and leaving the country, it's just a matter of a small bribe to get your gear through without inspection once you've gone through Passport Control. The pilot is there with the plane, and Gwen breezes in with two full shopping bags.
"We don't make Hong Kong runs often. It would be a shame to miss the opportunity." She shrugs as she walks up the stairs, twitching her hips slightly for your enjoyment.
I pat Malin's shoulder, "I'm messing with you, Malin. But you should have something showy, you know? Shadowrunner names are fun when they have flash."
Gwen's arrival is like Christmas morning. I don't assume we'll have another tryst. I'm hopeful, but just seeing the adorable redhead is enough to cap this day perfectly. I do enjoy that walk of hers. Yes. I certainly do. I give Lindo a waggle of my eyebrows, then head up the stairs after her, stowing my gear and taking that same, comfy seat.
Lindo raises an eyebrow expressively and shakes his head in a bit of wonderment, then follows you slowly up the stairs. Since you've all been through the safety spiel, Gwen stows her purchases, makes sure everything's secured, and then takes a seat next to you while you wait for clearance.
"So, troubleshooter, did everything turn out okay?"
I give her a slow grin, leaning back in my seat like a cat. "We recovered something rather important to our employer and I won a fight with an elf who disagreed with our re-acquisition of the aforementioned item. It was a good day's work." I let that hang out there for a beat, then change subjects, "What's your favorite thing that you bought, Gwen?"
Gwen gives you a slow, sultry smile. Keeping her voice low, she responds with her brogue fully engaged. "Sure an' I'll show you that later, if you like, troubleshooter."
That gets a chuckle. I have to admit, I was hoping for that answer. "Oh aye, lass." I say in my own slightly Spanish accent. "I'm sure I'd like whatever you'd like to show me."
The plane gets in the air, everyone except Malin sinks into an opportunistic doze. You're pretty sleepy, too, but Gwen gives you a wink as she sashays back to the more comfortable area of the vehicle.
Gwen leads you into the same stateroom you toured previously, carrying one of her shopping bags. "Sit you down on the bed, troubleshooter. I'll be right back." She slips into the adjoining restroom and returns a few minutes later, wearing a great deal less clothing. She's in simple black silk panties, cut high on the sides, a matching bra, with a sheer shrug around her shoulders. She walks slowly toward you in her high heels, muscles of her thighs and calves tensing and releasing. "This is my favorite. The classics, you know?"
This girl is trouble. I find my head already thinking of ways to schedule more travel. Is Motown wanting a travel team?
I'm sitting on the bed, drinking in Gwen's legs like a expensive wine. Savoring it, committing it to memory. "You have... excellent taste." I offer her a smirk, "You know where those pretty clothes would look even better?" I glance down at the soft carpet, then back up at her.
Then, to demonstrate my point, I begin slowly unbuttoning my shirt. With only home ahead of me, I am hoping to indulge in this girl.
With a smile of agreement, Gwen strips out of the few bits of cloth she has left and moves forward, still in her heels, then kneels to help you out of your pants.
From there, you spend two full hours of the trip discovering just how inventive and wicked this lass truly is. In the end, your time with Gwen may have been almost as good a workout as your scuffle with that elf. You certainly used a whole different set of muscles.
When you return to the main cabin, Lindo, Nizoni and Mat are all asleep once again. Malin makes a sincere but not very successful attempt to pretend she doesn't care what you were just doing. She's getting better at that.
Anyone you want to talk to? No one is likely to mind if you wake them up.
Gwen is making my short list of things to consider while traveling.
I'd like to chat with Malin. I want to clear the air, see what's up. I'm pretty sure we could leave it unsaid, my dalliance with Gwen, but I's rather we chat about it. Because there are many Gwens in the world.
I'll head over to sit with her after taking maybe fifteen minutes to calm down and relax. And yes, I have bathed.
Malin looks up when you sit and gives you a small smile. "I've been trying to figure out how that other... hacker managed some of what he did. You understand how complex it was, erasing Jonas from every single camera between the hotel and that hostess club, without leaving any obvious looping or artifacts? That's virtuoso stuff."
Malin shrugs. "Right now? Ah, maybe 20 percent. Twenty four hours from now? Maybe 80. The last 20 will take some time. It's like... imagine taking the skills you have, muscles tuned for combat and responding to immediate stressors, and trying to retune them to, I don't know, dance ballet. I'm doing the same thing, in the other direction. That was a good warmup, but there are some situations where I won't know what to do until I've done it, or at least seen it done." She looks up at you from under her bangs, hoping you aren't disappointed.
I purse my lips as I listen. "That's what I want to hear, Malin. You're going to be our best hacker yet, I just know it." I offer her an encouraging smile.
After a bit of conversation, I broach the topic, "You've given me a couple looks while we've been flying. Is there anything you want to ask me? Talk about?"
Malin blushes and looks like she might want to throw up a little, but soldiers on. "It's just... I like Jessi, and she was so cool to me, and I know you like her and she likes you and... why?"
I feel a little bad for her, so sweet and traditional. "I think Jessi is wonderful. We have an understanding, see? Sometimes we wander, but we always find our ways back to each other." I am not joking when I tell her this. "And, if either of us need each other, the other person will drop everything to be there for them."
"But..." She looks down at her hands, seemingly fascinated by her fingernails, suddenly. "She's awesome. And pretty. And cool. Why do you need... whatever?"
I don't want to dismiss her concerns. I don't want to make her clam up "Jessi is all of those things. I don't need to sleep with other girls. I like it, Malin. Jessi has other lovers, too. We are discreet. But that's due to her stuffy father. He wants to marry her off, and I'm the current most likely candidate." I shrug at that. In bed with the mob, literally.
You can almost see the wheels turning in Malin's head, and an overlay that reads "Processing..." When the progress bar reaches 100%, she nods. "Okay. I don't get it, but I can live with it, if it's what you say. Does this mean I can jump your bones when we get back?"
Mat's snore continues, but there's a full-on snort interjected into the mix.
There's a long moment where you think Malin might be having an aneurism or a stroke. Her jaw drops and her face goes slack. She moves her mouth like a fish a few times before she manages words. "But... so... I... you..." That's all she's got, for the moment.
I pat her hand, "Malin. If you think you can live under the same roof as me. If you and I can work on the same team without any issues. If you can handle me and Jessi together. And if you think Mat and you won't have problems. Then, you let me know."
I'm pretty sure if she's thinking clearly, she'll back away from this line of though. I want her to realize it's a bad idea. This is a test, actually. To see how she evaluates this.
Here's what happens. Malin withdraws into her Matrix-trance, for about three or four minutes. Then she opens her eyes, looks at you, and nods. "Okay, that would be stupid, but I reserve the right to bone-jump in a moment of extreme need and/or life-or-death situations."
You make it back to PRD with no further serious conversations or issues. Gwen buttonholes you for a kiss and a promise as everyone else exits. "We'll do this again, cowboy. Yes?"
When the team arrives, weary but triumphant, at Marcus Wellby HQ, there is a transfer awaiting your acknowledgement for ¥50K. Apparently, the entertainment business is better-paying than you'd thought. That's not even 24 hours work.
I pour them each a drink and place a credstick by each glass. "That was the quickest payday in Em Dub history, team." I hold up my glass, let them each take up theirs, I gesture with my glass to each of them, "Good work on the astral, the Matrix, the security, and the extraction. This team is one hell of a good team, and I'm proud to be part of it." Then I toss back my whiskey.
I shudder a little with him. "I shouldn't ask what they can do to you, should I?" I don't ask.
Lindo's answer is a soft snore.
Mat glances over at Lindo, then you, with a look that you can't quite read. "He's a tough old bird, but I wonder..." He shrugs. "We got the job done, though. Do we even know what we're being paid? That happened fast."
I wonder it, too. When is too long? Should I sit down and talk about a fraggin' retirement plan with Lindo? Have him help me train in a new wizard? Let the guy go be a happy grandpa?
Conversations to be had soon. Not now. But soon.
"Mr. Johnson was in such a hurry to get us going that we can set the rate." I tell Mat, and anyone listening. "I think something along the lines of what we got for the last job is fair, don't you?"
Mat shrugs. "I'll take what you can negotiate for, of course, but it seems like they've borne much more of the expenses from this job than the last. Of course, you and Niz did most of the work, and that Lara woman helped, so I'm no judge."
"This is why you don't work contracts. You're too, too fair." I give him a wink.
Mat nods. "I've still got some of those instincts, from being a magistrate. Can't help it. Nizoni tells me I'm a patsy, of course." He shrugs.
Lara's admission is nice to hear. She didn't have to admit that. I offer her a bit, "You were really there in a pinch, Ms. Justine. You're one hell of a fighter." I drop my voice, offer her a hand, "If you're ever interested in running the shadows, contact Marcus Wellby."
I playfully grimace when she gives that firm grip. I'm rather sure she's got a full body mod. I would not want to meet her in a dark alley. "A ride would be excellent. Thanks, Ms. Justine." I make sure my team's good to go, and wake up the old man.
He isn't really asleep, I know. It's a phrase.
As you're rounding everyone up, Malin pulls you aside and speaks in a low voice. "I, ah, fixed my SIN problem."
Well, that's pretty impressive. I give her a nod, "Not bad, Malin. Not bad at all." Then, feeling a little playful, I offer up, "What do you think about the handle of Majestrix?"
Malin makes a slightly sour face, then realizes she might be insulting you by doing so and manages a little smile? "We could try that, I guess?"
From that point forward, things proceed smoothly. Since you're flying private and leaving the country, it's just a matter of a small bribe to get your gear through without inspection once you've gone through Passport Control. The pilot is there with the plane, and Gwen breezes in with two full shopping bags.
I pat Malin's shoulder, "I'm messing with you, Malin. But you should have something showy, you know? Shadowrunner names are fun when they have flash."
Gwen's arrival is like Christmas morning. I don't assume we'll have another tryst. I'm hopeful, but just seeing the adorable redhead is enough to cap this day perfectly. I do enjoy that walk of hers. Yes. I certainly do. I give Lindo a waggle of my eyebrows, then head up the stairs after her, stowing my gear and taking that same, comfy seat.
Lindo raises an eyebrow expressively and shakes his head in a bit of wonderment, then follows you slowly up the stairs. Since you've all been through the safety spiel, Gwen stows her purchases, makes sure everything's secured, and then takes a seat next to you while you wait for clearance.
I give her a slow grin, leaning back in my seat like a cat. "We recovered something rather important to our employer and I won a fight with an elf who disagreed with our re-acquisition of the aforementioned item. It was a good day's work." I let that hang out there for a beat, then change subjects, "What's your favorite thing that you bought, Gwen?"
That gets a chuckle. I have to admit, I was hoping for that answer. "Oh aye, lass." I say in my own slightly Spanish accent. "I'm sure I'd like whatever you'd like to show me."
Sleep is for the dead. I'm too wicked to resist. I'm following her. To get comfortable.
This girl is trouble. I find my head already thinking of ways to schedule more travel. Is Motown wanting a travel team?
I'm sitting on the bed, drinking in Gwen's legs like a expensive wine. Savoring it, committing it to memory. "You have... excellent taste." I offer her a smirk, "You know where those pretty clothes would look even better?" I glance down at the soft carpet, then back up at her.
Then, to demonstrate my point, I begin slowly unbuttoning my shirt. With only home ahead of me, I am hoping to indulge in this girl.
From there, you spend two full hours of the trip discovering just how inventive and wicked this lass truly is. In the end, your time with Gwen may have been almost as good a workout as your scuffle with that elf. You certainly used a whole different set of muscles.
When you return to the main cabin, Lindo, Nizoni and Mat are all asleep once again. Malin makes a sincere but not very successful attempt to pretend she doesn't care what you were just doing. She's getting better at that.
Anyone you want to talk to? No one is likely to mind if you wake them up.
Gwen is making my short list of things to consider while traveling.
I'd like to chat with Malin. I want to clear the air, see what's up. I'm pretty sure we could leave it unsaid, my dalliance with Gwen, but I's rather we chat about it. Because there are many Gwens in the world.
I'll head over to sit with her after taking maybe fifteen minutes to calm down and relax. And yes, I have bathed.
Malin looks up when you sit and gives you a small smile. "I've been trying to figure out how that other... hacker managed some of what he did. You understand how complex it was, erasing Jonas from every single camera between the hotel and that hostess club, without leaving any obvious looping or artifacts? That's virtuoso stuff."
I nod, "Yeah, in a place with that many people and tech, it's pretty amazing." I pat her hand, "How much of it can you replicate?"
Malin shrugs. "Right now? Ah, maybe 20 percent. Twenty four hours from now? Maybe 80. The last 20 will take some time. It's like... imagine taking the skills you have, muscles tuned for combat and responding to immediate stressors, and trying to retune them to, I don't know, dance ballet. I'm doing the same thing, in the other direction. That was a good warmup, but there are some situations where I won't know what to do until I've done it, or at least seen it done." She looks up at you from under her bangs, hoping you aren't disappointed.
I purse my lips as I listen. "That's what I want to hear, Malin. You're going to be our best hacker yet, I just know it." I offer her an encouraging smile.
After a bit of conversation, I broach the topic, "You've given me a couple looks while we've been flying. Is there anything you want to ask me? Talk about?"
Malin blushes and looks like she might want to throw up a little, but soldiers on. "It's just... I like Jessi, and she was so cool to me, and I know you like her and she likes you and... why?"
I feel a little bad for her, so sweet and traditional. "I think Jessi is wonderful. We have an understanding, see? Sometimes we wander, but we always find our ways back to each other." I am not joking when I tell her this. "And, if either of us need each other, the other person will drop everything to be there for them."
"But..." She looks down at her hands, seemingly fascinated by her fingernails, suddenly. "She's awesome. And pretty. And cool. Why do you need... whatever?"
I don't want to dismiss her concerns. I don't want to make her clam up "Jessi is all of those things. I don't need to sleep with other girls. I like it, Malin. Jessi has other lovers, too. We are discreet. But that's due to her stuffy father. He wants to marry her off, and I'm the current most likely candidate." I shrug at that. In bed with the mob, literally.
You can almost see the wheels turning in Malin's head, and an overlay that reads "Processing..." When the progress bar reaches 100%, she nods. "Okay. I don't get it, but I can live with it, if it's what you say. Does this mean I can jump your bones when we get back?"
Mat's snore continues, but there's a full-on snort interjected into the mix.
I chuckle lightly. "Yes. It does mean that." I give her a wry grin and let her process that one. "Of course, Mat might object... lightly."
There's a long moment where you think Malin might be having an aneurism or a stroke. Her jaw drops and her face goes slack. She moves her mouth like a fish a few times before she manages words. "But... so... I... you..." That's all she's got, for the moment.
I pat her hand, "Malin. If you think you can live under the same roof as me. If you and I can work on the same team without any issues. If you can handle me and Jessi together. And if you think Mat and you won't have problems. Then, you let me know."
I'm pretty sure if she's thinking clearly, she'll back away from this line of though. I want her to realize it's a bad idea. This is a test, actually. To see how she evaluates this.
Here's what happens. Malin withdraws into her Matrix-trance, for about three or four minutes. Then she opens her eyes, looks at you, and nods. "Okay, that would be stupid, but I reserve the right to bone-jump in a moment of extreme need and/or life-or-death situations."
I lean over and answer in her ear, low, "If you reach that point, Malin, my bone is yours to jump." Then I chuckle and stand up, patting her leg.
You make it back to PRD with no further serious conversations or issues. Gwen buttonholes you for a kiss and a promise as everyone else exits. "We'll do this again, cowboy. Yes?"
When the team arrives, weary but triumphant, at Marcus Wellby HQ, there is a transfer awaiting your acknowledgement for ¥50K. Apparently, the entertainment business is better-paying than you'd thought. That's not even 24 hours work.
Anything to say to the team before you wrap?
I pour them each a drink and place a credstick by each glass. "That was the quickest payday in Em Dub history, team." I hold up my glass, let them each take up theirs, I gesture with my glass to each of them, "Good work on the astral, the Matrix, the security, and the extraction. This team is one hell of a good team, and I'm proud to be part of it." Then I toss back my whiskey.
The team raises their glasses and salutes you. It was a good payday, and everyone is happy. You celebrate for a bit, and then everyone scatters.
End Session