The most pristine place in Safeco is the All Star, also known as Yacht Club. It's survived blood rains, gunfights, even a couple grenades ten years ago. This place is the shining jewel of the hold, where bets are traded, where flesh is peddled, and deals are made.
Harbormaster is here, with his blood tear boys and girls circling near like satellites in orbit. They’re all clean and beautiful, all alluring smiles and dark promises. Admiral is sitting at a table with him, the two of them chatting amiably.
What's your normal scene here? Do you cook in the back, direct the staff to do what you taught them? Give me a sense of how you run this place.August,
When you enter Yacht Club, there’s maybe twenty folks here. The place smells of coffee and tea, that rich, dark aroma that washes away sweat and grime even the ever-present coppery smell of everywhere. Speed is here, you see Kitsap shadowing Admiral as well. YouDub is hovering over his big mug, watching you.
What story does YouDub like to hear over and over from you?What do you do?
You wouldn't know it, to look at him, but YouDub has nightmares. Bad ones. I found him in a rough spot one night -- screaming in his sleep. Not sure exactly what I was thinking, but I just ended up inside his shack and leaning over his hammock, half-singing this little story about little Sloe and hir mother and the hundred thousand stars they traveled to. I try to swing by his place at night, when I can, and I sing a little verse into his ear.
I love the smell of the Yacht Club, even though it is so often full of unpleasant people. I nod, signal to Valentine for an expresso. Leave my satchel behind the bar.
I see the back of Harbormaster's head, talking to Admiral, but I ignore him for now. I'm anticipating the moment when he sees me. Last time we parted, I was wearing gold chains and silks, although with eyes decorated with bruises in lieu of kohl. Not scrounged denim and leather, no knowing gleam in my eye.
I scan the members of the crowd sporting blood tears for any familiar faces and for who's packing. Did Admiral let them carry? Did Valentine?
I put a hand on YouDub's shoulder as an acknowledgement. Glad he's here. I start to feel electric with nerves, dunno if it's good or bad. Let my eyes settle heavy on Admiral. He usually gives me some sort of signal, to call me over or to tell me who to work on. I watch him watching Harbormaster.
Sooner or later, he'll turn around.
As you know, we don't have much food here at the Club. One of my hopes is that the coin from Harbormaster's presence will allow me a real cook. My father could cook. Oh, could that man work a kitchen and produce miracles from barest nothings of ingredients. He could bake, too... I still have some of his notes and recipes in my strongbox, but I simply am not that kind of person. I've tried, how I've tried. But I've lost much coin in that expensive series of lessons. I can work the grill, do the prep work, but my art is behind the bar. I can mix and pour and brew and roast beans, grind and steep and serve.
The smells are a form unto themselves; I should write a book. After one scavenge run, Pike brought me a battered black sign that said "Free Smells." The very idea. I keep it in my office as a joke.
I have the staff take orders and run them between me and the customers. The cigarette girl has her own deal. Needle does a little work in the back in the grill for the sparse fare we currently provide. I periodically must break to announce the matches and tally the bets. Ivar runs the bar then. Nor as good as I, but well enough not to burn the water. Or the tea.
And I, I, I, work the crowd, welcoming, smiling number two and three smiles, a shoulder touch here, a laugh there, a question for the other one. Encouraging all to stay, to dine, to drink, to talk, to woo, to bet, to live, to lie, to enjoy!
I keep August's satchel safe; it does not go to the cloak room. I always have a sweet chaste kiss for my friend. Let anyone imagine what they will. Her espresso is started as she makes her grand entrance! A personage such as myself could really take notes from her grace.
I watch Admiral and Harbormaster. I long to be at that table. But my deals are not always made in the public eye... But who's else needs my attention? What odd things will Harbor master request? I listen, providing needed refreshments and insights as required.
YouDub is sweet. I make sure Kitsap is attended to. I watch the duels.
Admiral summons you over, perhaps he wants you to work on Harbormaster? Does he know HM hates you? I assume you head over, it is "work" after all. You arrive in time to overhear this....
No weapons visible. Some strong arms, but even Speed isn't packing. Surely, there's weapons somewhere, but they even checked you coming in.
You come by to check on the two big wigs, Admiral waves you off after you refill their glasses, but Harbormaster, he pipes up.
Harbormaster reaches out to gently take your wrist, Valentine, saying in that smooth honeyed voice of his, "No offense Admiral, but you've been my nearest neighbor for years, and you've never failed to un-impress me. We all know who I'm really here to see..." He turns those wild eyes on you, smiling, "How is the loveliest flower in the hold?"
Admiral is slowly seething.
What do you do?
Even when you don't have the strongest arm, it's still reassuring to know you're the one who snuck your weapons past the door guy.
I throw back my espresso and return Valentine's kiss before I red rover the hangers-on to approach Admiral.
If this triggers the Maestro'D sex move, I give us each +1forward from the Skinner Special.
I stop short when I hear HM's flattery directed towards Valentine. I'm not jealous, but the feeling I'm having isn't exactly pleasant either.
I re-adjust my trajectory, so instead of just appearing at the table, I approach at Admiral's side, head downcast. Fingers grazing his elbow, not proprietory, just letting him know I'm there. I raise my eyes at Admiral, like I don't even know Harbormaster's at the table.
Admiral has no idea that Harbormaster and I have a history. Valentine knows though.
"At your service, Admiral."
Harbormaster gets smile number five. I dislike his clammy flesh upon mine... nor whatever lurks behind his eyes. "Firmly potted yet evergreen," I quip as I pour some tea. I briefly think about slipping something into it. "How fares the Harbor and its master? What news?" I set a small plate of noshes down, ever slow slightly closer to Admiral.
Is Harbormaster snubbing August for yours truly? How odd.
Admiral takes his glare off you, Valentine, looking at you, August, :My dear, sweet, August. I am glad you're here. Come, sit on my lap, tell the Harbormaster and I the story of the motor duel out there. Tell us the story of Grimace, our own local heroine Pine, and how she fares against the outsider Algee. Tell us."
Ignoring Admiral's request of August, and for some reason, August entirely, Harbormaster fixes his eyes on you, Valentine, a hungry look. "Valentine, my dear sweet one. The Harbor is never as pretty as it would be if you were there. We've dredged some lovely treats from the crimson depths, and whenever I see tins of coffee and plastic-wrapped boxes of tea, I think of you." His grip on your hand loosens, but he switches to touch your hip when you set down the plate. He seems quite attached to you.
What do you do?
There are both chaste and unchaste ways to sit in someone's lap, and I never chose the former.
I settle myself into the half-circle of Admiral's arms, my curves against his hard lines, and try to read his mood.
Reading Admiral.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 11)
Spending 1 Hold. How could I get Admiral to dismiss Speed from the room?
The Admiral is angry. He feels like Valentine set up this meeting, and now Harbormaster is playing to her and disrespecting him. He worries Valentine's making a play for all of Safeco, and taking HM out right here and now means he'll have some short-term trouble with the harbor, but he'll have a long-term resource that he'll own.
If you can convince him that Valentine is bringing HM to work for him, he'd send Speed away, there would be no need.
The distribution of power in the room was tangled, can't be making Admiral happy. He liked power taut, coiled around him. Looks like Valentine wasn't helping things tonight. Which was a shame, because usually zie could be relied on to balance things out with him.
I clear my throat, turns the sound into a bass note that rattles my ribs. Admiral must feel it trembling, through me.
I don't look to see if Harbormaster is paying attention. He might act like he's not listening, but he will be.
Sometimes Admiral has me tell these stories that are only just history, only just past. It's a lot easier to just called out on the details than the ancient stories. I take on a old cadence that I learned from Char, swap out the original words for ones that describe Pine, Algee. I don't even know who truly won, so I make it about romance instead of triumph.
I end with a refrain, talk-sung thrice:
"We burn fuel, we burn tires, we burn bones.
We burn youth, we burn higher, we burn souls.
We take defeat as a reminder to burn brighter.
We take success as a measure of our own.
We turn on backs on the fouls of the elders.
We face the fire on the horizon together, not alone."
No finger cymbals, they're in my satchel; I clap thrice into the silence that follows. That's how they know I'm done.
And I settled back against Admiral's chest.
Artful and Gracious:
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 14)
Spending three:
Harbormaster loves me
Admiral loves me
Harbormaster admires my patron (Admiral)
For a moment everyone goes silent, even the cigarette girl’s constant shuffling feet stop and she stands still to listen. Wrapped in Admirals’ arm you can feel how much he ‘appreciates’ your art, how he feels like the most important man in the world right now having you here. Having chosen him.
Harbormaster notices… a little squint of his eyes, a tiny bit of a frown as he stops mid-conversation to listen. He finally looks at you, his eyes wander from your face down your body… only to find Admirals’ hand there around your middle, the other resting on your leg near the knee.
They focus on you, now, August. This meeting, ostensibly to set up some political alliance or agreement, suddenly it’s all about you. You clap to signal the end of your tale.
Waiting for the silence, Harbormaster is first to break it, “Admiral, I’ve got to hand it to you. There’s one thing you’ve always had which I’ve never.”
Admiral raises an eyebrow, tilts his head so his temple touches your ear, "What is that, my friend?” He says it in a way that suggests he’s anything but.
“You’re surrounded by women who are better than you...” Harbormaster snaps his fingers and Hope leans over his chair to kiss him on the cheek, then the mouth before returning to her place… If you were looking, you’d see a hint of a frown on her face as she makes sure he’s not watching when she wipes the corner of her mouth on the back of her wrist.
Admiral seethes at the obvious taunt, August you feel his hand slowly slide up your thigh, “Better than me? I’m the man in charge here, my friend.”
He’s going to kiss you, August. Just to make a point. Maybe more than kiss.
What do you do?
I lean in to the kiss, graze his chest with my nails and let Admiral's hand roam. Seems clear he needs to look like the boss man right now, so whatever that means is fine.
Into Admiral's ear, for him alone, "We're great because of you, Admiral. He's just trying to get you off-balance. You're the one in control here. Don't let him get to you. He's worth more to us alive."
My smile is frozen- he thinks of me tin and plastic? Simple man. I don't care the feel of his skin, but it's undeniable that he knows how to use his hand, and it's rather pleasant on my hip... I am not certain I would welcome him as either a boy or a girl, but a small caress is not something to be endured here. Before I can banter back, O my sweet August commands the room. She burns. She and Admiral have the better physical deal here.
The tension is higher, now. Harbormaster is trying something. Let me see if I can diffuse.
"Admiral is also surrounded by great men, Harbormaster. Know you how Safe the Co Field is." I cock an eyebrow and a grin to Admiral, scoring him the point. "How long can the Harbor stand the deluge?"
The table setting is askew. I push the salt cellar where it goes, a light touch. I focus my attention to the guests as things are back in order
I think you're trying to Manipulate Harbormaster into working for Admiral here, right?Let's see if you can pull it off.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 11)
I look at Valentine gratefully when she speaks so directly to Harbormaster. I lounge back against Admiral, wait to see HM's reaction. Absent-mindedly finger the stubble at Admiral's jaw.
August and Valentine,
There's a pregnant pause, nothing said. Harbormaster looks between you, August, and you, Valentine. He mulls over Valentine’s words, watching you for that tense moment. He glances over at Valentine, the person he claimed he’d come to see. He’s undone now, lost his edge and maybe his nerve.
He’s trusting you on this, Valentine.
”I will need space to ply my trade.” Harbormaster says finally, looking to Admiral. ”The Harbor is failing, rotting, soaked. I can go to Pikes. But I’d rather work here, if we can treat each other fair.Jingle to you, Admiral, much jingle.”
Admiral sits back, steepling his hands, a smile spreading as he savors his victory. He watches Harbormaster’s smile falter, his need for this moment laid bare. Finally, Admiral proclaims, ”Very well, Harbormaster. Although, perhaps you’re no longer a master of a harbor, yes? How is H.M.? Does that work for you?”
A quirk of his mouth, then he nods curtly. ”Yes. H.M. is a better monicker. Now.”
Admiral offers a hand, which H.M. takes. The tension lightens and the two men begin talking through the transition. The party at the Yacht Club resumes, and you both realize Admiral got what he wanted (even though Valentine had to convince him it was even possible).
"Jingle for all of us," I rest a hand on the extra chair; I am at the table without being à table. "Well-fed and well-fucked guests are happy, paying, repeat guests." I look at Admiral, continuing in an easy tone. "Safe guests."
My eye finds August. "Well-storied guests," I murmur.
My fingertips slide the brim of my hat, turning but not turning in a not-salute, a gesture of acknowledgment and respect. "Harbormaster, we can go over the minutiae of operations before you leave. We don't want to waste Admiral's time." Nor mine, now that the chest-thumpers are done. Harbormaster is not bad-looking, but I am very hesitant to angle his physical attraction to my own good-looking self. I imagine he would carve my notch most proudly into his bedpost. "More tea? Coffee?" Or something else, I leave it unspoken.
I nod to each of Valentine's points, ducking my head when she refers to me.
I decline a second coffee.
My eyes skate around Harbormaster's -- HM's. I don't know what to think about him. He still hasn't really acknowledged me.
And what with Admiral...
Spending remaining hold. What does Admiral want me to do and what is he really feeling?
Admiral summons Kitsap, who hovers near and leans in so he can whisper something in her ear. She heads over to Speed to dismiss him. He heads out of the Yacht Club, and Kitsap seems much more relaxed.
Admiral looks to HM and then Valentine. He wants you to keep close to Valentine and HM and keep him informed. He's feeling confident in you, feels this development can work to his benefit, but there's still a risk for him specifically if Valentine and HM forge too strong a bond. He needs weaknesses in them to exploit, and he'd love you to give him a few.
"My dear Valentine," HM answers broadly, "I would take anything you have to offer. I am thrilled at the chance to spend more time here. With you." He offers a broad, pearly white smile.
August and Valentine,
As you're sitting with the big wigs, the motor duel comes to an end. August, who won? Algee or Grimace?
YouDub makes his way for the windows that look over the arena, watching the bitter end. HE's lost some serious jingle. He deflates a bit in worry for the loss.
Also, you two, Dog comes trolling in a few moments later. By herself.
You come into Yacht Club to find Admiral and Harbormaster. August and Valentine sitting together, Val standing up a bit and serving and chatting. Buck is there, asking for your weapons.
What do you do?
I take in a big sniff of the air in Yacht Club; I love the smell of coffee. I even have some right now, and I'll trade it away in time but I can just sniff the bag and be happy and it makes my pack smell good.
But I just can't drink the stuff unless Valentine makes it, and she makes it so pale and sweet for me. Without Valentine doing it, it's gross and bitter and like three kinds of bad food.
Buck gets my weapons without trouble. I don't like it but the room here is full of stuff. Glass stuff. Metal stuff.
Grimace wins the duel, but there's something funny about it. Algee had the edge up until the end, but then it's her on the tracks, ride up in flames.
YouDub bet on the outsider, huh? Weird.
I'm getting up from Admiral's lap when Dog arrives. I nod, but not much else. She knows I'm working.
I start plying the room, concentric circles around Valentine and HM. Helping deliver the caffeine, making small talk. Light touches at the smalls of folks backs, making them feel a part of things. All the while keeping an ear on Val and HM.
I watch Speed leave. I've heard some stories. They make me rather he work the door than the house.
"My dear Harbormaster," smile number five again, "Flattery will get you a refill. And I would relish the chance to show you mah jongg and roulette. Sadly, the dice are gone after an unfortunate incident." I sigh melodramatically. Guests should not and can't trust carved dice, or I'd see if one of Gates' people could produce some. I might ask him anyway, just for the excuse. "And you know how impossible it is to keep cards for any length of time!" I fondly miss cards.
Normally, I'd announce the duel winners, but with the all-star VIPs, I have backup on it. But poor YouDub! I signal to the cigarette girl to give him a small edible something as consolation. You've got to be careful that you don't offer something they will grow to dislike over time, or associate with loss. The essence of wooing the gambler is to make them come back.
I see Dog, another VIP of sorts. I haven't figured her out all the way, but I give her a tinkly little wave as greeting. She hopefully will understand I can't abandon the two hardholders.
I watch August, nod back. It's good, that we aren't ourselves in front of these outsiders. I'm not easy enough with Admiral and his crew to be smiles around him. Arrows have feelings about people who build up walls around themselves.
Valentine gets a tilt of my chin and I head over their way. A burn rises up in my throat getting this close to HM, but this is where Admiral is and I got stuff to do. I grab a chair from a table on my way and set it down, back towards the table. I straddle the chair and fold my arms up on top of the back of it. "Admiral. Harbormaster. Valentine."
As you leave Admiral to head over to ply your trade, you've got a few options here. There are a few of the growers here, always invited since they grow some of Valentine's common beans and the food for the hold. A couple fixits are here, watching the stadium more than the people. A few travelers who have enough jingle to come up to the Yacht Club.
What do you do?
HM nods, "Yes, Valentine. We should talk shop, leave Admiral to enjoy his victory." He turns to snap his fingers, "Hope. Entertain Admiral. To the victor... go the spoils." The lovely Hope comes over to sit with Admiral, who seems more than a little suspicious, but doesn't say no.
This is Hope:
HM wants to leave with you. What do you do?
YouDub lumbers over, his face unusually grim. Which member of the Arrows is related to him? Is that Arrow still alive?
This is YouDub:
He offers a fist to you, for greeting, even though he looks upset, he won't give up on tradition.
"Hey Dog. Rotting Algee lost." YouDub says in that low tone of his. "She had Pine on the ropes, then summit happened. No good when summin plays with the duels." His eyes dart around.
What do you do?
Whwn you come in, you see a bunch of people here: Dog and YouDub, Valentine and Harbormaster, August, Admiral, and near the hardholder is Kitsap.
What do you do?
YouDub is Chance's..uh...nephew? But he's older than her. I offer him a fist back. Used to be he was a lone rider, which is splashing stupid but I guess stupid by itself is not lethal.
"YouDub.." I put my feelings together about this. "Duels is three kinds of games. Sorry your champ lost." I just can't dig into it with him. But it is three games. The audience's game, the gladiator's game and the backer's game. I only play one of them, but I get the other two pretty good.
I turn and ask one of Valentine's people "Is there water?" I'm thirsty.
I know how things work at the Yacht Club, so I stop by my digs along the way, lock up the rifle and shotgun. Not gonna leave either of them with whoever's workin the door. While I'm there, I wipe some of the sweat and dust off my face, run a comb through my hair and mustache.
At the Yacht Club, I got no problem handin over sidearm and machete. Even if I was naked, I'd never exactly be without a weapon, when it comes right down it.
I look around the room, blink a few times to get rid of the memory of crosshairs on foreheads, then give Kitsap a nod. I've dealt with Admiral direct before, sure, but Kitsap's a sight easier on the eyes, and besides, she made herself part of the deal. Wouldn't mind a cup of coffee, but looks like Val's busy, so I wander over to Dog and that goofy splasher YouDub.
"Dog, YouDub." Give them a nod of greeting.
Dog and SeaTac,
"Third game cost me." YouDub says glumly. He looks past you, Dog, like he'd expect to see Arrows. "I saw Chance up top, earlier. She alright?" He looks over to you, SeaTac, "Hey SeaTac. Gonna get settled with Pine now, yeah?"
Dog caught the attention of Uni, asking him for water. He nodded, asked you if you wanted any, SeaTac, then headed to the back to grab you both a bottle, since you don't have a mug. In a moment or two, he comes back with waters, hand them to you.
"SeaTac, hey." I scooch a little for him. SeaTac is Unit and people talk about him and the bloody things he gets up to. People talk and I listen. We got zero bad water between us, though. S'a good thing.
"Chance? She's fine, scouting and riding and pointing forward." I take my water from Uni with a closed-mouth smile and drink. "Stay dry."
I watch what Hope's doing, and Admiral, not staring but I want to get some word some time.
Plus that creepy soaker is pulling on Valentine. If he leaves, maybe Hope will be less business.
Gotta wait. I drink my water, which is cold at the Yacht Club.
I nod again, this time agreeing with YouDub. "Hopin so, YouDub. Hopin so." I thank Uni and crack the sweet, clean water open for a long swig.
I feel a flicker of envy as Admiral eyes Hope. I am not sure which end of the attention I want, but it's not on me right now. I shall take what attention is offered. Such a smile he has! Teeth like that takes work. "Harbormaster, let us adjourn and I can show you more of the Yacht Club... and tell me, when did you last have a fresh tomato? Needle does utter wizardry with tomatoes, a bit of basil and olive oil. No milk for mozzarell, more's the pity, or I'd offer you a full caprese."
I note Uni taking care of SeaTac, Dog, and YouDub. I do a subtle bit of handsign to let Uni know I want to talk to SeaTac. I know how far he can range out of Old Seattle itself. He's on the lookout for some good casino scavenge for me. Once Harbormaster's elite clientele (as well as the not-so-elite) start frequenting my establishment, they will expect flashier gaming opportunities. A few bricks of dry cards would go a long way. My father would tell stories of these things called "slot machines," full of light and sound. One can hope Lady Luck smiles upon SeaTac.
Dog and me. Small talk. Yeah, that's gonna go well. She's got no pack right at the moment, I'm never gonna be with the Unit. But I think, deep down, she might eventually understand. Her Arrows, all in a quiver together. Can't help but be jealous.
"Dog. Ah... how's the pack?" Terrible. I head to safe territory. "Thinkin about makin a run to get cards and such for this place. Know a casino, a ways away, back where I come from. Abandoned when I came North, but who knows, now. Not tomorrow, or whatever, but maybe down the line?" Waiting for Kitsap to come over.
Dog and SeaTac,
Uni clears his throat, "Mr. SeaTac... Valentine would like to talk with you before you leave. Sir." He looks to you, Dog, "Apologies, uhhh, ma'am." Then to YouDub, "And sir.
What do you do?
"I've seen pictures of tomatoes, had some... s'getti." HM pronounces it slowly like he's not entirely sure of the pronunciation. "A caprese? I've read about them, seen pictures. They sound divine." He offers a little grin, which seems much more genuine than the smiles he's flashed around the others. "Can you show me this fresh tomato, darling?"
HM wants to get you alone, to talk shop, or to scrog. Maybe both. You know Admiral is still trying to watch you, even though Hope is occupying him rather well.
What do you do?
I'll decide who or what I will scrog, Harbormaster. But I note his actual smile that actually touches his eyes. We shall "talk shop." And he is still a guest. He will see what the Club can offer. I adjust my cuffs and flick some imaginary dirt away. The real dirt is still omnipresent, but it's appearances that matter. "You've never had a tomato? We grow them, you simply must. If you'll excuse us, dear Admiral, Hope? We'll return posthaste. Would you also care for a light nourish?" I have one of the booths (it was in poorer shape) converted to a hothouse of sorts. It's never to be a room that could be fixed up for guests, and dirt is dirt. Plants love dirt. I prefer to be cleaner, but it's not always possible. I look at Hope. Admiral needs to think with his dick for a little while so I can deal. But not so long that Harbormaster gets fresh.
I regard Harbormaster, sorting through the chaff of the rumor mill in my brain.
Travellers with big pockets are who I angle for, when I'm working the room. After all, strangers are just marks you haven't conned yet, right? Too glib, we're not in the practice of actually fleecing folks, even though it might sound like that. But the strangers, well. They're the ones Valentine hasn't already figured out.
I look for the ones who look richest, meanest or prettiest, in that order.
I also watch Valentine watching HM, think about how to keep an eye on them for Admiral. But I can hardly trail after them like a pup after the teat, can I?
Admiral waves you off, letting you go with HM. Hope nods agreement to a light nourishment, some food. She seems eager to eat something, especially something from you.
"Yes, let's go." HM agrees, walking with you to the plot, his hand slipping to rest on your hip as he walks beside you.
When you reach the tomatoes, is that in a hidden place or out in the open? I want to make sure I'm clear on what this looks like.
Kitsap is waiting by Admiral, but watching you. It seems like maybe she's waiting for you to come to her, since you're with Dog and YouDub.
I think maybe you're Reading the Sitch here for a mark? Let me know if that fits for you.
"Pack's good." I say to SeaTac.
Uni comes over as I'm thinking about that casino thing and he gets a nod from me. I'm not bothered but I got nothin' to say.
"Sure, down the line. We can talk about this again when it's a thing." I finish the water. I've heard of casinos, like Yacht Club here but big. Right? Could be a serious gig. Wonder how long since SeaTac knew it to be empty.
I shrug at Dog. "Think about it. I can make the run myself, but easier to carry whatever's to be found with more bodies." Another nod to both Dog and YouDub, then I walk slow toward Kitsap.
I hadn't thought about reading the sitch here, but not a bad idea.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 10)
• who is most vulnerable to me?
• who is my biggest threat?
• who or what what should I be on the lookout for?
Uni leaves you with SeaTac, who is almost as comfortable here as you. After a moment of standing around with an empty water, Admiral spots you and waves you over.
Looks like Dog's getting the summons to the big man, which seems to free up Kitsap. Unless you want to do something else.
I walk over to Admiral, set my empty water down on the table. "Nothing exciting on patrol, but I got a discipline problem that's come up. I need your thoughts. Shouldn't take long."
My urge to wreck Speed comes back as I line up what I'll have to explain to Admiral. He's lucky he's not in the room.
With Hope standing beside him, her body close, breasts against his shoulder, a hand resting on the back of his neck, Admiral looks very comfortable. He looks up at you, listens to your report. "No trouble on patrol at all? I would've expected something. Well, gift horses and mouths. Take HM's old seat, Dog, tell me what's what."
Glad to have Admiral's attention elsewhere. I continue towards Kitsap, but move to a little nook nearby, with a look to her. Not sure how Admiral's intentions to pay for "stand ready" and "actually pull the trigger" differ, and I'm more than a little interested in Kitsap's take.
I take HM's seat, legs wide like I really own it. "Nothing. All the excitement was indoors." I lean forward over the table, speaking so it doesn't spread. "I hear Speed caught our boy Joey stealing hooch, Speed took it on himself to cuff him up and sink him in water. Clean stuff, so Joey's not dead." And neither is Speed.
I don't expect Admiral to know this kind of rot day in and day out. "Why'd I have to hear that like a rumor?"
Union, the androgynous glass blower, was intently listening to your stories, and they have been watching you from the bar where they are drinking from a uniquely blown flute. Union’s been showing it to people, trying to make a sale but there’s little interest. Union is your best mark.
Here and now, your biggest threat are HM’s people. While you’ve got stories and your own talents, they’re openly known as “love for sale”, much more directly, and five of them are working customers right now, two have already left with them.
You really should watch out for Toyota:
He’s in deep debt to Valentine, and you know he’s working off that debt any way he can. Recently, he’s been bringing in whole hog BBQ from Pikes. How is it that you know he’s been spying for the Pike’s hardholder Millions? He’s trying to leave with one of HM’s people, a fair-haired ladyboy of slight frame, with gray eyes. Toyota’s probably looking for information.
Kitsap slips away from Admiral's perimeter and makes her way over to you. The layout of the Yacht Club is rather open, so let's say you're standing between a couple tables that need to be cleared. She moves close, SeaTac, not touching, but within that "personal bubble". "That was easy. Thank you, SeaTac." She looks up at you with her almond-shaped eyes, waiting for your response.
Hope hears this, of course. She tries to remain impassive. It's not like she really knows Joey, right? She's been with HM for a while now. But the revelation bothers her.
Admiral's eyes narrow. "This is the first I've heard of this. Did Joey tell you this? When did it happen?" He fires off questions like a machine gun, tone harsh, but it isn't directed "at you", not exactly.
I'm not sure of Kitsap's motives or loyalties. Also not good at figuring these things out, since most of my life was spent with people that raised me or grew up with me. With weapons. Still, I try to figure it out.
Read a Person
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 4, 6. Total: 10)
I'll give H.M. a step or three to enjoy my hip. Then I'll pluck it off with a hint of suggestion. But just a hint. Not a promise. I don't intend to give up the goods on a first meet that isn't even a date. But the goods are not currently spoken for.
The hothouse is a little ways off from the main room. We must walk through the bustle of the kitchen (where I tell Needle to send a nosh to Admiral's table) and down a short hallway to the next once-what-was another booth. It's secluded, but not exactly private. And open? For a bird, perhaps. Not to the average bear! Most of the entire roof here had collapsed long ago, and my parents closed up the holes with scavenged glass panes from a different booth. The irrigation and filters act up, and I remember even as a small child having to work in here. My thumb is greener now. Skill, I suppose. There's a hook by the door for my hat, so the staff knows when I'm in there. I am not in my gardening garb, however.
It looks something like this:
My mother called this room Babylon. I never found out why. When the rain comes, the sounds in here are interesting, and it relaxes me when work needs doing. A stray pattern in the leaves, a minor bit of pareidolia perhaps, and I think of Bon. But of course she's not here; probably in the clinic.
I pluck a good tomato with the same detached exactitude and present it to Harbormaster, perching it in my fingers as a flourish. "Just bite into it; you can eat the thing entire. It will be juicier than you expect." That same line, delivered by August, would elicit a completely different reaction. I'm keen to see what he thinks.
"You have my ear. We can trade questions; that would amuse."
What does Kitsap wish I would do?
"It was Speed who 'fessed to it. Like he was proud of it." Not to me, but there it is. My teeth show at the word 'proud.' "Coulda happened today or yesterday."
I square with him more as his words go on attack. Point forward.
I'm contemplating Union. Both their muscles, hidden beneath the cable-knit, but also their insistence on trying to make fancy glasses a thing at the Yacht Club. "Have you considered going to Bon, instead of Valentine? The physicker. She uses all manners of beakers and jars in her work."
I see Toyota sneaking out with that leggy bit of work, the one with the fringe. I know he's feeding stuff to Millions because one time in the markets Millions bragged to the wrong person about how he'd gotten someone on the inside. Took a few false rumors, but eventually Admiral figured out who it was. Not sure why he still lets him live though, maybe he's got a plan to use him to oust Millions from his throne?
Kitsap wishes you'd leave with her. Leave here, at least. She wants free from Admiral's gaze, and this whole thing between him and HM makes her nervous.
"He fessed to that, did he?" Admiral replies, checking in, like he's making sure this isn't a joke. His eyes harden. "Go fetch him, Dog. We'll make this right."
What do you do?
I have no sense of humor when it comes to the respect of my gang. I nod once and visit Buck to get my weapons back and leave, making clean strides out. I look for Speed in the mess of SafeCo after a duel, or someone likely to know where he is.
When you remove his hand from your hip, HM doesn't seem bothered at all. He follows you into the hothouse, looking around, intrigued. HM takes the tomato in his hand, peering at it, "Red... but looks good." He takes a bite, his eyes show surprise at the texture. Then, he swallows some of the juice, holding the rest in his mouth and chewing. After a moment, he brings fingers up to the corner of his mouth when some spilled slightly. Once he's eaten all of the first bite. "Amazing. A treasure, like its creator." He takes another bite, obviously enjoying every moment. It takes several moments before he responds, his mouth still slightly full, hand gesturing as he mumbles, "Yes, questions. You first, my dear."
What do you do?
"Kitsap, let us go then, you and I." Daze read poetry out loud, sometimes. "It's all clear water between here and my place, and Admiral's all up in the puddles right now."
Union regards you with a suspicious look, "Jars I can do. What are beakers?" They listen to your answer, then slides the flute on the bar gently until it sits in front of you. "For you." They watch you for a long moment, then ask, "Why do you stay here, in this wretched mountain of concrete and death? You should ply your art in Pike."
Kitsap nods, starts padding towards the door ahead of you, but not too far ahead of you. Buck nods to one of his guys to open up the door for you both, and another, a thick woman with a wicked neck tattoo, offers up your weapons.
Once you're outside the Yacht Club, the din of the rowdy crowd rings. Old songs sung half-drunkenly, cheers for Grimace, shouts of "Down with Pike!". Even in the din, Kitsap seems more relaxed, stands near you, "Where to, cowboy?" She brushes some hair out of her face, offers that little smile of hers.
That smile. It's been a long time since I've flashed a smile like that, little or no. I know she made the offer as part of a deal, but I can almost imagine that Kitsap wants to be with me on her own account. "Like I said, clear water to my place." Lookin at those freckles, though. One-Eye always did say I was like a salmon swimmin up-stream to spawn. "You don't need to do this, Kit. Can of WD-40 and a bottle of clear hooch is sufficient." Shrug. Look away. Listen to the crowd cheer. "Didn't use none of the special ammo."
Please go here.
Please go here.
I twirl the glass between my fingers like an uneven baton. It is lovely, if impractical.
"I came with Dog," I say simply, point to the departing Arrow leader. "She took me out of a nightmare." I pause, crinkle my brow and roll my eyes. "Which does seem to have followed me here, but ain't that the way of it?"
I like Pike, don't get me wrong. Millions hasn't come out and asked me to set up with his folks, but not hard to know I wouldn't be unwelcome. But it's not like it's really any better than this 'wretched mountain.' Where would I go, if I could go anywhere? I'd prob go back to the forest, look for Char. Place was scary as hell, but at least it was green.
I suddenly feel way too hot inside the Yacht Club -- need air. Maybe I could see if Toyota was still hanging around with Legs, keep an eye on them.
"Hey, do you wanna go for a walk?" My fingers tug at the inside of Union's wrist, a small invitation.
Union turns their hand to brush fingertips to your touch, eagerly. The smile on Union's face warms their eyes. There is a desire for companionship here, an interest."Dog and you seem close." Union remarks as they rise from the bar and walk out with you. "Where do you want to go?"
"We are," I say. None of their business, to be honest, but it's not complicated and I'll talk about it if they ask. Dog and I don't own each other.
I flick a sign briefly at Admiral so that he knows I'm stepping out. Not going the same direction as Valentine and HM, so I might hear about it later.
Leave my satchel with Valentine, it's safe there.
"We can just walk for now? While the night isn't exactly pleasant, it's quiet out here." I'm leading Union towards the exit, listening for Toyota's familiar twang, or that low sexy voice Legs was using earlier. I know where all the spots are for grabbing a moment's intimacy, so can't hurt to go by em.
Maybe Union will think I'm looking to be with them. Maybe I am.
Admiral catches the sign, gives a nod, looking to Union. Probably thinks you're gathering info, which may or may not be right, right? But yeah, ignoring HM and Valentine will get a conversation.
"Walking is nice." Union agrees. They slip their arm in yours, not possessive, a gentle move to move closer to you.
You're walking past the suites, which are a combination of flats for residents, storage, and there's one of them with no door, just a curtain, that's where you overhear the pair of them, Legs and Toyota. Union is walking with you, past them, not paying attention to anyone but you. They say softly, "I found some books recently."
What do you do?
I'm expecting this excursion will be worth it, but only time will tell. Worst case, I'm asking Admiral for forgiveness.
When Union mentions their find, my eyes flash interest, but I put my finger to their lips. I give them a meaningful look -- 'trust me' is what I hope it says. For incentive, I take Union's wrists and draw their hands over my breasts before pressing them together behind my back. I'm listening carefully, yes, but if either of them come out unexpectedly from behind the curtain, it should look like I'm just plying my own mark.
You feel Union flinch slightly when you pull their hands over your body in such a forward manner. There's hesitation there, Union does want you, but there's something off. "We... stopped walking."
Behind the curtain, you hear Toyota grunting low, rhythmic.
Ah. It's like that, huh.
I put my apology front and center on my face, just hold their hands loosely. Friendly still, but I stop trying to rouse 'em to fever pitch. Maybe I don't have to be bone quiet. Voice low so it won't carry, "Just taking a pitstop. What sorta books you find? Just tell me quiet-like though."
You hear the sounds of suckling now, from inside that room. Toyota's voice lets forth a moan of sheer pleasure, and the sounds continue.
Union's mouth quirks with a bit of a frown, uncomfortable with this. They try to focus on your question, speaking in low tones, "They are books of art, with fine words, August. They survived the wet in bags of plastic. So many stories, I want to share them with you."
Books of art in bags of plastic. My favorite kind.
This isn't working out. I don't need to listen to them scrog. I'll try and nab one of them afterward. Besides, the books sound much more promising. I make an exasperated face in Toyota's direction and extricate myself from Union, gesture back in the direction of our walk.
"Sorry," I explain when we're further away. "I'm trying to keep an eye on Toyota, but you don't need to listen to that. So...can you read?"
There is a pleasure in watching another take pleasure. My eyes are half-lidded as I watch him lose his tomato cherry, and I find a genuine smile playing on my lips. I tuck it away before he notices. "They are lovely, aren't they? Flatterer." I lean against a cleaner spot on the wall, pulling one leg up to rest my foot below me.
"You know I would welcome your boys and girls to ply their trade here. I think it will be mutually beneficial, as long as there's nothing tacky going on. Well, perhaps the tackiness can be in a private room." I bob my head back and forth with mild distaste. But, my question: "I welcome your presence as a guest, sir; but what's really going on at the Harbor?" I fold my hands together just so and watch him.
Union relaxes visibly when you lead them away. They smile softly as you both walk along a concrete passage that looks out over WaMu. The crowd seems to be thinning, the loudspeakers have stopped playing "Take me out to the ballgame", that staticy pre-Wet song.
"I can read some of it, yes." they explain with a nod. "But there are so many words I do not understand, such as bamf. And snikt. Do you know these words?"
HM continues eating the tomato as you talk, eating every last bit before he answers. He dabs at the corner of his mouth for some of the juice, then shakes his head sadly at the thought of the harbor. "Things, Valentine. Things from the deep have been coming out of the water. During the rains, they come. People have been taken. The dock is no longer safe for us. I... I appreciate your offer to work here. I think we can be very powerful together. Admiral is the military might. But you and I, we give the people a reason to survive. Am I right?"
"Bamf," I repeat. "Snikt. No. But you say you understood the other words? All of them?" Some of the old books had multiple tongues in one volumes, so it didn't mean too much.
I only knew one story in the southern tongue. Memorized only of course, so I rarely recited it. I'd been told it was about a beautiful sort of love, but what else would she tell me? 'Para mi corazón basta tu pecho,' it started. She was taken away before I could learn the last line. My Marisol. Another thing to begrudge HM for.
I lean against the wall, looking down at the disappearing crowds. They are like sands in an hourglass -- I can't leave until they're gone. "Perhaps when this is done, you'll meet me at the gates? I'll take you to the good surgeon to talk beakers and after you shall tell me the story of Bamf and Snikt?"
Union shakes their head no, "Some words, not all. The books have such art, I am able to understand the stories." They peer over the wall beside you, "Can you read?"
I shake my head. "I've tried a little. But the words ... " I make a gesture like topsy turvy.
"My memory is very good though. Like a trap." I squeeze Union's wrist to emphasize my point.
They seem genuine. And not as jaded as most folks I know. But they also seem fragile and I have things to do that could get them broken.
"Think about my offer. To go to Bon. I could drive you over on my bike later. But for now, I should check on my pesky scrogger." I gesture back towards Toyota.
"I would like to meet with Bon, offer her my glasses. Or, rather, beakers." Union says with a grateful tone. "Perhaps we could go now? You don't have to worry about Toyota now, while he's... indisposed. Right?"
What do you do?
I close my eyes, stare against my eyelids for a second. Is it worth it? Maybe. I can always track down Legs later. And I'm nervous that a confrontation with Toyota, done poorly, might mess up whatever fake-gossip Admiral is feeding to Millions.
"Let's go, then," I say, eyes snapping open. I pull Union after me towards the main entrance, where I stashed my h-bike.
I nod along, agreeing. "Surviving isn't living." I hold and out as if to cup the tomato. "A person can survive on hardtack and limes, yet to rise beyond the base needs requires cultivation and desire. Admiral and men of his ilk help to ensure there's a safe and solid port for even the common folk to experience joie de vivre."
But the mention of things from the harbor unnerves me. People tell stories about the surroundings, and I love a good gossip. The solid walls of SafeCo reassure me, and I look at the sky through the glass. "I hadn't heard about people being taken, Harbormaster. That's horrible."
Please go here.
HM brushes off the pity on the things, keeping his focus on the solid port. "Yes, Admiral and his will be excellent customers, and we will make sure they continue to crave our services. This... this is better than I'd hoped, Valentine." He touches your arm, smiles again, "Thank you for this opportunity. I would like to thank you. Would you like one of my people? Perhaps.. a pair of them?"
What do you do?
I put my hand on top of his, lightly. "Safeco is rather safe. Safety and entertainment, nourishment, games, coffees, the clinic, and now fine company of the night, all to draw in clients and customers, to become regulars."
He gets a sly wink at his offer. "That is a kind way to thank me, but perhaps I'd better take your IOU this time." It's been quite some time since I've had someone in my sheets, or they had me. Don't you call me a prude, now- I just know that Harbormaster's people have been with many folks. I don't want crotch rot. Could be time to pay Bon a professional visit and pick up some condoms. It's funny that they have expiration dates on them.
I run my cool eyes over him, assessing. "There never was any serious competition for a move to the Yacht Club, was there?" I'm not directly fishing for compliments, not that I wouldn't mind them, I'm fishing for gossip and news beyond.
HM's smile slips away and he looks at you, Valentine. "You came to me when I needed someone, Valentine. Also, I'm intrigued by you. I jumped at the chance to work with you. The play for the hold was a paper tiger. Admiral would never accept someone who humbly asked to join. He'd suspect me, or turn me out, despite your backing."
Are you looking to Read Him, Valentine?
[OOC: Read a person, roll+sharp, marking XP]
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
[Spending hold 1/3: Is he telling me the truth?]
HM isn't planning to unseat you anymore . He sees a great opportunity in working with you now.
He is actually quite intrigued by you, that's no lie. He has an amazing ability to separate his interests and business. So he could love you, and if there's no other option, he'd cut your throat.
Smile number three and a wave of a hand. "Flatterer. I'm glad you're here, too. As long as we keep Admiral satisfied we are no threat, we all three will be fat, dumb, and happy. I speak figuratively, of course. I'm perfectly content for he to run the hold, you to peddle your flesh, and I keep my independence." I primp my hair just once to prove the point, a half-flirt to keep the door open.
But the door is only open a crack. He can't think of me as flesh ripe for conquest."How many of your people will be taking up residence here? I suspect there's much work to do for suitable accommodations. To say nothing of the rest of your demesne and accouterments."
HM smirks when you primp your hair, watching you like a hungry man salivates over steak. "I've got a dozen in my stable, five girls, four boys, three other." He heads over to the tomatoes, hand hovering near one, silently asking if he can have another. "I'll need two suites for them to sleep in, twice as many for rutting. And, of course, one suite for me." You can also hear him add and you, but he doesn't. "Can you arrange this?"
What do you do?
I raise an eyebrow. "Seven suites? My, my. The space is not an issue; there are a wide variety of booths or suites to make use of. But Safeco is a large sprawl and we should look at a map to ascertain the final, preferred locations. I would suggest your group sleeping suites to be further from where a client might stumble upon. Your, ah, business rooms, should be close to the ingress yet still offer privacy as needed." 'Rutting,' indeed. He loses more points with that one word than he has gained with his genderfluid options.
I incline my head with grace, yes, he may have a second tomato. "But furnishing them and cleaning them is a separate issue." There are few of the fine booths with windows intact. I suspect I'll have to give one up to Harbormaster; the trick will be placing him where he can't see into mine and not be too close to presume any trespass. "A few strong backs will make for a quick task, but I would expect it to take quite a few days to prepare that many suites. How long will it take for you to move your entire operation?"
[OOC: Spending 2/3 hold: What does Harbormaster wish I'd do?]
HM nods, listening to your suggestions. "Yes. Business rooms near the Yacht Club, close enough for my people to work here, pull johns and janes off for some transactions, then slip back here for more work. That is excellent." He looks through the opening in the hothouse into the club, sizing things up. "I'll need a place to reside here, too, Valentine. A booth, some place where I can talk business, you know?" He smiles, "I think we can sort out the space once I've moved my people. It will take a couple days, and we're moving as much as we can carry. Do you have recommendations for people to haul and some protection?"
Please go here.