VignetteMillions set up court, so to speak in the most auspicious place in Pike’s. A makeshift seat of office of scrap steel and panels, nearly three times as high as you stand. His feet would rest on Rachel the golden pig as his seat face out across the open interior of the market. A place to be seen, surrounded by concrete barriers dragged in in a pattern almost like an amphitheater. An open semicircle of space around him to that all faces and eyes are upon the man when he chooses to be seen.

It’s been about a week now since your little coup and so now it’s yours. Do you use it, Vignette? Do you sit upon the throne, feet resting comfortably on the golden sow from another time? Or have you done away with these trappings?
Jax has become your right-hand man, and following his lead they call you “bosslady” sometimes. At least to your face.
A messenger from Admiral is supposed to come today with important news. Almost a week and it’s his first communication. The guy from the Tax Patrol has been here… a handful of Salmon’s raiders passed through. Roughing up one of the small brothels, but leaving bruised faces and handfuls of jingle in their wake.
Jax filled you in on the deal with Admiral. You know SafeCo out-guns Pike by… well. By a lot. But Pike pretty much feeds the place. A crew comes a couple times a week from SafeCo to trade for food which only Pike can get, cause you take trade from all quarters of the city. From past the woods. From the Northeast and Magnolia, from the South and Delridge. They all come here. Admiral probably couldn’t keep SafeCo fed without you, right?
This messenger must be coming to sweeten the deal.
There’s a murmur through the bustling market, though. Something unexpected is happening. Jax shifts from foot to foot at your side and Wash nervously fingers the trigger-guard of his long gun.
Envoy from SafeCo is here for you, Bosslady,” announces SueB. And the crowd parts to allow your esteemed guest to approach. Last guy you expected to see? Well. Maybe one of them.
SeaTac steps into the light, his new cadet Joey a couple steps behind.. Pretty much everyone gets out of his way.
Hey by the way, do you still allow visitors to carry guns? Like Millions did?
Also, please make your Wealth roll.What do you do?
Joey follows you a couple steps back, you hear his footsteps as he walks in yours. Most of the people part to let you pass. Protected by your own reputation, people don’t often meet your eye and more often than not just get out of your way. But Pike’s is a tough place, under the surface and you catch glances, eyes full of envy, of fear, of jealousy… of desire.
Hasn’t changed much in the past week under the new boss. Still the same busy market, same odd mix of scraggly, dangerous raiders and soft local foragers and merchants.
You’re here, of course, for an audience with Vignette. Of all people. Vignette, new bosslady of Pike’s market.
Admiral’s instructions were clear, and for your trouble two barter in advance. You’ve gained his trust.
“SeaTac. deliver to her our demands. Spend some time there and find out how she made this happen. See who she’s got backing her up. Who is loyal to her and who she had to kill to take Million’s chair. If the place looks like a threat, we’ll come clean it up”… he means burn the place to the ground. “If she accepts our terms and you think she’s got the place under control… well. Then we’ve got nothing to fear.”
Admiral’s terms, as it were, ask for the same peace accord… and one thing additional. Pike’s market is to shut down completely on the days of Valentine’s Motor Duel. SafeCo needs the foot traffic that Pike’s cuts off from the North. Admiral’s kind of asking for a lot here.
“Envoy from SafeCo is here for you, Bosslady,” SueB pushes a couple people aside and announces your arrival.
You walk into the courtyard at the end of the market. Million’s old throne with Rachel the pig at its foot. Vignette is there. A few armed guards… Jax at Vignette’s side. Wash just there. Rows of concrete barriers with a few Piker’s leaning, chatting, eating their morning grub.
What do you do?
So, Daddy has finally sent his envoy. His choice of envoy is meant to frighten me. He sends an entire squad in one man. Most of the squad are not fully here. Only the far-shooter, the man called SeaTac, is fully here. The rest are mere shades that he carries with him. Despite this, my people part to let them pass without realizing why: the lanky, red-haired one, the guy with the patch, a woman who smells of fresh-baked bread, and the surly one that he thinks of as "Sarge"--sort kind of authority figure. This one looks at me, but past me, like his eyes are focused on something from long ago.
The man called SeaTac steps from their midst, trailed by Laika's kid. He is armed. We do not disarm guests like the Admiral does. Millions never saw the need, nor do I. This one in particular...if I can see him, he is not here to kill me. I remain seated upon the throne as he approaches. The throne is too good a natural amphitheater to waste. I do not sit with my feet up on the pig as Millions did--my feet do not comfortably reach it, and both it and the throne are firmly rooted to the stone-tiled floor.
"Envoy of Safeco!" I loudly, trying to use the architecture to boost my voice. 'Welcome'!"
I take a step forward, considering what I see and trying not to grin at the (surely unintended) comedy of little Vignette on the too-big throne with that big ol' pig between her and me. "Howdy, Vignette. Just SeaTac's fine. Envoy seems a bit much, right? Admiral gave me a contract to bring you some words, maybe bring some of yours back to him." I'm not raising my voice much. Shouting's for commands, not conversing.
“SeaTac, then,” I say with a smile. And what does it mean when the Admiral sends an assassin to trade words with me?
"The Admiral would, of course, be welcome to bring his words to me himself, I add with a smile that is maybe too sweet. I do not care, of course. It is not like I need his approval or anything like that. It is my first command, and maybe I would read something like pride in his thoughts if he were here…but probably not. And of course, he cannot just leave…though it has been several days.
I look at SeaTac closely, my mind reaching out for his. "And what, besides words, do you bring to my doorstep? The Admiral is well aware of your skills…as am I. Diplomacy is not what you are paid for.
"What else did I bring? Brought my cadet, and my weapons, and some jingle to pay for lunch. Not here to kill anyone, if that's what you're asking. And I reckon I am paid for diplomacy, strange as it seems, at least today I am."
“And if I were to pay you? What then? Or do you only work for the Admiral?” Because I know what that’s like–to be a “freelancer” with one client. It took actually moving out before I had my own clients, and even now, the Admiral has to be reminded that he does not own me.
I shrug. "Lay out a job and make me an offer. We ain't had any red between us I'm aware of, Vignette. Now, do you want what I'm here to deliver? Words, that is."
"Yes, please. Let me hear the words the Admiral has asked you to convey." I tilt my head--attempting a regal gesture of assent, and realizing too late that there is an angle past which regal bemusement turns to spooky-intense. That was a fine look for Vignette the inquisitor-witch, not so fine for Vignette the leader.
Is she trying to intimidate me with that look? She has to know that if she tries her witchery and fails, she will be another red puddle among the many I splashed through to get here. And if she succeeds, well, she should hope that it lasts forever.
"Admiral's words: SafeCo offers the same Peace as has been in effect under Pike's former leadership, with an additional concession that the Hold was preparing to negotiate with your predecessor. On Motor-Duel days, the market closes down, entirely. I assume you agree?"
I close my eyes and tilt my head back. I take a deep breath and twist my lips into an amused smile as if enjoying a warm memory. "Of course he does," I say, tracing an intricate whorl on the arm of the throne with one slim finger. I open my eyes and regard SeaTac with a smile that my eyes do not share. "Please tell the Admiral that the Peace stands. If he wishes to negotiate concessions for Motor-Duel days, I may be open to such negotiation. If he believes this negotiation will include demands for concessions with no compensating benefit, he misjudges his position. Maybe he is concerned that my position is so weak that I will give away concessions. If so, it will put his mind at ease when you tell him that this is not the case."
I tilt my head slightly and look at the little girl on the big throne. "Have you read von Clausewitz, or had him read to you, Vignette? I don't know much fanciness, but I know the theories of war. It comes down to a... trinity... of things. Emotion, opportunity, and policy. Admiral trumps you on at least two of the three, I think. I'm a neutral go-between, but you'd be best to agree to what he proposes. I'm just a bullet, mind, but that don't mean I don't know what I'm saying."
"I hesitate to guess why you think the Admiral has an advantage, but I know the man well enough to know why he sees opportunity here. The Admiral circles Pike like a shark, believing that we are capsized by Millions' sudden departure and cannot right the boat before he pulls us under, one by one. Like a shark, he passes close to gauge the danger--will we panic and scatter, leaving us each vulnerable as we flee? Or will we stand fast because we have a poisonous sting? You are the shark's first pass, SeaTac."
I raise a hand to forestall offense. "That is not meant to offend you. I am sure you are the teeth as well, should it come to that--but not yet, I think. For now, you are a glimpse of the shark's toothy maw, meant to scatter us. That is not going to happen. He underestimates me as only a fa-- As a master, unable to see the gradual advancement of an apprentice, underestimates him. You have some experience with this, I will guess."
"If you want to talk about theories of war, let us talk about the one that says you must give your enemy a route via which he can retreat, else in cornering him, strengthen him three-fold against you. Concessions that declare weakness are not routes of safe retreat. If the Admiral persists, he will find that he has made Pike a spiny, poisonous prize."
Picking the meaning from Vignette's speech is like finding a target in a crowd by watching the patterns of movement. No point in getting distracted by the words themselves. I let her wind down, because one of the things I'm good at is waiting. Once she does finish, I wait a few seconds in case she decides to put herself or me in another metaphor.
"So that's a no, then?" I told Joey in advance to ignore me and Vignette, pay attention to the bully-boys and the way they hold themselves in relation to their new boss. I've been doing the same while she talks.
Read a Sitch
(Rolled: 2d6+0. Rolls: 4, 5. Total: 9)
I sniff at SeaTac's summary of the conversation and give him a smile. "Straightforward then. A 'yes' to the Peace. A 'no' to unconditional surrender of Motor-Duel days." I brush my hands as if satisfied with having put that to rest.
But we waste our time talking about the Admiral. What about you, SeaTac? You called yourself a bullet. Is that really what you are? I am sure that is what the Admiral believes. He sees everyone as a tool for his own use. That is not what I see when I look at you. You may have been this once, but it is not what you are now. You make choices. You change. You adapt." I gesture toward Joey. "You are not just a bullet for the Admiral to fire at me. Let me show you around Pike. Have dinner with me. If you believe that the best thing is to report all my weaknesses to the Admiral, do so. If you feel that there is value in not putting all control into one man's hands..." I shrug and trail off.
I peer up at Vignette. "What is it that makes you think it's okay to tell a man what you think he is or ain't, like he ain't the one living in his own skin? You say I'm the Admiral's trained shark in one breath, but that I'm not his bullet in the next." I pause to give her a flat look. "Reckon I've got the answer I came for, but ain't no rush for me to get back. My cadet and me'd be happy to take a walk and eat a bite with you, if you'll stop splashing around with that stuff. Wouldn't mind finding a blade for Joey, while we're at it, but I can do that later if need be."
I confer briefly with Jax, asking him to organize dinner for three. "Nothing extra, nothing high-class--just what I would normally eat," I tell Jax. I eat simply--no rare foods or luxuries like Millions might have had, like SeaTac might expect. I eat less and less well than I did living with the Admiral, but I do not mind, and it keeps me grounded, in touch in some small way with the conditions of my staff.
While dinner preparations are being made, I take SeaTac and Joey around and show them various parts of the marketplace. I hesitate before bringing Joey to the brothel district, but I want to show SeaTac something. I stop at one of the brothels on the outskirts of the district. They are still repairing damage done by Salmon's raiders. Some of the girls plying their trade out front and from a balcony still bear bruises. We move on when I am sure SeaTac has taken note.
"That is one of the changes I intend to make. I value the open commerce of the market, but I intend to make it clear that my people cannot be harmed. I mean to make it better here than Millions left it. I cannot do that if I cave to the demands of the Admiral."
I give the girl a puzzled look, wondering if she's stupid or just ignorant. "You realize that your people can be harmed, no matter what changes you make? Best you can do is make sure there are consequences."
“Of course. I am playing tomorrow’s game, not today’s. That is why the…discomfort…of standing up to the raiders, of defying the Admiral, is necessary. My tomorrow demands it.” I pause a beat, then quirk a smile. “And it is fun. It is so rare that what we want to do and what we must do are aligned. It should be savored.” I walk for a bit. “That would be easier with you in my corner.” I touch his arm lightly–if he does not pull away. “More fun as well, maybe,” I say, looking up at him with a smile that I am sure conveys the variety of fun.
Fun? I don't pull away from her touch on my arm, immediately, but I do look down at her white hand on the leather of my armored coat. Almost feel sorry for her: if she thinks she's playing a game, she's already lost.
I have to ask. "Why, girl? What in the world gave you the idea that taking over this place wasn't running out into a squall without an umbrella?"
Belatedly asking SeaTac's question.
What's Vignette's true position, here?
What gave you the idea that I did not know this?" I say, removing my hand from his arm. At least he did not flinch or jump away. "I have lived under an umbrella my whole life. I will not say my life has been worse than others'. But an umbrella that you do not hold can be pulled away. I am building a shelter, not just an umbrella." I take a deep breath, looking around. "I will admit, I was unprepared." I shrug. "I saw an opportunity and I took it. I am still learning, but I will be better at this than Millions," I say with sudden fire. "He ran Pike to fuel his own ego and lifestyle. I will run it to be shelter from the squall for many people, not just for me. "
I shrug, just as I hear Daze in my mind's ear, saying, "Proof's in the pudding, ain't it, sweetie?" "I will... tomorrow's game... learning..." I shake my head in full on wonderment. "I guess I wish you luck. How many souls you got depending on you now, Vignette, not to drench 'em in the red?" World ain't big on learning curves.
"The many souls of Pike will be just fine," I say coldly. "Refusing to sell them out is not drenching them in blood. If I cave in to the Admiral, who will hold the knife to my throat next? How long is the line? Is it your counsel that I rob my people of everything they have to pay off an endless stream of thugs with knives?"
"I do not underestimate Millions and the job to do here, but I do not fear it either. I am tired of hearing you and others wringing hands like old women. If you knew Millions, you know he was not a scientist of rockets. He was a ganger good at manipulating people. Pfft," I snort derisively. "The Admiral makes Millions look like a child, and whether he meant to or not, the Admiral has been training me for this my whole life. I not only can run Pike, I do run Pike. The fact that no one until now has had the stones to take it from Millions is a rotting shame. If the Admiral thinks that it will be easier to take it from me, he is mistaken. He of all people should know this. If instead, the Admiral wants an ally and wants to know Pike is run by someone with teeth, you may reassure him. Let us hope he does not feel the need to test me and pull his hand back bloodied before he is convinced."
Spending the hold: SeaTac, how do I get you to believe that Pike is neither a threat to the Peace, nor an easy target for the Admiral and others?
That's really two questions, but I'll allow it. Far as the Peace is concerned, you don't have to do anything. You're not a threat to the Peace: it benefits Pike's as much as it benefits anyone, if not more.
Not an easy target? Just show me one single, actual, thing you've done in the past week to make Pike's more secure, profitable, or useful to the bigger dogs than it was before you got here.
I shrug. "Reckon you've made your point about teeth and spines and whatnot. I'll stop with my old-lady handwringing."
I look at SeaTac a few moments, deciding how much I can say.
"Look, I am sorry about the old-lady comment. I was angry. The truth is, I believe that you are here to evaluate whether I can hold Pike. I can, but I cannot show you this. It has been a week and I have done nothing but keep my coup from being overturned. That is something, but it is not better, not more secure."
"And already I have failed some." I gesture at the brothel, and for a moment, drop my Mistress of Pike face and let him see my tired, frustrated, barely holding things together face.
Ah. There we are. "I'll tell you why I'm here. Three parts to the mission. Deliver Admiral's words, and bring yours back. Evaluate tactical strengths and weaknesses. See whether you've got Pike's under control. Understand?"
I look around, catch Joey's eye. This envoy thing ain't my gig, maybe he'll be better at it someday. "So, first part. Words. I delivered 'em, and you said 'negotiate' and you said 'yes and no', but you didn't offer anything for me to take back aside from teeth and spines and such. I'm not much of a politician..." I turn my head and spit the way One-Eye would've, saying the "p-word." "...but I reckon it's traditional to make a counter-offer if you want to call it a negotiation?"
This whole thing is flat-out exhausting, you know? "For the second thing... well, I reckon I have my answers by now, and they will be delivered, seeing as that's what the Admiral's jingle paid for. You oughta know, though, there ain't no way to full-on harden an open market and still do business. Nature of this place, you're always vulnerable if someone cares to burn it down instead of taking it over."
"And as to the last... well, you've kept hold of Pike's for a week, which is a start, but I wonder how you're sleeping. This place?" I nod my head toward the brothel. "Don't know which gang roughed up your boys and girls, but if they paid for it, they probably think they've got the right." I hold up a hand. "Not saying I agree, mind." I look up at the building, thinking.
"Free advice is worth what you pay for it, but I'll drop some anyway. You're not going to be as hard as Millions was, but you are smarter. Speed and intel are going to be your keys. You need to know the second a gang or a troublemaker crosses into the market, and have your men seen at the right place at the right time."
"Thank you for your advice and your candor. I refused the Admiral's offer, not because I am sure it would hurt Pike badly, but because I think it is a test. I think he is probing for weakness. If I give in to an ultimatum made out of the blue, he will think I am weak, and he will take Pike to keep me from losing it."
I think for a moment about the fact that that might be a relief. "That is why I say 'no'... But you make a good point about negotiation requiring a counter-proposal. I was so concerned with appearing weak that I did not consider anything but flat refusal. What do you think he would say to providing extra security to Pike? These would be under my control--loyal to him, that is fine, he can take Pike whenever he wants, but under my control. I do not have the manpower to show a presence as you describe. As you say, I cannot stop an attack from an outside force. I can only make Pike valuable enough as-is to keep the various powers invested in the status quo. Part of that is stopping these handfuls of rogue elements from hurting the people and businesses of Pike. With extra people from the Admiral, I might be able to do that, and that is worth giving up Motor-Duel days."
"As for speed and intel, though... I know you are an independent, and you have a good thing going at SafeCo... I do not expect you to want to give that up, but I must ask: would you consider being a part of Pike's security forces? I have Jax as my right hand, and that is necessary for continuity and for the loyalty of the existing staff. But I could use an independent perspective and spot reinforcement of the security forces--the speed and intel you mention. Honestly, I would have to work out what I could pay you. Millions was not big into bookkeeping. Just finding out what is coming in and going out has been difficult. Fortunately, Jax is something of an exception. Most are paid with a place to stay, food, equipment, privilege, and the very occasional windfall. I would expect you to be an exception, but I need to find out how we pay exceptions...before I have to pay Jax next, if nothing else..."
I hold up a hand. "If you need me for something specific, you know how to find me, but I'm not looking for a... permanent position." I take a second to wonder how much Joey's picking up on, then go on. "I'll bring your offer to the Admiral. Don't know much about how he's thinking, but it's a start, and better than a flat no."
What's Vignette's true position, here?
SeaTac, you saw the place on your way in. You can feel the tension in the air, like the Pikers are holding their breath.
Tenuous. She's got Millie's Boys paid for, she can keep them near as long as the jingle flows. But the raiders outside the place are gnashing at the bit to carve out better deals, a bigger cut for the barter they bring in. The less Vignette takes, the less she'll have left over to protect the merchants and workers, the more dangerous the market becomes.
Her main advantage right now is fear. People are still terrified of "the witch".
Something occurs to me. Vignette's ideas... can't really call 'em plans yet, aren't bad. Take care of her people, what-have-you. I might be able to help without being seen helping.
"So... seems like a lot of your grip here is on your reputation for being a spooky mess-with-your-head, carries-a-spider-around witch. Sorry if that's offensive. But... what if you was to pretend to work some of that juju on me? I ain't an actor, but if you keep it real specific... I saw the looks when I came in. Folks're afraid of me, too. Might make an impression." I clear my throat. "Can I trust you?"
“That is…an incredibly generous offer.” I say, obviously touched. “And kind of brilliant,” I add with a smile. "Yes, you can trust me. Wait–you know I am not really a witch, right? I just…can kind of get into people’s minds. Listen, mostly. Sometimes other things–but I will not do these things to you." I think for a moment. “It should be something very visual, very scary… What if I made a voodoo doll and pretended to hurt you with it. Half of these people probably already believe I do that sort of thing,” I say, rolling my eyes.
I hum deep in my throat. "Joey, what do you think? What's the scariest thing Miss Vignette could pretend to do to me?"
SeaTac and Vignette,
Joey blinks when your attention turns to him. He looks between both of you for a moment, collecting his thoughts. You see an idea hit him, he licks his lips, then says haltingly, "Well.. the doll thing's good, uhm, Miss Vignette. It would be scary if like... she made you her puppet." His mouth hangs open for a moment, then he admonishes himself, "But, well, I guess nobody would be able to see it. And it's an awful idea to, you know, actually make your eyes bleed or something."
Is this conversation taking place in private? I want to make sure this is after the initial meeting and audience, right?
We're somewhere along our tour. Outside the brothel or after. I'm assuming Vignette's folks aren't too close around.
"Don't think we have time for eye-bleed special effects. but the puppet thing is good." I turn to Vignette. "Don't make me look like an ass, too much, and don't make it last too long. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just have me shoot someone you need out of the way? I'm good at that."
"You are the expert..." I arch an eyebrow and give him a mischievous smile. "Will your shooting someone help as much as playing on their belief that I am some sort of witch?"
"What you are doing... This is not acting. I am not a witch, but Joey has chosen something I actually can do. It is not something people find pleasant. I would not think less of you if you change your mind about this. "
"If we are to do this, we will need an audience. Shall I invite the leaders of the raiders and other factions to dinner--a chance to clear the air? I can show them my 'displeasure' at the ultimatum you delivered. Or do you have something else in mind?"
I shake my head firmly. "I'm sorry. You got me wrong. I don't want you in my brain, just said I was willing to act like it. Maybe this was just a stupid idea."
"No, it is not a stupid idea," I say firmly. "You are right. This 'witch' label is an asset. I should stop denying it." I smile and shrug, "If I really hated it, I would stop dressing in black and carrying spiders, yes?"
"It will be fine. I can speak outside your head. Maybe it is a better show this way. All you have to do is look a little glassy-eyed. Pretend that you fight the commands I give, but do them anyway."
"I have something in mind... Would you rather know or be surprised?"
I chuckle low. "I'm usually the one that does the surprising. Why don't you tell me what you're thinking."
Joey moves in to whisper up to your ear, "Sir... uhm, Mister SeaTac. You sure you want her to make you look like a fool?" He swallows, nervous, "I know I kinda of suggested it, but I didn't think you'd actually do it."
I whisper back. "No need to worry, cadet. Even if they do think I'm a fool, instead of thinking that Vignette's scary-scary, you and me know the truth, right? And sometimes it ain't bad to be misunderestimated."
For a moment, Joey's mouth hangs open. It's like you just showed him a magic trick, but he doesn't quite get it. "Cujo said..." He corrects himself. "Okay, sir." Closes his mouth, looks around, down to the floor, back up again at you, Vignette, shyly.
"Okay... What about this? I will have the leaders of the various factions to dinner. Reassure them that the Market will remain free. Caution them about the need for people to feel safe and the importance of maintaining order. At the end of dinner, I will announce that one of you betrays me by spying for the Admiral. I will cast a spell that will force the guilty one to come forward." I smile a little, picturing the scene. "You stand and approach, as if against your will. I will hand you a pistol--unloaded of course--and tell you to execute yourself. You struggle against it but pull the trigger. It is not loaded, so just click-click-clickety-click, yes? No boom. I will explain that I do not care what you tell the Admiral, that next time, I will not show mercy, blah, blah, blah, something like that."
I look back and forth at SeaTac and Joey, smiling, eyes dancing. "What do you think? Will that scare them?" I put a finger to my lips thoughtfully. "Does it make me look weak? I could pretend to crush your mind, but that does not look like much from the outside. They scream, of course, and sometimes bleed, yes?--but as you say, you are not an actor, and we do not have time for special effects."
"Only one change, and it's not really a change. Just before we walk in, I'll take the ammo out of my own Magnum and hand it to you. That way, I know that there hasn't been a... glitch." I shrug. "If even half the folks know who I am, it should make an impression, for sure."
"Of course. I meant to suggest that myself. I do not handle guns much--ever, really--and I would not trust even Jax with something like this."
I nod. "We're good to go, then. One favor... if you could keep the 'blah, blah, blah' to a minimum, I think it would do us both some good." I give Vignette my number two smile. Two of two, mind, there's the one that I mean, and the one that I'm faking. You can guess which one #2 is.
SeaTac and Vignette,
Should we skip ahead to this aforementioned dinner?
Absolutely, especially if we can handwave picking up a good knife for Joey along the way.
SeaTac and Vignette,
Vignette, you have the Pike Boys reach out to all the raiders who are around. Salmon shows up, as does a member of the Tax Patrol with his headdress and jean jacket, one of the sleek and masked Farseekers shows, along with a few of the rangy Foresters, in from the woods.
You've gathered at Matts, a restaurant from beforetimes that's still mostly in tact, rotted pieces constantly being replaced, the thing smells like food and fresh paint. It overlooks some of the busiest parts of market, and other than the pigstool and the brothel, this was one of Millions' favorite haunts.
Mushroom stew is being served with brew and bread, and there's chatter and rough conversation.
What do you do?
I circulate among the guests, trying to remember how Valentine always appears so relaxed and confident. It is okay if I do not put my own guests at ease. Spider stays mostly out of sight, only crawling into view on my neck occasionally to be stroked. I try to spend equal attention on each faction, talking about the importance of keeping Pike free and open, our shared responsibility, and so on.
I'm not following Vignette around glad-handing and politicking. Me and Joey are eating our fill of mushroom stew. I'm drinking on the beer, not too much, and even give the cadet a little bit of his own to sip. Not looking forward to what's to come, but for some reason I opened my stupid mouth and suggested it.
As dinner winds down, I return to the front of the room, momentarily catching SeaTac’s eye and giving him just a hint of a nod.
“Excuse me. I need your attention, please,” I shout to be heard over the crowd. As they quiet, I continue. “I know that you have heard things about me. Here is one that is true. I hear thoughts. Even from afar. I have heard something recently, and I brought you all here to assure you that I will deal with such things.” I continue in an eerie sing-song voice. “One of you has betrayed me. One of spies on me for the Admiral. Now, your mind is mine. Now, you will come forward.”
For some reason, I look to Joey to make sure this is my "cue". When he gives me a little nod, I get up and walk to Vignette. Her spooky voice is pretty convincing. All my alarm bells go off at ignoring my periphery to play the act, but I do it. "Reckon it's not so much a betrayal, since I was never yours, but yeah, the Admiral wants me to report back on your weaknesses." I give her a flat, hard look. What is it they call this? Type-casting?
I chant a few indistinct syllables and blow some dust into the air–just ash gathered earlier for show. “You live by the gun. You end the lives of others’ enemies. Now, do the same for me. End your own.” I produce SeaTac’s pistol from my coat and hold it out toward him.
One-Eye: Pyle, you are a damfool tadpole, splashing around in PsyOps without knowing your hind end from a sinkhole.
I reach my right hand out for the magnum. It's mine, after all, that's natural enough, and the weight of the ammo in my pocket reassures me. I've been thinking on this, and as my right hand brings the barrel up to my temple, I "grapple" against it with my left, dramatically. I use the barrel of the gun to smack my left hand across the fingers, and in the moment that it moves away in "pain," I bring the pistol the rest of the way and click the trigger once, twice, three times, grimacing like an idiot the whole time.
Daze giggles: That was better'n seeing Sarge try to dance the polka!
I smile at SeaTac. "That is very good. Thank you," I say, as if shooting oneself in the head was a completely natural a thing to do. "You may keep the weapon, if you like--a reminder."
I turn to the assembled guests. "This man's spying for the Admiral is harmless. I want the Admiral to know how things stand here, so it suits me to give him a gun without bullets as a demonstration to those who pose a threat to Pike--its trade or its people." My gaze sweeps across the room, lingers for a moment on Salmon. "I will know, and it will not often suit my purpose to be as forgiving as I have been this evening."
I bare my teeth at Vignette, figuring what I'd feel if she'd actually taken my will. "Witch, I will end you if you ever try that again..." At her glance, I back off, playing to the crowd, though if Vignette's paying attention, she'll know that was her one free pass, real or pretend. For now, it's a show, but if she ever touches my mind for real, and I know? Another kind of show.
SeaTac and Vignette,
The gangs are suitably impressed, some even seem cowed, if only while in your presence, Vignette. The meal ends not long after, and I assume you go your own way, SeaTac.