It's late morning and you're up on the roof of Safeco with Pine of Grimace. The fixits down in the garage all begged off of fixing your broken windmill generator that brings juice (power) to the Yacht Club. They were too busy working on getting all the Admiral's vehicles up and running and tuned. All of them, even stuff that's been in mothballs or scrapped for spare parts.
Being an independent herself, and a fan of you as well as sort of an employee, Pine of Grimace agreed to work on your power gennie, asking only for a few meals for her and her girl.
Did you agree to that, or offer Pine some other deal?Pine's climbed
inside the housing at the base, after asking you to hold the plating she removed so she could crawl in there. The best place for wind to make this thing work is, well, windy. And you're holding a big honking rusty windshield now, Valentine. Hundreds of feet up, near the edge of the roof overlooking the city. Would be beautiful, if it weren't so muddy and red.
Why are you up here, anyway? Why didn't you send Ivar, or Needle?You can see Pike Place easily. The trail of people walking to trade, the vehicles north and east of here moving to Pike. So much jingle flowing through that market. Admiral
wants it, Valentine. HM's workers, the Yacht Club, it is enough to pull in some jingle. But he wants more. Who can blame him? Nobody in Safeco thinks Vignette, the witch, can hold onto that place. They're worried the place will tear itself apart, get overrun by raiders who want more than their fair share. It's a daily conversation in the club, merchants there to relax after a day of trade, worried if it's their last good day.
"Hey Valley," Pine calls, her rough voice echoing from inside the windmill housing, which is just big enough for her to squeezze in, her voice carrying over the sound of the wind buffeting you.
"Can you hand me my number two socket? In my bag?"What do you do?
By all the stars and the red clouds in the sky, I love coming up here. Wouldn't you? Not all do; I would never send Ivar up here unless 'twas dire. I know that some have a fear of ladders; I joke that it's not the falling to be afear'd of, but rather the landing. Poor Needle has been entwined with his sweetheart, so I leave them to work it out. It must be hard to love one who peddles their flesh.
The wind, the wind, the wind is pulling at my curls like an insistent lover. My hat is safely inside, just by the door. I daren't lose it in these gusts. I'm dressed for rough work in case I need to get my hands dirtier than usual. I remember as a wee one, throwing pebbles down to listen to them fall. It's a long way for a thing to fall. My toes are near to the edge as I look down, and my heart and breath speed up. Up here is rife with secret spots that are just fine for taking a lover to watch the duels. Good times.
On a clear day, the city spreads wide beneath one's gaze. There is a dark, seductive beauty to its waste. Put your back to it and you can see the furious ocean with its secrets. Secrets and things. The Alaskan Container Store holds it back in places... My parents told me stories of the old days of good scavenge there. I wonder if August has any?
I turn back to Pine, of Grimace. She's skilled as any blackthumb fixit. No, I didn't agree to her deal- I offered her three meals each for her and her girl. You should have seen the look on her face. Usually hagglers go down. But one must invest wisely in one's entourage, and the dividends will be writ large. I'm not sure Admiral knows this in the same way, but his entourage is more numerous by a magnitude. A different management style, as my mother might say. I glimpse the line to Pike. Vignette's management style remains to be seen. I haven't been out to Pike recently. I should.
'Valley,' she's sweet. "Yes, my Pine." I set the plating down and wipe dust from my palms, thinking of poor Sisyphus. I reach for the tool she asks for and rummage for the second one she'll need in a minute. I duck my head in to hand her the socket, waiting for the ask for the next tool. I nod up to the guts of the windmill."Is it bearable, bad, or awful? I quirk my mouth just so, hoping.
Pine takes the wrench, her eyes the only thing visible in the shadows of the shaft, "Well, I'll go for bad, with hopes to get it to bearable." She answers quickly. "I can get her up and running in an hour, but there are some parts that are running on hope and spit. We need to machine some replacement parts, which we could do in the garage, but Buck's locked me out so they can ramp up for whatever they're doing. We could trade for parts at Pike. I'll drive. As long as you can afford it. The time and the barter. Should run a full barter at Pike. Of course, that was Millions' prices. Now... who knows?"
"There's parts of this whole place are running on hope and spit. Now that the HM has taken up residence, a few other bodily fluids as well." Wry humor, half-lidded eyes. Pine's brown eyes have depth, I read an intense focus as she works.
You know I'm wondering what Buck's ramping up for. I'll have to make some discreet inquiries.
"You fly, I'll buy," I say agreeably, holding out a hand for clasping. "Can we ride in Grimace?" I put a tiny bit of pouty promise into that, not exactly flirting, but more playfully eager.
When she gets back to work, and I'm holding tools and flashlights and thinking about my father, I speak up. "There's something else- What have you heard reliable about Pike's new management? Rumors abound downstairs."
When you ask about riding in Grimace, Pine nods and grins a little, you catch a flash of sun off her teeth. She's down for it. "Grimace isn't used to someone as pretty as you, Valley, but she cleans up nice... like me." She bends over to get back to work when you ask about Pike.
"The Witch of Pike runs it." Pine of Grimace answers, her voice echoing in the shaft of the windmill gennie. The wind picks up and carries some of what she says, you come back in around here, "...his whole head. Yeah, I hated Millions myself, tiny dick, but melting his brain out of his soaking ears? Dayum, Valley. I hear she's promising fair and square, but maybe she's tricking folks into her web, you know? All those spiders and such, she's... gives me the willies."
"Flatterer!" I show teeth, pleased. I don't think she's flirting, just showing off her ego. And it's a nice ego.
I strain to hear what she's saying about Pike and Millions; it's been far too long since I've been out there and every scrap of reliable information is worth... well, not its weight in coffee, but certainly something. "Vignette, a hardholder? Will wonders never cease." I pitch my voice so she can hear deep in the miller of wind. "Did she really melt Millions' brain?" I'm slightly dubious it literally happened.
"Spiders catch flies, roaches and other pests. Perhaps she's spinning a web to trap ruffians."
I think fleetingly of the Harbor's former master. Can't imagine why.
"I dunno if she melted Millie's noggin for sure, Valley. Only heard, didn't see." Pine says between grunts as she works at some old bolts, trying to get them to loosen. "I like ruffians, Valley. And they're more fun not-trapped. But I'm sure that witch and I don't see eye to eye on a bunch of things. Funny how HM comes here, then she goes there. Feels like a big Admiral plan or something."
I hand her the good old mallet before she asks. A few good thumps will help loosen the bolt. My father used a thing called Dubyadee Forty for rust, but that was long long ago.
"Ruffians do have their charm, and their place... and their fun, taken in the proper doses. But when they get out of line, they need to be told what for. When, my dear, not if." I twirl a light screwdriver between my fingers, pointing here, there.
"Admiral is hungry, love. It's his nature to want more, to want, to control, to possess. Is Vignette his agent in this matter? Hard to say without looking deeper." My gaze hits Pike, and my voice drops to a shade of reverent. "In the dry times, all of Safeco could hold ninety-seven and fifty-four/thousand/ souls. To say nothing of this city itself!" I hold out my arms wide and spin widdershins once and a half to face the windmill again. "Can you blame a soul for wanting a hint of dry glory?"
When you offer the mallet, Pine grins, takes it and hammers away with it until the bolts loosen. She removes a housing as you speak of the beforetimes. When you spin around, she turns to stick her head out and watch you. "You know, Valley, you're a bright spot on a gloomy day. Are you always this chipper? Is that what gets all those folks to the Yacht Club? Or is it just the coffee and whores?" She snickers, then moves back into the shaft and tries to get some light so she can fix some wiring behind the housing she just removed.
"Come for the duels, stay for the coffee, return for your Valentine," I quip. "The whores are a new development." No, I don't really answer her question. I'm not always this chipper. I rummage in the sack to see if she's got a mirror or another shiny, so I can reflect some sunlight for where it needs to go. Hunkered down, I catch the motion of line of folk out of the corner of my eye.
How many people are going to Pike on such a dry day? What are the vehicles like?
There's a buzz of activity around Pike Place, lots of jeeps, trucks and whatnot. Whoever is running the place, there's activity aplenty. You saw the Arrows riding off to the woods earlier, they're long gone now.
Pine of Grimace grunts a few more times, then starts backing out of the housing and putting things back together. "Reconnect the juice with that cord over there, Valley. She should run for a bit. At least until we get to Pike for more parts, and back."
I assume you do reconnect the cords, which have a flap to keep rain off. The windmill is already turning, and you hear the turbine turning inside. It sounds off, but the string of indicator lights near the ladder come on.
I nod as the pattern of lights settle, a slight worry to my brow. "Hope and spit, with a little good luck." I'll poke my head in, not second-guessing, just seeing the repair for if I or Ivar need to do something next.
"Many thanks, Pine of Grimace. Do you want a coffee for the road? As much as I love the open freedom of the roof, we should motor. The sun only spins in one direction!" I'll help pack up the toolkit of we're truly done.
You've seen enough of Pine's work that you think you could replicate it. In a pinch, you could certainly try. Pine nods when you start gathering the toolkit, and she moves over to help you fill it, then she picks it up to carry.
"I would love a coffee for the road, Valley." Pine says, a sudden spring in her step, "This will be a fun trip, yeah?" She asks as you both make your way down the set of ladders to get to a walkway. "Hit Pike while it's still busy, grab some parts and grub, then zoom back. Helluva way to spend an afternoon."
Anything you wish to do other than pick up coffee to go and leave in Grimace?
I'll check in with Ivar, Cigarette Girl, and Needle, to see if they want or need anything from Pike. I expect to be back by evening.
The only thing left is to bring what needs bringing. Some jingle, some trade, weapons, my hat.
Pine of Grimace definitely enjoys her coffee. She spends several moments just savoring the flavor with her eyes closed. Oh, she hits on Ivar, too. He politely smiles and chats with her, noncommittal to the max. Youdub and Costco are out and about, the Yacht Club is somewhat calm right now, but the people are coming shortly now that power's back. Cigarette Girl asked for some lipstick, and Needle wants new razors. Ivar gives you a list of supplies for the club.
Let's skip ahead to Pike. The ride was short but exhilarating. Pine laughed like a maniac as she did donuts and spun out a few times, mostly for your benefit (but she does love that stuff). One thing you notice is there are no raiders around like normal. No Tax Patrol, none of Salmon's guys, nobody. You see SeaTac and that kid Joey, they've just come out of the best restaurant in Pike. The coffee there is shit, though.
After storming out of that restaurant after Vignette's "show of force", you still have the look of the shocked faces of those raiders in your head. You'll need to head back to Safeco before long. You see Pine of Grimace and Valentine, they're walking together. Pine waves at you.
What do you do?
I'm about to either interrogate Joey on what he's seen today or hand him his new knife, but seeing Valentine and Pine takes over. "Cadet, you got much experience with the fancy ones? Gotta learn to negotiate the waters with sharks in 'em." I aim us toward Pine's wave and Valentine's smile.
I jot down the requests, stashing my shopping list in a pocket. My eyes dance about Pine's flirting with Ivar, a one-sided dance, taking notes. I'll need to find a surprise for Ivar personally, too.
During the time in Grimace, I certainly hold onto my hat for that ride! It's a fine thing, to be alive.
At Pike, of course I check out the "best" restaurant. "Hoi, SeaTac!" I call, beaming. To Pine, before they get here, I ask, "Is that his kid?"
Pine shakes her head "no", "He's an Arrow kid. Gotta dick, so no future. I guess they traded him off."
I walk up to Grimace, give Pine a nod, then give Valentine a look. "What brings you out into the wilds, Valentine? Last I knew, you have the best coffee in what's left of Seatown."
Before you reached Valentine, Joey did answer your question...
"I think it's called... a butterfly knife?" Joey said while walking after you. "Sounder had one, for a while. Until she cut herself. Traded it for sardines, I think. It looked pretty, the flipping."
I read things into SeaTac's look. Is he judging, assessing? Does he even thing about that time in the tunnels? I keenly remember the hot blood on my blades; it's not something I'm shy of, but also not something to post on the daily specials board or to announce along with the race odds. "A little milk run, sir. Mine coffee is the best, but the market here is simply the place to find what one requires. SafeCo isn't precisely dripping with good scavenge." I briefly lay a fingertip on my nose and close one eye. "The windmills need certain parts to keep their function. Therefore, I need certain parts. Besides the fact," I say, glancing at the "finest restaurant with smile number six, "It never hurts to see the wilds."
"Why are you here?" My tone could mean SeaTac, or his young ward, or possibly even the two of them. I'm sweetly ambiguous, making conversation as one does.
I don't grin, despite seeing the humor in what I'm about to say. "Actually, my cadet and me just finished up with a diplomatic mission."
"My mother would tell me that diplomacy is the art of saying, 'don't shoot' while reloading." Smile number two. I can guess at what sort of diplomacy he actually means. I hunker down to get eye level with the boy. "Hello, cadet. I'm Valentine. How do you do?"
Valentine, your mother's thoughts on diplomacy amuses Joey. His face breaks into a nervous grin.
When you ask how he is, he looks up at you, swallows once, blinks a couple times, "I'm, uhm, good, Valentine." He stands still, a little frozen in place, not sure what else to say. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he asks back, "How are you?"
Pine comes up to playfully punch your arm, SeaTac, "Hey there, SeaTac. Where's all the raiders and such? It's damn near peaceful around here. You kill 'em all?" She guffaws at that.
"Not yet, Pine. Not yet. Reckon they're still feasting and yammering with Vignette... Ah, the Witch of Pike."
"Oh?" Pine asks as she peers your way, "She's holding court? Well, how's that going? I assume Admiral's girl has things handled. Why aren't you backing her up for the Big Man?"
To Joey, "Sunny and dry, with a chance of clouds, depending on how goes my market shopping." He's still slight, might be useful to get in and fix the windmill, if he can blackthumb. Surely he must, being of the Arrows but not being an Arrow... Must be rough, for a little one.
The words of the others catch my attention. "Vignette runs Pike,"I say, feeling the way the words sound. "How are people taking to her, here?" I shift my eyes here and there, trying to get a feel for the place. Assessing. And what's this so-called 'Best Restaurant' look like?
I talk to both at once. "Vignette'll be fine, long as she keeps moving ahead and not just moving her mouth. Reckon she won't much want to be called 'Admiral's girl,' by the way." I think about what Pine said for a second. "I'm freelance, Pine... finished my contract for the Admiral when I walked out that door, not being paid to back anyone up." Not mentioning that I just did, even if it wasn't my usual way of doing it.
"Sooooo, you're looking for work, then?" I feel my thumbnail rubbing against my index finger, very lightly. I cover the motion by drawing forth my cigarette case, offering to Pine and SeaTac first, then affixing one slim cig in a holder. "Or just eating out?" I wave the unlit cig at the restaurant.
Do people just not understand what "freelance" means, any more? I look to Val. "Thing is, like I tell everyone, like I've told you before, you got a job that needs doing, feel like it can use my particular skills and/or my... whatsit, undeniable... charm, you just let me know, and I'll evaluate the proposition. I'm the one that brought the last gig for the Arrows and me to you, right? People keep asking but Admiral's the only one recent-like that puts a contract on the table. Aside from Pine here, of course. And, well, Kitsap that once." I shrug. "And my cadet and me ate our fill, already. Mushroom stew's filling. A little underspiced, if you ask me, but not bad."
I watch his fascinating mustache. I wonder how I would look with one? "That sounds like looking for work to me, my friend. I'll keep an ear open for you... and your young ward." I'm about to invite him to the market with us, but I quick glance at Pine, suddenly not sure if she wanted my company alone.
"Spices and mushrooms are both tricky," I agree. "Perhaps I'll investigate on our way out."
"That's where Vignette is working on impressing the natives, so it might be worth your time. Unless you got something else, I suppose my cadet and me will head on back to SafeCo." I turn to Joey. "If you've got something else you'd like from the market, Joey, we can look for that, first." I don't know what that would be. Been a while since I was a kid, and it wasn't exactly being a kid, even then.
"I'm five by five, sir." Joey says, picking up some jargon he heard you say earlier today. "Ready to hump it while there's still daylight."
"Yo Valley," Pine says suddenly, "You dry if we offer these fellas a ride if they watch out shapely backsides while we shop?" She looks over at you, SeaTac, "That is, if it's fair trade."
What do you do?
I wink at Pine, then ask Joey, "You got any problems watching some shapely backsides for a bit, cadet?" Already walked around the market with Vignette, but I wouldn't mind a more casual stroll, maybe pick up a few bits and pieces. And they are pretty shapely. The backsides.
Joey's mouth drops open for a moment, then he looks down at the dirt, answers with a dry mouth, "Uhm, no. No problems. Sir." This nervous little grin creeps on his face and he tugs at his shirt. Pine guffaws, and starts walking to market, twitching her butt and snickering.
"Well, Pine, I wouldn't exactly say I'm ever dry when sweet folk are watching my backside." I hip check her with a subtle wiggle while keeping eyes on SeaTac and my mouth curled just so in a half-smile-half-kiss. "But I don't mind extra company if you and Grimace don't mind." She's my ride and a star performer. I can't get on her muddy side.
I'll hook my arm in hers and do a prancing step or six for to flaunt my tailfeathers.
I pat Joey on the shoulder. (Never the head, by the way... I will never ruffle his hair or pat him like a pet. Might smack it, if need be, but never 'pat'.) "You got point, cadet. Keep an eye out for trouble that might be fixing to sprinkle down, and give me the signal if you see anything. I'll be right behind."
I'm a little puzzled by Valentine's act. Seems like a lot of energy spent on shining something that's already shiny.
SeaTac and Valentine,
"Affirmative." is Joey's curt reply. He watches the dregs and folks as much or more than the backsides of Pine and Valentine.
Pike Place is busy, with people milling about in the muddy, muggy weather, hawkers calling out their wares, from food to spices to electronics and guzzleline. Everything here is crimson, the best you can hope for with the rain is an off pink. Smokes from cooking fires fill the air and the smell of meat and barley is strong.
People give you a wide berth, SeaTac. Nobody wants to mess with you. But there are looks this time, different. Whispers. Do they know how Vignette treated you earlier? Do they think you're still under her control?
What's your favorite place in Pike to look for something new, Valentine?
SeaTac, what's the most dangerous place here, and why?
"I'm headed to see Balls, pick up the parts." Pine announces as she stops short in the square. Joey bumps into her, and she chuckles, throws an arm around him, "Joey, boy, I like you. My girl would like you, if she had any sense." She looks up at you, SeaTac, "Picked a good one." She presses lips to his temple and squeezes, then moves over to you, Valentine, "Gimmie some Safecoins and Ima go haggle with Balls on this junk."
What do you do?
I'm used to people giving me my space, of course. Not sure I like it much, and it makes it harder when I do have the kind of day that makes me want to reach out, but it is what it is. I'm sure the word's filtering out about the little act Vignette and me just put on, even though it ain't been long since I walked out. If they think I'm still under her spell, well that's okay.
Most dangerous spot in the market is out by the water, a pair of crumbling near-wrecked piers with a sign that says, "Pi r 62/63" and a thick chain link fence with ghosts of questions painted in red. The two that you can read complete are "WHO IS BOUGHT AND SOLD?" and "WHAT REMAINS?" The piers are dangerous enough, but it's the people, lost souls huddling under ragged tarps and with nothing to lose that make it real bad. Not scary one-by-one, but if you see one, you're seeing a dozen.
I look over each of my shoulders before reaching into my jacket to hand Pine two jingle if it's clear- one oddment, one of SafeCoins, looking her in the eye. "Don't let Balls bamboozle you, my dear." I cup her hands around the jingle then cup mine over hers. "I know you're no stranger to the art of the haggle, but don't not get the parts." A medium version of smile number three.
There's so much to see in Pike! I don't know if the Container Crew are still hawking what they pulled out of Container Town. I think Queen Anne would run with them, they had a while mishmash of whatnots and geegaws, including some very dry and luxe clothes. I'm sure they're gone. Someone else might be selling some fashion. August would know. Maybe I'll buy Bon a thinking-of-you present. The Growers spoke of the Seed Ladies, so I wouldn't mind seeking them out. And there's always several someones hawking vehicles in various states of mobility. I like to check and see if there's a soul wants to join the duel circuit.
After pine (and her shapely backside, I check to see if the boys are watching) leave, I'll mention to SeaTac and Joey: "What she's buying is the reason I'm here, but there's some side attractions I simply couldn't bear to skip... including the newly crowned Mistress of Pike. Are you boys game to peruse market?"
I wrinkle my brow, and before Pine takes off, say, "Hold up. Deal was we keep an eye on your safety for a ride, right? Then you're splitting up? Cadet's a quick study, but not ready for solo protection detail."
SeaTac and Valentine,
Joey was totally watching her backside, Valentine
Soak me, you're right." Pine of Grimace says as she spins around, grins when she sees Joey's nervous look at the ground when he's caught. She laughs, "Well, Balls' shop'll only be any fun for gearheads like me, but I'll keep it quick. Follow me." She hands the jingle back to you, Valentine, then starts briskly walking on, pushing through the crowd at the square and down a row of stalls into a greasy, dingy shop that smells like rust and ozone.
Balls is behind his counter, scraping rust off a pair of connectors. He has a wall, a literally wall of car batteries he's hooked up in sequence. He can juice up or power anything in his shop. At least, that's what he says.
He gives you all a nod, "Safeco folk. Hey... Valentine! Damn, you're looking good enough to eat. SeaTac, what's the haps? Hi there Piney. What do y'all need?"
Valentine, why don't you trust this guy?
SeaTac, what's the relation between Balls and Salmon?
What do you do?
I give Balls the "chin nod." "Balls, the haps are what they are. Have you met Joey? He's my new cadet." I want it known that Joey's my responsibility now, as well as Laika's.
The thing between Balls and Salmon? It's hard to figure. Like they want to kill each other, but don't want anybody else to do it for them. Heard Kites or someone say they seemed like family, and I guess that makes sense.
Balls looks at Joey, as if he's registering the kid for the first time since he entered the place. "Ho there Joey. I've never met a cadet before. What's that?" The question seems interested, if only mildly.
Joey stands straighter, blinks, licks his lips, then answers, "I'm learning how to protect myself, and-and others. How to get by, get work and uhm... do what Mr. SeaTac says." The left corner of his mouth quirks at the last bit, as if that's the best he can come up with.
I've had to hide smiles more often since I took Joey on than I've actually smiled in the full year before that, I think. Good thing the mustache helps. "That's about right. I'm training Joey to be a badass. He's coming along."
Pine of Grimace, true to her word, is busy combing through all the gears and googaws on the walls, looking for pieces to buy for the windmill. She mumbles quietly to herself, grabs things down to read the inscriptions or take a closer look. Most she puts back, the rest she puts in a pile on a small metal table in the middle of the narrow shop.
I tip my hat at Balls, proffer smile number two. I don't trust him because things tend to go walkies around him. I can't prove he's a thief, but he's one to watch with three eyes. Nonetheless, he does amazing work with the electrics. "Hoihoi, Balls. What news have you?"
I look around the shop, and ask, rather innocently, if I must give myself credit, "Have you come across any silver music discs? I'm looking for some to expand the repertoire. I've come into a music machine, you see." Soak his head in a bucket of red, but that gift from Aitch Emm has been rather popular in the Club.
"News?" Balls repeats your question, Valentine. "Nothing you haven't heard. Witch ate Millions. Millie's Boys are Pike's now. Name's changed, it's still all the same. Rumors of lightening taxes, but I haven't seen it. Algee came by for parts to fix her jalopy after the hard treatment Grimace gave her, that was a good day."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 8)
This is a perfect spot for the Kim game, so I nudge Joey and point at one of the segments of pegboard. "Take a look over there, cadet, a real good one. Later, I'll ask what you remember about what's on that pegboard." After I give him that chore, I'll amble over to Valentine and Balls. "Haven't been in since you got that machine, Valentine. Got anything good to play on it? Partial to Wagner*, myself. Sarge always talked about some movie where they played it out of a helicopter."
* OOC: SeaTac pronounces the first syllable like what a dog does with its tail.
A weary look crosses my face slow enough for SeaTac, but faster than I expect Balls to catch. "The music machine is a mite persnickety, SeaTac." I catch myself, I sound like Gates. "But when she sings, she sings. Hizzoner gave me a fair number of the silver discs and I haven't listened to them all quite yet. There's some Elvis that's rather good, and lots of choices if you're partial to cutting a rug. My doors are always open to you, whenever you're feeling musical." I move my fingers as though I'm playing a piano keyboard and tap my boot for a few beats.
"Discs?" Balls repeats, licking his lips, "Got a bunch of 'em, but nothing to check their, you know, validity. I can throw them in with whatever you pick up, Valentine. If you like 'em, send some coffee my way, yeah?" He grins at the thought of your coffee. Meanwhile, Pine's got an armful of gear, she's heading to check out. I assume you head up to pay, Valentine?
Anything else in Balls' shop?
Once Joey's had his gander at the pegboard, I've got nothing else particular here. I'm content to play bodyguard for Pine and Valentine, but I'll keep an eye out for bits and pieces of kit to fill out my cadet's gear as we go.
"That's rather kind of you, Balls." How much is a coffee for good music? I run some numbers in the back of my head. "I will check their, you know, validity, as I can." I hope they work.
And yes, I pay for the needed parts.
SeaTac and Valentine,
The silvery discs look a little scratched, but they're the only ones Balls' has.
"Valley, I might know a few places to get those things." Pine says as you're settling out the bill. "You know who you should check with? YouDub. No lie. He and Costco range around, they've got lots of little crap."
Once you've paid for your stuff, anywhere else in Pike to go? Eat at Yellowhouse or the Noodle Shop or something?
"YouDub? For true and for reals, o Pine?" I cock an eyebrow. "I surely hope they're not sore over that wretched dice game."
Once we're outside, "I have a few other touchstones I'd like to check on, here at Pike." I tick off fingers. "If the Seed Ladies have anything to bring back, that would please the Growers (and Admiral, and my delightful clientele). If there are any vehicles worth bringing into the duels, that's always worth eyeballs in the arena. And lastly, where can a body get some decent garb?" I look between all three of them for a suggestion.
"Dunno about garb, but... hey, Pine, you seen anything in the way of a ride at Safeco? Wanna consult a little on what's on the market here?" I give a look to Val. "Been thinking a little mobility might give my cadet and me some opportunities, you know?"
I slowly pull out smile number four with a brightness. "Opportunity and mobility are fine things, SeaTac." I shift my weight to be a little closer to him.
SeaTac and Valentine,
Pine of Grimace walks over to grab some ratonnastick and takes a big bite, "Oh, there's nothing like Grimace, of course. I mean, I built that bitch from flooding scratch. But I know someone who could hook you up, SeaTac. And since you been good to me and my girl, I'll set you up gratis." She looks to Joey, "That free. Like no charge." Then to you, Valentine, "Valley, seems like you don't mind? Well, c'mon, folks. Let's go see Runaround"
Pine of Grimace heads opposite the dock, towards a half-sunken parking garage.
SeaTac, what have you heard about Runaround's garage?
Same to you, Valentine.
I'm not quite hungry enough to eat the rattonastik, but it smells all right. I passing nod to the vendor, for whenever our paths next cross. One never knows. I hold up a hand to placate sweet Pine of Grimace. "No sight on you nor Grimace. But a crowd does like variety and fresh blood." My eyes glitter a little, my meaning open to interpretation. "I'm supposing a local Piker driver might draw in more Pikers to see the duels in the arena. 'Local Person Makes Good,' as it were."
The parking garage looks substantially more sound than I've heard. It's sunken but I don't see any signs of collapse. Maybe Runaround is a dab hand with concrete as well as guzzoline vehiculars. I hear he's very easy on the eyes, and a little... weird.
They say sometimes Runaround comes back to the garage after a night of drinking and carrying on and finds that his tools have been put away and little bits of work left half-finished the night before are done. Who knows... you hear stories, right, and some of 'em may even be true.
"That would be great, Pine. I trust your eye more than mine. And I'll make it worth your while, one way or another. What goes around, like they say..."
SeaTac and Valentine,
"For you, SeaTac," Pine says with a grin, "I'll go around. And around." She snickers and heads on ahead of you at a quick pace. Joey nearly has to jog to keep up.
You reach the small bloody pool that acts like a fetid moat to Runaround's garage. There's a plank bridge that he can drop if there's trouble, but it's up today. On the other side of the building is the ramp he's rigged so folks can pull in cars for work, but that's up right now. He's not taking customers.
Up the greasy ramps three flights and you reach Runaround's garage. It looks like this:
You see Runaround work on a soaking jetski right now, some green thing he's cobbling together. This is Runaround:
"Hey Piney!" Runaround says after he pulls up his welder's mask. He gives an awkward wave, a sort of over-zealous shaking of his hand like it's missing a joint. He peers with those eyes of his, one brown, one greenish. "You got friends? Customers? Trouble?"
"All of the above, Runner." Pine says with a gradniose wave of her hand at all three of you. "This is Valentine, she runs the coffee place at Safeco. And this is SeaTac, he's a security expert. The kid's his, I dunno, protege or somesuch. His name's Joey. They want to ask for your expert opinion."
Runaround peers at you both, listening but a bit leery.
What do you do?
I nod to Runaround. "I been thinking about acquiring some wheels, and Pine figured you might be a man to talk to about that. Looking for something that can take it rough, a jeep with a hardtop to keep the red off, maybe a truck. For sure don't need to be pretty, but need it to be reliable and something my cadet and me can work on ourselves, in the field, if need be."
Still amused from Pine's casual flirting with SeaTac, I let slip the issue of gender. For now. I fold my hands behind my back and cross one ankle behind the other, as I do. "Dear Pine has graciously allowed me to relate to you that I am also the one who runs the auto duels at SafeCo. I suspect you might know some who would like to get in on the action. We have a few, ah," I look significantly at Pine of Grimace without rancor, "Available slots." A dim version of smile number five, subtle.
Does Runaround look to be amenable to a handshake?
Runaround blinks, a sort of spastic, hard blink, almost audible. "Valentine... I know you. Algee loves your motor duels. She's a good customer. Too bad about the last match, but Grimace is a real monster, right?" He cranes his head to peer at you, SeaTac, "I'm doing a rebuild on a jeep. Well, I'm doing some rebuilds on four vehicles right now, but that restoration is a side project. If you're interested in bumping it up my priority list, then maybe we make that happen. How soon do you need it?"
Then, before you have a chance to answer, his eyes fix back on you, Valentine, "Available slots? I don't get your meaning? I'm not a driver, I just make them go. You know? Are you looking for more cars, more drivers, more... something?" He rolls his right hand around and around.
And yes, he's amenable to touching.
I open my mouth and shut it, shooting a quick glance to Pine and SeaTac. I instead use small words. "Cars and those to drive them, yes." All are one syllable, so I score a bonus point.
He blinks audibly a couple times, then nods. "Algee'd know better drivers, or Pine here, of course, of course. Course. Racing course...." He quirks his head, looks back at you, Valentine, "I've got a couple rough and tumble rides that the Farseekers are stiffing me on payment for. They're just gathering rot, but I can get new wheels on them and ready to go by tomorrow. Four jingle for the pair. They're up a level, if you want to look." Pine's eyes bug a bit, that's a bunch of jingle.
What do you do?
"Wouldn't mind taking a look at your work-in-progress, Runabout. Okay by you if Pine gives it a once over, too? Not questioning, mind, just looking to have another set of eyes."
Before Runaround answers you, SeaTac, Pine of Grimace chimes in, "Runner don't mind. I might give him a tip or two. He knows cars, but I know what it's like when the rubber hits the road, am I right, Runner?" She ambles over towards the ramp, "C'mon 'Tac. Let's me, you and Joey head off to lookit the jeep and all. I know where he keeps 'em." She grabs Joey around the neck and walks with him.
I assume you go?
"It's RunAROUND!" Runaround hollers as you leave him, SeaTac. There's a pregnant pause as Runaround realizes it's just him and you, Valentine. He shifts, tilts his head and says without artifice, a statement of fact. "I like your hat, Valentine. And... you're really clean."
What do you do?
I glance downward, a moment to be demure, accepting the compliment. "One does as one can." I doff my hat and twirl it briefly between my fingers, then flip it back to its perch on my head. "My father taught me that move," I share, surprising myself.
I clear my throat. "Four is near to a fuckton of jingle, Runaround. I would need some solid drivers before slinging out that sort of bling. And to look at them, do a test drive. But! Who are these Farseekers that don't want two primo vehicles?"
I give Runner... Runaround a sympathetic look and a head-shake like "what can you do?" But I follow Pine, keeping an eye on Joey to see how he handles the attention she's lavishing on him. Also, keeping an eye on her backside. Devoted to the mission. What? I've got two eyes.
Pine's backside is in perfect working order.
You wanna dip your wick, soldier? You hear One-Eye chuckle low, his voice in your ear. Your cadet don't hafta be around to watch how you do everything.
Joey's used to be around the Arrows, but Pine isn't an Arrow, and well, she's got her arm right on him, man. He's barely keeping focus. He might be sporting wood. Pine's pretending she hasn't noticed.
Pine pats his chest, "You been workin' hard with SeaTac, huh?" She grins, like a spider to a fly in her web, "I can tell. You're growing up fast, Joey." Joey gulps, nods, says nothing as Pine pulls him up to the top of the level above. "You oughta come 'round, chat with my daughter. She could use a strappin' boy, no I mean, a man who knows his ass from the end of a gun." Joey sweats a bit, gives some nonverbal answer.
As you reach the top of the ramp and round the corner of the parking garage, you see a pair of vehicles that look decked out, sturdy bondo and bolted-on plate armor, plates over the outside of the tires. The truck has a mount for a fifty cal, but nothing's mounted. The Charger has an air foil and looks like she'd scream. The third vehicle is on a lift, and it's your jeep. More apart than together, but the frame is all one model, and it's a nice olive drab. You can hear Sarge whistling at that.
Pine lets go of Joey and speed walks up to her first love, a really smexy car. She reaches under the hood of the charger and pops it, ducks her head under to get a look, then makes a lewd little noise and seems impressed.
What do you do?
"Your father sounds pretty, uhm, great." Runaround remarks in response the hat trick, which put a lopsided grin on his face. "How much do you look like him, Valentine?"
On the subject of four jingle, Runaround's face twitches and his eyes flit around the workspace, "Four's steep, yeah. But I worked real hard on them, Valentine. They're solid, and you make good jingle with the motorduel, right? 'Sides, Jax is trying to lock me down, get all the work flowing for the raiders, and they don't pay rot. You know? A guy's gotta eat."
What do you do?
"I have his smiles, his charisma, and his sense of showmanship. My eyes and hands are my mother's; the rest is mostly original material... But my ears are the same as a cousin's." I tug a lobe, twice. "What of your family?" It's always a delicate question- some people have little to no memory of their blood kin, or were raised or sold or wandered or made their own family.
The twitches of Runaround make me look, as though something surprising could be found in the corner of a stranger's eye. It's not so easy to stay focused on his countenance. "Four jingle would be fair for two quality and sturdy vehiculars," I allow. "But I still need drivers and the cash in hand." A pause. "And to see the vehiculars in question." I delicately tuck and smooth a wayward curl up behind the brim. The motion makes me think of something August would pull off much more elegantly than I.
[OOC: What do I know about this Jax person?]
Pine working Joey makes me grin like a fool, but the jeep stops me in my tracks. I walk up to the vehicle, taking in the familiar lines and the color of my childhood. I can almost smell grease and cigar smoke and that gunk One-Eye used to put in his hair. I reach up a hand to touch a fender while I wait for Pine to do what she needs to do and come take a look. Doesn't matter much what she says now, though, except as a benefit to haggling. This is my ride.
Pine practically purrs under the hood of the charger, "Soak me, this man does good work. I wish he was into me, I'd rock his world for this kind of primo stuff, you know?" Joey is standing maybe five feet behind her, and it's like maybe he's planning on painting a picture of her ass, he's studying it so hard.
She finally slides out from her appreciation and comes over to you and your jeep. She throws her arm around your neck, peering at the machine. "SeaTac, that's gonna be a mighty fine ride. Whatcha gonna do with it?" She bats her eyelashes prettily and asks, "Would you give me a ride, big boy?"
Runaround licks his lips nervously, works the fingers of his right hand like he's flipping a book, "Dad was never around, but Mom was around till a few years ago. She took the red, didn't make it. Got a sister, she went off with Salmon. I think.... I think she likes it. With him. Dunno, she doesn't come around, unless Salmon wants a new ride." He pops his neck, like changing a channel.
"Drivers, I can put you in touch with a few I use for dumpster diving, they ride a few loners. I can take half down, now. Pay me after the first show. Or..." He blinks audibly, watching you tuck your curl away with interest, "You could give me a slice of the action, the jingle from the motor duels."
Jax was one of Millions' Boys, smart, but never quite trusted by the big boss.
What do you do?
It's nice to just talk dry with people, it's why I love working at the Club. People fascinate me, and this Runround is a character of the first degree. Considering his offer, tapping my first two fingers against my pursed lips, I regard him and mentally consult what I've heard.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
How could I get to them, physically or emotionally?
I give pine a glance before looking back at the jeep. "Sure, Pine, I'll give you a ride. Where d'you want to go that Grimace can't take you?" I caught the thing-behind-the-thing, I'm not an idiot, but since everyone assumes I'm as literal as a flooded basement, I can get away with playing stupid. As Joey walks up, following Pine's backside, I reach out to slap him (gently) across the back of the head. "Cadet, we'll get you laid soon enough," I say, softly. (After I talk to his mother. That will be fun.) "How much d'you think I should offer for this, Pine?"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 3. Total: 5)
Also, marking XP.
The best way to Runaround is to get him word about his sister, maybe set up a meeting. And sure, he thinks you're attractive and that doesn't hurt either.
Oh... what does Pine wish I'd do?
Right this very second? She wishes she could lift the hood and lean over the engine of that charger with Joey revving the engine and you could just come up behind her and take her right here and now. That would be pretty much the best thing ever.
More long term? She'd love it if you'd ride with her on some long hauls. She could pull in some real jingle if she did that between duels, but nobody is crazy enough to go on long hauls with her, and she's not stupid enough to go alone.
Oh hey, she's getting a look at you right now. So tell me this.
What do you wish Pine would do?
Easy answer? Wish she'd finish giving me her advice on the jeep, maybe point out a few specifics I can use to help with negotiations.
Better answer? I'm a decent driver, but I'm not a driver-driver, if you know what I mean. Places Pine could get me that I probably couldn't get to myself, at least not in the kind of time that would make it profitable. Guess I'm saying that I wouldn't mind a couple long hauls, score some real jingle, see what happens on the road as far as anything else goes.
Pine looks at you for a long moment before answering your pair of questions. "Grimace aint got what you got, big boy." She smirks, then rattles off a half dozen things the jeep still needs, ranked from "get it running" to "nice to have", then concludes with, "It's a jingle, right now. A jingle to get it tip top. I tell you what, man. You agree to go on a couple long runs with me, bring Joey if you like. You do that, we split profits on it, and I'll get Runner to spot you for the jeep. He owes me, big time." Then, lower, she adds in a voice for you only, "And the other thing, we can work that out, too, yeah? Been a while for me, got an itch. No strings, kay?"
I nod. "Sounds fair to me, Pine, and thank you." I follow that with a wink, to let her know I'm talking about scratching that itch, too.
"'Tis a fair offer, Runaound. Let me ask Pine of Grimace take a gander at these machines, and I'll talk to your drivers and see if we can't all drive the dry road together." I fix him with a steady look and say neutrally with a hint of amusement, "Will you deliver?"
Runaround blinks audibly, twitching his fingers like he's working an abacus, "I... I could. So, the four is a go, then? With drivers?"
I don't need an abacus to run numbers in my head. I'm not keen to slice my pie. "Your price is fair. If Pine says the vehicles are sound and the drivers are flash, then I can pay you some up front and the rest once the shows go on." I'll offer a sweet version of smile number three, and blink inaudibly. "Be it known that I"m not dripping with jingle at this precise moment, of course." I mock-pat my pockets and spread my empty hands.
Runaround's eyes follow your pocket patting and he nods. "Right. Right. Same here. If you're strapped, then maybe barter? Like, food? Heard you've got tomatoes. And the coffee." He grins, closes his eyes for a moment. In a faraway voice, "You know, when I used to ride with the raiders, I would beg my driver to scoot close to Safeco, just to get a whiff of the beans. No lie."
He opens his eyes, looks at you again, pops his neck, "I would love some coffee in trade. More than safecoins."
Pine kisses your cheek, then squeezes your neck in a good-natured roughhouse, "These are all good. The two for Valley are ready now. Jeep needs some work, but not too much. Wave your new vehicular goodbye, SeaTac, let's round up Valley and get back to Safeco. I want to fix that windmill up proper and get to scratching something. Yeah?" She releases you, then heads for the ramp.
Joey watches her go, then looks over at you, a tiny bit jealous, but not saying a single word.
What do you do?
I see that look. I know that look, and anything I say right now on the subject wouldn't be much help. So, instead, I change the subject. "Occurs to me, cadet, that I should've asked your opinion on this jeep before I made a commitment. What do you think?"
Joey shifts, eyes dropping to the concrete by his feet. The tension you saw earlier isn't in his voice when he answers, "I'm sure Tin-Girl could fix it better than that crazy guy. But either way, it looks pretty good. Sir."
"The roasting days are the best days." I close my eyes and breathe deep, savoring memories as one would a fine cup. I let the moment stretch before gazing at Runaround again. Half-seriously, and I seriously doubt he'll say yes, but a good merchant leaves room for the other person to feel like they've won: "Would you take two in coffee?" I expect he'll take three in mixed barter, as long as I supply some coffee.
"Hmm, depending on the drivers, there may need for some word of mouth to put out. It could be a rip-roaring event for the ages!" There's so much into planning a good spectacular. I'll have to make mention to Admiral's people to expect crowds... As well as H.M.
Runaround blinks a few times, watching you in your memories like he's experiencing some of it like a contact buzz. "Two in coffee, yeah. Deal." He offers a hand, and the deal is done.
Pine comes walking back, gives her graces on the vehicles, saying they're good for sport, and sturdy. SeaTac and Joey haven't made it back yet, but it looks like your deal is done here, Valentine.
What do you do?
I'm surprised that Runaround takes the lesser offer- it's a great deal for me, for the Club. I keep the pleasure off my face and give him a firm and slightly masculine handshake, the one I use for people I've just met. "You realize you're invited to opening night, Runaround?"
This gon' be goooood.
I touch Joey's shoulder. "Glad you approve, cadet." I mean it, too, not blowing smoke up the kid's skirt. With a nod of my head, I get us moving back down to join the others, already thinking about what I'm going to paint on the hood.
"Oh... ?" Runaround says slowly, processing it. "That's. I have never been to a duel. For fun. Just the kill everyone kind." He licks his lips, like a lizard, looks around for Pine, who is ready to leave.
You head back to see Pine and Valentine ready to go, all business concluded.
Is there anything left in Pike for you today, or do you return to Safeco?
I think Joey and me are pretty much ready to head home. It's been a pretty big day, and I still have to report back to Admiral. Which will be another big ball of fun, I'm sure.
SeaTac and Valentine,
"Valentine," Runaround says as you're leaving, "I'll deliver the drivers and vehicles to you day after tomorrow. Just give me enough time to get them finished and talk those folks into the work."
Then you're heading out. Now, it sounds like Valentine has some shopping to do, perhaps a stop at Matts, your "competition"? When was the last time you went there, and what annoyed you the most about the place?
I'm guessing that doesn't appeal to you, SeaTac. SeaTac, do you hang out around the building or just part ways with Valentine and Pine and head back to Safeco to report to Admiral?