[Fury] Saddle Up (August 3.2, Bon 3.1, Dog 3.1 & 3.3, SeaTac 3.3, Valentine 3.2)

edited August 2015 in Fury

Bon and Dog,

It's the witching hour when you gather up to head out with Watauga, either "well after midnight" or "just before morning", according to your point of view. The h-bikes are humming and ready for you to head out. Belka arrived early, with a freshly blue-dyed Grunge carrying her AK and ready to ride. Chance was the last to show up, she looks tired and came from Pike. She's been visiting Grindhouse more and more. She's wearing a really cute hat. Dog, what's Chance's hat look like, and what does it remind you of?

The coppery smell of outside is heavy, it's a muggy night. The sounds of the big garage roar as fixits work on their vehicles, sounds of revving engines, equipment working and moving, some music blaring. The fixits normally sleep about now, but they haven't been for a couple days. Something's driving at them. Bon, what's the music the fixits are listening to, and when was the last time you heard it?

Watauga is standing nearby, a pack on his shoulders. He's watching all of you, amazed by the h-bikes, nervous about what's to come.

Dog, how many Arrows are coming? Are you leaving any behind, and if so, what are they supposed to be doing?

Bon, did you leave Shy in charge of the infirmary?


  • photo Dog3recolor.png

    I'm putting on the last of my makeup, kohl like a dart-shaped mask around my eyes, some red on my forehead. When Chance finally rolls up, I ask her how my lipstick is doing. I think it's good but I want a second pair of eyes on it.

    Her hat is all like...

    I always thought it looked like a pouch-pie. We had those back in the day, to kick off summer. All the red of the berries was bad luck, so every one you had, you needed to do something lucky. If I managed to get one, I always thought that was luck enough.

    Rainey I'm leaving here, along with Hachiko as her backup. They gotta keep an eye on Sounder, give Shy some lessons, and keep their ears open to SafeCo. Them fixits not stoppin' multiple nights has me thinkin'. Maybe Valentine has a big duel on zir brain, maybe not.

    It's five of us here right now, for Watauga's eyes, Bon on Sounder's bike, me on mine, Belka and Grunge on hers, and Chance. Well, Grunge ain't an Arrow, but you know.

    I didn't feel like playing the tail me-tail you game with this guy and my gang. So the rest of the Arrows are on the move already, their engines muted by ours here. They'll be coming around a slightly longer way, screened by the lighthouse near the end.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I am sitting on Sounder’s bike gingerly. My… August’s bike is solid smooth and reliable, it does not twitch or break. Sounder’s is more tempermental and responds to the slightest coaxing one way or the other, even the balance is hyper-responsive. I have not been on a bike in many months. That I am riding this one into what could very well turn out to be a battle is… well. I glance at Dog and can’t help but wish I was riding behind her again. She might drive like a maniac, but after today it seems a mania I can trust.

    The music pouring from the garage from around the din of men and machines is familar and I have to pause to listen, as well as to wonder at the fixits having such a device to play music with. Perhaps Admiral has provided it as a special incentive for them to complete their tasks.

    ’Tis a steady thumping beat, bouncy even, a male voice croons about consuming fuel… ’tis strangly appropriate. In a moment too, I recall the last time I heard it. Long ago, Nee and I dragging a tiny Shy along, stopping at a drinking establishment it Pine to ask for food. Some men there who asked Nee to dance with them. She agreed, despite angry warnings and protests from me.

    One of them, intoxicated, thought to coax more from her backing her against the tables. Terror. The next moment I am standing behind him, his blood dripping over my hand which is still on the haft of the big knife in his kidney that was our only weapon. He fell to the ground, sliding off the knife. Nee knelt by him and I watched the miracle she performed dozens of times in my presence. The blood flow stopped, and the flesh knit itself back together.

    I was still holding the knife in my trembling hand when Nee stood up again and gently took it from my hand, it was the first time I had deliberately attempted to take a life, And we left that place. The bouncy song playing behind us.

    I shake my head free of the memory and wave Watauga over. I can only imagine that he would ride with me or Dog. I am the most likely candidate considering our interaction earlier.

  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    Yes, Shy had to take the infirmary again after a scant few hours in the pile. She handled it with all the grace a disappointed adolescent can muster. But it couldn't be helped, as I told her. August had asked for me specifically and not to go would have looked suspicious.

    Shy might suspect my affliction with respect to Auguat though she has never said anything about it. In any case I left instructions to tranquilize Sounder if she woke and attempted to leave.
  • edited August 2015

    Bon and Dog,

    Watauga moves up to sit behind you, Bon. He puts hands on your side, not in the least bit reluctantly, "Glad to ride with you, Bon." As you start up the h-bike, he moves closer to you, arms tighter, his crotch against your butt. He's "enjoying this".

    Belka looks over at Watauga, scowls, but looks to you, Dog, following your lead. She's eager to get this done, save her sister, do right by you to make up for before. Now that Grunge is here, Belka's all good with being an Arrow, isn't she? Funny that.

    From behind her, Grunge says to you, Bon, "You need me to shoot anybody, you just let me know." She isn't making eye contact with Watauga, but it's clear. "I'm a real good shot."

    Chance peers at you, Dog, confused for a moment. "Hey, why are you looking at my hat like you wanna eat it? Anne made it for me, isn't it dry?"

    Dog, I'm interested to see if your gang follows your orders to keep out of sight until the lighthouse. You can either roll Pack Alpha, and we'll determine how that went down. Or, you can roll Act Under Fire for them to remain unseen.

    What do you do?
  • edited August 2015
    photo Dog2.png

    All this wet-air copper taste makes me feel like I'm bloodletting already, like I'm howling already. I want to be where August is. I need to see her again, and I gotta fight the question, 'Why ain't I there already?'

    I give Belka a passing look, a sort of 'I'm putting up with it for now' kinda face. Grunge does good on this, she's in. Belka does good on this, she's offa my splash list.

    "It's a cute hat Chance, looks like lil' ears or a pouchie-pie. Good to have when you can't get your hair done up."

    Maybe I'm hungry, I dunno. It doesn't matter. I want to be where August is already.
  • photo Dog2.png

    I think keepin' Cool is the most important bit here, so rolling Act Under Fire, marking 4th XP; (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 3. Total: 5)
  • edited August 2015

    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I’m cringing with disgust… inside. My payment, it seems, for my uncharacteristic ruse is that I must endure it a while longer.

    “As am I, Mr. Watauga. What an adventure this will be.” I say, with a voice sweeter than Valentine’s special coffee, as the h-bike vibrates underneath us. But I cut my eyes at Grunge, nodding when my passanger is distracted in… arranging himself.

    I could see how worked up Dog was earlier and I spoke sternly about being careful so that we retained advantage and surprise. After all we do not know how many we are about and it is possible that the best we can do is to distract while we grab August and run.

    “You are all mine.” I said. “Do not let me wear your name before it is time.”

    I am unsure whether this speech did as I intended.

    Rolling to help Dog.

  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    Rolling to help Dog,

    (Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 4)
  • edited August 2015

    photo Lighthouse_zpsfqy4fb3a.png

    Dog & Bon
    The gang hits the road and turns North. Best way there is to follow the known route to Pike, then blow past and follow the trade highway through the city. Peel off left at some point and follow the old residentials through the rot to what was once apparently a broad park… place to just go and play. Carefree.

    Dog, you’ve been to the lighthouse before. How old were you? You know, was it on a dare?

    Not so much any more. The long-dead woods along the coast there stand twisted and bent, covered in red-tinted strings of odd moss which hang and tangle at passers-by. The earth streaks with rivulets painted by runoff over the years and it seems like everything ever so slowly melts towards the crashing sea.

    Bon, Watauga holds tightly onto you as you ride. Quiet at first as he seems to be taking in all he sees. He asks, occasionally, about something you see, somewhere you pass. Do you answer him?

    You pass the last of the mouldering ruins of once expensive homes along the road, pull left into the broad expanse of the park and then through a dense copse of trees. Choosing not to follow the main road because it’s… way too obvious.

    If you had, you may have noticed the signs of recent travel, heavy, knobby tire tracks in the mud alongside the road from recent passage.

    But instead you cut through the woods and emerge as quickly as you dare into the sloped clearing up towards the lighthouse point…


    Where three vehicles sit, pulled into a rough triangle with a bunch of lean-to’s and a tent set up in the middle as a sort of camp. A heavy flatbed truck and two faster assault vehicles bearing the distinct mark of the Tax Patrol. Way out of their usual turf.

    They haven’t fortified, really, but the vehicles make pretty good shelter. At least a dozen rotters stand or sit around. The patrol seems almost as surprised as you as you burst from the woods and are almost immediately upon them but it seems like some of them have heard something coming and have already armed themselves.

    Hey! Halt!” Shouts one of their enforcers as she brandishes one of those powerful slugthrowers up to her shoulder. You know, the ones they bust engine blocks with if you don’t pay the toll. Couple others reach for their weapons, or dash for the cars.

    Belka revs her engine and pulls hard to try and veer around. Not sure if she can make it. Grunge has been itching for something to shoot at the whole way and quickly brings her rifle to bear, but it will be a hell of a shot to hit much of anything at this speed.

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Barf. This place is gross. I was here just last year, before we made any real ties with SafeCo. Honestly, I was just riding to ride, alone, out to empty my head and let worries tumble out in the wind. I was taken over mad then, too, and the blood of the sea salted my anger but good. I rode my bike on the water then, making little red waves as I went, just to see if I could.

    When we break the tree barrier, I grab my gun. Tax Patrol. We can't halt, and there's no sign of August.

    I hit the brakes and throw my weight into a turn, the float of the bike skidding on the mud and making the air scream. There's a yellow glow to it all, some heat. I've got my right side pointed towards the patroller who yelled as I slide, a moving target, and I light up the night a little more, shooting. It's enough if people scatter for cover, maybe I pop a tire, draw blood, keep em scared.

    Then it's throttle on again and more speed, to bail Belka or make another run.

    I'm willing to go over the water again. The bike can take it.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I do answer. Though I do not wax poetic about any particular thing, my nerves are to high for that. I find it difficult even to maintain much of my character, but I hope that the ride itself covers that.

    We break the tree line and my eyes go wide as a thrill of fear goes through me. The tax patrol gets aggressive, and Dog does as well, on instinct. For a fleeting moment I think of the opportunity to call a truce to face a mutual enemy, but that idea is flooded before I can think it twice and guns begin to report.

    I gun the throttle of the temperamental machine trying to keep low and fast while I do my best to evaluate our sudden opponents.
  • image

    Just FYI you're about a mile, mile and a half out from the lighthouse. Through a copse of dead trees, ahead, and up a hill past some old industrial ruin.

    You're also not right up against the water here, but turn left and it's not far. Also through some dead trees.

    You slide sidelong into the clearing, shooting, not caring too much what you hit, just want to make a point of it huh? Get their heads down and keep yourself moving. Grunge joins in, taking more controlled shots with her rifle as you slow for a moment, figure out what's what, and then shoose a path to either side of the camp.

    The Patrollers had ony a few seconds to anticipate your arrival, but of course you weren't exactly expecting them either. You may end up shooting through camp, or maybe this'll turn into something worse if anyone gets held up or pinned.

    You're pretty much in an exposed place here, a wide clearing of sloped muddy runoff and atted old redgrass.

    Let's have you roll+hard for a running gunfight and then we'll see how it shakes out.

    Hit the dice!

    Dog starts shooting and Grunge joins in with her rifle. Belks skids out the other way. If this goes well maybe you'll peel past either side of their camp and be gone before they can mount up of get their rot together.

    Sounds like you're reading the sitch. Which is good. But Dog's starting a fight. You can get involved right now and help or play it cool for a second and figure out what's what before getting violent and read the sitch.

    What do you do?
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I can count the number of times I've been in a fight like this with the Arrows. Usually I peel off and watch for the wounded, but there are so few of us this time and we have business elsewhere.

    Muttering obscenities that shy would be shocked to hear from my lips, I draw my pistol and add to the volume of fire. Not really aiming so much as helping suppress.

    Helping Dog
  • edited August 2015
    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    (Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 5)
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Rolling a Running Gunfight, Following up with my Hold Next Post; (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 7)
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Spending 1 extra from Combat Driver.
    2 Hold on Covering Ground.
    1 Hold on Covering Fire.
  • edited August 2015

    The move is copied below. Please pick two before we see how the fight goes down. I'm secretly picking two as well (Will share with Rich) as the choices are made blind. Read them with care.

    The tax patrol present is fighting as a small gang. Well armed to come for whatever they're here for. (3-harm, 1-armor, mobile)

    Both sides will harm each other, we're gang on gang battling here and neither is really prepared or shooting to kill. So there will be some injury, likely, probably not death. Keep in mind that one enemy has some kind of bike-killing gun and Bon and/or Bon's bike are definitely in jeapardy due to her roll.

    Both sides inflict and suffer harm as established. Roll+hard. On 10+, spend 3. On 7-9, spend 2. On a miss, spend 1. Spend them blind, on the following: • Provide supporting fire. Add +1harm to the harm your side inflicts. • Provide covering fire. Add +1armor to your side. • Cover ground. Whichever side spends more on this, wins the round. • Take a single, short, personal action. For any side with NPC combatants, the MC gets to spend 2 for that side as well. The MC may choose to spend 1 or 3 instead for either side, but must declare that she’s doing so. 1 is for a gang weak, afraid, or lacking leadership or will; 3 is for a gang fearless, devoted, or mindless. Whichever side wins, they choose: • We outdistance you and get away. • We go to ground in a place of our choice. • We corner you in a place of our choice. However, if they won by only 1 spend, the losers can defy their choice; the battle continues to the next round, with terrain, above. However, the winners keep their advantage, in the form of 1 free additional spend to cover ground. If it’s a tie, then the battle continues to the next round, with terrain, above.

    What's the choice?
  • edited August 2015

    Bon & Dog,
    The Tax Patrol gang has chosen:
    1-hold to provide covering fire.
    1-hold to take a personal action. (Fire the heavy weapon at Bon's bike)

    The sound of Dog's gun breaks the moment of stunned surpriase as you burst through the woods and into the open, suddenly swerving to either side of the camped vehicles to avoid collision. You've got enough firepower that you force most of their heads down, a few of them take wild un-aimed shots from behind and beneath cover.

    Dog, Bon, Grunge and Belka fire at the pack of four or five patrollers trying to return fire from near the truck. One falls, shot through the calf, another spins and falls against a fender, struck maybe by one of Dog or Bon's scattered shots. Most of the arrows zoom around to the right, following Dog. Couple to the left.

    That patroller who called out brandishes her heavy slugthrower against her shoulder and manages to keep calm under scattered fire. She tracks one of the bikes, yours, Bon! Then "boom she fires and theres a shockingly loud bang-clang from Sounder's borrowed bike as super-heated oil flashed from somewhere beneath you.

    Bon suffers 2-harm ap from scattered burns to the legs.

    Watauga clings harder to you, Bon. His fingers dig into your side and he holds his breath as the h-bike lurches violently to the right and nearly crashes into the parked truck, through the center of the camp... the bike is still moving but it doesn't sound great and that floodin' hurts.

    Grunge stands in the saddle as you pass and if you looked you would catch a glimmer in her eye as she takes careful aim... and fires.

    The gas tank on the side of the truck, suddenly punctured, sprays gasoline vapor into the air... the patrollers dive and duck for cover as the spray hits their campfire and flashes into a fireball twice the height of the truck.

    Belka howls at the flash of heat at your backs. There's no way they're following for a least a couple of minutes, at least one guy is left burning and screaming after you.

    Not making any friends today.

    For the moment, you pull away.

    Dog, choose one:
    • You outdistance them and get away. (They won't be a factor in this scene. Maybe the next)
    • You go to ground in a place of our choice.
    • You corner them in a place of our choice. (Well, probably right there, but you stick around and take advantage of the moment)

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Aw, flood! Bon! That bike's engine sounds ugly. She needs to limp it to the lighthouse but she's losing speed. I slide right in front of her and sign ::Close-close::, let her bike into my slipstream. We need a clean break to meet with the gang, maybe swap bikes, and get Belka to look at Bon's legs. Like, in the medical way.
  • edited August 2015

    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I see the weapon moving in slow motion, hear the boom and live through the thousand years it takes to hit me. The splash is merely the feeling of water at first, then I scream in pain by instinct as the oil burns into my legs. With the pain, the likely temperature of that oil, I know in an instant the nature of the injury, diagnosed in some far away, calm and clinical part of my mind. I have treated burns like it before. They are not enough to truly kill the nerves, which is the most dire, no, this is the lesser kind of burn, worse from the perspective of the sufferer. The nerves are damaged just enough to leave them in perpetual pain for days, sometimes weeks. When I stop… when we stop, it’s going to be difficult to walk.

    The bike lurches and my already high adreneline prods me to right it. Even after the scream I am breathing through my teeth and making more subdued whimpers of pain and fighting to see through tears as the moving air tortures my skin.

    It is difficult to track the world with such a large part of me taken up by the pain. Dog is in front, suddenly, telling me to move into her wake.


    I nod, grit teeth and wrestle the lurching bike to follow her, narrowing my focus to the bright color of her hair and keeping it in front of me.

  • image

    Bon & Dog,

    For the moment, the Tax Patrol gang is busy with their burning camp and their wounded. Seems like there won't be a pursuit, at least for a while.

    "You ain't bleedin' worth it!" shouts someone after you as you glide up and over the crimson muddy hills and into the cover of the next row of dead trees.

    You're not far from the lighthouse here, whatever's going down may be soon. And you'll be lucky if nobody saw or heard that explosion. But if you need a break, there's a broad expanse of cracked old concrete ahead. Some huge dilapidated building which once did who knows what here near the shore. And the old corrugated walls give you visual cover from the lighthouse... now close enough to see poking up here and there as you near.

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    It's reflex, I send up my middle finger as we bail on that loud scene of fire and fake strength.

    I wave the crew into the shadow of those corrugated walls, away from windows, and park. I jump off quick, my bike on stand-by.

    "We got to get right back to moving, but I'ma check Sounder's bike. Belka, you help Bon's legs. Watauga, you're riding with Chance the rest of the way. Grunge, Chance, any soaking Tax Patrol come up the way, you paint 'em red."

    I pat Grunge on the shoulder on the way to Bon. "Good shot, Grunge."

    Might be Bon needs some help off the bike. Either way she's riding with me the rest'a the way. I offer her a hand. I think I can pull her up and mostly over but prob'ly the best way is Watauga steps off the back and then I pick her up under the arms and pull her the same way.

    Either Sounder's bike is good enough to set to a low glide and we can tow it, or we'll have to hide it here.
  • edited August 2015

    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I follow the pink blur until we stop than I just sit there a moment.

    Truly it feels as if my legs are on fire at this very moment from just above the knee down and in patches. It is just the burn of course. Some of the dead skin is probably peeling and sluffing at this moment, leaving angry tissue beneath it, red as any puddle. Any concentration of red will be an infection risk.

    I breathe, trying to accept the pain. It has been so long since I have been really hurt.

    Then Dog is there to hand me off the bike. I hesitate, but I must minimize the injury. I try to smile but it slides into a grimace as I force my legs to slowly move over the side of the bike and struggling not to whimper I take her hand and drag myself off the bike and into a standing position, doing my best not to vomit from the sudden wave of nausea.

  • edited August 2015

    Bon & Dog,

    Watauga steps off. He got a bit of the grease, too, but not nearly as bad and his heavy rubber boots took most of the heat. He slides off the back, "you'll be ok, Bon... when we find the others, I uh... I uh..." He shuts up and gets out of the way as Dog comes over to help. Looks like he's genuinely concerned, though. At least.

    Bon, it's second degree burns all over your skin, but small spots and splashes. Hurts like hell and it's going to blister. You need to watch out for infection more than anything, and that won't be an issue for a while... right now. Pain and shock are your enemy. Yeah... nausea for sure especially as you move from the seat for the first time in a while.

    Dog, you go to help Bon but a quick look at the bike and you can tell the engine cover's been pierced and something inside busted up. Losing fluid from somewhere. If you can make sure there's no loose chunks of metal in the works it'll probably run but it'll wear on it. Need to replace some parts when you get home.

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Bon's got my arms till Belka is here to help. I can tell she's tryin' real hard to put on a brave face, and I respect that. When she's standing more or less I watch her for shakes and sweats, rub her arms and back a little. "You're keeping it together. Won't be long, then I'll be driving us, okay?"

    When Belka takes over I get Sounder's basic tools out, pop open the engine case. Prob'ly real hot in here, I don't touch anything with my hands, just look for what's obviously loose and causin' mayhem. See if I can get it out real quick and get the hitchin' done.
  • edited August 2015
    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I nod rapidly at Dog while my legs burn and complain.

    "Tis not that bad, really. I will be well. The shock merely... took me by surprise.." The tension in my voice is still too high.

    I pat Dog's arm and Belka helps me walk stiffly in fits and starts over to the corrugated wall near Dog's bike I turn and lean against it, and undo my practical leather belt.

    I smile a tense grin at Belka. "A banner day this becomes. Finally you succeed in your vow of getting into my pants." I chuckle painfully and I ease the camouflage fabric over my hips and down, hissing as it pulls away from the burns, and we both look over the reddened and already blistering skin. They are ugly. They are probably going to scar.

    After moments confirming the obvious there is nothing to do but pull my pants gingerly back up and refasten my belt and settle myself on Dogs pillion seat.
  • image


    "Aw, Bonnie," Belka says with a mix of concern and the slowly draining energy from the fight. "You're still smoking hot, girl. Don't you worry." Her hands are delicate and easy as she looks at your wounds, more from care and caution than your own practiced movements. "We can dull the pain with some rotgut, and need to get sterile bandages on it. Can I use your pack, Bon?" She looks up at you, respectful of you and your craft.

    Assuming you let her, she'll wrap you tight and pull off her own overshirt, a thick flannel, "Put this on over. And don't worry about Soundy's bik.e. Tin-Girl'll fix it up, no problem. Soundy will be proud of some more war-paint for the bike."


    "Thanks, Dog." Grunge says with a head nod, a smile in her eyes that she tries real hard to keep off her mouth. She walks over to the edge of the building, looking back, keeping watch, her gun slung so she can snap off a shot quick. She's got nervous energy, not skittish, just fired up. "We should get a move on soon, in case they move on and pin us between, you know?"

    Chance scampers up the old fire escape of the building, which groans with her light touch, then she's grabbing a window sill, pulling up until she's up on top. She hunkers down to avoid being an easy target. "There's the lighthouse, Dog. Maybe a dozen rotters walkin' around. don't see a boat."

    What do you do?
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    “I would be glad of it were the smoking heat more metaphor than truth.” I say ruefully “But no alcohol, I can bear up and I should not wish my wits any more fogged.” In truth I would like it, to take the edge off, but it will not do. I nod to let her use the bandages. I would avoid it but for the risk of infection near the water. I mostly wince and bite back my yelps of pain while she wraps me up.

    She mentions Sounder being proud of the battle damage to her bike. Should I manage to save her, I suppose it is true. I wonder again what I am even doing here. I was never a great rider. Instead of wrecking Sounder’s beloved bike, I should be caring for Sounder herself.

    But I murmur my thanks for her help, and prepare for us to move again.

  • photo Dog3recolor.png

    "Yeah." I say to Grunge's thoughts on moving on quick. We should. I poke and pull with pliers, then close the engine case and try to get it ready to be towed.

    Chance mentions there's no boat. "Maybe we're early." A dozen rotters? Bloody hell.

    I wave Watauga closer while I prod at parts in the bike. "How'm I gonna know which crew's got August with em, and which doesn't?"
  • image

    Bon and Dog,

    Watauga moves over near you, Dog, looks over at them. "We'll have the suits like mine. Those rotters are the enemy. Maybe we're early? You want to hit them now?"

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3recolor.png

    "Hmmm." Okay, spotting those suits should be easy. But hitting the lighthouse now? Six on a dozen. We could hit them and make some headway, maybe Chance has something nasty tucked away, but his crew comes along and can't (or just as like, won't try to) tell us apart while we're fightin'? Well.

    And I don't want all the Arrows in on the scene till I've seen August, till I know she can come away with us, safe. Dunno about her bike. Bikes, though, we can get more of, and August's we sure can't.

    "Not now, but we oughta move, get into position to help your crew when they get here." I saddle back up easy-like for Bon's sake, muscling down the bike first, and watch for the others to follow my lead. Quietly, I sign to Bon ::Tell me when you're ready to go.::

    "Run 'em quiet, go ahead and pick it slow but stay mounted."

    In the morning light I'm looking 'round every corner for h-bike glow, ears perked up for August's sounds, sniffin' the air, even. I am past ready to see her.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I nod.

    ::I am ready. Do not fuss on my account, I will be fine.::

    I have been better it is true, but it is what it is. I won’t burden more than is absolutely necessary.

  • image

    Bon and Dog,

    As your group mounts up, you catch site of the men in suits like Watauga's. They come scrambling up the rocks behind the dozen in front of the lighthouse. Where the lighthouse men and women were moving crates from some hole in the ground out of your line of sight, they didn't have proper watches. Well, they were keeping eyes out, but inland, never expecting something from the water. Nothing. Nothing lives in the water anymore.

    The boatmen come running up with clubs and machetes, moving hard, following one beast of a man with a tire iron in one hand and a hatchet in the other. There's a report of a pistol somewhere, hard to tell who shot.

    Off to your right, you see Arrows come zipping up, led by Cujo and Zeus. They see a fight and they're going to throw down.

    "Flood! It's on! Let's go, Bon! Dog, let's go, August will be in there!"

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    My Arrows! I let rip a heady howl and open up my bike's throttle. I've let go of my sense for words; I'm a wide-eyed, face painted blood dream crying out for battle.

    Joining my own loud voice, my bike pushes more heat and light beneath us with a growl that rises in pitch as we move forward together.

    As I get closer to the lighthouse people, as I come back to feelin' Bon's grip on me, I feel the weight of Sounder's bike tuggin' on mine. Can't just run on my own love of the fight here. I start trying to play it smart, cut through these footers and make em scramble, let Arrows and the redsuit crew pick em off.

    I pay attention to how the redsuits fight, 'specially the big one. I look for August's shape in the mix of them.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I feel as well as hear Dog's war cry, my own mingled excitement and terror rising. The stinging pain in my legs is still present but diminished in the moment. I tighten my grip much more secure, more right, than I was riding Sounder's bike.

    I have my pistol but I'm mostly keeping an eye out for August. Her bike, her shape amongst the red suits. I am sure she would wear hers with a difference.
  • edited August 2015

    Bon and Dog,

    Well, you're definitely going to "Attack someone" here, with the someones being the Lighthouse folks. As your Arrows zoom in from two directions, the pair of gangs fighting become aware of you. But they're heavily involved, easy prey.

    Let's see some dice.
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 5. Total: 11)
  • image

    Bon and Dog,

    You charge in, Bon behind Dog, riding right up on some poor fool who's trying to turn round and take a pipe to you as you ride past. Dog, you clock him with your machete, take a good solid hunk out of his forearm when he throws up an arm at the last second.

    Bon, how bad is it? That wound on pipe-fool?

    Cujo pops a few shots from the front, and your Arrows do a series of drive-bys. Zeus shoots one of the Lighthouse men, a guy in a ruddy flannel. But it's buckshot, and she catches one of the boatmen, too. Pellets shred the yellow suit and the guy falls back, down to the ground, clutching his leg.

    The Arrows continue on and past, to the rock outcropping at the edge, near the water. Dog, you see a sniper aiming at the shore. It's steep down there, can't quite see what he's trying to shoot.

    What do you do?
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I blink, flinching my face aside as the blood sprays. I still feel it on my cheek. The machete didn't quite take the hand completely off, but I would be surprised if he's able to use it again... assuming he does not bleed to death first.
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Hm, I need to sharpen this blade again.

    Zeus sure is attached to that shotty. Well, stuff gets awful wet in a fight. I'll get back to that.

    Finishing my first ride-by, I spot that sniper, lonely and moist. Only sniper I like is Ace, 'cause she's my sniper.

    I call out the sniper's new name. "HEY SOAKFACE." Then I go get him.
  • image

    Bon and Dog,

    The sniper starts and whips around. He's up on a roof, so machete's not going to help you here. That rifle will pack a punch.

    I need to know what you're doing, Bon and Dog.

    Also, Dog, please roll+Hard. Your Arrows are currently Assaulting a Held Position.
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    I drop my machete point-down into the soil and bring up my gun. I'll get the blade back or I won't. Soakface gets a ride-by shooting; don't want to be a still target, don't want to head directly toward or away from him.
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 9)
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I am clinging to Dog and still looking for something that tells me August is here somewhere.
  • image


    On 10+, spend 3. On 7-9, spend 2. On a miss, spend 1. Spend them blind, on the following:
    • Provide supporting fire. Add +1harm to the harm your side inflicts.
    • Provide covering fire. Add +1armor to your side.
    • Lead an advance (attackers) or hold strong (defenders). Whichever side spends more
    on this, wins the round.
    • Take a single, short, personal action.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    rolling to help Dog

    (Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 11)
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Spending 3 Hold, plus one for Combat Driver since nobody's knocked or lured me off yet.
    ~2 on Leading an Advance
    ~1 on Covering Fire for my crew
    ~1 to kill Soakface
  • image


    The BRRAP BRRAP report of your SMG cuts into the din of the combat between three gangs. You see Soakface jerk twice and pitch forward, falling off the building and out of sight. No way he made it through that. No way.


    You've got eyes for the rest of the chaos. You see a couple of the Lighthouse defenders have gathered around a bunker and are trying to defend it. The ones in yellow, those from the boat, they're pushing in, trying to club and shoot their way to the bunker. When Zeus shoots one of their own, a big, thick guy with more muscles than brains, looks like the leader of the ones in yellow, he fires a couple shots back. You see a small blood spray from Zeus where she's hit in her arm, or her side, but any yell of pain is lost in the fight.

    Cujo runs her h-bike up towards a burly guy with a red beard. At the last moment, before the guy can club her off the bike, she turns, and thwacks the guy with the side of her bike, then slices across his chest with her knife before riding off, leaving the poor soaker to fall to his knees in the mud.


    Right now, the boatmen, for lack of a better term, are mixed in with the Lighthousers, and the fight is pushing down into an underground bunker. It will probably be over in a moment, and you can ensure that if you press the attack. But the next round will become a chaotic-free-for-all if you do.

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Arrows need to regroup, and I'm willing to let Lighthousers and Boaters make a little more music with each other for longer. If the Lighthousers go to ground against us, that's what Watauga is for.

    "Bon, you seen August?"

    Or it's a job for whatever fun Chance has packed away in her saddlebags. But we'll see. I'm starting to think August found a way to be scarce for this, which is smart of her.

    ::Form up, Hold:: I move closer to the gang myself.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I shake my head. "I have not, but Zeus is hit, I cannot tell how badly. I need to look at her." I respond. I suddenly wonder at what has happened with Watauga once he realized we were attacking both other crews rather indiscriminately. Immediately I'm looking for Chance.
  • image

    You see Watauga still on Chance's bike. He's screaming at her, pointing at the boatmen, he has no idea why you're not helping his people. He has his pistol out, too.

    Zeus hasn't joined the Arrows, she's taking a longer route around, and bending over her handlebars heavily.


    Cujo's pulled most of the Arrows back, Dog. There's still fighting down in the bunker, and it's pitched. If you wait until it sorts out, you'll keep your people safe. No telling what's being wrecked down there. You hear fire, smell smoke.

    Over the din of the combat and the ocean crashing below, you hear a keening wail. It sounds like Drumma, August's bird, but heavier. It's coming from the other side of the Lighthouse, maybe.

    What do you do?
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Bon lets me know about Zeus and she's eager to look into her injuries. I drive us there so Bon can peel off and do work. Zeus gets the briefest of looks from me - I need to keep myself dry and in the fight.

    When Bon's off my ride safe I smooth past Cujo and the Arrows, signing for them quietly. ::Ace with me now, circling.:: That sound - was it Drumma, but in a panic? Some other animal? I dunno, but there's no sign of August, and if this circle-round doesn't show her up to me, these boatmen are meat.

    One nod to Cujo as I pass, then around I go, expecting Ace to catch up no prob.
  • edited August 2015
    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    Seeing it, I feel remorse for Watauga. The poor man didn't ask to be fooled this way. Odds are people he knows and perhaps loves have been hurt. I suppose we could have been more direct, asked him to ally with us and help us get August back. It is too late now. I know my heart should be harder against him and his people for what they seem bent on doing but the world is full of soaked fools caught up in awfulness greater than themselves.

    At the same time he has a gun. Chance's instincts are good, but I can't help to try and sign "Dump him" her way.

    Dog gets me out to Zeus and I pull away from her solidity, noticing, amidst the pain, the odd sense of... what? I pause a moment, looking after her as is she quickly away.

    "Good hunting, sister." I murmur.

    I take a breath, shake my head. I am overwrought with the terror the pain and stress of these last many hours. Dog's strength and decisiveness, her presence, rally all of us. It suits her as a leader. I don't think I understood how much I had missed it, for all its sometimes reckless aims. It feels as if there is something more there somewhere, but now is not the time, care and duty call.

    I turn my attention to Zeus and make my way over to the oldest of the Arrows.
  • image


    Please go here.
  • edited August 2015


    As Dog rides off, you hustle walk past the pitched fight in the bunker towards Zeus. She's leaning over the handlebars until she notices you headed her way. With a practiced motion, she pushes her bike forward, slumping but still guiding it. You reach her near a bunch of decayed scrub and a concrete walkway that's orange with old blood.

    Through gritted teeth, Zeus' voice comes out reedy, "Go take care of the young ones. Bon, don't need to waste your shit on me. I'm too ornery to die." She's hunched over a bullethole in her side, Bon. It's bleeding bad.

    What do you do?
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    I’m doing my best to walk as normally as I can.

    “Hush, old woman, and let me see for myself. If you’re wrong then we lose half the common sense in the world, a most rare and precious commodity. I am not perpared to tolerate that.”

    I smirk. I’m teasing her. We tend to be equally gruff when engaged.

  • Zeus
    "You oughta fix yer damn legs first, Bon." Zeus says with a nod to your body. "But keeping some common sense around's a good thing. Just don't waste nothing. And don't worry about pain killers. I had four fucken kids, this is a dawdle."

    She's at 9 o'clock, Bon. What do you do?
  • edited August 2015

    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    “As you wish.” I agree, moving in and pushing things aside. I hiss in disapproval at the wound. ’Tis worse than she thinks. Or maybe ’tis not. I'm sure she would rather go out from a battle wound than in any other way.

    “There is nothing for my legs but to let them heal as they may. The rest is but pain and it will pass” I say as I dig into my kit. Though I should wish it to pass sooner, ’tis true enough.

    Rolling to stabilize.

  • (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 8)
  • I'll recover the stock spent.
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    For moments I am afraid I am going to have to go against my word and dose her, but the bullet is near the surface and I am able to treat her with a bare minimum of my supplies. She will be in awful pain for a few days, and we shall have to be careful of infection

  • Zeus
    "Pffft, well hell, it aint bikini weather anyhow." Zeus hisses out as you pull the bullet. She grits her teeth and grips one of the handlebars, then it's over. A long sigh and she nods, "You do good work, Bon. Good thing you got a place to help lots of folks." She slowly forces herself up straighter, ignoring the pain for a moment. With those clear eyes of hers, she says, "You don't have to stay gone. We'd all welcome you back to the pile."
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    “It was somewhat foolish.” I say, with a small rueful smile, meeting eyes layered with knowing. “In truth, I do not think I ever really left. Not in my heart. That has become clear enough, though the truth of it stole upon me like a curious thief who has as her object only my certainty.”

    It was foolish to think going away would solve anything at all.

  • edited August 2015


    The fighting in the bunker seems to have died down, you don’t hear any more gunfire, just the sound of some guy crying out in sudden pain but it’s cut off, the sounds echo off the bunker walls. The Lighthouse folks have won the fight, it seems. There aren’t any of the lumbering men and women in yellow moving around, just a couple Lighthouse raiders.

    Zeus grits her teeth and revs her bike up, ”C’mon, Bon. Hop on, let’s drag our old asses over to find Dog and GTFO.” She doesn’t offer you a hand, because she knows you don’t need one.

    Just beyond the lighthouse there’s a sharp tha-boom sound as something slams into the rocks. A column of fire and smoke shoots up over the roof and you can feel the heat.

    ”What the flood?” Belka cries out, peeling off from running down one of the Lighthousers. you know, for fun. She cranes her neck around, looking where it came from. Grunge has her gun up and over Belka’s shoulder, looking around.

    Zeus casts her eyes up to the lighthouse tower, trying to figure out what that might be. She revs her engine and for a moment everything seems to stop and nobody knows what the flood that was.

    And that’s where you’re looking as something slams into the lighthouse. Like someone took a massive unseen hammer to the place, punching through the roof as glass shatters and shingles scatter.

    Then, it explodes, throwing glass, wood and fiery plaster in a wide arc. The force knocks Zeus off her bike, and she falls over with it, on her side, groaning in sudden pain. You’re knocked off your feet, too, Bon, wind knocked out of you. There’s fire all around, catching on the scrub, one of the Lighthousers screams and tries to douse his burning arm in the dirt.

    Arrows scatter on their bikes, looking around for the threat, trying to figure out what the what. Someone starts shooting again.

    What do you do?
  • edited August 2015

    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    The world is engulfed in the tremendous noise, the force knocks us to the ground and my breath flees from me on impact, terror taking its place. It’s the weapon that hit HM’s boat.

    I pull myself up and over to Zeus, helping her up. “Can you ride?” Even as I it I am looking for the others, to make sure they are well.

  • image

    The old lady grunts with the effort of pushing the bike off her leg, "Ride or die, dammit. Help me get my bitch up, and we're golden."

    As you're helping Zeus up, you hear a car roaring towards your area. The Arrows draw on it, watching warily. A muscle car comes up, looks like this:
    photo Rental_zps6kvdkgg2.jpg

    SeaTac is driving. He's solo.

    What do you do?
  • image


    You come up on the Arrows, they've got weapons on you until Laika and Bon recognize you. Laika calls them off, and Ace comes up, signing at them like mad. The Lighthouse is still burning, and there's an exposed bomb shelter nearby, smoke and fire coming from it, too. There are a bunch of dead bodies, some of them in those yellow suits like the Boaters.

    What do you do?
  • image

    I slew the car to a stop and hop out, grabbing my rifle and the satchel with Admiral's explosives. Before the dust settles, I'm across the distance, taking in the bodies and the damage. "I got a shot on their mortar, it's out of commission for now. What's the situation here?"
  • photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    Like the other Arrows I watch the car with trepidation until I recognize Seatac with relief, then I’m calling out that it is he and Laika calls off the rest, and I start toward him, walking stiffly with the fresh burns on my legs. I do not know what a mortar is but it must be the terrible weapon that they used to destroy the lighthouse and which might have torn the rest of us apart had it kept firing.

    “A better one now.” I say with a genuine smile.

    I explain briefly about August missing and Watauga coming to us last night and our plan. “He led us this way to meet the ship. We ran into another group briefly and then found the battle here. The yellow suits are the denizens of the ship.”

  • image

    I nod. "Dog and the rest? We should group up. I'm sure she's got a plan and maybe I can make it better."
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    I ride in, August on my pillion seat, eye kept out for Valentine on August's ride. My nose has leaked blood over my lip a little, but I still grin. "SeaTac! What a sight you are. You make that ship light up?"

    Serious face back on, I look for Watauga. He's probably gone to kibbles and bits right now but maybe he wants to live, even after his own boss who wanted a new world tried to blow the patch of it he was standing on right up.

    "They shoot where their own crew is, soaked-up mad."
  • edited August 2015
    Riding behind Dog is the closest thing to a warm welcome home as I am ever gonna need. Though the comfort of it is interrupted by the worsening pain in my hand as the adrenaline wears off.

    "SeaTac!" I hail the soldier as Dog does. When I see Bon, I draw a hissed intake of breath. I'm sliding off Dog's bike without thinking, halfway to Bon before I stop, feeling stupid. What do I even think I can do?

    "Your beautiful legs," I finally say, voice heavy with dismay. I self-consciously hide my bandaged hand behind my back.
  • image

    Seems like everyone's been hit hard. "Yeah, that was me. Mortar's out of commission for the foreseeable future, I think. You planning on taking those bikes out over the water after the ship? Anyone have an assessment on crew strength and the like? Anyone that shoots on my people and their own at the same soaking time doesn't deserve to live any longer." I heft the satchel. "And I brought some fireworks."
  • image


    You spot Chance, but don't see Watauga on the back of her bike.

    She catches your look, gives a guilty smile, then nods towards the mud. He's lying there on his back, moving slowly, staring at the sky.
  • edited August 2015

    photo BonBannerSmall_zpsnuhliemn.jpg

    A genuine full smile to see August alive. For the moment, little else matters.

    “Beautiful?” I close the distance between us, ignoring the sting of my legs and her odd hesitation, and pull her into a tight embrace. “It is nothing.” I say into her shoulder, “nothing at all, love. I should gladly lose both of them entirely if it bring you home safe and whole.”

  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    "Yeah, they need more of a lesson, so I'm up for a chase. Not sure how many are in that thing. August said the engines were weak, I think if we can get through the hull or onto the top of the ship, that's the fight." SeaTac's satchel holds some firm interest with me. Fireworks is real sparkly right about now.

    I step off my bike and up to Watauga, bend down to get a fistful of his shirt and hoist him off the ground some. "Chance, you look for a mechanic in yellow, Glover, a mousey woman. And you, fella. Are you feelin' soaked? You wanted this on SafeCo?"
  • image


    "Sure, Dog." Chance chirps as she hops off her bike. She glances at Watauga once, "Sorry I had to dump him off. And kick him in the face. But... he drew a gun on me!" She hustles towards the bunker.

    Watauga sits up, a little dazed, "Portar didn't want the bunker in anybody else's hands." He looks at you, August, "He's a real a-hole about people taking his, uhm... his stuff."
  • image

    We're talking? Okay. I guess we're talking. "Shouldn't we be moving? I know your bikes move faster than that ship, but the farther we have to go over water, the more red we're soaked in."
  • edited August 2015
    I return Bon's embrace, holding on for dear life, just for one moment.

    Then I'm hearing SeaTac's words and nodding. "We need to move. You ride with Dog -- she'll get you in close. I'll ride in with Bon." I look to Dog -- this is a good plan, right?

    I flick my good hand in a suggestion. ::Shall we put the fool to sleep?:: Perhaps Watauga would be best unconscious for the rest of the day.
  • image

    I notice the glance toward the rotter on the ground, and catch ::sleep:: from August's fluent sign. Draw my sidearm and point it at the guy. "Is he friend or foe? Do we have time to... debate what to do? Can we leave an enemy on our six?"
  • image


    From the bunker, Chance comes up enough for you to see her head, "Nobody living down here! Sorry, August. It got soaked down here."
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    "I hear you, SeaTac." I let Watauga go. "Was thinking he could point us to engines or number the randos for us."

    I unhitch Sounder's bike, best to leave it to the others now. "Zeus, you go warn SafeCo. Laika, you take this and go with her."

    I wanna send August and Bon to safety, but I also don't want 'em outta my sight. I nod to August. It's a plan. ::All but Zeus and Laika, we ride out over the water. Cover me, cover August, ride loose-apart. Don't be targets.::

    I mount up.
  • edited August 2015

    "Not sure if that was a 'yes' or a 'no' on this guy continuing to breathe, Dog. We interrogating him?"
  • image
    I look away.
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    Watauga has a breath's time to volunteer himself, I give him 'the look'. Then I'll give SeaTac the simple 'no' answer if there's nothin'.
  • photo Valentine_zpssjfm5cvh.jpg

    There's too many chefs here. I feel woefully out of place as I idle up in August's bike. "If I would've known it was this kind of party, I would've catered." But my levity falls flat at the wounded I see. There's raw concern on my face when I see Bon in pain. That's a kind of wrongness, and me with my body in one piece.

    "Does everyone already have a bike partner?"
  • edited August 2015


    Zeus and Laika get to work, pulling off the tow line for Sounder's bike, then heading out. Chance mounts up again, and Watauga catches your look, Dog.

    He sits up, looks right at you, August, sees your hand, the blood. "This is... I'm sorry you got hurt, August. We were coming to help, I swear! I don't..." He looks at the Arrows, to you, Dog, "I don't know why you didn't HELP THEM! We wouldn't be soaked if we'd taken the lighthouse!" He isn't pointing his gun, but he's spewing spittle he's so angry from frustration.

    August, he still wants to believe you. Believe in you. Even though Cutter is dead. Glover, too.

    What do you do?
  • photo Valentine_zpssjfm5cvh.jpg

    I look at August and Dog like, "who is this guy?," confusion writ large on my face.
  • image

    Splash me for being so taken by damage assessment on SafeCo's folks and neighbors that I didn't notice an enemy with a gun. I take two steps and kick the hand that's holding it, hard enough to knock the gun away and probably break some bones. I don't like killing, I'm just good at it.
  • photo Dog3retouchrecolor.png

    "He's from the ship." I explain to Valentine.

    "Watauga, if we'd entered that bunker, we'd have been just as likely to shoot you or ourselves or your people as the enemy. Everyone who went in there is dead now. I'm not gonna fill holes in the ground with dead Arrows." Briefest moments, I'm thinking of Sounder and the hole in the ground that almost got her.

    Truth told, if we'd gone in we'da prob'ly lost four-five Arrows, and saved not enough boatmen to keep them from turning right on us. It was soaked from the start; I wonder if Portar didn't send them just to get them killed.

    If we gotta put him down, at least he can die with an answer.
  • image


    Watauga screams in pain. The bruise on his face from Chance nothing compared to the pain of SeaTac's kick. He's not a threat right now, but he's probably an enemy down the road. Not that he has any friends to help him now.

    The Arrows are mounted up. Cujo chuckles at Watauga's screams, gives you a sneer of congratulations, SeaTac.

    Looks like everyone's ready to ride out onto the ocean. Anything left before you go?
  • image

    I grab the gun. Maybe he's ambi-whatever. Maybe he can shoot with both hands. I pull on goggles and tie a piece of cloth across my lower face, then hitch on behind Dog.
  • photo Valentine_zpssjfm5cvh.jpg

    I give August's fingers to Bon, not looking either of them in the eye.

    I stow my hat in SeaTac's car, if that's okay with him. I couldn't bear if 'twere lost at sea.

    Rubbing my hands for warmth, I ride on August's h-bike alone, cloth hiding the subtleties of my face.
  • --END SCENE--
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