SeaTac and
The lighthouse slowly burns down as you quickly gather up and prepare to make chase. The ship slowly turns a wide arc to head across open blood sea. A rising trail of black smoke marks their progress, but it’s dwindling and you need to hurry or risk losing them over open water.

Cujo signs from her bike,
::I agree with SeaTac, we need to hurry. Do not want to lose them.::
”Wait,” Chance asks, like she just caught up with the rest of what’s happening,
”We’re going out there?”
Tin-Girl says with hard eyes,
”This is rotted. But they started the fight.”Ok so you know this is serious business, it’d be a miracle if everyone makes it back alive.
August has been aboard, and the ship is weakened, a number of their fighters lost at the lighthouse and their mortar crew taking an unexpected hit courtesy of SeaTac. But there’s got to be at least thirty souls still aboard, not heavily armed (they’re got a handful of long guns and are pretty well armed for melee and with small arms) but on deck, every one of them is armored. And attacking from the water, below, would be nearly suicide. You’re going to have to get close and get inside… nowhere to put your bikes unless you get the rear deck ramp lowered first somehow.
And there’s the fire. They have some kind of flame spitting weapons mounted on either side of the deck which can be aimed at the water. Should be avoidable if you keep your heads up. But getting roasted by these is almost certain death.
August is already suited up, and you can find at least a couple of the boaters’ respirators and suits… you’ll have some protection from the red. But… you know, the whole place exploded and there was chaos… let’s pick through the fallout:
Someone roll+sharp. Others can help. On a 10+ pick 2, 7-9 pick 1, 6 or less you’re out of luck.
- You’ve managed to salvage more of the boaters protective gear. A half dozen of you can be fully protected. Well, unless you fall in.
- The boaters landing craft is floating, anchored just off shore. You commandeer it to get out the the ship with relative safety… though you’re less maneuverable.
- The last thing they expect is to be followed and they’re busy licking their wounds. You get into close range before anyone spots you.
I walk stiffly through the carnage of the discarded scrap of humanity, jaw set, thought narrowed only to what we need even as I feel the the thin, slightly soft cylinders through their wrapping. searching for what will help us in our grim endeavor.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 4. Total: 11)
+1 xp
My eyes move from Bon picking through the debris to smudge on the horizon that is Portar and the threat he and his crew bring to me and mine.
"They would remove us from the landscape, cut us away and cauterize the wound. Instead we will remind them that the longer you think to rule the sea, the sooner it will swallow you."
I do not know if I am talking to the others or to myself.
I am running on empty. But the fumes will carry me.
News about the ship all sounds pretty serious. We can probably start another load of fiery splash on the deck with SeaTac's fireworks... I ask him if he's got anything that'd stick to a hull. I could get him close and out again. Maybe we could just blow that deck ramp open.
If we can kill the burner crew on one side right and quick, a bike or two with two riders can haul one person over on that side. We'd need to keep the heat on both sides of the deck so's they don't just replace crew and keep burnin'. What that one person would do on deck, I dunno. This is the mucky plan for if we can't blow the ramp open or sink that soaker whole in the blood. Could do like a rope elevator but that's tricky.
Now if we were on soil and had to, we could use Sounder's bike to make a ramp by flipping it, impellers all tits-up. Can't really do that on the water, bike would sink. Hrm.
Let's do one and three.
The soft susurrus of the blood ocean somehow leaches over the whine of the h-bikes. I watch the hungry waves moving and beckoning, hypnotic like a dancer or a lover... but it is death, death, death.
I swallow nervously and look at the others. I remember what the Leviathan, what I know now to be a ship, did to the Harbor. The lighthouse nearby is still ablaze from its lance of flame.
The interior of the Yacht Club suddenly burbles up in my brain, and I have a brief daymare of Ivar overwhelmed with drinks and Cigarette Girl trying to keep the hothouse dirt from her velveteen.
I make eyes at Bon, at August; at the blood ocean, seemingly louder.
Is this wise?
"Great... who gets the gear? We're burning daylight. We've got a boat to sink, yeah?"
I'm gearing up. Slowly. Paying attention to my wounded hand. When I think about the ship exploding, I feel a small bit of gratitude, pleasure that Portar would be dead. Unable to burn the world.
But then I'm remembering those women who spited me, the washerwomen that just lived on the ship. I think of Magda.
Magda wasn't there to burn anything, she were just there to survive. Because the world had given her no where else to be.
Into the space left by SeaTac's question, I mumble, "They're not all bad." I say it again, after, a little more clearly. Almost reluctantly.
I sign out the plan and talk at the same time, which makes things a little awkward.
"Awright, I want us caught up. Two main flanks to scare on both sides of the deck, keep heads down while SeaTac and I get the rear deck ramp blown open. We get it open, we board it and take over. This ship can't stay a threat to SafeCo and ours. We can't get the rear deck open, we gotta improvise. Get people on top or sink her."
"SeaTac, you take some kit, Bon, August, Valentine. The rest goes to riders who might wanna talk on the trip. Maybe don't."
I talk out where the Captain's quarters are, where the ship's logs might be. I describe Portar. His ugly face. His uglier hat. I talk out what I remember of the layout, the quickest ways to get to the engine room.
When Dog offers me gear, I shake my head, point to the fancy rebreather they fitted me out with. I give mine to Chance.
I look to August after her mumble and quote Red, who was the most wordy of us all. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
Not all bad, yeah, but they're THERE, onboard the enemy. It would be easier to just sink the thing, but it might be an asset, assuming someone wants it. I'll play along for now. "Okay, let's blow the ramp. Soon... they're not getting closer."
A certain look of distaste sticks with me at Portar's description. I'ma take that soakin' hat.
My bike's engine rumbles warm as I rev up. "'Sufficient unto the day be the evil thereof,' as Nana used to tell me. Let's roll!"
I get into the gear as quick as I can, then jump up behind Dog as planned. Magnum's in my right hand, machete in the left. Shotgun and rifle strapped, and the satchel with the C4 and blasting caps is over my shoulder. As Sarge would say, "Yee... haw."
I make sure the arrows are as well protected as I can make them and I look them over knowing it is too much to hope that we won’t lose anyone. I accept what I need to protect my legs, one of the ill fitting suits, but that is all.
I ready the bike. I am quiet. August’s weight is behind me. The warmth of our bodies cut off by the suits and I look to Dog and Seatac, who are in a sense made for each other in terms of their skill and capacity for violence. Somehow it does not sit well. The day has already been much and the conflict and tension inside me is a dark muddle and I am overwhelmed and unable to sort it. At least this bike I know.
When the signal comes I lay one hand over August’s briefly, mutter something of a prayer and then follow.
My arms twine around Bon reflexively.
Too late, I realize that my wounded hand is practically in her lap. I move it awkwardly, compensate by holding tighter with the other hand.
Begloved fingers pressed against Bon's side,
against the bottom of her ribcage.
Her spine against my chest.
I don't say anything, but I promise myself that I'll remember this feeling.
I'm humming an old song.
I fumble the goggles on, my curls dancing in the breeze with no hat to restrain them. The rebreather's a nice piece of work, much better than a mere cloth. I don't want to make a scene by refusing a wetsuit, but I would've. The thought of wearing something so enclosing, like a second skin, still warm from whoever it was pulled off of, I twist my lip from involuntary disgust, it makes one's flesh crawl. I spin some ugly thoughts about how this will turn out.
Man up, I tell myself.
I hop on the h-bike with style and grace, . I follow August across the blood ocean to face the Leviathan.
I'm not smiling.
August, Bon, Dog, SeaTac and Valentine,
Belka hands off her kit to Grunge, insisting she take it since “she's a great shot”. Grunge seems a bit unsure, but Belka stares down everyone else and practically shoves it into Grunge's hands.. Somehow Chance ends up with the last one. The Arrows mount up, and Cujo rides up near you, Dog. You lead the pack, they follow.
Riding over the waves high is tricky, and there's some splashing where the waves crash. Bon, you mark a couple girls getting wet, but you didn't see any exposed wounds, not much exposed skin, either. Hopefully it's just incidental. Everyone’s going to need some fresh air when this is done.
You approach from the rear, and fortunately it looks like they didn’t anticipate a pursuit as there’s virtually nobody visible on deck. Your bikes cross the ship’s wake with a concerning bump and you hear the noisy ‘thrum-thrum’ of the engines beneath the waves… far louder than your bikes. Good.
You can see a figure or two in those bulky suits walking up and down the deck, but they’re not exactly keeping watch and for the moment, you’re unseen. The deck is higher than you can easily reach, but there’s a number of footholds and ladders built into the hull and climbing aboard isn’t impossible… but if you ditch your bikes on the water chances are they’re lost for good.
August points out the heavy deck ramp at the aft. A heavy metal ramp controlled by hydraulics on board. If you want to lower it you’re going to have to get on board and make your way around the interior below decks. Normally Glover would be back there, but there’s a chance it’s been left unguarded.
You already have a plan to try to board
To board a moving car, roll+Cool, minus its speed (boat’s speed vs. yours is +0). On a 10+, you’re on and you made it look easy. Take +1forward. On a 7–9, you’re on, but jesus. On a miss, the MC chooses: you’re hanging on for dear life, or you’re down and good luck to you.What do you do?
Dog pulls us close, maneuvering expertly across the wake. I tap her shoulder and try to indicate that she should be ready for a shift in weight. Tuck my weapons away, brace my feet, then make the leap from bike to ladder.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 8)
Rolling to assist, gotta deliver this bullet right; (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 8)
Dog, you let SeaTac climb past you and give him a hand hold while keeping your ride steady.
SeaTac, you crouch on the front of the h-bike for a moment, getting your legs under you, watching the deck high above. Bloody spray spits up around your face and the water churns underneath you. What you're doing, SeaTac. It's rotting crazy.
You all see SeaTac leap forward the feet between Dog's Bike and the big boat. He lands heavily on the side of the boat, grabbing onto a porthole and a handhold. As you start climbing up, above the din of the engines of this massive thing, you think you hear clomping boots.
August, Bon and Valentine,
You see those two guards come back around. They're going to see SeaTac when he comes up, and while their heads are covered so you can't tell for sure, you think they're aware he's there. Somehow.
You and the Arrows could fire at those guards, kill them easy before they get to SeaTac. But then, that whole soaking ship knows you're there.
What do you do?
My eyes are darting between SeaTac, the guards and any other figures on the ship...looking for that ugly hat.
Reading sitch.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 3)
What’s my enemy’s true position?
The guards headed towards SeaTac aren't your real enemy, are they, August? You know right where Portar's cabin is, and as you're riding behind Bon, you see a shadow move past the porthole. He wouldn't share his bed with anyone else. He probably thinks you're dead, August. He may be mourning you right now.
I hold my breath as SeaTac leaps... son of a rotbrain, he's got a pair. I don't have a gun. I ootch the h-bike closer in case he needs to beat a hasty retreat.
If it wasn't for the death threat of the blood ocean or the massive thing on the water that can spit tongues of fire, riding like this might almost be fun.
For long-seeming moments I do not know what to do. Surely Seatac would be capable, and we need the ramp open to take the ship. I was the one arguing for capture, but I see no option with these man. Finally I wave to the others, then draw my pistol and shoot the closest man.
It looks like you want to Sucker someone. Since you're driving an h-bike and they're up on a big boat, I think there's a chance you could miss.
The move:
When you attack someone unsuspecting or helpless, ask the MC if you could miss. If you could, treat it as going aggro, but your victim has no choice to cave and do what you want. If they can’t, you simply inflict harm as established.
And just to put it all there:
When you go aggro on someone, make it clear what you want them to do and what you’ll do to them. Roll+hard. On a 10+, they have to choose:
• force your hand and suck it up
• cave and do what you wantOn a 7–9, they can choose 1 of the above, or 1 of the following:
• get the hell out of your way
• barricade themselves securely in
• give you something they think you want, or tell you what you want to hear
• back off calmly, hands where you can see
…And you can feel free to let them know if they’ve misjudged you.
On a miss, be prepared for the worst.
I want him to retreat from the fight.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 10)
I have to get to Portar.
It's an odd bit of choreography - Bon is shooting and I'm jumping off the bike behind her, grabbing on to the rungs with my good hand.
Do I say something? Reflexively, I feel the syllables, "I love you," come out of my mouth. Between when I jump and when I hit the railing. What am I saying? I don't even know.
Bon, August and Valentine,
You hit the guard closest to the railing in the shoulder, and you see the wound. He staggers back into his buddy, and they both look around, seeing you and the others. They lumber closer to the ship, trying to get out of line of sight, not wanting to throw their lives away against so many Arrows. They're no longer heading for SeaTac.
Looks like you're boarding a moving vehicle, too!
To board a moving car, roll+Cool, minus its speed (boat’s speed vs. yours is +0). On a 10+, you’re on and you made it look easy. Take +1forward. On a 7–9, you’re on, but jesus. On a miss, the MC chooses: you’re hanging on for dear life, or you’re down and good luck to you.
You're climbing up now, and you can board the rear of the ship. You clamber up and over the deck ramp. You'll need to find the hydraulic controls if you want to lower it without ruining it. Of course, you could also blow the hydraulics and drop the ramp, but then the ramp's down for good and also a big shaky.
What do you do?
Boarding a moving ship with perfect instincts.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 9)
And now my heart skips a beat. I bite my tongue so I don't call out and ruin her concentration.
I pull the h-bike yet closer to the great ship, the bike bobbing along with the waves and wake. The sound of so much water assaulting the craft... it's enough to give one nightmares. I watch August, alert.
SeaTac makes his jump, I give him my shoulder to step on and all's well. I don't gotta try and pull him out of the drink. If there's anyone at the top of that ladder, I can't see it - the ship swells up high over my head and I'm too close right now.
Bon's pistol fires, and I know the ship is going to wake up in a few heartbeats. I pull away to get line of sight on the deck, but then August jumps. She jumps! Whatever the noise is from my heart jumping itself into my throat, the rush of all the bloody water around swallows it.
August has it, but not smoothly. Her bad hand must still be so raw. How can I get up there on my own?
Maybe tether my bike long to a ladder rung? No, not that desperate yet. Give SeaTac his chance. I draw my gun and steady myself, consider my line and wait.
I feel August shifting her weight, realize she’s leaping aboard after Seatac. Her damaged hand flashes before me as I look at the swells of the bloody sea and try to keep the bike steady as can be while my heart is shaken.
The are words on the wind. August’s words? More likely the phantom sounds of my own desperation.
I fall back slightly once she’s off, looking to protect her or Seatac from additional trouble.
I'm climbing up towards Portar by jamming my injured hand around the rungs and then pulling with my good hand. I move slowly but with care for the reduced mobility caused by my suit.
When I get to the top, if the coast is clear, I'm heading for the Captain.
I take the time to do this right, look for the controls that lower the ramp. Not much time, mind you. Thirty seconds or so, and if I don't see what I need, I'm blowing the hydraulics.
To manipulate the controls, you're going to need to head down into belowdecks. There's a set of stairs to your right. You should be able to move quick and quiet, right? Let's see you Act Under Fire to get down there and drop the ramp.
Act Under Fire
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 14)
Here's a pic of the boat from the side, along with placement for SeaTac and August on board:
You reach the deck, the climb was excruciating, your hand throbs and it's wet from bleeding again. The pair on the deck who were walking around have retreated below, and you can hear commotion. They're all probably arming up and getting ready for whatever is coming. You think you hear Portar's voice cutting through the din, or maybe you just wish he's there and close.
You can go through the doors on this deck, into the area where you ate and entertained these people. Or, you can sneak down to lower decks, try to pick a way to Portar's room.
Bon, Dog and Valentine,
SeaTac disappears below-decks and is gone for a few minutes. You see August climb up the ladder on the side, a foot placed on a porthole, her good hand pulling up for purchase until she wriggles up.
The ramp at the aft of the boat finally begins lowering.
What do you do?
As soon as it can be squeezed through, I punch the accelerator on the bike to thread the opening into the ship.
I keep an eye on August till she picks her way inside, then I'm with Bon, crowding that ramp from the outside corner and ready to clear the way for the other Arrows. Anyone who tries anything with Bon is going to have to try it with me first.
If they haven't already tried SeaTac on for size already. He seems like a fits-all kinda dude when it comes to hard maneuvers.
I'm not sneaking, I'm just walking purposely through the halls as if I have a right to be here. As if I lived here. Wearing their suit, carrying injuries made by their people. My expression is brutal, my stride is inexorable. No one will question me.
With August safely away from the blood ocean, I ease back on the thrust two hairs so as to let the great metal wall of the thing slide ahead. Then back up to speed and I lean left to angle the bike behind the others to make it up the ramp, to safety, so something between me and the water. I do a headcount, feeling foolish.
Bon, Dog, and Valentine,
You nudge your h-bikes up and over the ramp and move them to the back of this part of the hold to make room for the rest of the Arrows. Everyone makes it aboard. By the time Tin-Girl is securing the ramp so the h-bikes won't move, you hear movement ahead. They know you're here, and they're coming. The stairs above are clomping with the boots of the boatmen in their armor with their brutish weapons.
You made it down a deck to open the ramp, and you hear the whoosh of the water outside mixed with the roar of the engines. There's a low hum of an alarm sounding now, and people are moving about. You could try to rejoin the Arrows, you know where they're at. Or, you can try to make your way through the lowest deck of the ship.
What do you do?
I do my best, first, to clear the lowest deck, then will move up one by one. I trained to be part of a unit, but this particular unit didn't train with me. I think I'm more effective alone. Magnum and machete, like the Santa Muerte medallion that One-Eye used to wear.
My machete comes out; the gun spits too much lead, it'll bounce around in this metal room that's just us and the bikes, so soak that. I do a quick head-count since we were just over that all that blooded water.
"Go, for the engines! Let's not get pinned between them and the bikes."
As armored boatmen thud thud thud down the stairs, I decide on one, the second or third. That way I'll have something to show the early crowd. I get close, just under the steps to one side.
Just as soon as their shoulder facing me clears under the ceiling above I hop up and grab their arm, hang my body and weight from it and pull them half-over the rail, swing my blade towards them.
As soon as we're in, I account for all the Arrows with us and Valentine too.
'TIs true I've not often served as a fighter for the Arrows, but now I must carry my weight and not simply crouch at the back. I clench my jaw, ignoring the sting in my legs and move forward, a large knife from August's saddle bag in my off hand. If there is one thing I can use, 'tis a knife.
I move to the opposite side of the metal stairs, watch dog pull a figure over the rail. The second one of the figures ahead of them turn, in response to the yell of Dog's target, I shall shoot them.
You know, it's not like most of these folks know what happened at the lighthouse, and this bold move of just walking in, it might not be suicide....
When you act like a hornet in a nest, roll+Hot. On a 10+, they buy it, you can move through them without any troubles, unless you openly attack one of them. On a 7-9, a couple of them aren't so sure, and they're going to follow you, talk to you, maybe make things difficult.
On a miss, prepare for the worst.
A hornet...
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 15)
Crouched by the bikes, I smell the electric crackle of their cooling engines overlaid with the musty salt of the blood ocean. I'm glad I didn't stop for that meal back in Pike's.
Those are a lot of boots coming our way. I draw a heavy knife, following Bon.
This is not what I imagined I'd be doing this morning.
Bon, Dog, and Valentine,
Dog, you're Assaulting a Secure Position here. The bottleneck of the stairs means that your gang is equal to their right now (be advised that they are a medium gang, and right now your gang is small).
Bon and Valentine, you can take separate actions or help Dog.
There are a half dozen souls down here in the lower deck, and most are armed. You're a gang, of course, so let's see you Seize Something Valuable By Force. That valuable thing is the deck underneath the Arrows, which gives them movement and a place to fall back to if things go pear-shaped.
Helping Dog
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 2, 2. Total: 4)
Magnum out and braced, I move to clear the deck. (+1 XP)
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 11)
I inflict terrible harm (+1harm).
I suffer little harm (-1harm).
I take definite and undeniable control of it.
Assaulting; (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 3. Total: 7)
I inflict terrible harm (+1 harm)
I suffer little harm (-1 harm)
Even as I see Bon raising her weapon and Dog pulling off a poorly-trained trapeze maneuver, I look for an opening to sink my blade. It wouldn't do to be surprised, or for one of them to get Bon or Dog. I've got their back.
I keep my ears dry, searching for a different, softer, pattern of feet amongst the heavy boots.
You walk into the large room where just a day ago the crew met before you failed mission to the Lighthouse. The place is abuzz with activity and fear. The ship is being boarded, men and women are taking up arms, pistols, knives, bats, whatever they can grab. Most of them are heading below to repel the invaders. You hear the sound of h-bikes and Cujo's keening wail. A fight is about to start down there, but your Arrows are boarding, they got the ramp down.
Across the expanse of this room, you don't see Portar anywhere. You hear his voice over the loudspeaker, "Repel boarders at the ramp! Mr. Angles, man the flamers up top. Fall back to the deck if they overwhelm the ramp!" He must be either on the bridge or communicating from his room.
What do you do?
Dog, and Valentine,
As the Arrows shoot and cut their way into the Boaters, they try to push their way down the stairs. One guy with a shock of red hair, takes a bullet from Grunge and falls over one of his buddies. Dog tosses one over the rail and stabs him hard.
Valentine, you end up cutting at a man's side until you get past the thick gear and feel blood ooze onto your hands.
Cujo charges up into the left stairs while the rest of you are heading right. She whoops and cuts and Ace tries to follow, firing her rifle, then switching to a straight razor.
Bon, as you're trying to line up a shot, you see a pair of women at the top of the stairs. They're hard and ready to defend their home, covered in the protective gear, and you see their eyes. Their red-tinged eyes. Even with all this gear, they're all infected, in one way or another. This boat isn't enough protection from so much red.
Showing my math for the Arrows vs. the Boaters
Arrows are 2-Harm gang, 2-Armor, currently small
Boaters are 2-Harm gang, 2-Armor, medium in total, but small in this space
Arrows do 3-Harm - 2-Armor, the Boaters take 1-Harm: a few injuries, one or two serious, no fatalities.
Boaters do 3-Harm - 2-Armor - Little Harm = 0-Harm
Dog, please roll Harm-0
You dispatch all of them. They were engineers, not fighters. Not like you. It takes a few minutes, but you clear the lower decks. Without question.
I keep heading to Portar's room; I saw his shadow there first. I nod, business-like, to anyone I pass. I am clearly moving with purpose so that they won't stop me.
Despite myself, I can't stop looking for Glover, wishing she'd step around a door or around a corner. I know she won't, but I can't stop hoping she would.
As I near, if there is circuitry or any other exposed wiring that I can disconnect to prevent him from communicating with the bridge, I will note its location.
What will I even do when I see Portar?
I feel like a pressure-cooker.
My eyes stare down open hallways as I pass them, at any lockers I go by. I wouldn't mind a pistol in my hand.
Rolling Harm; (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 3)
I move up a deck, toward the sounds of fighting from above. Hopefully, they won't expect danger from below, other than the blood-red waters of the sea.
You walk purposefully through the hall to Portar's room, pass an open door where two of the washer women sit inside nervously holding weapons. They're in their fifties, easy, not up for this fight. One of them looks at you and flinches.
You hear Portar's voice barking orders, then his door opens. Halcyon, a young man with a crewcut and missing front tooth comes out, following by the captain.
What do you do?
Dog, and Valentine,
Cujo and Ace are slipping or cutting their way up the stairs, but the bodies of injured boaters are slowing your side. At the top of the stairs above you, a bearded man with a barrel chest comes around with a shotgun. He calls out, "Aside! Shotgun!" The five boaters in between him and you and the Arrows part like... yeah, like the Red Sea.
What do you do?
When you come up the back set of stairs, you see the pitched battle in the aft hold. You can throw in with the Arrows, or look for another way up and flank the top of the stairs.
I'm still a surprise, mostly. I think I'm more effective that way, so I look for a way to sneak up behind the hostiles and unleash some more fire.
They strike my heart, those eyes. Not evil people, but people led to evil ends like untold others. And now not even that, but people defending the only home they know, their family and friends And sick too, dying from the red yet clinging to miserable life. Good tissue cut to excise disease. Limbs that could be saved. Did I want blood for August’s capture? For her hand? For my own rage at the faceless enemy for her suffering? Here it be.
The shout about the shotgun shakes me and in panic I look to pull whichever Arrow is the most exposed into whatever cover I can find.
Well, if I'm going to have a wide open shot to the guy and he's going to tell me what he's up to, I can make him grab some floor, too. I throw my machete up the stairs, hard. Should turn once and sink in at this distance, assuming he doesn't dive outta the way.
While it's flyin' I draw my machine gun, give the crowd a fangy smile.
I wonder if they can point those flame weapons at their own deck. Would they?
"Shit," I hiss between my teeth.
The barrel-chested man is kind enough to telegraph his attack. He's also mad enough to let loose with a shotgun in such close quarters. I wager the pellets could find many a stray mark.
I make myself small, find cover. I'm grateful for the goggles to protect my baby blues, but I still will turn my face from the blast.
Here's a pic of the hold fight as it exists right now:
On the right-hand stairs is shotty, with Dog at the foot of the stairs.
On the left-hand stairs are Cujo followed by Ace trying to push their way up.
The hearts are Arrows. The smiley faces are Boaters. First initial for the Arrows' names, blank hearts are the unnamed Arrows.
Bon, Dog and Valentine, the Arrows and the Boaters are currently so mixed together that this has become a Chaotic Free-For-All. Each of you roll+Cool
When you’re in a chaotic free for all, the mass of combatants suffers harm asestablished, as a single gang inflicting harm upon itself, but first roll+cool. On a
10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You are able to avoid taking any harm yourself.
• You are able to protect another character from taking any harm.
• You add to the chaos. The combatants as a whole inflict and suffer +1harm.
• You are able to calm the chaos. The combatants as a whole inflict and suffer -1harm.
• You are able to take a single short action, uninterfered with, perhaps unnoticed.
You pull Tin-Girl back behind one of the h-bikes, she looks at you with surprise, then fires the last shots from her pistol into the crowd. Two men come down from the stairs, using the break from shotty at the top of the stairs to push into the hold. A thick boater woman comes climbing over the h-bikes where you've dropped behind. She has a sharp hook in her right hand, and she's going to put the hurt on you.
You toss the machete at shotty to distract him, then move to follow. He does flinch, and you're firing on him, but he's going to get a shot off himself. One of the boaters is on you, he's going to try and push you down if he can.
You dive over an h-bike, taking one of the side mirrors with you, and try to make yourself small. One of the boaters is trying to follow you, a wiry guy with an aluminum bat.
Once I see the rolls from the three of you, I'll settle out the harm to each gang.
Why don't you Lay Down Fire to help out the Arrows in the hold?
When you lay down fire, roll+hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a
miss, choose 1:
• You provide covering fire, allowing another character to move or act freely.
• You provide supporting fire, giving another PC +1 choice to their own battle move.
• You provide suppressing fire, denying another character to move or act freely. (If a PC,
they may still act under fire.)
• You take an opportune shot, inflicting harm (but -1harm) on an enemy within your
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 8)
I give the two washer women a wry smile and close the door between us. Halcy earns himself a nod. "A moment of privacy, boy. You know how it is." I still haven't met Portar's eye, just kept my eye on the shape of him.
I step closer. Might as well keep talking, maintain this false parley as long as I can. Now is when I meet his eye. "I promised you my vision, and what did you give me? Two, not one, two of your men, that betrayed you as soon as they weren't under your thumb."
I hold up my bloody, bandaged hand and press it against his chest. He knows what these hands can do. Used to do.
My eyes dart over my shoulder, making sure Halcyon gives us good distance. Walking Portar's expression. Does he really want his subordinates to hear this?
My mind races. Am I risking too much? Can I get out of this if it goes badly?
Reading sitch.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 7)
Where’s my best escape route?
Calm the chaos. Protect Tin girl.
I stand, fending off the hook woman as best I can. The glint from one of the old alarms on the bike catches my eye. Hachiko's right? Hers still works,.I slam the button for the piercing alarm
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 5)
I've got to look out for myself right now! Who else will? I keep that mirror handy in case I need to do something clever, but bat-boy has my attention. I make my knife jump into my other hand and grab some soon-to-be-jetsam to better deflect a blow. I bare my teeth at handsome, taunting.
This isn't my first rodeo, but it's always hard to work in someone else's kitchen. I don't have my mise en place together at all.
[OOC: Choosing You are able to avoid taking any harm yourself.]
Free-for-All; (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 11)
Marking 5th XP for rolling Cool, Choosing +1 Cool for Advance.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 11)
This marks XP and buys SeaTac a car.
Shottie is pinned down and cannot move or act freely.
Dog gets+1 choice.
SeaTac deals harm -1
I tuck down under the guy who wants to push me down the stairs and flip him over my shoulder, into the guy who was splashing around with Chance.
Shots from past Shottie Man send him to the floor. Gotta be SeaTac. I even see him as I reach up the stairs, stretching out to grab my machete back.
Then I grab a rail and hop over the stairs and down. Someone's tryin' to jump Bon and that's not allowed.
Eyes open, I sway out of the path of blows, yank a boater between me and a lifted gun.
Choosing; personal action to get my machete back, Protect Bon, Protect Chance, and take no harm
His mouth drops when he sees your hand. He's horrified. He recovers enough to realize one of his men saw that slip. "Go on, Halcyon." Portar says as he gestures for you to come into his quarters, "Stay in here, girl. It's isn't safe out there. I am guessing those are your sisters?" He holds the door open for you.
You don't want to go into his room, August. Unless you think you can kill him. He's going to try and take you down so he can keep you here.
You see Cujo and Ace fighting their way into the mess hall. They're beaten and bloody, and Cujo whooping up a storm like she doesn't rotting care.
What do you do?
Alright, let's see how this would shake out before rolls and choices. All told, I'm seeing the Arrows plus Boaters as a Medium gang, nearly a large one, but I'll stick with Medium. I'm putting them at 3-Harm, which means every combatant would take 3-Harm.
Bon reduces it to 2-Harm when she sets off the alarm on the h-bike. The alarm freaks out the boaters, while Cujo and Ace are up out of sight now.
Bon, Chance, Dog, Valentine, and Tin-Girl are all safe from Harm.
Please roll another Harm-0 for the rest of the gang.
We'll suss this out and refresh the map once that's done.
Rolling Harm 0; (Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 5)
He wants to lock me in, does he? Two can play at that.
While Portar gapes at the hand that his bullyboy mangled, my good hand slips inside his pocket where he keeps his keys. I try to pull them out without him noticing.
"I trusted you," I say, the picture of a disappointed lover. "I trusted you and your men did this to me." I pitch my voice loud enough that ... flood, that's Ace and Cujo. They won't hear a thing. I'm on my own here.
I watch Portar carefully. I don't know if I'm strong enough to take him down right now.
Reading Portar.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 11)
What’s Portar really feeling?
Bon, Dog, Valentine,
Here's an updated pic of the hold fight as it exists right now:
Hachiko falls to the deck under the assault of a couple boaters. One has a bat, the other has a soaking crowbar. She's got her hands up, protecting her head, she's trying to roll away, but they're on her.
One of your younger Arrows, Marmaduke, the chubby girl who just learned to ride a few months ago, takes a dagger to her side, and drops, clutching her belly and writhing in pain.
Cujo and Ace have made it up the stairs and are out of view, but you hear Cujo's wail and Ace's occasional shot. They're giving as good as they get, but they're outnumbered.
Meanwhile, several Boaters have fallen, not just shotty, but the guy Grunge shot with a little revolver she hid in her boot, as well as a few others who were hurt bad by your Arrows.
The Boaters are as trapped down here as you, and there are more coming to the stairs. You need to push your way up there if you want to help Cujo, Ace or August. But then you've left your h-bikes behind.
What do you do?
Where are you on the map? What are you doing?
"Glover called over the wireless, said your Arrows didn't help for spit." Portar says, trying to recover, piece together why and how you're here.
He's nearly frantic. He knows the Arrows are here, and that's trouble for his hold. But you're here, and he still wants you, despite all this madness.
If you want to get his keys, August, you'll need to Act Under Fire.
SeaTac is at the top-left-hand corner of the map, at the top of those stairs and moving down into the fight.
Quarters are too close for the shotgun, so I wade in with my sidearm [magnum (3-harm close reload loud)] in one hand and machete ready to draw if I run out of ammo and don't have time to reload. Not holding back, but not seeing red either, I'm not looking for collateral damage.
Acting under fire with perfect instincts.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 7)
"She did, did she?" I ask. "Was that before or after Cutter put a knife to her throat? Before or after he cut her open? Before or after you opened fire on my sisters?'
Bon, Dog, SeaTac, Valentine,
Here's an updated updated pic of the hold fight:
Hachiko isn't here, she was left behind with Rainey.
The other Arrow who was hurt is instead Winn Dixie, who lost an eye a while back, so she's a rotten shot, uses a katana instead.
If the boatmen get through to the bikes, they can open the ramp and dump them into the bloody sea and we're all dead here. We have to push them back, or kill them.
SeaTac at the top of the stairs is like sunshine on a rainy day.
"Push em' back! Keep em' off our soakin' bikes!" I remind the Arrows of the stakes here, just in case they need it.
To defend something you hold, a position, person, or thing, exchange harm, but first roll+hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7–9, choose 2. On a miss, choose 1:
• You inflict terrible harm (+1harm).
• You suffer little harm (-1harm).
• You hold it decisively against your enemy’s advance.
• You impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 10)
I suffer little harm
I hold it decisively
I impress, dismay or frighten my enemy
You snatch the keys from Portar's jacket pocket, where you know he keeps it. He sees it, narrows his eyes. "What the flood are you doing, August?" He reaches for them, but he's not violent about it, not yet.
Gunshots behind you, down the hall. Ace just took someone down, and it sounds like she might be out of ammo.
What do you do?
Bon, SeaTac, Valentine,
If you'd like to take individual actions, please detail them.