Once the song ends, Dog kicks in her ride and jets forward, straight at Balance. Balance, in turn, barrels straight ahead at Dog. The two dart across the mud, through spray of rain leaking through the roof, in a straight line, neither giving up the lane. The crowd leans forward, chatter dying as the rain pounds the roof and the acrid smell of blood and smoke starts filling the air.
Dog hops her h-bike up, over the front fender of Balance's wicked dune buggy, the thrust of the grav engines pressing down like a brahma bull on the hood, then the roll cage, and Balance, before flying up and over the buggy and landing on the other side.
Balance skids forward a couple dozen feet, his buggy throwing mud and fishtailing before he can regain control.
A single roar erupts from the crowd at the first pass. Behind you, the gamblers are exchanging safecoins for the opening salvo of bets.
I lean over the railing and let loose that shrill, keening sound that mimics the noises that Drumma makes. Dog will hear it, cutting through the noise and the shouting.
I try to quiet the feeling inside myself when I think about how long Drumma has been missing.
The battle gets me going a little bit. Heart is beating fast. I tug my locks behind my ears, tie everything up in a knot at the back of my head. I tuck a knife blade back carefully against a knot next to my scalp. Bone earrings dangling.
I look over my shoulder at Admiral. "Come hold me while we watch Balance get pulverized?"
Admiral whispers something in Hope's ear, then stands up from his seat to step over the row of seats to move up to the empty seat beside you, August. He puts an arm around you, hand on your shoulder. "Your lover is going to get me some vengeance today." He's watching you, not the fight, now. "What do you think would make her happy as a reward?"
When he speaks, I turn, to feel his stubbled cheek against his face. Then I'm laughing, deep in my belly, making sure he feels it as it moves through me. I answer him with another question. "Do you you still need HM around? Now that his crew is established here in SafeCo, seems like Val could organize that, instead of HM. Seems like Dog would love to have her hands on HM, with your blessing of course."
I'm paying attention to Admiral's reaction, his breath and his body against mine. Don't want to misstep here.
Admiral soaks in the moment, the sensation of being near you. His fingers play at your neck and collarbone. He leans in, speaking low to your ear, "Oh August, if it were that simple. His crew? They're fanatically devoted to him, and his drug. I've finally unlocked how he makes it, August."
His breath tickles my cheek. Fine man, the Admiral is. Always has been. "Oh really! So clever. No one else has. Not even our Witch." I shrug against him, "But if you know that, why would you still need HM?"
As you're watching, or not watching, the big Motor Duel, your old "friend" Boeing comes out to the skybox, holding a tall glass of water. He looks right at you, then comes over to sit by you.
"Hello, Gates." He says as he hands you the glass. "Please have this, a token of appreciation from HM. We've heard about your trouble in Pike."
Admiral leans in again, this time less for intimacy and more for privacy, "Because. HM is his drug. Kill him, and I've got a gaggle of pretty young things that will be total wastes in a month or so. I wouldn't do that to Hope, much less any of the others." He inhales, breathing in your scent, savoring this moment. "If the Witch or Bon or anyone else can figure a way to get his crew off Home, then HM is Dog's. I'll even gift-wrap him for her."
I have to stop myself from stiffening against him in surprise. Instead, I open my mouth next to his, speak into his skin. "Well, that is a revelation. And yet here I am, drunk off your touch." He has only to move his lips a fraction of an inch for us to kiss. "Is it his sweat? His piss? Tell me it's his tears." My mouth arches into a half-smile, but really the answer is important. I'll need to get Bon a sample.
Admiral is acutely aware of your every move. That bit about being drunk on him really gets him. You've seen that look. When you ask about what part of HM is used for Home, begging him to say it's the pimp's tears, he chuckles lightly, "I wish. That would be fitting, wouldn't it? No. It's his spit. And no, I don't know this first hand, so don't ask."
"Thank you, friend, but my impression is that most o' the time, when someone hands you a drink, it's not really on the house, if you catch my meanin'. Sure, you might not get charged, but you'll pay for it. So what's HM want?"
Dog and Balance continue their battle, one pass done that looks like it went to Dog. This pass is drawn out, with Balance goading Dog into a crazed charge, but the Arrow looks like she has something up her sleeve.
Gates, "HM fears the forest," Boeing answers. "He says he's been there, a long time ago. He wants to help you, since you obviously threaten the forest." He pushes the glass towards you again, "If you're stronger, you're still a threat, and then Rain won't bother him. Makes sense, right?"
Well, looks like Caesar wants to strike a deal to hurt the Devil. Puts a fella like me in a strange position. Bein' honest with myself, I have to admit, I'd see HM gone. Frankly, I'd see all these powerful fellas gone. They all seem like corrupted folk to me. I'm glad to see Vignette and Val weildin' some power, although I wonder if the person holds the power or if the power holds the person...
"Well, you ain't wrong, Boeing. That Rain fella don't like me. And I guess, yeah, he sees me as a threat. What I need is a family that's well. Can HM help me with that? Rain is tryin' to starve and sick us out, and that don't make us great allies. HM can help with that, I'll see what we can do to help out with the forest."
Boeing leans over to whisper his answer, "Yes. We can help. Food, and some curative for the red sickness, but only enough for two or three, and you must swear not to reveal this to Bon or the others. My master commands this."
"So something has come out of his splashing mouth that's worth a damn."
I swivel within Admiral's grasp so that I'm once again watching Dog and the fight. I let myself rest backwards, so that my body is pressed against him from knee to neck. When Dog pulls that trick with the h-bike's anti-grav, I shout with triumph and grab Admiral's arm, shoot a look up at him to share in the moment. Dog's gonna waste him, I know it.
Dog splashes Balance good, then zips around for another pass. Balance accounts himself well enough by reversing out and driving hard for some cover. Dog has the upper hand here, no doubt.
Boeing relaxes a little, laughs, "Oh. Nothing more. Just that HM holds a curative. He knows Bon would take it from him if she knew. He's a magic man, Father Gates." Boeing's tone is completely serious about that.
He's trying his damnedest to get you to agree to his master's terms. He's got a task, and he's hungry to succeed.
Admiral chuckles harshly at your insult. He's got no love for HM. As you're both sitting there, you pressed against him, he slips his hand to the inside of your knee, nothing forceful, but sly. Hope's left the two of you now, moved off to amuse herself, Admiral none the wiser. She's probably thankful for the break.
"After this is over, August." Admiral says, his mouth near your temple. "Come back with me. I.... I need some company."
I watch the exchange between Dog and Balance from the edge of my seat. I wish there were something I could do to help, but it is up to Dog now. I know she is more than capable.
I notice my father getting cozy with August. It creeps me out. I know August is...flexible about such things, but he is old. And my dad. I wonder if it is true that he has held himself in-check with respect to Hope.
My thoughts are interrupted when the crowd roars and I see Dog with her bike kicked up such that the boostery things are pointed at Balance. Blood covers his face. I smile. Yes, Dog is more than capable.
"So will I, when she wins," I say to Admiral, fully in agreement. I've always had an appreciation for him.
The rest of the folks there in Valentine's box are barely registering on me at this point. It's just Dog in the arena and Admiral at my back. I'm hyped up watching Dog's bike. Is she gonna go up that embankment?
Dog has Balance on the run. The stadium is at a fever pitch, people are screaming at the top of their lungs, a few fights are breaking out in the lower seats.
"He is a shrewd master." Boeing agrees. "Shall I tell him you'll agree to terms? I can get you what you need, some food right now, if you like."
Boeing would need to feel safe, away from the prying eyes of HM's workers, others who know him. He might talk more openly back at your church, or... if he's high.
"Don't worry about Dog, sweet August." Admiral says as he moves her head down, begins kissing your neck, "I have an insurance policy that Balance will not survive this fight."
You feel Admiral's mind right now. He's a giant ball of lust for August, caution thrown to the wind. Also, Vignette, you sense Cujo. She's watching you from the Yacht Club. Not Dog. Nothing else. Just standing near Bon and Shy, watching you in the skybox.
She signs something, quick movement of her fingers, a cruel, little half smile on her face. Her ear is still gone, and she's gotten new tattoos around the hole.
I smile. "Of course, Boeing. Tell him you talked me into it. One more thing, I'm findin' it hard to trust folks lately, given all that's goin' on, but I do trust you. I'm happy to accept HM's help, but I'd like you to come back to church with me after we receive anything he has for us. Share in the bounty, if you will. If that's fine with HM, then we have a deal."
"I'm not worried. I am primed for her victory. But what do you mean about an 'insurance policy'?" I accept his affection like an oasis welcomes the thirsty.
Then Dog has won and is howling and I'm up on the balcony, half-climbing up it, howling right back to her. "So much for your insurance policy, eh?" I say to Admiral, going in for a long, victorious kiss. "Let's make that exit."
Dog defeats Balance and the crowd loses their mind. From your vantage point, you see the handful of Tax Patrollers who were here with Balance start trying to fight their way out, but Admiral has his inside gang moving to surround them. The Tax Patrollers are outnumbered three to one.
Boeing misreads your intent, but he answers as you'd hope, "Yes. I'd like that." He stands, "I'll get some food and the other stuff, meet you outside? Somewhere else? I'll walk with you to Pike."
After the long kiss, you stand to leave. For a moment, Admiral watches the inside gang as they surround the dozen or so Tax Patrollers, and fighting begins, pitched, with guns and hand weapons and malice. Speed is down there, with Salmon, and others. "Yes. It seems like it wasn't needed at all." He grins a mean little grin, and leads you out of the skybox, intending to head to his quarters.
Your father gives you a significant look as he leaves with August. You're probably busy with Cujo, but you notice it, if only a little.
Dog finishes Balance, and it is as if I suddenly breathe after having forgotten to do so. I knew she could beat him, but I feared some trick, some low to which Dog would not think to stoop.
The crowd is ecstatic! A tsunami of thought crashes over me, and for awhile, my mind tumbles in the waves. Slowly, the chant, Dog! Dog! Dog! brings me back to myself. All the thoughts of those around me are intense, and I must concentrate on blocking them out.
Unfortunately, familiarity creates channels like dry riverbeds through which thoughts can surge like a flash flood. And so it is my father’s thoughts that assail me. I am accustomed to sensing the lust of others. At times, I have even ridden that wave with them, feeling the ache, the excitement.
Completely. Gross. When it is your dad.
I have often reflected that, when I kill Daddy, it will be at such a time. He is distracted, not thinking clearly. I sigh and push back at his thoughts, building a dam between us. Maybe I will not kill him after all. I am no longer sure he killed my mother, and he has been a surprising ally, as his look and the slaughter below attest.
As I complete the dam holding back my father’s lecherous, digusting thoughts, another comes to my attention. Cujo. She is here. And who is she signing to? She knows I cannot read sign. Can that smile be aimed at me? I have not seen her since she awoke to find her golden ear missing. She did not say a word. She did not try to kill me. I think the waiting is he worst part. Truthfully, I am no longer (very) afraid Cujo would do me serious harm, but I expected something unpleasant…though her sudden absence from the small pile was unpleasant enough. This smile is not the reaction I expected.
Everyone leaves the skybox and heads off to the Yacht Club or other places. Cujo comes out to the skybox to join you, her approach direct, as always. She holds your eyes in hers, the smile fades.
"I wanted to thank you." she says aloud. She doesn't come closer than a few feet, crosses her arms, and meets your eyes. "You freed me from a lie."
"I did not," I answer with dismay in my eyes and voice, knowing she must be talking about her ear.
I step closer and put my hands on her arms, if she will let me. "That would not have been freeing you from a lie. It would have been killing hope. I would not do that. Even if I thought it was freeing you from a lie, I would not presume to make that choice for you."
I look away, ashamed at the next thought. "I have many times forced choices upon people. Sometimes my choices, sometimes the Admiral's. Taking your ear from you would have been too much like that. I do not want to control you."
I look back at her earnestly. "I just wanted to surprise you. I wanted to get it fixed while you slept and put it on you when you started that monster of an H-bike you ride. I remember how much you liked that sound," I say, smiling at the memory that's really one of hers, not one of mine.
"But Ephram could not fix it. I do not know who can. I am so sorry. It was meant to be a gift--the only gift, really, I could think of to give to you, and now..." I shrug.
Cujo's face is stony during your explanation. She sees the words on your lips, her mind is storming like the heavens above. "I do miss that sound. I will always miss it." She exhales sharply through her nose, a single huff of breath.
"That's not the only thing you could give me... why can't you see that?" She tilts her head, watching your reaction.
My brow furrows and I blink several times. My mouth starts to form words once, twice...but my brain is not sending it anything to say.
"I do not understand... You do not seem to need anything. You have the Arrows, your bike. Short of starting bar fights for you," I say with a smile, "I do not know what else I could do for you."
I continue more seriously. "I wanted to show you...I do not know...that I was...paying attention? That I saw you--really you--not just the tough Cujo, but the Cujo who lost something she loved. I wanted to return that to you."
Cujo watches you for a long moment. Around you, there are people dancing, shouting to the raining heavens. Tax Patrollers are being murdered somewhere near you. All of that noise is lost to Cujo, she's only aware of you. "Vignette..." She pauses, looks away, down to the arena, to the blood and the tumult. "When you figure it out, you know where I'll be." She turns her back on you, walking away.
“Wait!” I call after her, futilely. “WAIT! I AM TRYING! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” I scream at her back, aware of how ridiculous this would look if everyone were not too wrapped up in the post-duel chaos to notice. I am beyond caring what anyone thinks. I watch her walk away, rooted in place, my fists clenched, unable to confront her with my ignorance. I want to throw something, but in my pocket I find only the music machine. For an instant, anger sparks hot. I would know how to talk to people, how to understand them without being inside their heads, if you had not waited too long, if you had not left me with him.
The sounds of the chaos drift up. I do not need to rage against my mother or my confusion over Cujo when there are Tax Patrol down there, right now, fighting Safeco people. For all I know Jax or an Arrow is in the fray. I stride toward the battle, eyes blazing, white gold hair and black coat billowing behind me. I am spoiling for a fight, intending to use my mental powers to help my friends, my father’s forces, anyone fighting Tax Patrol. Let them add stories of the wrathful Witch to the rest of what people say about me.
Of course Cujo doesn't answer. You scream, from the skybox which sits on a perch high above the stands. Jax appears at the door at the Yacht Club, with that holster fellow behind him. He noticed Cujo, but didn't stop her, of course. He sees your rage, watches you head for the small gate out of the skybox with such fury, and heads over.
"Bosslady!" Jax yells as he hustles down the walkway towards you, looking to interject himself and prevent you from descending hundreds of stairs in some wild attempt to lash out. He puts a hand out, palm up, "We need to go, Bosslady, find somewhere safe. People in the Yacht Club are acting a little crazy!"
For a moment, I look at Jax, not seeing him, but just an obstacle to my unleashing my rage. Then, his words sink in. “People in the Yacht Club are acting crazy? Is everyone okay? Valentine? Hope?” I am trying to remember who had been there. Joey? I remember Daddy leaving with August well enough, but the rest is a blur. “How can the Yacht Club not be safe?” As a frequent haunt of my father’s, the Yacht Club had always been well protected.
My impulse to go join the fray and channel my sadness and confusion and frustration into the destructive powers of my unleashed mind now seems reckless and immature. I no longer want a fight just to act out my rage, but now, I am concerned for my friends at the Yacht Club.
"The house is over-extended, Bosslady." Jax says as he looks over his shoulder at the door to the Yacht Club like it's a threat. "There's gonna be a fight if Valentine can't get things under control. We need to get through or go down. I need to keep you safe."
“Jax, I grew up around these people. The Yacht Club was like home to me.” I shrug. “I do not know Valentine well, but zie has been part of my world for as long as I can remember. Zie has always treated me like a normal person. Do you know how few people treat me like a normal person?”
My eyes grow harder. “I intend to help them. This is a time when not being a normal is an advantage.”
Jax shakes his head, "These people will get you killed, Bosslady." But he's not fighting you anymore. He reaches to Holster to get his gun, and gives a nod over to one of August's folks, guy named Townie.
"A different 'opiate for the masses,' than you're used to, eh?" He probably doesn't know the Story of the Master's Tools, but you never know.
August, Gates and Vignette,
Once the song ends, Dog kicks in her ride and jets forward, straight at Balance. Balance, in turn, barrels straight ahead at Dog. The two dart across the mud, through spray of rain leaking through the roof, in a straight line, neither giving up the lane. The crowd leans forward, chatter dying as the rain pounds the roof and the acrid smell of blood and smoke starts filling the air.
Dog hops her h-bike up, over the front fender of Balance's wicked dune buggy, the thrust of the grav engines pressing down like a brahma bull on the hood, then the roll cage, and Balance, before flying up and over the buggy and landing on the other side.
Balance skids forward a couple dozen feet, his buggy throwing mud and fishtailing before he can regain control.
A single roar erupts from the crowd at the first pass. Behind you, the gamblers are exchanging safecoins for the opening salvo of bets.
I lean over the railing and let loose that shrill, keening sound that mimics the noises that Drumma makes. Dog will hear it, cutting through the noise and the shouting.
I try to quiet the feeling inside myself when I think about how long Drumma has been missing.
The battle gets me going a little bit. Heart is beating fast. I tug my locks behind my ears, tie everything up in a knot at the back of my head. I tuck a knife blade back carefully against a knot next to my scalp. Bone earrings dangling.
I look over my shoulder at Admiral. "Come hold me while we watch Balance get pulverized?"
Admiral whispers something in Hope's ear, then stands up from his seat to step over the row of seats to move up to the empty seat beside you, August. He puts an arm around you, hand on your shoulder. "Your lover is going to get me some vengeance today." He's watching you, not the fight, now. "What do you think would make her happy as a reward?"
When he speaks, I turn, to feel his stubbled cheek against his face. Then I'm laughing, deep in my belly, making sure he feels it as it moves through me. I answer him with another question. "Do you you still need HM around? Now that his crew is established here in SafeCo, seems like Val could organize that, instead of HM. Seems like Dog would love to have her hands on HM, with your blessing of course."
I'm paying attention to Admiral's reaction, his breath and his body against mine. Don't want to misstep here.
Reading Admiral. Marking exp.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 6)
Admiral soaks in the moment, the sensation of being near you. His fingers play at your neck and collarbone. He leans in, speaking low to your ear, "Oh August, if it were that simple. His crew? They're fanatically devoted to him, and his drug. I've finally unlocked how he makes it, August."
His breath tickles my cheek. Fine man, the Admiral is. Always has been. "Oh really! So clever. No one else has. Not even our Witch." I shrug against him, "But if you know that, why would you still need HM?"
How can I get Admiral to give HM to Dog?
As you're watching, or not watching, the big Motor Duel, your old "friend" Boeing comes out to the skybox, holding a tall glass of water. He looks right at you, then comes over to sit by you.
"Hello, Gates." He says as he hands you the glass. "Please have this, a token of appreciation from HM. We've heard about your trouble in Pike."
What do you do?
Admiral leans in again, this time less for intimacy and more for privacy, "Because. HM is his drug. Kill him, and I've got a gaggle of pretty young things that will be total wastes in a month or so. I wouldn't do that to Hope, much less any of the others." He inhales, breathing in your scent, savoring this moment. "If the Witch or Bon or anyone else can figure a way to get his crew off Home, then HM is Dog's. I'll even gift-wrap him for her."
What do you do?
I have to stop myself from stiffening against him in surprise. Instead, I open my mouth next to his, speak into his skin. "Well, that is a revelation. And yet here I am, drunk off your touch." He has only to move his lips a fraction of an inch for us to kiss. "Is it his sweat? His piss? Tell me it's his tears." My mouth arches into a half-smile, but really the answer is important. I'll need to get Bon a sample.
Admiral is acutely aware of your every move. That bit about being drunk on him really gets him. You've seen that look. When you ask about what part of HM is used for Home, begging him to say it's the pimp's tears, he chuckles lightly, "I wish. That would be fitting, wouldn't it? No. It's his spit. And no, I don't know this first hand, so don't ask."
What do you do?
Eh, Boeing. Poor fella. Still on a chain.
"Thank you, friend, but my impression is that most o' the time, when someone hands you a drink, it's not really on the house, if you catch my meanin'. Sure, you might not get charged, but you'll pay for it. So what's HM want?"
August, Gates, and Vignette,
Dog and Balance continue their battle, one pass done that looks like it went to Dog. This pass is drawn out, with Balance goading Dog into a crazed charge, but the Arrow looks like she has something up her sleeve.
"HM fears the forest," Boeing answers. "He says he's been there, a long time ago. He wants to help you, since you obviously threaten the forest." He pushes the glass towards you again, "If you're stronger, you're still a threat, and then Rain won't bother him. Makes sense, right?"
What do you do?
Well, looks like Caesar wants to strike a deal to hurt the Devil. Puts a fella like me in a strange position. Bein' honest with myself, I have to admit, I'd see HM gone. Frankly, I'd see all these powerful fellas gone. They all seem like corrupted folk to me. I'm glad to see Vignette and Val weildin' some power, although I wonder if the person holds the power or if the power holds the person...
"Well, you ain't wrong, Boeing. That Rain fella don't like me. And I guess, yeah, he sees me as a threat. What I need is a family that's well. Can HM help me with that? Rain is tryin' to starve and sick us out, and that don't make us great allies. HM can help with that, I'll see what we can do to help out with the forest."
Boeing leans over to whisper his answer, "Yes. We can help. Food, and some curative for the red sickness, but only enough for two or three, and you must swear not to reveal this to Bon or the others. My master commands this."
What do you do?
Don't much like that. What's his deal... readin' a person.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 11)
"Why exactly is that, friend?"
What does Boeing intend to do?
"So something has come out of his splashing mouth that's worth a damn."
I swivel within Admiral's grasp so that I'm once again watching Dog and the fight. I let myself rest backwards, so that my body is pressed against him from knee to neck. When Dog pulls that trick with the h-bike's anti-grav, I shout with triumph and grab Admiral's arm, shoot a look up at him to share in the moment. Dog's gonna waste him, I know it.
Dog splashes Balance good, then zips around for another pass. Balance accounts himself well enough by reversing out and driving hard for some cover. Dog has the upper hand here, no doubt.
Boeing relaxes a little, laughs, "Oh. Nothing more. Just that HM holds a curative. He knows Bon would take it from him if she knew. He's a magic man, Father Gates." Boeing's tone is completely serious about that.
He's trying his damnedest to get you to agree to his master's terms. He's got a task, and he's hungry to succeed.
Admiral chuckles harshly at your insult. He's got no love for HM. As you're both sitting there, you pressed against him, he slips his hand to the inside of your knee, nothing forceful, but sly. Hope's left the two of you now, moved off to amuse herself, Admiral none the wiser. She's probably thankful for the break.
"After this is over, August." Admiral says, his mouth near your temple. "Come back with me. I.... I need some company."
What do you do?
"Well, it sure sounds like HM drive a hard bargain..."
How could I get Boeing to spill more about HM's overall plan, here? Sure HM has some machinations he's workin' on...
I watch the exchange between Dog and Balance from the edge of my seat. I wish there were something I could do to help, but it is up to Dog now. I know she is more than capable.
I notice my father getting cozy with August. It creeps me out. I know August is...flexible about such things, but he is old. And my dad. I wonder if it is true that he has held himself in-check with respect to Hope.
My thoughts are interrupted when the crowd roars and I see Dog with her bike kicked up such that the boostery things are pointed at Balance. Blood covers his face. I smile. Yes, Dog is more than capable.
"So will I, when she wins," I say to Admiral, fully in agreement. I've always had an appreciation for him.
The rest of the folks there in Valentine's box are barely registering on me at this point. It's just Dog in the arena and Admiral at my back. I'm hyped up watching Dog's bike. Is she gonna go up that embankment?
Dog has Balance on the run. The stadium is at a fever pitch, people are screaming at the top of their lungs, a few fights are breaking out in the lower seats.
"He is a shrewd master." Boeing agrees. "Shall I tell him you'll agree to terms? I can get you what you need, some food right now, if you like."
Boeing would need to feel safe, away from the prying eyes of HM's workers, others who know him. He might talk more openly back at your church, or... if he's high.
"Don't worry about Dog, sweet August." Admiral says as he moves her head down, begins kissing your neck, "I have an insurance policy that Balance will not survive this fight."
You feel Admiral's mind right now. He's a giant ball of lust for August, caution thrown to the wind. Also, Vignette, you sense Cujo. She's watching you from the Yacht Club. Not Dog. Nothing else. Just standing near Bon and Shy, watching you in the skybox.
She signs something, quick movement of her fingers, a cruel, little half smile on her face. Her ear is still gone, and she's gotten new tattoos around the hole.
What do you do?
I smile. "Of course, Boeing. Tell him you talked me into it. One more thing, I'm findin' it hard to trust folks lately, given all that's goin' on, but I do trust you. I'm happy to accept HM's help, but I'd like you to come back to church with me after we receive anything he has for us. Share in the bounty, if you will. If that's fine with HM, then we have a deal."
"I'm not worried. I am primed for her victory. But what do you mean about an 'insurance policy'?" I accept his affection like an oasis welcomes the thirsty.
Then Dog has won and is howling and I'm up on the balcony, half-climbing up it, howling right back to her. "So much for your insurance policy, eh?" I say to Admiral, going in for a long, victorious kiss. "Let's make that exit."
Dog defeats Balance and the crowd loses their mind. From your vantage point, you see the handful of Tax Patrollers who were here with Balance start trying to fight their way out, but Admiral has his inside gang moving to surround them. The Tax Patrollers are outnumbered three to one.
Boeing misreads your intent, but he answers as you'd hope, "Yes. I'd like that." He stands, "I'll get some food and the other stuff, meet you outside? Somewhere else? I'll walk with you to Pike."
After the long kiss, you stand to leave. For a moment, Admiral watches the inside gang as they surround the dozen or so Tax Patrollers, and fighting begins, pitched, with guns and hand weapons and malice. Speed is down there, with Salmon, and others. "Yes. It seems like it wasn't needed at all." He grins a mean little grin, and leads you out of the skybox, intending to head to his quarters.
Your father gives you a significant look as he leaves with August. You're probably busy with Cujo, but you notice it, if only a little.
Dog finishes Balance, and it is as if I suddenly breathe after having forgotten to do so. I knew she could beat him, but I feared some trick, some low to which Dog would not think to stoop.
The crowd is ecstatic! A tsunami of thought crashes over me, and for awhile, my mind tumbles in the waves. Slowly, the chant, Dog! Dog! Dog! brings me back to myself. All the thoughts of those around me are intense, and I must concentrate on blocking them out.
Unfortunately, familiarity creates channels like dry riverbeds through which thoughts can surge like a flash flood. And so it is my father’s thoughts that assail me. I am accustomed to sensing the lust of others. At times, I have even ridden that wave with them, feeling the ache, the excitement.
Completely. Gross. When it is your dad.
I have often reflected that, when I kill Daddy, it will be at such a time. He is distracted, not thinking clearly. I sigh and push back at his thoughts, building a dam between us. Maybe I will not kill him after all. I am no longer sure he killed my mother, and he has been a surprising ally, as his look and the slaughter below attest.
As I complete the dam holding back my father’s lecherous, digusting thoughts, another comes to my attention. Cujo. She is here. And who is she signing to? She knows I cannot read sign. Can that smile be aimed at me? I have not seen her since she awoke to find her golden ear missing. She did not say a word. She did not try to kill me. I think the waiting is he worst part. Truthfully, I am no longer (very) afraid Cujo would do me serious harm, but I expected something unpleasant…though her sudden absence from the small pile was unpleasant enough. This smile is not the reaction I expected.
Boeing, man. Not the sharpest kid, but he's tryin'. Close enough, I guess.
"Sure, kid. Meet me and we'll walk over."
Please go here.
Please go here.
Everyone leaves the skybox and heads off to the Yacht Club or other places. Cujo comes out to the skybox to join you, her approach direct, as always. She holds your eyes in hers, the smile fades.
"I wanted to thank you." she says aloud. She doesn't come closer than a few feet, crosses her arms, and meets your eyes. "You freed me from a lie."
What do you do?
"I did not," I answer with dismay in my eyes and voice, knowing she must be talking about her ear.
I step closer and put my hands on her arms, if she will let me. "That would not have been freeing you from a lie. It would have been killing hope. I would not do that. Even if I thought it was freeing you from a lie, I would not presume to make that choice for you."
I look away, ashamed at the next thought. "I have many times forced choices upon people. Sometimes my choices, sometimes the Admiral's. Taking your ear from you would have been too much like that. I do not want to control you."
I look back at her earnestly. "I just wanted to surprise you. I wanted to get it fixed while you slept and put it on you when you started that monster of an H-bike you ride. I remember how much you liked that sound," I say, smiling at the memory that's really one of hers, not one of mine.
"But Ephram could not fix it. I do not know who can. I am so sorry. It was meant to be a gift--the only gift, really, I could think of to give to you, and now..." I shrug.
Cujo's face is stony during your explanation. She sees the words on your lips, her mind is storming like the heavens above. "I do miss that sound. I will always miss it." She exhales sharply through her nose, a single huff of breath.
"That's not the only thing you could give me... why can't you see that?" She tilts her head, watching your reaction.
What do you do?
My brow furrows and I blink several times. My mouth starts to form words once, twice...but my brain is not sending it anything to say.
"I do not understand... You do not seem to need anything. You have the Arrows, your bike. Short of starting bar fights for you," I say with a smile, "I do not know what else I could do for you."
I continue more seriously. "I wanted to show you...I do not know...that I was...paying attention? That I saw you--really you--not just the tough Cujo, but the Cujo who lost something she loved. I wanted to return that to you."
Cujo watches you for a long moment. Around you, there are people dancing, shouting to the raining heavens. Tax Patrollers are being murdered somewhere near you. All of that noise is lost to Cujo, she's only aware of you. "Vignette..." She pauses, looks away, down to the arena, to the blood and the tumult. "When you figure it out, you know where I'll be." She turns her back on you, walking away.
What do you do?
“Wait!” I call after her, futilely. “WAIT! I AM TRYING! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” I scream at her back, aware of how ridiculous this would look if everyone were not too wrapped up in the post-duel chaos to notice. I am beyond caring what anyone thinks. I watch her walk away, rooted in place, my fists clenched, unable to confront her with my ignorance. I want to throw something, but in my pocket I find only the music machine. For an instant, anger sparks hot. I would know how to talk to people, how to understand them without being inside their heads, if you had not waited too long, if you had not left me with him.
The sounds of the chaos drift up. I do not need to rage against my mother or my confusion over Cujo when there are Tax Patrol down there, right now, fighting Safeco people. For all I know Jax or an Arrow is in the fray. I stride toward the battle, eyes blazing, white gold hair and black coat billowing behind me. I am spoiling for a fight, intending to use my mental powers to help my friends, my father’s forces, anyone fighting Tax Patrol. Let them add stories of the wrathful Witch to the rest of what people say about me.
Of course Cujo doesn't answer. You scream, from the skybox which sits on a perch high above the stands. Jax appears at the door at the Yacht Club, with that holster fellow behind him. He noticed Cujo, but didn't stop her, of course. He sees your rage, watches you head for the small gate out of the skybox with such fury, and heads over.
"Bosslady!" Jax yells as he hustles down the walkway towards you, looking to interject himself and prevent you from descending hundreds of stairs in some wild attempt to lash out. He puts a hand out, palm up, "We need to go, Bosslady, find somewhere safe. People in the Yacht Club are acting a little crazy!"
What do you do?
For a moment, I look at Jax, not seeing him, but just an obstacle to my unleashing my rage. Then, his words sink in. “People in the Yacht Club are acting crazy? Is everyone okay? Valentine? Hope?” I am trying to remember who had been there. Joey? I remember Daddy leaving with August well enough, but the rest is a blur. “How can the Yacht Club not be safe?” As a frequent haunt of my father’s, the Yacht Club had always been well protected.
My impulse to go join the fray and channel my sadness and confusion and frustration into the destructive powers of my unleashed mind now seems reckless and immature. I no longer want a fight just to act out my rage, but now, I am concerned for my friends at the Yacht Club.
"The house is over-extended, Bosslady." Jax says as he looks over his shoulder at the door to the Yacht Club like it's a threat. "There's gonna be a fight if Valentine can't get things under control. We need to get through or go down. I need to keep you safe."
What do you do?
“Jax, I grew up around these people. The Yacht Club was like home to me.” I shrug. “I do not know Valentine well, but zie has been part of my world for as long as I can remember. Zie has always treated me like a normal person. Do you know how few people treat me like a normal person?”
My eyes grow harder. “I intend to help them. This is a time when not being a normal is an advantage.”
Jax shakes his head, "These people will get you killed, Bosslady." But he's not fighting you anymore. He reaches to Holster to get his gun, and gives a nod over to one of August's folks, guy named Townie.
Please go here.