August and
A few days have passed since the big shindig at Yellowhouse. The inside gang of Safeco has grown, picking up new bodies from around the outskirts, paying them with safecoins, and handing them guns and weapons. Complaints from folks being roughed up for minor infractions have reached the Yacht Club, but you've been unscathed so far. The inside gang has started roaming
outside, too. In trucks and cars. Right now, it seems like the Admiral's rattling his saber. He hasn't made any big announcements about his plans, yet.

Today, however, is Motor Duel Day! The Witch of Pike has declared markets closed, and the Yacht Club is incredibly busy. There are no empty seats even though the motor duel is hours away. Safeco folk and Pikers sit elbow to elbow, eating and drinking, arguing about the big matches to come. HM is seated at the Admiral's table, as is Hope and the Admiral, of course.
Also, there's a hotshot new driver from up north who the Admiral seems to know. He's angling to get worked into the Motor Duel and doesn't yet know that
you are the person to talk with,
August, Buck came by to ask you to entertain. He made a point to tell you he doesn't trust HM or his people to do as good a job as you'd do. The Grindhouse has been doing
very well lately, with more security around Pike (from Admiral's inside gang patrolling the outskirts). Why did you agree to come to the Yacht Club? Are you entertaining for Safecoins, or here for some other reason? Did you bring anyone?
Valentine, let's see how the day is shaping up for you and yours. Please roll+Hot. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose two. On a 10+, choose three.
- You're able to keep the kitchen and bar stocked, though food portions are smaller than normal and Ivar watered down the beer
- Admiral is covering the bets with Safecoins for a cut, which means you can take three times as many bets with almost no risk, but he'll take a cut of the profits
- You hired a few extra helpers for the Yacht Club and your staff is keeping up with food and drink orders, keeping the throng happy and the jingle flowing
- Somehow you worked a deal with the Tax Patrol to send a team or riders for some bloodsport, which, of course, means you can narrow their numbers (if, that's what you want)
- Needle's keeping security well enough that you don't need any of the inside gang in here
On a miss, disaster!
I came for Vignette. She wanted to extend a sign of good faith, considering the fireworks from her last visit to the Yacht Club. So, despite my agreement to only entertain for her at Pike, here I am yet again, schmoozing and working the crowd for Admiral and Valentine. I haven't performed yet, will see if I'm asked to. The motor duels may be spectacle enough.
I brought Riesling and Townie with me. Riesling to introduce to Valentine -- she has something about her that I think Val would respond to -- and Townie because he refused to let me go without some muscle. He doesn't get how things work yet, away from the Leviathan, but he's loyal, pretty and mean, so I tolerate it.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 6)
Please choose from the list above (the custom move)
Which of the options goes right for you?
Which one goes wrong... very wrong?
As you meet and cabreet, Townie hovers near you. He's stressed with all these people and somehow he snuck in a revolver that he keeps a hand on the whole time. He gives eyes to everyone like they're a threat. Seriously on edge.
Riesling was all good, just a hanger-on, but then she spotted Pine, one of HM's workers. She's been staring daggers at the guy for minutes now, mumbling to herself with words lost in the din. Pine's oblivious, just chatting with YouDub, CostCo, and Union at the gambling tables. She might head over that way if you let her go. She's an adult, should be fine on her own, right?
What do you do?
I tell Townie than he's an ingenious boy for sneaking such a thing past Admiral's folks. I show him the gleam of one of the knives in my boot so that he doesn't think he's the only one who can pull that sort of trick though, and I tell him not to shoot anyone bothering me unless I give him permission. It's a joke, sort of.
Riesling knows that I have some history with Harbormaster, although not the extent of it. Hopefully she won't splash things up too badly. I coast up beside her as she heads that way though, my hand on the small of her back, because I haven't seen Union in awhile. "Play nice," I say, giving her a gentle nudge towards YouDub and CostCo. Then I turn to Union and give them a smile, go in for a kiss on each of their cheeks.
"It's been ages, friend. How goes business?" I wonder if their relationship with Bon has prospered. I think back to when I introduced them to the medic, and what's happened between me and her since then. A good feeling suffuses my limbs as I think of her, and it makes the smile on my face even more ebullient.
I'm listening for their reply, but I'm also doing my usual thing: casing the joint, looking for new faces to bend to Admiral's will and seeing where the flow of power is in the room. It's a favor for Vignette, so I guess I'll have to make sure I'm not making life harder for her in anyway, but we'll see what the night brings.
Gates helping Val, from a distance.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 2. Total: 5)
[OOC, custom move choices:
Goes right: You hired a few extra helpers for the Yacht Club and your staff is keeping up with food and drink orders, keeping the throng happy and the jingle flowing
Goes very wrong: Admiral is covering the bets with Safecoins for a cut, which means you can take three times as many bets with almost no risk, but he'll take a cut of the profits
Riesling nods, subtly agreeing to play nice for now. Townie's right behind you like a shadow when you come up to Union.
Union sucks in a breath and holds it for a moment as you close in for a kiss on both cheeks. They seem hesitant to do anything other than enjoy the moment. They answer with a nervous twitch of a smile on their lips, "Business is very well. In many ways this is thanks to your presence at Grindhouse attracting more and more people to our home, and the Witch of Pike has kept things calm so far. And you? Are you here because of the business shutdown, or for some other nefarious reason?" They smile like sharing a secret.
You've been at this game long enough to be able to quickly "read a room", it's second nature now. This room has a touch of chaos bubbling just under the surface. Too many people, not enough drinks and food to go around, prices are high and safecoins are moving like crazy.
First matches are starting soon. These are "amateur" sports to get the crowd moving towards seats, usually stuff like motorbike chases or build-your-own hot rod stuff. Noisy and exciting, but little skill. Some bets will happen, but most folks are angling for odds on the main event. Pine of Grimace is taking on Spiteful Audit from the Tax Patrol. Spiteful is parked by the dirt now, his spiky car on full display, all brown from rust and blood. It looks deadly and quick. PoG will have a real race on her hands today.
Cigarette Girl comes by, "Valentine," she says loud enough for you to hear over the din, "Admiral wants to see you. And YouDub's hoping Needle will clear a couple tables for more gambling, you dry with that? Think we need to start getting the idle folks to move on and make room?" She rattles off stuff that way. She's efficient.
What do you do?
If there's not enough bread, then their must be circuses. The music machine from hizzoner H to the M has been rather helpful in keeping people satisfied with the novelty of new music. But still it's like water for chocolate, or much luxe tune when you need an espresso. Not precisely satisfying... perhaps distracting.
I touch Cigarette Girl on the shoulder in thanks. "I'm dry indeed with getting some turnover, my dear. Think we can get some of them dancing? That would get them off their bottoms and in the zone without a ruckus or din." I'll point out a person or two who had asked for some smokes.
I look about for Admiral, and August. I don't want to keep the man waiting overlong, but I want to mark August in case she could dazzle the crowd if it starts to boil.
I moue at Union when they mention the shutdown but then let my pout turn into a grin when they suggest villainy on my part. "Oh, you know me both too well too soon and not at all. I'm here on behalf of the Witch but don't tell anyone." I put a finger to my lips and look meaningfully at YouDub and CostCo as well, since they can't not have heard.
It may get me in trouble with Admiral, but he tends to forgive me quickly.
I watch Valentine watching the Yacht Club from across the room, meet zir eyes if ze notices me. A nod for zir if ze needs it. I'll do whatever ze needs me to do. Not for Vignette, but for ze zirself.
The room isn't sharing any secrets with me, so I make excuses with Union and drift towards Admiral, giving Townie a stern glance -- he can't be so close that they mistake him for my shadow.
Who's Admiral talking with? Who is he working? Hopefully someone I can bend. Something is going wrong with the tables today, I know that. I just haven't figured out what exactly. And I presume HM will be here, but I would be delighted if he was not.
Cigs marks the smokers with subtle nod of her head, "I'll tell Youdub and Costco after I grab those two for smokes."
August is near the gambling tables, talking with Union. The skinner has some Grindhouse folks with her. One of them, Riesling... you know her pretty well, right (you tell me if those rumors are true)? What went wrong with you and her?
What do you do?
Union arches a fine brow, "On her behest? That's delicious. I heard from SueB that she's coming to visit herself soon. Since the markets are closed, I guess she has to come, right?"
"Auggie!" Costco says when he sees you near. "You got any dirty stories? You should tell 'em!"
What do you do?
I shrug at Union. "The Witch may have other plans. I wouldn't presume to guess them." I make an inexplicable witchy gesture. "But I would think that even she may be drawn to the motor duels. They have a ... certain quality."
"A dirty story?" I repeat to CostCo with a smile. "I would be delighted, if Valentine wills it. See what ze says." I don't want to distract from the gambling.
Someone here must be a good mark.
Reading the sitch. Marking exp and advancing.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 6)
I squeeze Cigarette Girl's shoulder in solidarity, looking in her eyes. "I'm in the weeds too, sugar. Trust me, we're all going to get a cut if we do well today."
As I move to bring August's table their order (August never pays for her potables and comestibles {I've brought her her special request today}), I steel myself when I see Reisling, preparing for drama.
The rumors are partially true. I did right by her, showed her good times, and she never once complained until I couldn't give her the child she wanted. I'm man enough for some tasks, but not all. It stung, but it's all wind over the buildings. I wonder who she's chasing these days.
Still thinking about Admiral and his plans, I serve the table. August and I have a quick conversation about the house with our eyes.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 11)
August and Valentine,
"Val!" Costco says, turning to wave you over, Valentine. "Come over, we need ya!"
When you come over, he asks, "You don't mind if August here spins some yarns about dirty deeds and all, do ya?"
With Valentine's help, August, you succeed at that read a sitch. Ask your question.
I look back gratefully at Valentine -- even in the short time I've been away, the currents of power have changed. Then, when I see zir look at Riesling, I let go with a delicate half-snort. Perhaps I should try to meddle less. I wonder why Riesling didn't tell me that she had a history with my Valentine?
I accept my espresso from Valentine, fingers brushing zirs, looking towards zir with an amused, knowing expression through the steam. My mouth curves upward when I see Val's breath catch.
Who here is most vulnerable to me?
I hypnotize Valentine as if I rolled a 10.
August and Valentine,
Riesling seems caught between her anger towards Pine and her worry about Valentine, and slips near you, August.
"Auggie, how ya been?" YouDub asks over the din as he holds his dice. He's about to throw in a game of craps, and holds the dice over, "Mind giving me a blow... for luck?" He smiles wide at his little double entendre.
As you're both there at the gambling tables overlooking the big muddy field of the stadium where two teams are fighting, Vignette, the Witch of Pike, arrives. She has someone with her, a handsome man in simple clothes and a robe.
Speed and a couple members of the rather large inside gang check weapons on your people. Jax's pistol is not going to be allowed in. What did you do about that?
When you enter the Yacht Club, you see the place is very busy. You spot Valentine near the gambling tables, and maybe August. Near the window to the outside is Admiral at his normal table. HM is with him, as is Hope, and some young man as well, one you don't recognize.
What do you do?
I give YouDub a lascivious look and give his dice a saucy blow. Hard to find offense in a man that needs me to sing him to sleep more nights than not.
For Valentine's ear only: "Need me for anything in particular tonight? I know I'm here for Vignette, but if you need anything, just ask. Sorry about Riesling -- I didn't know." Unsaid, that ze never told me.
Taking You call this hot? for an advance with Valentine's permission.
I wonder at the purpose of the extra large inside gang presence. My entourage is not so numerous as to inspire this in the Admiral.
Jax does not like being without his weapon, nor do I like his being without it when we walk into the Admiral's den. It is pointless to fight the Admiral's crew directly, but there are other ways. That it is vaguely insulting is just a bonus. The weapons check man, with me pulling his strings, graciously offered up one of the inside gang to accompany us and carry Jax's weapon. It is a solution that makes everyone happy. The inside crew has disarmed Jax. Jax has his weapon accessible--the average inside crew member being only a little harder for Jax to pull his weapon from than his own holster. And the weapons check man does not have to admit that he was flooding mind controlled as long as he keeps his mouth shut about it.
With our new, nervous-looking friend, "Holster"--or whatever his name really is--from the inside crew in tow, Jax and I go to greet the Admiral and Harbormaster.
I needlessly scan the room, pretending to take its pulse. "Give us some happy smut, Aug, my dear? Blue balls is bad for biz."
I look at her, and flick my eyes quickly at Reisling. I raise my left shoulder a fraction of an inch while angling my head a modicum to the right: Feces occurs. I am not one to wear my heart on my sleeve nor shout my shortcomings from the eaves.
Out loud, I proclaim quietly, "Watch my back, 'ware the throng. Pressure abounds." Smile number five as I turn to Admiral. As I go, I call to YouDub, "Let me know when you're ready to graduate from mere dice. I could stand to have a roulette table." I tip my hat saucily, then continue.
I particularly look straight at Vignette, and nod while locking eyes, unfolding smile number two just so. I also make a handsign to Ivar: The Witch of Pike drinks free this night.
[OOC: Fingers in every pie. Roll+hot, marking XP.]
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 3. Total: 7)
Union is most vulnerable to you, they love you and are willing to help you with whatever mischief you've got planned.
Riesling is, too, all exposed with her weak heart for people here, but you knew that already.
As you approach, your father looks up, gestures to you, "Vignette, so glad you came! Come, sit at my table. Please." He looks to the young man across from HM. "Move Bezos." His tone is clipped, commanding. The man rises.
"Yes, yes," HM agrees, "Come and sit with me, Vignette." He looks at Rain, "Who's your friend?"
What do you do?
Hmm, looks like Admiral's table is full full.
I'll see to the house or do side work until I see an opening.
"Thank you for inviting me," I say, smiling. Admiral, Harbormaster, this is Rain. Rain joins us from the forest. I invited him to be my guest. I thought it appropriate than an emissary from the forest should meet the master of Safeco." I finish the polite round of introductions, being sure to show more deference to the Admiral. The Harbormaster may feel a bit slighted, but he knows whose place this is.
With a gesture to Jax and Holster, I add, "And of course, you gentlemen both know Jax, my right hand, and accompanying us is one of your internal security people that the man out front has graciously assigned to us. Forgive me. I do not believe I was actually told his name."
I take a seat next to the Admiral and gesture for Rain to sit between Harbormaster and myself.
I find Daddy's warmth--or at least his lack of visible hostility--troubling. I send my mind out, skimming over the clean quartz planes of the Admiral's mind, looking for signs of...something... Frankly, betrayal is what I fear most. My father is not a forgiving man. This invitation and welcome, after the fireworks of our last interaction, is disconcerting.
"Casual thought receptivity (on the Admiral): (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 9)
"What does Daddy intend to do?
"Happy smut only," I repeat to Valentine, faux-woefully. Indeed, my most carnal yarns tend to devolve into heart-wrenching affairs that are not at all 'what they say on the tin.' My Valentine forces me to strategize.
My thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of the wee white witch, but my answering smile at her presence is marred when I hear the origin of the man she brought with her -- his beard gives me pause as well. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to remember the face on the bearded man, the one that myself and Bon saw, when we were peering through the universes. I had thought it to be Gates, but was it this stranger?
His arrival makes the crowds move enough that I can confirm that HM is indeed in attendance. I move closer, gathering attention and getting close enough that I can hear what's going on. I stand behind Admiral's shoulder, flick a greeting to Hope with Arrow-sign, acknowledge Vignette with a nod.
Your Father is very intrigued with Rain. He's going to find out if he's legit, and get what information he can from the man. He'll approach this diplomatically. At least until he sees it isn't working. He's also showing you his appreciation that you held up your end of the bargain.
The young man, Bezos, makes room for you and your father stands until you've seated. He notes your show of respect (which HM does as well, but with less acceptance than your father). Holster doesn't offer his name, instead standing near Jax, who remains standing by the table.
"Valentine!" Admiral calls over to you, Valentine, "Can you come over, please?" The tone is polite, but strong. He looks to Rain, offering a hand, "It is good to meet you, Rain. I've long wanted to meet someone from the forest. It's a wonder in our world, one I've watched from this very seat for years."
Rain ignores Admiral's hand, "You watched the forest? Here, in this place. You can barely see the new trees." Rain's tone is brusque, but Admiral lets it slide, for now.
"I assume manners aren't a priority in the woods." HM mutters quietly. Rain ignores him, but sits beside him, and you.
When you come over, Valentine, Admiral says clearly, "Valentine, please meet Rain. He comes from the forest." He's watching your reactions to him, as if you're some kind of barometer.
What do you do?
You arrive behind Admiral just before he sits back down. He gives you a nod of acknowledgment, but looks warily to Rain and doesn't introduce you, not yet.
Hope meets your eyes, but hers look vacant. She registers the signed greeting and looks back at the outside, but her hands sign back ::This guy is from the forest! He might know why Sounder got hurt so bad.::
Riesling's behind you, a hand on your back, her chin on your shoulder as if to look over. She's also close enough to hear you if you need something done. Townie's near, he gives Jax a nod of greeting, they're recently struck up a kinship and became drinking pals.
What do you do?
I meet Hope's eyes. ::Yeah, maybe. And maybe it was him that hurt her. Are you okay?::
I tilt my head a bit onto Riesling's, to acknowledge her, and note the connection between Jax and Townie. It was good for Townie to interact with folks from Pike, instead of just talking to the other transplants from Leviathan. I'm just not sure I would have picked Jax as his friend.
I watch Valentine closely when ze goes to greet the man from the forest. I'll base my reactions off zer as well. For now.
Hope lays her left hand just over her forearm while looking back outside the window overlooking the area. ::I am okay. HM is angry. Suquamish is missing. Watch out for Witch. He suspects her.::
::You know I'll kill him if he tries anything.::
I look around.
::Or someone else will.::
Hope nods subtly, trusting that you've got it handled.
As your father does introductions with Rain and Valentine, HM leans over to ask you quietly, "Where is Suquamish, Vignette?" He asks like he knows you know.
“Squish,” I say quietly, mostly to myself, and laugh lightly. “I do not know. She has no reason to babysit me for the time being,” I say with a small shrug. “I would have expected her to be here to gloat after telling Harbormaster what an unruly child I have been.”
HM seems dubious about your answer, "She never came back to Safeco, Vignette. Is she not with you anymore?"
"No, she is not. She followed me to a party. What I had to drink...affected me strangely," I say with a pointed look at Harbormaster. "I was in her mind, and it upset her." I shrug and roll my eyes. "When I left her, she did not follow. I did not try to find her later."
Valentine is pleasant, but reserved. Ze exchanges greetings with Rain, offers a hand. Rain doesn't shake it, his demeanor chilly. Valentine doesn't seem perturbed, but you know zir well enough to judge that Rain won't be welcome long if he doesn't spend some jingle.
Riesling slips up to whisper into your ear, "From the forest? People come from there? This has to be some show. A con." She looks directly at Valentine when ze comes close, then bends down to nuzzle at your neck, August, showy and playful.
"That's disappointing, Vignette." HM says, his tone dark. "I am very disappointed to hear this. She is a very valuable employee." He ignores Admiral, Rain and Valentine to focus on you, steepling his fingers as he leans over the table, "I know she is capable of handling herself very well, Vignette. She would return to me, if she were capable. Which means, perhaps, the path from Pike to Safeco was dangerous. Is that what you would suppose?"
I shrug. "For some more than others. I used to walk it each week, but I know all the secret ways and see things some do not. I navigate the stream of thoughts between Pike and Safeco, avoiding the eddies and swirls of people with bad intent. As you say, Suquamish is very capable. I am sure she has her own way."
"I did not send her away. We were not friends, but I did learn many things about her--and about you. I understand her better than I did and would not put her in harm's way. I am not her babysitter, though."
"No, you aren't." HM agrees, his tone flat. "Of course not. If... you hear anything about Suquamish, I'm sure you'll let me know?"
August and Vignette,
A scrawny runner boy from the garage, his name's Alley. He comes running up to Valentine and announces, "Val, Pine's hurt bad, Grimace is slagged!"
Valentine's eyes widen, but then ze regains composure and smoothly asks, "Who is Ephram sending in her stead?" The way the Maestro'D says it, feels almost rehearsed, like this is some big reveal. The nearby crowd, already shocked to hear the pipsqueak voice of Alley proclaim that the main event is in danger, that their favorite driver is hurt, their "home car" is slagged.
Alley senses the moment, sees his part in it, and throws his voice into a louder register, "Eph says that he got a replacement. Dog! Dog of the Arrows is gonna fight Balance! And she's gonna ride big circles around him and put him down!!!!"
A roar comes up from the crowd, glasses raised and the name of Dog the Arrow is shouted in celebration.
What do you do?
"Stranger things have been true. After all, there were people living on the sea," I remind Riesling. When her affectionate becomes ostentatious, I make a small tsk sound but can't help laughing. Just like her to poke the bear. "But maybe you should talk to him? See if you can catch him in a lie. Or you believe him. I trust your judgement."
When Valentine sets up the reveal, I roar with the rest of the crowd. Balance doesn't know what he's in for.
“I will,” I say with a nod to Harbormaster. “And if I can help her return to you, I will,” which is true, though maybe it should not be.
When I hear that Dog plans to face Balance, it sends a chill through me. I am glad that viewing the future is not one of my gifts–the chill is not from foreknowledge. I respect Dog too much to fear for her in a straight-up fight, but I have heard things about Balance… I hope his desire to do more harm than necessary gives Dog an advantage.
When you assure Riesling that you trust her judgement, she relaxes a bit, ceasing the showy kisses, presses her forehead against the side of your neck, then steps back. She'll figure out this Rain guy if she can.
HM accepts your word, Vignette. You can feel his irritation, but there's nothing he can do here, or now.
Valentine is quickly surrounded by people changing bets or placing new ones. Ze gleefully works to arrange whatever Safecoins need to be traded, and heads towards the bar to help Needle keep track of the sums.
Suddenly, Rain starts, as if he heard some sudden loud noise. His eyes dart wildly for a moment, searching the dozens of people nearby. Finally, he looks at you, Vignette. "Bon. Take me to the one called Bon." He reaches a hand across the table to cover yours, Vignette. "Take me to her now."
August, you totally heard this.
What do you do?
I yank my hand back reflexively as Rain touches it. I continue the motion to stand smoothly, as if pulling my hand back was just part of standing up. I put my hand on his elbow, seeking to guide him, but curiously reluctant to touch him.
“Admiral, Harbormaster, my apologies. If you will excuse us for a time, Rain has knowledge that may be of use to Bon. In any event, I had intended to introduce them. I will make sure her work is not disrupted.”
I give Riesling a look and a nod saying wordlessly, Yes, go with them. "Pass this on to Bon for me?" I ask her, and deliver a solid kiss on her lips.
I put my hand over Admiral's shoulder so that he knows I'm there. "I'm going to work the room. Can I get you anything?"
You head towards the door with Rain. Rain's eager to follow you to Bon now. When you come to the door, you run into Gates and SeaTac, seems like they're looking for you.
Gates and SeaTac,
After checking weapons at the door (what do you hold back, SeaTac?), you run into Vignette. She has a companion with her. A man with piercing eyes in a cloak that you've never seen before SeaTac.
It's Rain, Gates. He narrows his eyes at you, but says nothing like you're not important right now.
What do you do?
Riesling slips out behind Vignette, behind her little retinue, but she's sly about it, not obvious.
Admiral looks up at you, "Get these people fired up for Dog. The jingle is running wild today, can't have anyone back off because of a change in venue."
I touch Admiral's lip with my finger and nod solemnly. "Yes, sir."
I swing by YouDub and CostCo's table first, since it's the biggest. "Where do I make a bet that Dog leaves Balance's ride looking worse than a smear of engine grease?" I pitch my voice to carry. I bet a lot of Safecoins, a whole barter's worth. I pile them real conspicuous.
Then I'm going by the other tables, making smaller bets, but still talking trash.
When I get back near the barista and Valentine, where the attention of the room tends to settle, I hoist myself up on the bar and call out, "Let me tell you good folks the Story of the Biker, the Toll Gang and the Storyteller, otherwise known as exactly how Dog got that scar of hers."
This is a bawdy tale, entirely false, that involves Dog riding an h-bike through an increasing number of bloody encounters, and culminates with her getting clipped by a barbed wire fence while scrogging someone who could be no other than yours truly against her handlebars and fleeing a gang that sounds preeeeetty close to the Tax Patrol.
"And that, my friends, is why Balance ain't got splash on Dog." A big smile goes across my face.
Regarding Vignette, ignoring Rain, least for the time bein', I say "'Lo there, Vignette. Just the folk I wanted to see. Hope yer doin' well. Can I ask where yer headin' off to? SeaTac and I came a long way to say hi."
Sounds like you're performing your art right now, yeah? Let's see some dice.
Artful & Gracious
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 11)
Admiral must give me a gift.
Admiral admires my patron (Vignette).
HM admires my patron (Vignette).
"Hello, Mr. Gates. A runner said that someone has been hurt and Bon is tending to them. We go to see if she needs help." At least that is what I imagine is the cause of Rain's sudden desire to visit Bon...
I frown. "That is unfortunate. Bon's good people, and useful to folks, too. Mind if we walk that way with you? I got a few questions to run by you about some goings on at Pike?"
Still doin' my best not to acknowledge Rain. What's his game, here?
While we talk, I'll keep an eye on the person with Vignette. Fair assumption it's this Rain fellow. "Vignette, who's your new friend here? Never seen him before"
YouDub and Costco are amazed by the tale, and they cajole folks into better high on Dog. Needle takes down numbers and even Union throws in a hefty sum. Maybe too hefty, they seem to be trying to impress you with all the jingle they're betting on Dog.
Townie's still near, watching your back, his eyes narrow as he surveys the crowd.
“Of course you may walk with us,” I say to Gates. “If things are as bad as they sound… Maybe you can be some comfort to them.”
I continue walking at a brisk pace, determined to get to Bon quickly and relying on the others to keep up. I know from experience that Gates’ long strides make him more than capable of this. At SeaTac’s words, I say, “This man is called ‘Rain’. He is visiting from the forest.”
Rain inclines his head to you, SeaTac, ignores Gates. "I am here at Vignette's invitation, and I am under her protection."
You continue walking through the crowds. There's already a buzz rising. You hear the name of Dog being chanted, and hear the roar of the engines down in the pit. The big fight will be coming soon.
"Rain visited Pike as an envoy from the forest and had some interesting things to say, including that the forest's clearwater can cure the red sickness." I say, addressing Gates and SeaTac.
"I asked Rain to accompany me, so that I could introduce him to the Admiral and to Bon. As he says, he is under my protection." I laugh gently as if the qualification I am about to utter is unnecessary. "I cannot imagine that there is anything he would do that would require my protection and not at the same time convince me to withdraw it."
I notice Union's behavior, but it seems inopportune to intervene. Dog will win, of course. And then Union will become richer with the rest of us.
When I see the convocation of Rain, Vignette, Gates and SeaTac, leaving Yacht Club, I feel a pang of nervousness. I do a quick circuit around the room to make sure everything is in order, for the moment at least, and then sprint after them. I slide gracefully through the crowds of the duel-goers, looking for the odd-looking foursome and whatever retinue they have today.
"Sir Gates!" I call out when I see his gray head amidst the others. When they stop, I lay my hand lightly on the shoulder of the good preacher while I catch my breath. "Sir Gates. You left so soon. But perhaps you'll visit me at Grindhouse later? I recently acquired an artifact that I think you would be interested in."
::All well?:: I ask SeaTac with my hands, a quick gesture.
Now that we're away from Admiral, I have a hard time holding my tongue around Rain. "And you, stranger. What do you want with dear Bon? And so suddenly?"
I watch his features carefully. Eyes flicking between him and Vignette.
Rain and Vignette's responses are interesting. Seems like "protection" is a big deal for Rain, like he's playing a political game. Strange for a man straight out of the forest. Seems too, that Vignette's of two minds, since she's already giving herself an out on following through with it.
To August, I return ::We'll see.:: Coulda just shrugged, I suppose, but I guess I wanted to show off a few of my couple-dozen words. As to Rain, I let August's question speak for me.
Hmmm. Seems like Vignette don't know what's up. Problem is, if Rain actually can help with the sickness, and it seems he can, I don't want to jeopardize that fer everyone else. Just make sure we're in on it too. Let's try to force the issue.
"That's good to hear, Vignette. My family is bein' hit hard by the sickness. Maybe you can help us out with the clear water, Rain, you think?"
"Gates," Rain says plainly, "We have spoken about what is to come for your family. There is nothing more I can offer. The forest gives... and it takes away."
He looks at you, August, "I wish to meet Bon. Vignette suggested that she might want to speak about clear water."
I've been watching and listening, but that... "That sounds like a threat against the Reverend and his people, Rain. Can't say as I understand why you'd do that. Being a newcomer and all, claiming to come out of the forest." I could end this in the next two-tenths of a second, no question. My Magnum is waiting for it. But I'm respecting the back-and-forth, for now.
"Still ain't rightly sure what it is I done to you to get you so riled up you'd be willin' to let my friends die, Rain, but my patience is growin' a bit thin with your lack of neighborliness. Maybe if you were to tell me what it is I gone an' done to get on your bad side I can go about fixin' it and we can go about makin' sure my friends get some clear water like everyone else. Sound like a plan?"
Rain looks to you, Vignette, "I don't want to talk to these people anymore, Vignette. Let's go talk to Bon now."
"You wish to meet her. And you speak for the Forest?" I repeat, looking at Rain dubiously.
::Why are we putting up with this fool?:: I sign to SeaTac. I can't remember if I've shown him all these words. But maybe Joey has. Or Laika.
I have to stop myself from looking around for Riesling. She'd been following her way, subtly. I shouldn't mess with that.
"You are provocative for one so defenseless," I observe when Rain moves from impoliteness to rudeness. I wonder what he did for Vignette to earn her patronage.
I'm listening for the sounds of the crowd -- there's no way I'm missing Dog in the motorduels.
"Rain..." I say slowly. "What do you mean 'what is to come' for Gates' family?" I look back and forth between Rain and Gates. "What is he talking about, Gates? Who is dying?"
I am quite aware of Rain's intention to drive out Gates--it was all over his thoughts when we first spoke--but if he is actively plotting something beyond a misguided, futile attempt to win people to his dismal worldview, I want to know about it. I do not like the sound of this at all. I suspect Rain is arrogant enough to tell the truth about it.
I get enough from August for context. Why are we something with this something? I respond. ::Clear water? Cure? Flood me if I know::
"My family, they're sick. And they ain't gettin' better, unlike some folk. You want to stand up and add some more honesty to that, Rain, or are you to scared to say it?"
Rain seems to ignore Gates' response, answering Vignette only, "Two of Gates' family are red-sick and dying. The Forest has decided not to intervene. Their sickness will run its course. Others in Pike have been granted clear water, as you know, Vignette. Will you please take me to Bon? Or should I leave?"
What do you do?
“I see,” Vignette says, her lips pressed into a thin line. “I very much hope that you would not presume to tell me what I can do with the clear water the forest grants me.”
Ran shakes his head, "Once given, the clear water is yours. I wouldn't tell you what to do, Vignette. Your decisions will be known by the forest, and it may decide not to grant you anything further." He turns from talking to you, Vignette, and starts walking, evidently making a decision to continue on his own, since the lot of you are trying to talk instead of head to Bon's.
I turn to the others, and speak in a low voice so that Rain can't hear. "I have to get back to the duel. Watch Dog. What the flood is this guy up to? Vignette, can't you ... " I make witchy fingers at Rain's back. "Because if you don't, I'm gonna stick a knife in him the next time I see him."
I say it like it's a joke. But I'm more than half serious.
"I am the guarantor of both his safety and his behavior. I am finding it very like accompanying a petulant child. I apologize for his behavior and would ask that you allow me to discipline him when the time comes. He has enough to offer that his rudeness is tolerable--to a point."
"Rain, stop," I say turning to the man who is about to walk away. "I did not know you were withholding healing from my friends. Your visit here is at an end. Perhaps we can visit Bon once Gates' family is well."
Rain continues walking, leaving you all behind, ignoring Vignette's last words. He'll soon disappear into the crowds milling about waiting for the match to start.
What do you do?
Fuming at the indignity of having to chase him down, I run after Rain, hard boots clicking on ancient concrete, leather coat billowing out behind me, and white-gold hair streaming.
"RAIN!" I shout.
Should he be so unwise as to turn and meet my gaze, I will do another manner of shouting.
At your shout, Rain slows down, but he does not stop, "Our tour is at an end, Vignette. I thought you were wise enough to save Pike from the redsick. But you're just like the rest. So be it."
“If by ‘like all the others’ you mean that I have seen through the words of a charlatan, then yes, belatedly. You arrive with promises of healing, conveniently goading people into giving you excuses to withdraw your offer. Envoy if the forest!” I snort in derision. “You are just a madman in the wilderness with delusions of grandeur, no more in possession of healing than we are.”
“You will not see Bon this day under my protection. Turn and leave Safeco now, or continue without my leave or my protection, with those you have threatened and insulted at your back.”
"Remember this when your people lay dying, Vignette." Rain says as he takes a sharp turn to the right, towards the doors outside. He takes off at a run.
What do you do?
"Vignette, I gotta say thanks. I was tryin' to play it as smooth as possible there. I hate to see my family be the reason other folks ain't gettin' clear water. But that guy... that guy is just too much. What do we know about these forest folk?"
I watch Rain flee, aware that I cannot catch him.
“It is okay, Gates,” I say, touching his arm briefly before I have a chance to remember that I do not touch people, and that people do not want me to. “Some help comes at too high a price. Anyway, I do not trust a savior who believes we should all be dead.”
“The good news is that, if he speaks the truth, there is a cure. And if there is a cure Bon can find it. That is why I withdrew my protection. Once he stopped listening to me, I was afraid he may have come to the same conclusion–that Bon was our best hope–and I was afraid he might try to remove that hope.”
I don't bother with or wait for words, just sign to August. ::Following:: Then I take off behind him, intending to follow and observe.
I nod to SeaTac before he goes. To Gates, "SeaTac is on it. Think about my invitation though. I think you'd like what I have to show you."
As Vignette returns, I perk an ear up towards the crowd. "Do you want to watch the match from Valentine's box? If you do, we should hurry."
“Yes,” I say in response to August, though my eyes linger on where Rain disappeared. I hope I have not let my anger and fear drive away a chance at life for someone…or many someones. Turning back to August, I manage a weak smile. “Yes, we should go. I would not want to miss seeing Dog defeat Balance.”
Alright, it looks like August and Vignette are heading back to the Yacht Club to sit in the VIP Box and watch Dog fight Balance. That should be a new scene.
SeaTac is following Rain. I'll set up a new scene for you shortly.
Gates, where are you going?
My mind is still focused on my family and on Rain, but an artifact does always sound intriguing.
"Of course," I say to August, before she leaves. "I'm always happy to see interesting things. Let me know when I should come by and I'll be there."
I'm a bit torn between going back to check on the family and sticking around to see what's going on with Dog, as well as see what SeaTac finds about Rain. Maybe I'll stick around just a little bit to see how Dog does...
August, Gates and Vignette,
Valentine pulls you all back to the Admiral's table. Ze manages to shoo HM off to take care of his workers so you can all sit with the Hardholder of Safeco. Valentine takes a moment to collect zirself, settles into one of zir varied smiles that shows confidence, but concern. "My friends, we have a conundrum here. What game shall we offer for Dog and Balance to play? I had chosen an out and out hard race for Pine and Balance, but with Dog's vastly faster ride, it hardly seems fair. Or entertaining. A pure bloodsport would satisfy the crowds, but it puts our dear Dog at some risk, and by extension, the Arrows." Valentine looks pointedly at you on that, August.
"I am infrequently at odds with which game to offer," Valentine says smoothly, "But would desire some counsel. Or opinions, since everyone has them, right?" Ze looks to you, Gates, "Reverend Gates, you're a neutral party and a wise man. And Vignette, you stand to gain from any damage to the Tax Patrol, but the Arrows are close to your heart. That is why I ask for your advice as well."
"The games I can offer as a main event," Valentine continues, "Those that are, on the table, so to speak, are a full-on, combat, to a stopping point we determine, or to the death. This would be the most profit if Dog wins, but carries the most risk." Ze licks zir lips, then, "We can offer up a rabbit. A quick and deadly scrub animal that they must chase and capture. It would allow for Dog's speed to be advantageous, but I fully expect Balance to pounce on her once the rabbit is caught." Ze spreads zir hands wide, "Or, we have a series of rounds of escort. Balance must protect a Tax Patroller moving on the track as Dog attacks them, and in turn, Balance is able to attack an Arrow in the round next. This would satisfy bloodlust and stretch the games a bit, for more betting."
The moment hangs in the air, the din of the crowd fades away as you ponder.
What do you do?
You head out after Rain. Give me an Act Under Fire to avoid his notice. Also, it looks like a storm is coming in quick off the coast, and Rain's heading out towards it. And I'll give you this free of charge, someone else is following you both.
"The escort round sounds boring." I'm lying, but it shouldn't come off that way. I just don't want Belka being forced to act the bait. My hands move side to side, like uneven scales. "The rabbit might give Dog too much of an advantage."
"I vote direct combat. The odds may favor Balance, but that's only because they don't know Dog. And that way I'll win more on my tables." I smile selfishly.
Now see, this is why I tend to avoid these. It's all... bloodshed and the like. Val is... Val is someone I have some deep and complicated feelings fer. Maybe I didn't know that in my conscious brain until we danced together, but it's been floatin' around in my head fer a while. But I also know that ze deals in this sort o'... thing. This thing which is not my world, and which makes me uncomfortable, which seems so wrong.
"Val, I just... I don't know that I can decide who lives and who dies. I tend to think the only person who gets to do that is the Lord and last I checked, I ain't He. So I would vote fer whatever keeps folks the safest. I get you got some... constraints on ya here. People want to see blood, you need folks makin' bets, gettin' their fun. Maybe that third choice makes some sense, as such, but I tend to like to see as little killin' as possible in my fun."
I snort pleasantly at Gates' fit of conscience. "If I waited around the the Lord to make decisions, I'd still be under Harbormaster's thumb," I say, tone not unkind.
I know he didn't exactly say that, but I want to misdirect, and the escort games don't appeal to me.
August, Gates and Vignette,
Outside you hear the crowd getting riled up. Among the stomping you hear what sounds like thunder outside, too. The sky is darkening, quickly.
"I want Balance dead." Admiral says firmly. Hope isn't here right now, he turns to all of you when he answers. "That bastard killed Gong, and his Tax Patrol is a cancer on both our holds, Vignette."
I pause, staring off into space, listening. Sometime my own thoughts are as difficult to separate than those of others. An opportunity to see the Tax Patrol disadvantaged is not to be missed. I come to realize, though, that Dog is what matters to me.
"It should be a straight-up fight. To the death," I say grimly, still staring off into space.
I turn and look my father in the eye for a moment, saying nothing. Then, I turn to the others. "All the other options are games. Dog will try to win. Balance is not concerned with winning. He is only pain and death. I do not want Dog to be distracted by a game, when for Balance, all three options have the same goal--killing Dog. Dog should have the benefit of the same clarity."
Act Under Fire
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
Please go here.
I mull over what Vignette said.
"I don't like that, but I can't argue with it."
August, Gates and Vignette,
"It's settled then." Valentine says with a slight nod of zir head and a grim smile. Ze turns from the table to head towards the pit of the stadium, addressing you loudly, "Come, my friends! We must step into the skybox and get this show underway!" The crowd in the Yacht Club lets out a cheer in response and everyone starts moving towards the few windows that look onto the pit from here. Some people head out of the Yacht Club quickly to get a view of the start of the show.
Valentine gestures for all of you to follow, and even Admiral hops up from his perch to head to the skybox. As ze heads by Ivar at the bar, Valentine declares, "Oh, Ivar. cue up AC/DC, if you please." YouDub overhears and lets out an excited cry, immediately starts yelling to the gamblers around him, setting new odds.
As you follow Valentine, ze heads out of the Yacht Club, walking onto a catwalk that leads to the skybox. The skybox is a very posh set of seats that sit above the rest of the crowd, obvious and visible to them all. You're hundreds of feet up, with an excellent vantage point on the show. But also terribly exposed.
This song starts playing over the loudspeakers.
Valentine picks up a small microphone, hops up on the rail to address the crowd, "My darlings! It seems... you want blood! You got it! If you want blood, you GOT IT!" The crowd roars and hoots approval. The name of Dog is chanting again, and the stomping thump thump rattles the place.
Valentine removes zir hat and uses it as a prop to indicate Balance, and Dog, "Two gang leaders. One hated. One hateFUL. Two gang leaders enter.... ONE leaves!" There's a frenzy coming onto the crowd now in response to that. "If you want BLOOD!" Valentine gestures to the sky, to the roof and the sound of the rain, "YOU GOT IT!"
The guitar licks and the song slowly come to an end, but the crowd continues chanting the lyrics of the chorus.
"If you want blood. You got it!"
What do you do?"If you want blood. You got it!"
I'm up against the railing, seeking out the sight of Dog and Belka. At first I'm humming along with the song, but when the throngs start chanting I'm just rolling my eyes.
"Have you been for the duels before, Sir Gates? Don't remember seeing you up here."
"Can't rightly say I have," I reply to August. "I figure I seen enough blood in my life, and none of it twas particularly fun, so I ain't ever been quite sure what the appeal of watchin' folks hurt each other fer entertainment is."
I regard Val. It's hard to reconcile. The person I know who has compassion in zir eyes, who seems to genuinely want to help folks, and the person who can rile up a crowd by promisin' them blood. We all wear many faces in our lives, I s'pose.