You arrive early to Speedball practice after class ends. Zola is there, her skinsuit under her left arm, she's headed for the lockers to change.
The team's co-ed, are the lockers? She gives you a nod of greeting, even a half-smile. You saw Jace in the corridor by his room, he'll be along soon. Corporal Rys is usually late. Tabitha's always on time.
This Speedball court is the only one in this section of the ship. You have to schedule time against the other three teams - the Ferrets, the Dragons, and the Black Cats.
Which team is the biggest rival to your team? How did you embarrass them last season, Mark?Dimensions of this speedball court are tight, with high walls. People can watch live, of course, watching on the other side of the see-through plasteel walls on the portside barrier. Standing room only, and in the big games, kids press themselves against the walls eager to feel the rumble of bodies thrown against the wall in a heavy match.
"I will change lick split, Mark. We can do some drills." Zola says as she heads for the locker room. She looks back at you, seeing if you even look at her. She's touchy about changing in front of people, like she's hiding something.
Who's your weak link, Mark? What do they keep frakking up?How do you normally warm up?
The Black Cats are the closest to us in the league. They're the team we have to worry about the most. But beating the Dragons feels the best. I netted five against them last season. Their lock looked like he was going to cry even when the third went in. Mob scenes afterwards, in the corridors.
But that was last season. Now we need to start all over again, with the basics. Conditioning, passing practice, piggy-in-the-middle. Maybe Rys will even learn how to reliably kick a long ball to someone on his own team.
You have a few moments alone on the court, the speedball sitting in the housing. What kind of warm-ups do you do when you're alone? Are you naturally good at this, Mark, or do you work at it?
"Hey Mark," you hear a voice call from the corridor. It's Nadja. She's changed to a black dress and boots. Her knees peek out under the hem of the dress, and she's standing against the door frame. She has that same sneaky smile on her face you saw in class. "Am I... interrupting?"
When Nadja shows up, I've moved onto some movement exercises. Cartwheel launching from the left foot and landing on the right, squat once without putting the left foot down, back up and cartwheel the other way.
"Hey, Nadja." I stand up, step my back leg through to the front, bend the other and drop my weight onto my arms. The trick is keeping your front foot off the floor. It's easier in low-G, but pretty soon my muscles will start to feel the strain."You kinda will be interrupting, in a few minutes. Unless you're here for training?"
I size Nadja up, look her up and down. A little soft for speedball, perhaps. Maybe she's got stamina.
"So, I noticed that you and Pris aren't a thing anymore," Nadja begins, "I figure she hasn't drug you into some stomming T-Crush concert yet. So, you got plans for Beacon Day? Ashlee will stay out of the room to give us some privacy. She's... considerate like that."
"Well, look," I say, "I have to spend a little time with Pris. Like to start with. Our parents will be watching. You know. But after that..."
I lean one arm against the door frame.
"Anyway, what's your problem with T-Crush?" Not like Abergone are amazing, either.
She bites her lower lip for a moment like she's considering something, then adds, "Plus, Pris likes them. Anything she likes I hate. Except you, of course."
"Well, Pris doesn't like me so much these days." I look over toward the locker room door. Zola will be out soon. "But she's a good person; you shouldn't be so down on her."
I don't really get the whole "I am X, therefore I hate everything Y" thing. I mean, look at me and Aiden. We have basically nothing in common except for our room, but we can get along. He's a good guy. He puts up with me talking about sports and stuff, and I don't shut him down as soon as he starts on about physics.
Like the other day he was telling me about some kind of special radiation the ship passed through, which he'd been talking about with his dad. I'm not interested in that - I'd never go look it up by myself - but because Aiden's interested, it was interesting to hear about from him.
I know Ashlee doesn't share much, though. I've seen their room. Ashlee covers her bunk up completely, and she keeps all her clothes on her bed, not in the shared closet. It's like her closed-off little zone of control.
Do you actually have a coach, Mark?
As captain, it's my job to run the drills, but I'm not really in charge until Commander Ryan, that's our coach, tunes in on the monitors. He was a big deal in the Hawks before the unrest. Now he has to make do with giving us instructions through the courtside speakers.
Zola slices the ball back to me off the outside of her foot. I have to jump and reach to claim it. Not great accuracy. Distracted thinking about Olivar, maybe, from what I hear. Another one for the list of crushes that aren't going to work out.
You practice with Zola for a few minutes. Jace comes in, heads for the locker to change without a word. He looks upset. Zola almost misses one of your tosses as she looks at him, but then she's back to passing drills.
Corporal Rys shows up, then. The knuckles on his right hand are bloody, and he's flushed, his jaw clenched. He gives you a nod, then heads for the locker room. Jace comes out a moment later, moves to stretch against the wall, not meeting your eyes.
Zola gives you a look like, "What is going on?"
I lean close while he's stretching, lower my voice so that Zola can't hear. "The court is its own place, yeah? Leave everything outside. Talk later, if you want."
I pat Jace on the shoulder and walk away, into the changing rooms.
"Rys," I say. "What happened to your hand? I need you to be able to catch." Play dumb, maybe get a little truth out of him.
Jace flinches a little when you touch him, but nods, saying nothing. Keeps stretching. Zola's watching him, concern on her face that she can't mask. When Rys comes out, she glares at him.
"You know... Ollie's jaw is harder than it looks." Rys says it casual, but there's an emphasis meant for Jace. "He's worked out his demerits, though. Lucky boy gets to enjoy Beacon Day." He continues towards the locker, unfazed. "I'll wrap the hand, captain, don't you worry."
Back on the court, I think about Nadja. She looks good in boots. Zola throws me the ball. Without a word, we start to practise our passing combinations. Jace joins in.
Spin the ball out to the flank. Make the byline. Look up, put in the cross. Strike it on the volley. We rotate positions. I'm still daydreaming about Nadja when I find myself in front of goal with the ball dropping perfectly from Jace's weighted cross. I put my foot through it. Good power in the shot, but it spins too much and hits the square instead of going in.
Huh. I used to be able to do this without thinking.
Zola gives me a look as she catches the rebound, like "Seriously?"
"I'm getting the bad shots out of the way early on," I tell her, with a shrug and a sheepish smile.
"Don't worry about it Mark. You'll pull through when it matters, like always." Rys says casually, nobody doubts it. "Where the drokk is Tabitha? She's always on time. I'm going to hunt her down. Mark, keep these two working, yeah? I'll be back in a few." He stomps off for the door and then the corridor, slightly sweaty, still in his skinsuit.
After he leaves, Jace whistles low, "I hate the guy... but stomm he fills out his suit nice." Zola snickers and Jace laughs, shaking his head for a moment ruefully. "I mean, if he were into me, that would be easy, you know? Hey Mark, who does Rys go for? You know, right?"
You come into the speedball court to see Mark practicing with Jace and Zola. Tabitha and Rys aren't around, yet. You can take a seat in the little metal bleachers behind the plasteel wall that has a great view of the court. The speedball players are in their skinsuits, and Zola gives you a quick look, almost misses a pass from Mark, then she's paying attention to the practice again.
As you continue drills, you hear the creak of the metal door on the audience side. Little Ashlee comes walking through. Jace pointedly ignores her entrance, he's focused on the ball, working on a new maneuver.
I push the door open carefully, but it still squeaks loud enough to make Zola look. I slip inside and let the door slowly close itself behind me as I walk around to sit a couple rows back from the glass. I don't want to be that close. But with the stands pretty much empty it's as good a seat as any.
Mark looks amazing in his skinsuit though, and as I sit on the bench I pull one knee up to my chest with my head leaning a bit on my knee to watch them play... ok. Mostly to watch him play.
But I am interested in the game, too. I think Zola is a little out of position sometimes... probably standing where she can keep an eye on me. I make a face at her sometimes when nobody's looking.
Jace is working on some new move, he's smart but usually not a hard worker in class. He seems to work hard at this though.
But yeah... Mark. I can't help but daydream a little.
I'm back in the groove now. Snapping the ball back and forth with Jace and Zola. All I had to do was step away from myself, like watching from a distance. I move with an easy, detached grace.
"Rys will be happy about our new fan," I say to Jace. Looking over to where Ashlee is sitting: there's your answer. "Might fill out his suit a little more."
Jace scoffs at that with a snort. But you realize she's watching you, Mark. Is she maybe here for that, not Rys?
Do you think you might be Turning Her On? Why don't you roll some dice...
(+1 xp)
Mark moves up and down the court, strong, fast, those hands... I feel hot in the face as I watch and I catch myself playing with my hair and daydreaming. Yeah...
Then I notice Jace and Mark looking at me. Starting to talk. I glance to my right, left... I'm pretty much the only one here and it's getting weird. They totally caught me staring, haven't they?
I try to stand casually, though it's difficult not to look back, and walk up the aisle to the nearest door. I pretend to leave, but instead stand in the dark little space just inside and watch quietly from the shadows. After a few moments I put my back to the wall and slide down to sit on the floor just inside the door.
I can barely see the court from here, but the occasional glance... I can't hear what they were saying but when they shout out or call to each other during practice... yeah, I can listen at least.
It's not like I can go back to my room.
I tell myself, "this is nice."
After a couple minutes of practice without Rys or Tabitha still, the door behind you squeaks, Ashlee, and Priscilla comes in. She doesn't see you right away, even though she glances up at the bleachers, and walks right past you, slowly, eyes scanning at the seats higher up like maybe you're up in the rafter rows.
Mark, you see Pris, and Zola gives her a nod hello. Even Jace isn't snide when he sees her, which is rare.
She startles me out of my little dream and is past me as I open my mouth to say her name and stop her. Great... the players have noticed her and if I speak up now everyone will know I'm still here.
I stick my foot in the door to keep it from closing all the way and think about just... leaving.
But she really did come, and she really seems to be looking for me.
I sit still for a moment, just to see what happens.
Mark and Ashlee,
Tabitha and Rys come jogging onto the court, looks like they ran here together.
Mark, Jace and Zola have been practicing for a while, it looks like. Priscilla and someone else is across the wall by the bleachers.
What do you do?
I give Pris a little wave.
Tabitha I gave a what-kind-of-time-do-you-call-this look.
"Tabitha, come on. Hope you got warmed up on the way here."
I kick the ball over to her, hard.
"Three on two. Jace and Rys defending. Let's go."
Normally the two would be Rys and Tabitha. But flankers need to defend too, and those two need to be on the same side for a while.
I hurry in through the entrance door, grabbing the upper lip of the opening and hauling myself up and into the court.
I block the ball up with my knee and catch it in my hands.
"Sorry, captain. Warm as I get."
I take an offensive position on Mark's order. Good, I feel like striking.
I wait for the play to go down the court and take a couple deep breaths to calm down in the safety of the shadows.
The others arriving makes a good distraction, I quietly stand up and pull my foot out to let the door close, pretending to have just arrived.
Just as the door clicks closed I quietly call out, "Priscilla?"
Jace takes a few steps wide of Rys, while Rys stays in standard position. This leaves an opening, of course, which is an awful idea for three on two.
Whoever wants to take the ball, Mark or Tabitha, you need to use our cool Speedball moves:
Run the Field
When you run the field, roll with hot. On a 10 up, you score a goal, shifting the marker one toward your team’s victory.
• On a 7-9, you provoke the other team into causing a penalty, and carry 1 forward to your next roll.
• On a 6 or less, your team is scattered and the other team seizes the opportunity to score on you, shifting the marker one toward their victory.
Play Defensively
When you play defensively, roll with cold. On a 10 up, slide the marker back to Game Start, and carry 1 forward on your next roll.
• On a 7-9, you carry 1 forward on your next roll, and the opposing team carries -1 forward on their next roll.
• On a 6 or less, the other team finds an opening in your defense, and carries 1 forward.
Then, "Everything okay? "
I receive the ball from Tabitha and start cautiuosly: a one-two with Zola then hold in the center, watching for his and Tabitha's movement.
(Play defensively.)
Normally I'd try to roll it direct or get in someone's face, but today I'm trying to get past someone. Mark makes Jace react, I pick on Rys. Really, no hard feelings from earlier.
When the ball comes back to me, I run it.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 1, 3. Total: 4)
You charge towards Jace, seeing him out of position, and move hard, juking him out of his skinsuit nearly. Knowing you aren't the greatest shot, you decide to move closer. Unfortunately, by the time you let the ball fly, Rys has doubled back, pushes past Zola to get in between you and the goal, and catches the speedball as the silver thing is only a couple feet from scoring.
Rys lands on his belly with the ball, then hops up to hand off the ball to you, Mark, the captain, sort of a "try again" move.
While you head back to positions, Rys is looking at Jace, waiting for the captain to say something.
"Rys, good. Jace, stand off more."
Zola moves left with the ball. I follow to overload that side.
Zola spins the ball back inside to me, bouncing it under Jace's outstretched arm.
I see Pris watching.
Tabitha is open but what the heck. I take on Rys myself.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 1, 3. Total: 4)
Mark and Tabitha,
Rys moves up quick on you, Mark, attacking you instead of sitting back to defend. It takes you by surprise, and Jace, for all his sulking, actually slips past Zola. Tabitha, you see it too late as Rys snatches the ball mid-air from Mark's shot, then he lobs it across the field, through a grav plate to keep it just over your finger-reach, and Jace grabs it out of the air, and throws it home.
You see this impossible defensive play, and Mark gets stopped cold. Pris makes a face like it's bad, embarrassing, then she's looking at her Navi pretending she didn't even see the play, ignoring it.
Oh sure, Jace, rub salt in the wound. The defenders aren't even expected to try to score in this drill.
I take Rys's proffered hand and he helps me up. His expression is serious, no gloating. Once I'm on my feet I pat his arm, squeeze his shoulder. Thanks and an apology. I should've shown him more respect.
Have I lost something since the accident? Or did he just get better during un-school and I haven't kept up?
Well, that was pretty deflating. I suck my teeth as I walk back to Zola and Tabitha.
"Good score, Jace." Rys calls after he gives you a nod, Mark. Rys glances out to the audience, and looks right at you, Ashlee, his gaze hovering for a moment before it flicks over to Priscilla, then back. Mark, the corporal suggest quietly, "Maybe we switch up? I want to test Tabs." He gives you a nod, like it's up to you.
I nod. "Sure."
Louder: "Jace, Taibtha, switch sides. Let's use the whole length of the court now."
I jog back to the D at the far end with Zola and Jace. We start from there, working up way up with short, controlled passing. More cautious this time. Probing for the right gap.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 7)
"Mm." Clearly I didn't miss Mark shaking out the cobwebs. I trot across the court to join Rys, enjoying the low gravity bounce of it.
I look over to Rys, try to guess what he has in mind before people are in motion. Mark's running a tight game now, coordinating his holds and passes and not taking risks.
Rys charges forward with the speedball, drawing your attention, Mark, and Jace comes up for a strike, trying to take out his legs. It's a dirty trick, could result in an injury. The Corporal sees it, and adjusts his body to throw you the ball, Tabitha. It's a wobbly pass (you take -1 Forward), but it's just you and Zola now.
Let's see what happens, Tabitha.
"...everything ok?"
A little half-laugh, just a sound of stress escaping. I want to ask her about him and what he's like and what are his favorite things... but I want to find out those things for myself. That's better right?
"Why don't we... uh..." then as I fumble for words play happens and Mark gets shut down. It makes me angry... how could Rys show off like that! Put his own teammate down!
"Oh come on!" I half-stand and start to shout as the ball gets snatched away from Mark, then immediately censor myself. Right... hiding. Hope they didn't hear.
Suddenly self-conscious, I want to get out of here, but I don't want the subject of going to my room to come up, and she has her Navi right here... "let's just do whatever you want, ok? It's beacon day, right?"
I usually spend beacon day reading. news, science, medical journals, rumors... trying to learn about myself. About the worlds out there. Music is not my thing.
"Maybe not... uh... T-Crush."
Hopefully I can get in position for a shot..I take the ball and try a wall run to make up for the extra court control that the 3-on-2 setup gives our opponents..
(Rolled: 2d6-2. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 0)
You juke around Zola, and she buys the fake. With that move right, stutter and pivot, you wall run up and around her, and you have ten meters of free field to the goal. Your body is moving like a finely tuned machine and as your arms pump and you feel that familiar sensation of the ball against your chest, you hear the crowd roar. And there's a moment, a flicker, where you're in a different speedball arena and surrounded by hundreds of people chanting as you dash for the goal. Your left wrist is broken, you feel the dull ache but push it aside and surge forward, ignoring the pain to score the winning goal, taking down the drokking Dragons once and for all, sending them to the lower rung where they deserve to go and...
It's gone, that moment, gone, and you're back in this place and the shock of it is disorienting. Somehow you slowed and you hear Rys call a warning. Too late, Zola checks you to the ground, and you fall hard onto the metal surface, feel your knee crack and you skid a bit, face planting.
"Stomm. Tabs, you are the worst Striker we've ever had." Zola says as she scoops up the ball, offers you a hand up. "Seriously, you need to keep your head in the game. Stop being some drokking daydreamer. We're never going to beat the Black Cats again at this rate." Zola looks up to the rest of the team, "Can we scrimmage someone? These drills are a waste!"
Tabitha, you take 1 Harm, and gain the condition daydreamer.
You see Tabitha pull an awesome move, fake Zola out of her hair, then she slows down for a bit before scoring like she's lost somewhere. Zola recovers and knocks her flat, then pulls the ball and offers her a hand-up.
Priscilla gives an apologetic smile, nods, "Right. No T-Crush, no Hawk. Sorry about that." She gestures with her head for the bleachers, heads over there and props her Navi up on her lap, "What kind of stuff do you check on when the feed first comes in? What are you into, Ashlee, seriously?" She moves her hands off the Navi, gesturing for you to take over, like she honestly wants to share this with you.
What do you do?
I roll back over, favoring my left wrist, and give Zola my right hand to pull me up by. Blood oozes out of my nose while test my knee, grasp at my left wrist to feel the injury that's gone. I'm frowning, confused. I barely hear what Zola's saying.
Normally, though I'd never express this to anyone, I like being injured. It grounds me, I feel connected to myself. Plus, people are usually impressed by all the stomm I can take. Not this time, though, it's like I'm trying to choose between two mirages.
I look around the room. Just five of us.
"Good block. Zola." I suck at the copper taste in my mouth. Rude to spit on the court.
Tabitha makes a good move but loses her mind or something and Zola lays her out. Makes me cringe and share a glance with Priscilla. I almost shout out again. Way too harsh for practice, Zola! What's wrong with her?
"Well..." she doesn't want to hear about medical research and history, does she? "I catch up on speedball news... system league." Which is true, I do follow the sport. They used to leave it on in the lab and it was at least something to watch. "My big brother used to play... I never got to watch though. So..."
I make a few swipes on the Navi to get to the system league standings... lots of video clips of the plays of the week and all the best take-downs.And yeah, distracted as Zola keeps being an ass hole to her team.
"But ok, when the feed comes in I d-l a bunch of books," audio books to listen to in bed of course, nobody has honest to goodness paper and ink books any more. But we still call them that. I feel myself worrying that she's not going to like my answers and cover myself, "you know I like all the same stuff everyone likes... um... music... boys... uh... you know."
Feels awkward. Is she smiling?
Mark and Tabitha,
You keep on drilling for the rest of the practice session, Rys pushing things, Jace looking for ways to make Rys bad. Rys ignores it, and after a bit, Zola starts eyeing Jace, but doesn't say anything directly.
The team dynamic is sorting out, though. You're rusty, not quite ready for the match next week with the Ferrets. your coach never shows up, and at the end of the practice period, you hit the showers to head out.
Where are you headed for Beacon Day?
Priscilla's eyes widen when you mention boys, "Oh? C'mon, Ashlee, you have to tell me. Who do you like?" She leans in, ignoring the game, eyes on you, "I have some guesses, and I think I know someone who's into you, too. But first, what do you like in a guy?" She blanks out the Navi and focused on you as you hear the squeak of the shoes of the speedball players practicing.
Wow how red am I turning?
"Oh it's not... there's not someone..." I back away a little but keep looking at her. If I look away it'll be too obvious. But there's no way I'm telling her I like her ex-boyfriend.
Wait... someone is into me?
Priscilla can probably see me wondering, my eyes glance towards the court.
"I just want a guy that's... confident... sweet... you know, like patient and cool... " I feel a little squee forming my stomach just talking like this with someone "and you know he has to be cute, right?"
Ok if I wasn't turning bright red already... hard to believe though. The way things are.
She gets up, coughing. I don't follow her but I'm concerned and watch her. She's been getting treatments, for something in the past months. I hope i'm wrong.
"Are you ok?" I finally ask, standing and taking a step to her.
When I step into the locker rooms, one of the available mirrors shows me what a developing train wreck my nosebleed has been through practice. Huh. I hope I left something clean to wear in my locker.
I shower in a daze, thinking about what happened on the court.
For beacon day...I think I'll just take a nap in my dorm. If I get sick of the auto-psych or my thoughts and I can't sleep, maybe I'll try to get into a BD party, watch some video.
I could message him back. The selfish fool. Gaius. Or I could ghost on him, I guess.
After a few more coughs, she nods, but doesn't quite have her breath. She puts a hand out to steady herself, touches your forearm, then gestures towards the bleachers, starts moving. When she sits, things settle and takes a few breaths, slow and easy. Her eyes are puffy and watery and her left nostril has a red rim around it. Then you see a single drop of blood trickle down from her nostril, over the top of her mouth. She blanches, reaching a hand up to wipe at it, "I'm sorry, Ashlee. I think maybe I should go... back to my room."
What do you do?
I probably can't hide the tense and worried look on my face as Priscilla starts to bleed. I keep y distance at first, at least until she speaks.
"Yeah... maybe that's a good idea," I suggest helpfully and scoop up her Navi and carry it across my chest.
I go ahead to get the door. Practice is kind of a fail anyway... and my mind just isn't on Mark at the moment. Though how Zola was talking to Tabitha still bothers me.
"I'll walk you back ok?"
She shakes her head a little, but even that makes her a bit woozy, "Oh, that's no fun. You don't have to, uhm, walk me back." She stands, takes a moment and straightens like she's pushing herself. "Besides, practice is almost over. You could maybe talk to him." She says this as she heads for the open door, walking stiffly, doesn't meet your eyes.
My head's already shaking but when she suggest that, "oh no... no no.... I can't." One more fleeting glance at the court.
"Let's go back," a twist in my gut as I realize she probably doesn't want to be seen walking with me. And she wanted to meet in her room in the first place, "sorry for making you come out here... I'll just walk you back to housing. That's all... ok?"
Despite her protests a moment ago, when you offer again to go back, she nods, walks through the door to the outer corridor. "Thanks... for walking back with me. I need to lie down, I think. Take some syrup I got at med bay." She's walking steady, but her hand is still on your arm, like she's little afraid to let go. "If you want to head back, I bet you could catch him." She looks at you then, her eyes steadier, trying to tell you something important. "I'm sure he's into you, Ashlee."
Now that we're out in the lonely halls I can't stand it any more, I lean a little closer and urgently ask, "ok, seriously? Who are you even talking about? Nobody's into me Priscilla. Don't you think I know that?"
I believe it, too. Cause it's true, right?
But I am trying to imagine. Is that why Mark and her broke up? No way....
It's hard not to look at Zola in the showers. She has one tattoo that always draws my eye; this blue bird impaling itself on a rose thorn, bleeding and singing desperately. It's beautiful beyond what I expect from Zola's usual taste.
I grab ahold of the bridge of my nose, it crunches. "Maybe?"
She opens her mouth to answer, but pauses, looking at you, almost reading you like a book. "Well, it certainly isn't Jace, since you aren't Ollie." She gets this little winsome smile on her face. "Everyone loves Mark. It's ok, Ashlee. I just... I want him to be happy."
In a few more meters, you'll be at Priscilla's room. She has a small single, one of the few. Rumor is that her parents set it up that way, got her special treatment. She starts to open the door with her thumbprint, pauses. "I wish I still made him happy. He wants... different things."
When was the last time someone was this close to you, physically? Does this affect you at all? She seems casual about it, maybe even a little concerned? "Want me to walk with you to med bay?""
"I should have been alert." Sure, I let her touch me. We're teammates, neither of us is going to start a fight in the showers, least of all with each other.
Last time someone was this close to me was on the court, naturally. Body-checking me. Ourania and I have to handle ourselves in close quarters even though we have a large room, too. This feels much different than that, though.
I don't enjoy being in the med bay. Bad memories, weird looks. But the way she says it makes it appealing. "Sure, thank you."
She knows?
It's too much for me to bear, my cheeks are red and I stop short of her door, feeling more embarrassed than almost... ever. Like she's seen through me.
I cup my cheeks in my hands almost like I'm trying to hide.
"Feel better..." I weakly squeak as she starts to go inside. My stomach flutters and I wonder what else she knows bout me? Has she told anyone? Does he know?
My mouth feels dry... I wait for the door to close before I can even think about moving again.
What do you do?
Priscilla heads inside, moving to her little cot right as the lights above pop on. The door closes right as she's sitting down, her shoulders slumped from weariness. It leaves you in the corridor. Alone. You could maybe jog back to the court, catch Mark after he comes out of the shower. Or just, you know, go.
What do you do?
Back in the locker room I strip off my skinsuit and throw it into the recyc bin.
Rys is already in the showers when I pad in there. I lift my hand over a sensor to turn on the water and just stand there in it for a while.
"Soon as I remember what those holes at each end of the court are, you're gonna get owned, you drokker." There's a smile on my face. It's weird but on the court or around speedball, Rys and I are... are we friends? Yeah, I guess we are.
When he's the corp he's the corp. No friends. But when he's with the team he can be a real human being.
I keep an ear out for Zola or Tabitha finishing up. I ought to talk to them. Separately.
Rys laughs as he ducks his head under the water of his own nozzle, then he blows out a breath, spraying water against the tiled wall. "I'm a cheap price, Mark." He chuckles, relaxed after a hard practice and it's obvious this team means a great deal to him. When he's corp, it's all about being corp. This is a selfish thing, for him, for his team. It's why he let Jace be frustrated with him, didn't take it personal. "Hey, Pris came out to see you. That's the first time in... a while."
Even with all the water I have to breathe around, I smell her skin, what she uses in her hair. I press back, parting my lips slightly just to get a better feel for hers. Maybe she's drokking with me, and maybe I could care, but I don't. What sort of trouble would we get into for this? Be the next Jace and Olivar.
Ourania would know. She would shut this down, wouldn't she? I'm not her, though.
"It's alright. Just a nose."
"Yeah, I say, turning to get soap from the dispenser. "You think it'd be me she came to see?"
If not me, who else.
"Zola was being a bitch, but we do need to think about getting one or two players more. Zola and Tabitha clearly can't play dual position, like..."
Like Gwen.
It feels like I'm lifted into the second kiss, and when it comes down I'm flush and heady. I grin.
"Guess I'll get med bay to fix it, then."
I finish showering. It'd be suspicious if we were in here too long. Rys turns back into corp not long after stepping away from the court.
My hair takes no time to clean. As we're stepping out, I pull Zola back to keep her in the recording free space of the showers. I move in close again; I could kiss her again.
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 11)
Takes a little while to calm down. That last moment watching her, watching her door slide closed. I hope she's ok. I hope she's not sick with... I hope it's something else.
I can't go back yet, well... I can, but it's not worth it.
Yeah I hurry back to the speedball court, maybe get a glimpse of them leaving, but really I just need a place to sit and think.
And I like to walk out on the court sometimes when they're done... imagination. You know?
I look back at him. Move my head side to side, weighing it up.
"Doesn't strike me as the joining in kind of person, but it can't hurt to ask. Yeah. Maybe Pax."
I shut off the shower and walk over to my locker, grabbing a towel on the way.
Zola drinks in your gaze and steps close. Before, earlier, that was some kind of experiment maybe. Now? She moves for your mouth again, no hesitation, jumping in the deep end. She'll give herself to you, right here and now away from the cams and the class, just you and her.
Take a string on Zola.
What do you do?
Rys stays under the water a bit longer. In the changing room is Jace, he's still in his skinsuit, mostly, has it pulled off his arms and chest, the loopy arms of the thing hanging off his hips, draped on the floor. He wears this expression of anger and spite and pain, and looks up at you for a moment, then back down. Like he's waiting for you guys to be done.
You head back to the gym, open the creaky door, and nobody's there. Nobody on the court at least. After a moment, you hear the shushing of the showers, realize they must be getting showered and changed after practice. You haven't missed him!
You head for the little half-door that opens onto the court, duck down to pass through and step out to the metal plates. Your clothes rise up a little at the low-G here, Ashlee. Feet buzz a little from the mix of weight and weightlessness.
Of course, you feel at home here. Your body, it adjusts easily. Not like you know what it feels like for them, but it seems easy, when you're here. When you're on the court, it's easy to dream about actually playing speedball.
If Zola is on offer, I'm taking her. I pull her into me, make a careful study of her mouth. I put aside what I should and shouldn't know, what's myself and what's not myself in what I'm doing.
Clearly, I am. These feelings. Zola is. Right here under my hands.
I leave Jace to his silence. Even if I wanted to, I don't feel any sympathy.
He's hacked off about Olivar. Pointless. A fight they can't win.
I put my clothes on without a word and walk back out to the court.
Huh. Ashlee.
"Hey, Ash. Sorry, Ashlee." I saunter over towards her. "Something special about a speedball court when it's empty, right?"
Like you can feel all the things that will happen there in the future. And like everyone who ever played or watched a game there left a memory of themselves behind.
Yes, she's definitely on offer. It's quick, what you share. Hidden, of course. She's not experienced, but neither are you. Once it's over, there's no lingering. But the moments in between the beginning and the end, there are some good ones.
Please take a string on Zola per her Sex Move. Also, since you're a Hollow, your Sex Move changes to the following:
Whenever you have sex with someone you are angry with, take a string against them. If, instead, you're having makeup sex, give them a string against you.
Zola towels herself off in the locker room, right beside you, like nothing happened. You hear the boys shower cut off.
It feels kind of delicious, actually, as I slip into the low-G of the speedball court. The polished metals, the smell of grease and sweat. The electric feel in the air takes my breath away. I remove my glasses and slip them in my pocket, then close my eyes and just feel that feeling wash through me. That feeling of meaning and memory that I wonder if if even the players understand as well as I do.
After a few moments on the sidelines I walk... no... glide (it feels that way, anyway) across the court to rest roughly at mid-court where I strike a subtle, but unmistakable imitation of a player at the ready.
In my mind the horn sounds and the ball shoots towards me, I gather it in, duck past the defender and with a twist I take the shot and score! I'm barely moving in reality, just making the moves in my head... I know how to arc the perfect shot, even though I've never had the chance. It's in the finger position and the shoulder... right? I've watched enough games to know.
It's during this little match going on in my mind that Mark finds me. A subtle step to one side, a turn of the head, a hand opens and closes. A lean and a quick little duck of the head all echo the athletic and graceful moves I... well.. that I imagine I could do...
He says my name and I'm startled out of the daydream and it's all I can do not to call out in surprise.
My feet plant awkwardly and that feeling of being observed while doing something intensely personal washes over me and I suddenly feel hot and short of breath. And yet it feels so good when he calls me by name.
"M.... Mark?"
He's coming right towards me... talking to me... right here on his court. I'm not even supposed to be out here!
"I wasn't.... I... I wasn't doing anything..." It feels like I'm in trouble. But I try to keep cool despite my near-stuttering reply.
I go to adjust my glasses and realize that they're in my pocket. Awkward.
Drokk sake, is this girl ever not startled?
I give Ashlee a moment to stop fidgeting and say, "Hey, it's your court too. And it's cool of you to come see the practice. Having an audience makes us work harder. Especially Rys, he only plays speedball to impress girls." I smile impishly.
Ashlee is... what's the word. Skittish. Like prey.
No wonder Nadja always has a hitch of annoyance in her voice when she talks about her. Helpless things annoy her.
I look at Ashlee's body, I don't hide what I'm doing, my eyes moving from place to place. The angle of her jaw below her ear. The fretting fingers. The jut of her hip. The notch above her sternum.
All skin and bones.
For a moment I think about what it would be like to have that skin pressed against my own. I don't hide that either. Would she tremble?
I smile. Nadja would go drokking mental.
"So, uh... you like speedball?"
Right, so... yeah that makes me nervous as hell the way he's approaching and saying really nice stuff but looking at me a totally different way.
Rys? Oh... is that a joke? Ok...
I wish I were wearing my glasses at least, it feels like I've got nowhere to hide here. I guess I kind of don't. I keep a little distance though... he's not creeping me out but he's not acting like I expect.
"Uh... yeah! I do..." finally something I can answer and I just let it out!
"I always watch you guys play... I watch the system league replays on beacon days... I follow the news. Trades... tech. Everything." I relax a tiny bit, one hand on my hip and the other up against my neck, fingers in back. head crooked a bit the other way.
"I was watching before..." I swallow and glance at his eyes. Don't get to see them this close too often, "you know I think you could get a little advantage if you use the edge of the plate..." I look over towards the edge of the court where there's a little two millimeter lip on the surface. "I saw O'Cera in the quarters, he's always jumping off the edges... uh..." I walk over and grind the edge of my sneaker into the little groove and crouch slightly into a ready-ish pose to demonstrate, "like this... I think you could take advantage. I don't think Zola even watches the league quarters..."
I realize I'm looking him right in the face now and just... talking.
"It's.... it's an unexpected angle of attack..."
A half-nervous twist of a smile as I wait to see what he says.
Holy stomm, this girl is even more into speedball than I am. And I'm a total speedball dork. And she's right about this stuff, totally right.
My jaw itches. I rub it, distracted.
She's lost all her nervousness now, too. Or at least she did while she was talking speedball. There's a gap and I realise she's waiting for me to say something.
"Wow, Ashlee, you really know the game. How come you never said anything? Hell, how come you're not captaining the team?"
I have this sudden thought and it works itself into a plan even as I start to talk. My eyes narrow.
"Ashlee... how would you like to be a secret weapon?"
Yeah, that makes me smile, when the first word out of his mouth is "wow."
Now he's embarrasing me in a totally different way, "oh... no I could never... captain? You're kidding... of course you're kidding."
Obviously, he's kidding Ashlee.
There's no way he means I could play on the team. I wonder what he does mean. Ok, curiousity beats insecurity in this case.
"What do you mean? Secret?"
I sit down next to the central launcher-pod and cross my legs. I motion for Ashlee to sit down too.
"We need some extra bodies for the team. Pax maybe, we're going to ask. But we need more than that. Like, take Rys. People think he's a good full-back because he can move fast and hit hard. But that's not it. He's good because he reads the court. Anyone can be an athlete. An athlete will get us through against the Ferrets next week. But after that it's the Dragons -" a.k.a. the biggest set of tools outside the engineering deck "- and for that we need someone who knows the game, like you do."
I pause for a second. Try to gauge Ashlee's reaction.
"Now, I don't know about you playing. I've never seen you. We could book the court during quiet hours, if you like, do some training and see. But against the Ferrets, it'd be cool if you can be on the bench. Watch the game. Tell me what's what. But you have to keep it quiet. We'll say you're just there to help out somehow."
"And then if you're ready for the Dragons game, maybe you could come off the bench. But that's why it has to be secret: it has to surprise them."
Also because if I actually suggest this to anyone, they'll laugh me out of the room, but I'm not going to tell Ashlee that.
But even if she doesn't play, even if she can't put theory into practice... it'd be a shame to waste her expertise.
Mark sits me down and talks to me. Alone on the speedball court. It's more than I ever dared to dream about while watching earlier. The odd way he was looking at me earlier kind of fades away.
We speak about the game. Here on the field of play we talk across the launcher together. It's practically a sacred place to be... and I actually feel invited.
He's got my attention, he's got me looking determined and yeah a little embarrased and a lot surprised.
"Mark, there's no way Zola would go for this. She probably wouldn't even let me near the bench..."
I wish it weren't true. I really was going to try out for the team when I heard they were short players. That is until Zola heard about it and shut that idea down. I remember it too well. She wasn't the only one laughing that day... but I still wonder.
"And... and she's not the only one, I know it... everyone thinks I'm a joke, I don't even think they would listen to me."
I look across at him. He looks so composed right now with this glimmer in his eye. I brush my hair out of my eye and over my ear and let him answer.
She's right. I wish she didn't know it.
"Zola will do what she's told." That sounds mean. "I mean, I'll think of something. So that you can be there. And then... I'll listen to you and they'll listen to me, and then you'll have proven them wrong before they can object. Right?"
There's an unfamiliar pleading in my voice. But I feel confident. I'm myself again. I'm not always, these days.
It's hard to believe this is happening. I'm going to wake up soon.
I nod yes and look down at the launcher, I really don't think it will work but I'm not going to say no. It's a chance.
"Ok... I can... I can just watch. You know, from there," I glance through the glass towards the stands. It looks so far away when you're on this side. "For now..."
He can probably hear in my voice that I'm not very satisfied with that solution.
I look up at him again, the way he's looking at me like he wants me here just makes my insides twist.
"Do you really think I can help?"
Feels a little like hope.
"Sure," I say, standing. "Why not?"
I hold out my hand to help Ashlee up.
"What are you doing now? I have to go to Pris's Beacon Day thing."
That was..nice. Kind of fun. My usual self-consciousness comes back. When I pop open my locker I have an outfit waiting for me, and I'm relieved. They're hand-me-downs from ship stock, which is fine. I'll wear anything.
I look up at Zola while I get my shoes back on. I think I understand. She was trying to see if I was mad at her or not, and smooth things over. That's how it is. I'm sure not mad now.
I wonder if she's still coming with me to med bay. I wait for her at the exit. "Oh. Were you doing anything for Beacon Day?"
Zola slips on a skintight dress with cutouts covered by strings, and she looks right at you as she does, not breaking eye contact. There's a mix in her expression of her trying to entice you, but there's a little bit of a yearning for approval perhaps. She sees you waiting, and slips on her boots and walks up, "Taking you to the med bay, for that nose, first." She looks down at your clothes, "This look is stomm, Tabitha. You look like a drokking urchin." She walks past you, assuming you'll walk with her to the med bay
Ashlee and Mark,
I follow Rys into the corridor. Guess I'll head straight to see Priscilla first. Show our faces to the cameras. Last thing I want is more messages from Mom. Don't you neglect that girl or you're likely to lose her. Don't ruin your mother's plans, son.
If I knew what had happened, I could've fixed it. I think I could. But it's too late now.
I linger a little to see if Ashlee is coming too.
It feels like Rys caught me doing something wrong. Well, for sure I'm not supposed to be out on the speedball court. He must have let it slide 'cause Mark is here, But it gets my heart going in that moment Rys looks at me with that official scowl.
Mark gets up to follow, I stand and watch with heart beating fast, he didn't ask me to come but he pauses to wait for me. Can this really be happening?
"Mark..." a shiver runs through me. It must be the zero-G. I struggle for the rigt words and suddenly the wrong ones come out.
"I think Priscilla isn't feeling well... m... maybe." I suddenly remember their relationship, and what Priscilla said to me earlier. She knows I like him, and I do... but aren't things suddenly different?
I don't make a move to go with him. I couldn't bear to be together with them both right now.
"Hahah, okay." It's more or less a response to both statements. I suppose I could have inherited Ioanna's stock of clothes but those wouldn't be a good fit for the child's quarantine area, now, would they?
I follow Zola, wondering how well I could wear something like her dress, watching her tattoos peek out through the gaps.
"It was this, or a.. set of paper emergency togs. Didn't really have anyone. To show me what looks good."
When you get tot he corridor outside, she continues, "Hey. We're teammates, right? I'll show you the ropes. You've got a nice body, you could maybe even wear some of Gwen's clothes, I bet. After we get your nose fixed up, let's go to Bea's room and raid Gwen's closet."
"Ourania isn't a bad roommate." I glance over at Mark and Ashlee. I looked at Jace, too, but something about Zola's lack of concern keeps me from reaching out.
I'm not sure if there's anything to worry about in Mark and Ashlee's conversation, whatever it is. I scratch the back of my neck as we make distance towards the Med Bay.
"Yeah? Won't people notice? Be upset?" I would sort of think that Gwen's clothes should go to another sector. Or that they would have been recycled already.