That stupid printer. They seriously can't get someone in a suit in here to look? "Fine, you're right. It will probably be a year. Before any of us sees new clothes."
I speed up just enough to get slightly in front of her and turn my face towards her to give her a full old-fashioned look. "Who thinks I'm a mouse?"
Zola stops, which means you stop, too, right? She fixes you with a look and replies, "Nobody thinks you're a mouse. Yet. They think you're some quiet, weirdo who follows all the rules and does whatever Ourania says. But that aint the truth at all, we both know that, right? But now. Now, I handed you a chance to look zeng and stand out. And you're drokking gonna take that, right? Cause if you don't.... then you're a mouse. Clear?" She waits a beat for an answer, then reaches for your arm and tugs you to start walking again to the med bay.
I don't know. All i did was tell him Priscilla might not be well and suddenly it's "ok, whatever" and walk away? Moments ago he was looking at me like I mattered.
It's kind of crushing. But also opens my eyes a little.
"You go ahead, Mark... I'm going to work on something," I stand with hands open at my sides as he goes off. It looks like some of the others saw us together, too. I wonder what they'll say.
Truth is, I want to go catch up on speedball news before curfew, and I only have a little over an hour left. If I can find an open navi... maybe in class. Cause mine is "locked up" in my room with Nadja and I do not want to try and get it out from under her stommin' nose.
My heart is being pulled so many ways right now. But my head says don't follow him.
That stupid printer. They seriously can't get someone in a suit in here to look? "Fine, you're right. It will probably be a year. Before any of us sees new clothes."
I speed up just enough to get slightly in front of her and turn my face towards her to give her a full old-fashioned look. "Who thinks I'm a mouse?"
Hmph. "OK, whatever."
I leave the court.
I don't care if Ashlee comes along or not.
I was just trying to be nice.
I see Zola and Tabitha talking. I was planning to talk to each of them, try to smooth things over.
Seems there's no need to, now. I guess they kissed and made up, so to speak.
I don't know. All i did was tell him Priscilla might not be well and suddenly it's "ok, whatever" and walk away? Moments ago he was looking at me like I mattered.
It's kind of crushing. But also opens my eyes a little.
"You go ahead, Mark... I'm going to work on something," I stand with hands open at my sides as he goes off. It looks like some of the others saw us together, too. I wonder what they'll say.
Truth is, I want to go catch up on speedball news before curfew, and I only have a little over an hour left. If I can find an open navi... maybe in class. Cause mine is "locked up" in my room with Nadja and I do not want to try and get it out from under her stommin' nose.
My heart is being pulled so many ways right now. But my head says don't follow him.
I don't.
"Mm, clear. Right after my cute nose gets fixed." I toss Zola a little smile. She is so pushy. This could be fun.
End Scene