The space heinie kick gets a laugh out of her. "You just want to touch my space heinie again," she quips. She sits there, letting it soak in. No tears, the anger's there, of course. Or something like it. Not lashing out, not with the assurances and the hope of getting her own ship someday.
"Well, if Hosk is a kriffing nerf-herding drill sergeant, I'm out." She says it hotly, but it's a last ditch attempt, slightly childish, perhaps, but her last complaint, you feel it. For now, at least.
I make a mental note to thank Amy for suggesting that I do this now. "I understand, Jo. Thank you. We'll be having a meeting soon to lay things out, but we'll adjust as we go along. Anything else you need to hear from me right now?"
Jojee sits up, uncrossing her arms and putting them on the arms of the chair as she stands up. "Just remind me of the gigantic payday from this salvage. That'll get a smile on my face." She's headed towards the door, that request being more of an expression of excitement about what happens when you come out of hyperspace.
After I enjoy the sight of Jojee walking away (it is a very fine space heinie), I sit for a moment. That went far better than it could have. I suppose, since Amy and Jo know, I should give Squall a heads-up, too. I don't expect zir to make much of a fuss, but you never know.
Squall, as you expected, doesn't make a fuss. Ze does ask if ze can call him Grumpyboots* Sir, but it's just a joke.
The meeting is smooth. Jojee's quiet, Squall hugs Hosk and congratulates him. Amarath plays along, smiles and nods. Hosk presents some loose guidelines, "a framework", he calls it. Nobody seems to object to them. They're pretty general, they will be revised, you're sure.
Anything else before you come out of hyperspace?
* - "grumpyboots" was a joking nickname Ladro gave Hosk at the bottom of the falls on Kiffu
I make sure everyone gets the rest they need so we're all fresh when we come out, but other than that, there's not much to do other than look over the layout of the ship, check out details of nexu anatomy, and spend a bit more time with EyeTee talking about what we might expect.
You're sitting in the cockpit beside Jojee when this happens
As the starlines fade to realspace, the sensor system immediately goes haywire, flashing lights and sounding a malfunction alarm. A quick glance shows the system is jammed or overwhelmed. Looking outside the cockpit, you see what looks to be the Chol system's star as a dim, hazy disk. You can't make out any stars, and you don't immediately see Cholganna... or much of anything else.
Jojee curses, flipping a few toggles,"Looks like the nebula's gases are interfering with ship's sensors. Can you adjust, Captain?" Before you bring up the correct interface, she interjects, "Blast it, there's a dust cloud here, visuals are karked. Is that an asteroid field?"
(let's see you Act Under Pressure to get sensors on line. With a failure, you can either bring up short-range or long-range, but not both)
Twenty seconds after you come out of hyperspace, the Profit Margin shudders with the boom of something bouncing off the hull. It is followed by a trip of hits.
Hosk hits the comms, "Jo, what's going on?" The sensors come online when you finally get the back-up system to kick over.
Jojee replies as she looks at the short-range sensors with you, ,"It's a meteoroid cluster, looks like. I need to take some evasive maneuvers. Luckily, we're all following regs and we're buckled in, right?" Jojee chuckles as she takes the Margin darting in and around a series of larger rocks. The ship's particle shields are able to deflect most of the smaller debris.
After a few tense minutes, the ship emerges on the other side of the cluster and you're finally able to see Cholganna through the cockpit screen. Long-range scanners are still fuzzy, however.
Over the comms, you hear Squall, talking loudly from the engine room, "Captain, I input the coordinates the pod gave us, but the ship hit atmo after, and probably had some ability to soften the landing, I'd guess. Check the holo, I marked the quarter hemisphere where we should start looking."
I assume you're going to Check out the Scene here?
You have to direct Jojee to bring the ship into atmosphere to pinpoint the wreckage.
Once you follow the plotted trajectories, you find a narrow, winding valley, one of many cutting through the rugged and overgrown terrain. A small river is visible through the trees. The dense jungle canopy overgrew the crash site, hiding it from casual view. A detailed, relatively close-range scan reveals the debris.
The majority of the Sa Naloor came to rest in two sections. Most of the aft engine section wedged itself in the narrowest portion of the valley between two rocky outcroppings. It blocked the valley's small river, creating a lake that extends for several miles north from the wreckage.
On the lake's eastern shore, you see what at first appears to be a large, irregularly shaped hill randomly covered in vines and scraggly vegetation, partially concealed by the jungle canopy. Perched on the hill at a prominent but off angle appears to be the ruins of a large building with most of the transparisteel windows broken out. Jojee slows the ship and you realize you're looking at the forward, sloped section of the Sa Naloor and its bridge. It is facing northwest, toward the lake. Its forward, shell-like hull is splayed, with the lower decks buried and crushed into the old river bank.
There are several suitable landing locations along the lakeshore. You're able to guide Jojee to one only a klik away, on a flat, rocky shelf near the river.
I tell everyone to arm up, get ready. EyeTee is a problem, given its gait and speed, but we need to protect it. We'll move in a square. I assume that Hosk will keep an eye on the droid, and I'll keep one out, as well.
As your crew approaches the ship, Hosk and Amarath both point out signs that someone has obviously taken steps to camouflage the ship with a makeshift netting of leaves and vines. The shadows of the behemoth above you show that portions of the ship have been stripped for salvage already. Amy curses under her breath about that.
Moving slowly behind you, EyeTee says in a low tone, "Captain, there are several points of possible entry. The force of impact ripped open the hull in multiple locations where we could walk inside. Also, three of the escape pod launch tubes appear to be suitable entry points." It gestures to the ship, "The ship's vault is in the lower decks. It is either buries or crushed into the ground. Accessing those levels is possible, but will take time, climbing and cutting equipment."
"Okay, we deploy the cutting lasers. Hosk and Jojee, you're the climbers. Amy, you've got watch, and the grenades. I'll start cutting from down here. Squall, keep your rifle out and wait for the signal that we need you. Any questions?"
Amarath grins wide when you tell her she has the grenades. She's looped the strap of the blaster rifle so she can use it one-handed, and starts slowly walking behind you. Squall, with zir blaster rifle that's almost bigger than ze is, takes a prone position near a higher point on the side of the wreckage.
Some of the corridors of this ship are easy to traverse, while others are filled with debris. Water has found its way into the broken hull and collected in isolated pockets, requiring wading a couple times, while other times the deck is slick, but otherwise sturdy.
There are bark rats here as well. Your light flashes off their beady eyes as you move near a nest. They don't attack you, but huddle and wait warily. Also, there are other sounds echoing from time to time from the bowels of the wreckage.
After ten minutes of moving cautiously, you come to a point where you can access the lower levels. To your left, on the starboard side, is a long corridor blackened by fire. To your right, on the port side, is a similar corridor. You can see daylight lighting up the chamber at the end. The aft corridor is very long and appears to be buckled, possible from where the hull twisted on impact. Condensation trickles down the decking and drips into a bulkhead in the floor that leads deeper into the interior of the ship. The hatch of the bulkhead has been removed, but the ladder still remains, moss and slime dangling from the rungs.
Down we go. I'm wary of those other sounds but that's why we're getting paid to do this, right? "I'll go down first, Jojee follows. Hosk, you take the rear. Everyone keep your eyes open."
Its servos whirring as it walks, EyeTee says, "The left pathway leads to the Sensor Array Control Room. The right path leads to Bridge Security. This hatch will take us to the ship's vault. If any of the databanks were operable, I could access them for anything since I was last..." it looks around, "here."
"EyeTee, would the scientist's workspace and living quarter have been in this section of the ship, or the other? I'm inclined to check and secure the vault first, since we're here at the hatch. Will you need help climbing down?"
EyeTee answers in a slightly emotional tone, "Captain, the living quarters are on the deck below this one. I will need some assistance utilizing the ladder. Oh dear, if only the lifts were operational..."
"Stow it, you bucket of bolts!" Hosk growls. The droid stops speaking, and Hosk's ears are alert, his body poised. You hear it as he sees it, something in the section open to the sun. Hosk yells, "Jo! Watch out!"
With a vicious roar, a blur of metal and fur moves from a branch near Jojee. Several four-legged creatures, all teeth and claws, leap out, only one moving on Jojee, the other three heading for you and Hosk. Amy's slipped away somewhere, you can't see her right now.
To make matters worse, these nexu appear to be cybernetically enhances. All sport metal-reinforced claws and some sort of armored helmet or cap and collar. The claws of one nexu crackle with white-blue energy against the ground as it lands after each leap. Another flashes a radiant grin with polished metal teeth. The last and largest appears to have had its prehensile double-tail played in interlocking scale armor that terminates in a spiked club on each tail-end.
Hosk starts firing at the one bearing down on Jojee while Jojee tries to dive out of the way. Squall never called out a warning, so these things may have already been here somewhere.
Things that Ladro does not do in this situation, although he more than kind-of wants to: 1. Scream and run away. 2. Wet his space skivvies. 3. Wait for someone else to take care of it.
Things that Ladro does do: 1. Shout over comms, "Amy, Squall! Backup now." 2. Shoot things with pointy teeth and claws. Preferably in the face. A lot.
Hosk flips his rifle to full auto with a squeeze and lets out a karking stream of blaster shots in a sweep over one of the cybernexu. A couple grenades explode near the one to your far left, the one with the double club-tails. Shrapnel tears through its cat body and it screams a metallic shriek of pain.
Why don't you give me an Act Under Fire to deal with the iron grin cybernexu?
You fire on the cybernexu bearing down on you, hitting it right in the back of the throat as it opened its metallic jaws to try and bite you. It falls to the ground, dead, the gray cap on its skull spitting sparks.
Hosk continues firing on the same cybernexu as Jojee scrambles to safety. The third giant cat is able to turn on Amarath and leaps on top of her. Who saves her, Ladro?
Squall, of course. Ze's a few steps behind Amarath and lets loose a guttural, primal scream when ze sees the beast leap. I guess there's something deep in the Rattataki genome, because ze instantly becomes the warrior zir family never thought ze'd be. Bracing the huge blaster rifle, ze sprays off a burst of fire, then charges forward like a rancor, swinging the weapon like a club to knock the deadly beast off zir lover.
Squall beats the cybernexu off Amarath, then snatches up a grenade and shoves it into the cat's mouth. It scampers away, trying to regurgitate the object, but fails. The poor thing's stomach explodes, sending nexu guts flying.
Still panting a bit, eyes wild, Squall offers Amy a hand, "C'mon, beautiful." Amarath grabs Squall's hand with hers and pulls herself up into Squall's arms, kissing her with abandon.
Hosk clears his throat, his eyes trained for anywhere but watching them kissing, "We're all happy you're alright, Amarath, but keep a lid on it. There could be more."
Amarath finishes up her liplock and squeezes Squall once before stepping back. "You bet, sir." She doesn't grouse about it, but there's a shine in her eye for Squall that wasn't there before. "Later on, we'll continue this, yeah?" Squall nods, but ze still looks a bit shaken by what just transpired.
"My circuits, that was horrendous." EyeTee exclaims.
Though you wait for a second round of attacks, none come through. The echoing sounds from before are gone.
"Should we continue to the vault, Captain?" EyeTee asks helpfully.
I'm still recovering from that flurry of action, and from Squall's sudden berserker attack on the cyernexu. After I stop panting, I ask, "So, back to the earlier question. How does a protocol droid move down a ladder? How can we help?"
EyeTee chirps, "I am fully ambulatory, Captain. I am sure I can manage this ladder... although the slime on the rungs is a bit concerning. If I did fall, I am sure the wonderful, and rather fierce, Squall can repair me." He moves noisily towards the ladder, now eager to prove his mobility and worth.
Jojee brushes herself off, picking a few bits of plant muck off her coveralls. "Thanks for the assist, Hosk. Hey, what's with the cyberwear on these kitties? Squally? You see this?"
After a moment of hesitation, ze stops staring at Amarath like ze wants to throw her to the ground and devour her. "What? ... oh, yeah. That's karked." Ze wanders over to one of them, squatting down to look at it more closely.
"EyeTee, hold for a moment before you start down. Squall, what can you tell me about this stuff? Looks as if the researcher, at least, survived the crash. And started collecting pets."
Squall seems to have a little trouble focusing, but ze pulls out a few tools, tinkers for a bit, "This is some zeng stuff, Captain. Really tight design, no skipped steps. Cooling systems are advanced, but the wear on this looks decades old. Wow."
"This is exciting, Captain!" EyeTee says as it raises its arms. "If Cratala's work survives, there could be others."
Hosk warns, "If whoever survived has been using nexu as... guards, then we need to stay frosty."
"Trapped in this hellhole for decades with nothing to do but tinker with enhancing one of the most dangerous predators in the galaxy? They must have gone completely around the bend. How do you even catch a nexu? Okay, everyone, frosty indeed. Let's head down a level. I'll go first, then EyeTee, Jojee, Squall, Hosk in that order. Amy, you stay up here as first warning, but yell and run like hell, don't try to be a hero. Any questions?"
They have no questions. You move and they follow. The next level is nearly impassable, from the standing water to the crushed sections of the hull. Hosk and Jojee get to work with their torches, cutting through sections. It's slow going. Squall spends zir time fiddling with some of the cybernetics from the nexu, toying with it like a puzzlebox, remarking how brilliant it is, musing over how some of it works, then trying to figure it out.
With the threat of the cybernexu gone, the cold and the wet is more of a concern. It takes several hours to cut through to the vaults. Inside, you don't find thousands of credits, expensive ores and untold riches. You do find several thousand battle droids in various states of disrepair. It appears many have been stripped down, others were destroyed during the crash. There are a couple of other holes and hatches. Whatever was here, has been pilfered and picked over.
You can, if you want to haul it, salvage two Cred worth of droid parts, supplies and munitions. Hosk is crestfallen. Jojee's pissed. Squall's still playing with the cybernetics.
"Lots left to check out, here. We've already seen the real payday in the cyber on the nexu, and we're guaranteed fine compensation for our work, as-is, for recovering what we can. This particular salvage is low-priority, of course, we'll come back to it. EyeTee, where else should we look? Clearly we're not looking for portable wealth any longer. We need to focus on the tech."
After a moment's consideration, the droid answers, "I would recommend the bridge command tower. Unfortunately, it is back from whence we came, past the cybernetically enhanced nexu, who are luckily corpses."
With a glance to Squall, I reply, "Not so much luck, EyeTee, as skill... and determination. So, where do you think your owner, the Captain, might be?" Hoping to get an unprepared response with the quick change in subject.
Squall's brows furrow a little as if ze isn't sure about the value of determination. Zir posture has been different since the fight. It's similar to the time Squall went around in that skirt with zir blaster openly displayed. It's hard for zir to let out the rage, then quickly put it back away.
Not that Amarath's complaining. Amarath keeps looking at Squall, even grins at her a couple times. It's... flirty.
EyeTee answers after a moment, "I am unsure, Captain. I would imagine the river would be the most likely spot for the survivors to reside. I could attempt to communicate with them."
Why don't you try and Read it? Also, you've spent enough time to read it as normal.
Yes. It has activated a homing beacon in hopes of contacting the Captain, and it wants you to stay here so he can find you. EyeTee doesn't have ill intent towards you or the crew, it merely thinks this is the quickest way to reunite with the captain.
"EyeTee, are you familiar with the concept of lying by omission? I really hate it when people I'm counting on do that to me. Would you like to revise any of your earlier statements?"
"Oh.... well, captain." EyeTee says carefully. "I have activated a homing beacon on a frequency that should help Captain Harsol locate us more quickly. That is, if he is still listening."
"Turn. It. Off. Now." I keep my voice as steady as I can. "Did you stop to consider that Captain Harsol could have helped cyber up those nexu? He could easily be a threat to us and to our mission, and you have pointed a nice shiny arrow right at us."
"He did not, I assure you." EyeTee says, holding up its hands defensively. "It is the work of Cratala, assuredly. If she is still alive, then this is protection for their, well, for lack of a better term, their warehouse. It is obvious the survivors stripped down most of the ship, but the access into the battle droid area indicates they return here from time to time to resupply. I would estimate they have a number of working battle droids. However, their munition supplies are not inexhaustible. I strongly recommend that we establish some method of contact. Cratala would be of immense value to Hontu. I assure you."
"EyeTee, you are here to advise, and have effectively made a command decision on your own. I appreciate the knowledge you can contribute, but must insist that you disengage the beacon and make no further attempt to contact your former owner or Dr. Cratala until I request otherwise. Understood? Squall, do we have the means to verify IT-3P0's compliance with that order?"
"Squall, please do an occasional check to make sure. Let's head to the bridge command tower and check out the situation. After that, we need to find Harsol and Cratala. Without further announcing our presence, if possible." I start back toward the ladder, assuming everyone will fall in.
The crew forms up and you head back to the Bridge Command Tower.
What was once the bridge is now overgrown with vines, moss, and strange flowering plants. Consoles and electronics have been stripped from their housing, and transparisteel windows are shattered or missing. Even the seats have been salvaged. On closer inspection the shadows seem to crawl, and you can make out small insects and strange amphibians inhabiting the crevices. At the rear of the compartment is a bulkhead leading into the dark recesses of the abandoned hulk. The bulkhead door has been removed, apparently by fusioncutter.
Nothing of material value remains; anything useful was appropriated by the survivors or other explorers. Ladro, you find a hidden compartment. In it is a holoprojector. The unit looks like it might be in decent shape, perhaps operational.
Engineers and bridge crew desperately try to regain control of the ship as it plummets towards Cholganna's surface, their faces contorted in fear and desperation. Pacing back and forth is a young Captain Harsol, who barks orders from the bridge. At his side, an Arkanian woman looks on in despair, bracing herself for the impending impact. Harsol stops without warning, shouts one last command, then pulls the woman to the floor for cover. As she falls, you see her stark white eyes grow wide with terror. Suddenly, the playback scrambles and cuts out.
"Okay, we know what happened, then. Aside from the scavenging, any evidence of what's happening now? Squall, EyeTee, can you gain access to the databanks at all? There may be more we can learn."
EyeTee doesn't answer right away. When you hear it, the noise it makes is a surprised "Whooop!" A glance over and you see the droid has been picked up by two large, mottled brown-green tentacles. The rest of its body is attached to one of the large trees that dips down into this section of the ship.
Here it is:
The rest of the crew is looking over, drawing weapons and calling alarm. You spot another one moving along some of the canopy near Jojee as she checks out the control panel by an empty window.
Seems like I'm the only one that has noticed the beast closest to Jojee, so I'll take a shot at that, first, letting Hosk, Squall and Amy address the thing that has EyeTee. I shout, "Jojee, get down!"
Jojee jumps when the shot hits the beast, then she glances up. The tentacle swings at her and she tries to dive to the deck, screaming, "Again! Kriff me!"
Hosk's extending his blaster and trying to get a bead on the one with EyeTee while Squall runs at the one near Jojee once ze sees your shot. Amy is scanning the place, checking for other threats.
I think you and the team are Going in Blazing here.
EyeTee continues to wail as it is drawn up to the arboreal octopus. The creature closes its mouth over EyeTee's head, then promptly drops him when the creature tastes metal. Meanwhile, Jojee scrambles under the console and starts crawling as fast as she can while you unleash blaster bolts at the octopus attacking her. Amy picks out something in the dark and fires away.
Hosk switches his blaster into a rifle and fires full auto on the creature that just dropped EyeTee.
Squall leaps up onto the console above Jojee and whacks the octopus tentacle closest to the pilot with the butt of zir rifle. Then, Squall crouches for a second like ze's going to jump onto the creature. One of its tentacles catches Squall with a back-swipe, and ze tumbles backwards, rolling off the console and out of the open window.
I rush toward the octopus that just knocked Squall out the window, shouting zir name. My blaster fires as fast as I can pull the trigger. I'm aiming for one of the eyes.
The octopus sees you as a threat, and four of its arms are lashing out at you. I think you're Standing in Defense of Jojee... maybe Squall, right now, right?
You move in, but the tentacles are faster than you thought. Two of them latch onto Jojee's leg and start dragging her across the deck, picking her up into the air with its powerful appendages. She lets out a scream, trying to dig out a blaster, while also wriggling to get free. She's being lifted towards the maw of this thing. You see it's gleaming teeth.
Hosk and Amy are still firing on their octopi, they can't help you.
I holster my blaster, pull out two of my knives, and leap toward the thing that has my friend, planning to dig into its flesh and use the knives like pitons until I can stick one of them into its eye.
You stab into the creature, ichor sprays down from the thing. It flings Jojee aside and tries to focus on you, but it wasn't prepared for your blade. It does wrap one tentacle around your waist and squeezes hard, but then you find its eye and stab it. It releases you with a squeal, then starts quickly trying to climb out of the room into the canopy of trees outside.
If the thing wants to run away, I'm not going to interfere with that. I land as gracefully as I can, drop the knives and pull my blaster again, focusing on whatever is the clearest threat.
You scan the room. Amarath's double-tapping the smaller arboreal octopus that just fell to the deck. Hosk is firing at the one retreating into the corridor. It looks like its been hit several times.
Jojee's had her bell rung, she's struggling to get up. Amarath looks around, a cocky grin on her face like "yo, check out what I just did!" Hosk is moving forward towards the corridor to finish off the last octopus.
I'm out the window after Squall. Don't know how much damage she might have sustained, or what's waiting for her down there. I grab a tree limb that's NOT moving on its own and climb down as fast as I can.
Amarath finally catches on that Squall isn't here, but she's way behind you. When you climb out of the Sa Naloor, you see that you're maybe thirty feet up from the ground. You move hand over hand on the branches, the prone form of Squall lying on the ground below. It looks like ze hit a couple branches on the way down, and zir left leg looks off.
You get to the trunk and halfway down when you hear Amarath scream above you, seeing what's happened. She's crying Squall's name in a strangled sob. The trees here are slightly spongy, easy to climb and grip. You get down to the ground quickly, move to zir side.
Squall's head is bleeding, ze must have landed hard. There are a few deep cuts on zir forearm, possibly from a branch, and zir left leg has a compound fracture, you can see the dark blood and the bone. Ze is not awake, but you see slow, shallow breaths.
I do what I can, as quickly as I can, staunching blood flow. I fumble through her pack, looking for the med-kit, and apply a dressing as quickly as I can, trusting Amy to keep an eye out for threats as she makes her way down.
"One of those... things... knocked zir out the window." I look around, then tell Amy to take over with caring for Squall. I know she has the motivation. "Jo, Hosk, we need to find the survivors, and EyeTee is right... the river is the right direction. Let's go."
Hosk and Jojee come down quickly, EyeTee much more slowly, of course. Amarath sets Squall's leg, creates a splint and binds it. Amy's not so bad with first aid, even one-handed, at least. Hosk fashions a stretcher with some of his own sheets from his pack tied onto a few sticks. He and Jojee carry Squall. Within fifteen minutes, you're moving out towards the river.
After an hour of walking along the river paths, you hear noises, splashing, coming from upriver. Looking in that direction, you see three large creatures swimming towards you. Each has a prominent, lizard-like head on a long, upright neck about ten feet tall. Their bodies are underwater, but each leaves a strong wake as it approaches. Each wears a primitive bridle with reins that leads to a rider seated with several passengers in what appears to be a boat strapped onto the animal's back. They appear to be humanoid. As they come closer, each of the swimming creatures bend their neck and appear to take a long drink of water.
The creatures turn and head for the shore near you. When they arrive at the shoreline, the creatures walk out of the water towrd you, their boats remaining attached to their backs like saddles. One carries an older-looking human male, while the other two each carry an Aqualish and a trio of heavily modified, worn and scuffed B1 battle droids. The droids have their weapons drawn, an additional tube slung across its backs, but the human waves them off, indicating that they lower their guns.
The human has weathered, dark skin, and has visible scars across his bald head. He wears a battered Clone Wars-era blast vest and carries an old heavy blaster. He looks like this:
Before he can speak, a familiar droid's voice comes from behind you.
"Captain Harsol, sir, I'm so glad to see you're still alive! You have no idea how long I've waited to find you again. Silly me! But of course you do! As ordered, I have all of the pertinent plans and distribution deals committed to memory. I'm happy to report that I have made great strides in developing your plans with Ropok, even if they have taken a more... generation time frame than we expected"
Captain Harsol looks at IT-3PO and laughs, "I knew you were clever, EyeTee, but... well done." He turns to you, Ladro, eyeing you suspisciously. "Well, you've got my old droid. Never expected to see that irritatingly resourceful thing again. Now, who the kriff are you and where's Ropok?"
EyeTee butts in, "Captain Vos is correct, Captain Harsol. Ropok was captured by the Empire and died in captivity over a decade ago."
Harsol wasn't about to believe you, but the droid backing you up lessens his doubt. He angrily says, "Karking Imps." After a moment, he scratches his chin, looks over your crew. "What happened to the Rattataki? Nexu get her?"
Amarath. still holding her rifle, says with a scowl on her face, "We wasted your cybernexu. Some karking octos flung zir out the karking window and ze fell."
Harsol gives a hald nod, showing understanding, but there's no apology. "You know how damn many salvagers we've had to fight off? How many men I've lost? You don't. So stow it, or we have a problem." He glares at Amarath, who isn't about to back down right now.
I hold up a hand and speak in a steady but commanding tone. "Amarath, stow it. Captain, I can't imagine what it has taken to survive in this hellhole for as long as you have, but as far as I'm concerned, you are a complication in terms of the mission I was given, so I will thank you to show me some respect. Your droid has already been leaving out crucial pieces of information and putting us at risk."
Amarath bites back a spiteful reply, instead moving over nearer to Squall, protectively, her rifle ready, but not aimed at anyone (yet).
"My droid has instructions to return to me. Your risk isn't my primary concern." Harsol replies in a clipped tone. "Why are you here then? What's your mission, captain?"
For some reason, that de-escalates things a bit. "Well... at least we know where we stand. You've got EyeTee with you, so that's a thing. We've got some medical supplies and a med droid or two back at The Retreat. Come on, you can ride with us." He orders a couple droids to carry the stretcher to the boat-saddles. They start moving closer, stowing their rifles.
Seems like time to play along, if I'm to secure any of the bonus Hontu mentioned. We'll see what happens next. "Crew, we're going to go along to Captain Harsol's 'Retreat'. Stay frosty and don't start anything." I nod to Harsol and indicate for Hosk and Jojee to allow the droids to pick up the stretcher.
Your crew follows orders and in a couple minutes, you're in the boat-saddles, moving up river. Harsol explains that the survivors of the Sa Naloor call the river The Escape", because it proved to be the most reliable method of fleeing the dangerous creatures they first encountered on Cholganna.
Even paddling against the current, the river is still the easiest way to travel. The three reevos, as Harsol calls them, stick to the banks and under the shade of the jungle canopy, to minimize the chance of being detected. It takes about thirty minutes to reach the settlement.
During the travel, you see large creatures diving underwater, but staying away from the reevo. A clutch of arboreal octopi recoil their tentacles into the trees above. It's a dangerous place. You were lucky you located the wreckage so directly.
The Retreat is located along the east fork of the river valley, nestled against the base of a long bluff high up on the south bank. It takes about five minutes to walk up the steep trail to the Retreat.
As you emerge from the thick foliage, you see a rocky bluff towering many feet over you. There is a wide, cleared area in front of the bluffs. A formidable wall made of tree trunks and starship hull plating curves outward toward you, with two tall sentry towers evenly spaces across its length. The entire Retreat is built into an enormous alcove in the bluff. Captain Harsol guides you to one of the two large gates.
The west gate opens smoothly, and you enter the Retreat. You are directed toward a large metal-and-wood building crafted from salvaged and local materials, just like the perimeter wall. A crowd of about thirty people and a few droids slowly part in front of you as the captain waves everybody inside their homes. They are dressed in patchwork clothing and primitive skins, clearly made on Cholganna. Only a few wear remnants of their old clothing.
As you pass the crowd, you hear the expected questions and whispers of curiosity. Just as you and Captain Harsol reach the door, someone yells out, "So, Harsol, why aren't they dead yet? Have you gone soft?"
Captain Harsol pauses to turn on his heel, firing back, "Could be things are changing for the better around here. Tell Cratala to get over here and we'll all find out together. The rest of you, follow us inside."
Harsol leads you into the central room. Enormous tree trunks hold up the two-story ceiling, composed of wood, playing and the occasional window. Several primitive doors appear to lead to other chambers. Hand-fashioned lamps add to the natural light streaming in through high windows. Harsol leads all of you up to the stage and indicates you should have a seat on a log as he steps to a podium.
So, I did not expect so many survivors. Truthfully, I expected none, coming into this. I will take a seat on the log, after I've made sure that Squall has been sent to the med droids with Amarath along with her to watch. I wait, but I am suddenly very worried about this mission.
Jojee and Hosk sit on either side of you, while EyeTee stays near Harsol. A crowd of a couple dozen people, mostly human males, come into the room. They seem on edge, some have blasters or hand weapons, most don't.
Captain Harsol addresses them. He points to EyeTee-Three and says, "A few of you might remember ol' EyeTee here, the one that was supposed to get my scheme working with Ropok. He's the reason we have guests instead of prisoners tonight. When I say his homing beacon light up my old receiver, I thought it was just another malfunction. Well, Ninan analyzed the unit and signal, and it checked out. I knew we had a new situation here on the groun. Now, if it weren't for this welcoming committee here," he says, motioning to the crowd, "I would have already questioned these people and announced any good news."
A voice from the back suddenly interrupts Harsol, "Like we trust you! I bet we would have never heard from them again. It wouldn't be the first time!"
Harsol looks angry for a moment, and his voice takes on a defensive tone, almost threatening towards his fellow survivors, "Well, of course, it wouldn't be just me. I would have asked Cratala to join us, of course. Just like we always do here in our Retreat, right?" The crowd grumbles disagreement, but no one dares speak out again.
An Arkanian woman enters. Her eyes immediately fix on you and your crew. She seems curious, not hostile. She even offers a soft, encouraging smile to you.
Harsol remains slightly defensive, but continues, "I know you worry about your safety. I know some of you think the Empire has forgotten about us. Well, maybe EyeTee and his friends here have a way to improve our lot. Maybe even escape this planet, and still stay out of an Imperial prison or execution chamber. Let's take a few minutes to ask some questions, and see what everyone thinks."
Harsol turns to you, Ladro, asking loudly so all of the crowd can hear, "How did you find the Sa Naloor, Captain Vos?"
"A message pod you ejected shortly before the Na Saloor hit atmosphere was recovered and sold directly to Hontu. He arranged for EyeTee to join us and we made our way here."
The Arkanian woman speaks up. Her voice is confidant as she speaks to the crowd, "See? I told you not to lose hope. Hontu... that's Ropok's son, he sent these people to help us escape." The crowd eats that up. You can see the two approached here, the two people. It might be a partnership. It could be a power struggle.
She continues, "My name is Cratala. I'm the science officer here. Can you tell us about the Empire? After all this time, has the Emperor been deposed?"
"Sadly, no. There is an active Rebellion, but I think it will take something like a miracle to actually bring down the Empire." I look at Cratala. "EyeTee speaks quite highly of your skills, Doctor. I assume the enhanced nexu were your doing?"
Your information about the Empire causes the mood of the room to cool quickly. There are a couple quiet curses muttered. Cratala, in particular, becomes quite nervous.
"Yes, they were an early experiment. We've had trouble with keeping the wreck site secure. They were effective guards, for a time. I assume your wounded friend was a result of an... incursion?"
Jojee answers, "Actually no. We killed your kriffing cybernexu. Squally was hurt when ze saved my shebs fighting some octopi." Cratala listens, not looking defensive about it.
Captain Harsol asks, "Captain Vos, why did you and your crew come to Cholganna? What did Hontu hire you to do?" People seem intent on that point.
"To be frank, Hontu seemed to be making the reasonable assumption that you were dead. He sent me to recover what I could of your supposed treasure store of a cargo and assess whatever of Dr. Cratala's work survived and bring it to him. Now that I know you're here, of course, I feel sure that Hontu would want me to help." Well, not necessarily, but there are more of them than there are of us.
While several people are dismayed, you can read it on their faces, Cratala nods, accepting it, "It makes sense. I would have chalked us up for dead..."
Captain Harsol speaks up, "Then we're all still at risk, and nothing's changed."
A male from the crowd yells, "We've changed! We need off this blasted rock!" Captain Harsol's eyes narrow, but he doesn't fire back a retort.
"How can you help, Captain Vos?" Cratala asks. "And what does Hontu expect out of this?"
I consider Cratala carefully. "Hontu expects profit, of course, and presumably advantages that will strengthen IsoTech, which is the same thing. As to how I can help..." I shrug. "I can't carry all of you and keep you fed. I'm open to other ideas, if you have them."
When you bring up getting people off Cholganna, Captain Harsol jumps in, "This discussion should be handled by the senior staff, then brought to the group as a whole."
People grouse, but there is still a semblance of order as they begin filing out. One of the argumentative men comes up to talk to Captain Harsol. Cratala takes that opportunity to walk up to you.
"Captain Vos," she says as she is close enough not to be overheard. "I'm rather sure your Rattataki crewmate will make a full recovery in time. She seems very tough. Your Kiffar crewmate, I noticed she had a cyberarm housing. Did she lose the arm in the Sa Naloor?"
I shake my head. "At The Wheel, as we were preventing EyeTee from being rather forcefully... appropriated... by a gang of Rodian salvagers. She took a blaster bolt" I chuckle. "Wound up jumping into hard vacuum and praying for a pickup from my pilot." It wasn't amusing at the time, but I suspect I'll be drinking on that story for a while.
Cratala is taken aback by that quick little story. "That's... rather impressive, Captain." The crowd is nearly gone, Captain Harsol is finishing up his conversation, but Cratala sneaks in one more question, "Would she be interested in a replacement?"
The space heinie kick gets a laugh out of her. "You just want to touch my space heinie again," she quips. She sits there, letting it soak in. No tears, the anger's there, of course. Or something like it. Not lashing out, not with the assurances and the hope of getting her own ship someday.
"Well, if Hosk is a kriffing nerf-herding drill sergeant, I'm out." She says it hotly, but it's a last ditch attempt, slightly childish, perhaps, but her last complaint, you feel it. For now, at least.
I make a mental note to thank Amy for suggesting that I do this now. "I understand, Jo. Thank you. We'll be having a meeting soon to lay things out, but we'll adjust as we go along. Anything else you need to hear from me right now?"
Jojee sits up, uncrossing her arms and putting them on the arms of the chair as she stands up. "Just remind me of the gigantic payday from this salvage. That'll get a smile on my face." She's headed towards the door, that request being more of an expression of excitement about what happens when you come out of hyperspace.
What do you do?
After I enjoy the sight of Jojee walking away (it is a very fine space heinie), I sit for a moment. That went far better than it could have. I suppose, since Amy and Jo know, I should give Squall a heads-up, too. I don't expect zir to make much of a fuss, but you never know.
The meeting is smooth. Jojee's quiet, Squall hugs Hosk and congratulates him. Amarath plays along, smiles and nods. Hosk presents some loose guidelines, "a framework", he calls it. Nobody seems to object to them. They're pretty general, they will be revised, you're sure.
Anything else before you come out of hyperspace?
* - "grumpyboots" was a joking nickname Ladro gave Hosk at the bottom of the falls on Kiffu
I make sure everyone gets the rest they need so we're all fresh when we come out, but other than that, there's not much to do other than look over the layout of the ship, check out details of nexu anatomy, and spend a bit more time with EyeTee talking about what we might expect.
As the starlines fade to realspace, the sensor system immediately goes haywire, flashing lights and sounding a malfunction alarm. A quick glance shows the system is jammed or overwhelmed. Looking outside the cockpit, you see what looks to be the Chol system's star as a dim, hazy disk. You can't make out any stars, and you don't immediately see Cholganna... or much of anything else.
Jojee curses, flipping a few toggles,"Looks like the nebula's gases are interfering with ship's sensors. Can you adjust, Captain?" Before you bring up the correct interface, she interjects, "Blast it, there's a dust cloud here, visuals are karked. Is that an asteroid field?"
(let's see you Act Under Pressure to get sensors on line. With a failure, you can either bring up short-range or long-range, but not both)
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 9)
Hosk hits the comms, "Jo, what's going on?" The sensors come online when you finally get the back-up system to kick over.
Jojee replies as she looks at the short-range sensors with you, ,"It's a meteoroid cluster, looks like. I need to take some evasive maneuvers. Luckily, we're all following regs and we're buckled in, right?" Jojee chuckles as she takes the Margin darting in and around a series of larger rocks. The ship's particle shields are able to deflect most of the smaller debris.
After a few tense minutes, the ship emerges on the other side of the cluster and you're finally able to see Cholganna through the cockpit screen. Long-range scanners are still fuzzy, however.
Over the comms, you hear Squall, talking loudly from the engine room, "Captain, I input the coordinates the pod gave us, but the ship hit atmo after, and probably had some ability to soften the landing, I'd guess. Check the holo, I marked the quarter hemisphere where we should start looking."
I assume you're going to Check out the Scene here?
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 5. Total: 13)
What is the safest approach to reaching it?
Once you follow the plotted trajectories, you find a narrow, winding valley, one of many cutting through the rugged and overgrown terrain. A small river is visible through the trees. The dense jungle canopy overgrew the crash site, hiding it from casual view. A detailed, relatively close-range scan reveals the debris.
The majority of the Sa Naloor came to rest in two sections. Most of the aft engine section wedged itself in the narrowest portion of the valley between two rocky outcroppings. It blocked the valley's small river, creating a lake that extends for several miles north from the wreckage.
On the lake's eastern shore, you see what at first appears to be a large, irregularly shaped hill randomly covered in vines and scraggly vegetation, partially concealed by the jungle canopy. Perched on the hill at a prominent but off angle appears to be the ruins of a large building with most of the transparisteel windows broken out. Jojee slows the ship and you realize you're looking at the forward, sloped section of the Sa Naloor and its bridge. It is facing northwest, toward the lake. Its forward, shell-like hull is splayed, with the lower decks buried and crushed into the old river bank.
There are several suitable landing locations along the lakeshore. You're able to guide Jojee to one only a klik away, on a flat, rocky shelf near the river.
I tell everyone to arm up, get ready. EyeTee is a problem, given its gait and speed, but we need to protect it. We'll move in a square. I assume that Hosk will keep an eye on the droid, and I'll keep one out, as well.
I'm rolling Methodical here.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 10)
Moving slowly behind you, EyeTee says in a low tone, "Captain, there are several points of possible entry. The force of impact ripped open the hull in multiple locations where we could walk inside. Also, three of the escape pod launch tubes appear to be suitable entry points." It gestures to the ship, "The ship's vault is in the lower decks. It is either buries or crushed into the ground. Accessing those levels is possible, but will take time, climbing and cutting equipment."
"Okay, we deploy the cutting lasers. Hosk and Jojee, you're the climbers. Amy, you've got watch, and the grenades. I'll start cutting from down here. Squall, keep your rifle out and wait for the signal that we need you. Any questions?"
Some of the corridors of this ship are easy to traverse, while others are filled with debris. Water has found its way into the broken hull and collected in isolated pockets, requiring wading a couple times, while other times the deck is slick, but otherwise sturdy.
There are bark rats here as well. Your light flashes off their beady eyes as you move near a nest. They don't attack you, but huddle and wait warily. Also, there are other sounds echoing from time to time from the bowels of the wreckage.
After ten minutes of moving cautiously, you come to a point where you can access the lower levels. To your left, on the starboard side, is a long corridor blackened by fire. To your right, on the port side, is a similar corridor. You can see daylight lighting up the chamber at the end. The aft corridor is very long and appears to be buckled, possible from where the hull twisted on impact. Condensation trickles down the decking and drips into a bulkhead in the floor that leads deeper into the interior of the ship. The hatch of the bulkhead has been removed, but the ladder still remains, moss and slime dangling from the rungs.
Down we go. I'm wary of those other sounds but that's why we're getting paid to do this, right? "I'll go down first, Jojee follows. Hosk, you take the rear. Everyone keep your eyes open."
Its servos whirring as it walks, EyeTee says, "The left pathway leads to the Sensor Array Control Room. The right path leads to Bridge Security. This hatch will take us to the ship's vault. If any of the databanks were operable, I could access them for anything since I was last..." it looks around, "here."
"EyeTee, would the scientist's workspace and living quarter have been in this section of the ship, or the other? I'm inclined to check and secure the vault first, since we're here at the hatch. Will you need help climbing down?"
EyeTee answers in a slightly emotional tone, "Captain, the living quarters are on the deck below this one. I will need some assistance utilizing the ladder. Oh dear, if only the lifts were operational..."
"Stow it, you bucket of bolts!" Hosk growls. The droid stops speaking, and Hosk's ears are alert, his body poised. You hear it as he sees it, something in the section open to the sun. Hosk yells, "Jo! Watch out!"
With a vicious roar, a blur of metal and fur moves from a branch near Jojee. Several four-legged creatures, all teeth and claws, leap out, only one moving on Jojee, the other three heading for you and Hosk. Amy's slipped away somewhere, you can't see her right now.
To make matters worse, these nexu appear to be cybernetically enhances. All sport metal-reinforced claws and some sort of armored helmet or cap and collar. The claws of one nexu crackle with white-blue energy against the ground as it lands after each leap. Another flashes a radiant grin with polished metal teeth. The last and largest appears to have had its prehensile double-tail played in interlocking scale armor that terminates in a spiked club on each tail-end.
Hosk starts firing at the one bearing down on Jojee while Jojee tries to dive out of the way. Squall never called out a warning, so these things may have already been here somewhere.
What do you do?
Things that Ladro does not do in this situation, although he more than kind-of wants to:
1. Scream and run away.
2. Wet his space skivvies.
3. Wait for someone else to take care of it.
Things that Ladro does do:
1. Shout over comms, "Amy, Squall! Backup now."
2. Shoot things with pointy teeth and claws. Preferably in the face. A lot.
Why don't you give me an Act Under Fire to deal with the iron grin cybernexu?
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 13)
Hosk continues firing on the same cybernexu as Jojee scrambles to safety. The third giant cat is able to turn on Amarath and leaps on top of her. Who saves her, Ladro?
Squall, of course. Ze's a few steps behind Amarath and lets loose a guttural, primal scream when ze sees the beast leap. I guess there's something deep in the Rattataki genome, because ze instantly becomes the warrior zir family never thought ze'd be. Bracing the huge blaster rifle, ze sprays off a burst of fire, then charges forward like a rancor, swinging the weapon like a club to knock the deadly beast off zir lover.
Still panting a bit, eyes wild, Squall offers Amy a hand, "C'mon, beautiful." Amarath grabs Squall's hand with hers and pulls herself up into Squall's arms, kissing her with abandon.
Hosk clears his throat, his eyes trained for anywhere but watching them kissing, "We're all happy you're alright, Amarath, but keep a lid on it. There could be more."
Amarath finishes up her liplock and squeezes Squall once before stepping back. "You bet, sir." She doesn't grouse about it, but there's a shine in her eye for Squall that wasn't there before. "Later on, we'll continue this, yeah?" Squall nods, but ze still looks a bit shaken by what just transpired.
"My circuits, that was horrendous." EyeTee exclaims.
Though you wait for a second round of attacks, none come through. The echoing sounds from before are gone.
"Should we continue to the vault, Captain?" EyeTee asks helpfully.
I'm still recovering from that flurry of action, and from Squall's sudden berserker attack on the cyernexu. After I stop panting, I ask, "So, back to the earlier question. How does a protocol droid move down a ladder? How can we help?"
EyeTee chirps, "I am fully ambulatory, Captain. I am sure I can manage this ladder... although the slime on the rungs is a bit concerning. If I did fall, I am sure the wonderful, and rather fierce, Squall can repair me." He moves noisily towards the ladder, now eager to prove his mobility and worth.
Jojee brushes herself off, picking a few bits of plant muck off her coveralls. "Thanks for the assist, Hosk. Hey, what's with the cyberwear on these kitties? Squally? You see this?"
After a moment of hesitation, ze stops staring at Amarath like ze wants to throw her to the ground and devour her. "What? ... oh, yeah. That's karked." Ze wanders over to one of them, squatting down to look at it more closely.
"EyeTee, hold for a moment before you start down. Squall, what can you tell me about this stuff? Looks as if the researcher, at least, survived the crash. And started collecting pets."
Squall seems to have a little trouble focusing, but ze pulls out a few tools, tinkers for a bit, "This is some zeng stuff, Captain. Really tight design, no skipped steps. Cooling systems are advanced, but the wear on this looks decades old. Wow."
"This is exciting, Captain!" EyeTee says as it raises its arms. "If Cratala's work survives, there could be others."
Hosk warns, "If whoever survived has been using nexu as... guards, then we need to stay frosty."
"Trapped in this hellhole for decades with nothing to do but tinker with enhancing one of the most dangerous predators in the galaxy? They must have gone completely around the bend. How do you even catch a nexu? Okay, everyone, frosty indeed. Let's head down a level. I'll go first, then EyeTee, Jojee, Squall, Hosk in that order. Amy, you stay up here as first warning, but yell and run like hell, don't try to be a hero. Any questions?"
With the threat of the cybernexu gone, the cold and the wet is more of a concern. It takes several hours to cut through to the vaults. Inside, you don't find thousands of credits, expensive ores and untold riches. You do find several thousand battle droids in various states of disrepair. It appears many have been stripped down, others were destroyed during the crash. There are a couple of other holes and hatches. Whatever was here, has been pilfered and picked over.
You can, if you want to haul it, salvage two Cred worth of droid parts, supplies and munitions. Hosk is crestfallen. Jojee's pissed. Squall's still playing with the cybernetics.
What do you do?
"Lots left to check out, here. We've already seen the real payday in the cyber on the nexu, and we're guaranteed fine compensation for our work, as-is, for recovering what we can. This particular salvage is low-priority, of course, we'll come back to it. EyeTee, where else should we look? Clearly we're not looking for portable wealth any longer. We need to focus on the tech."
After a moment's consideration, the droid answers, "I would recommend the bridge command tower. Unfortunately, it is back from whence we came, past the cybernetically enhanced nexu, who are luckily corpses."
With a glance to Squall, I reply, "Not so much luck, EyeTee, as skill... and determination. So, where do you think your owner, the Captain, might be?" Hoping to get an unprepared response with the quick change in subject.
Not that Amarath's complaining. Amarath keeps looking at Squall, even grins at her a couple times. It's... flirty.
EyeTee answers after a moment, "I am unsure, Captain. I would imagine the river would be the most likely spot for the survivors to reside. I could attempt to communicate with them."
Why don't you try and Read it? Also, you've spent enough time to read it as normal.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 3. Total: 8)
"EyeTee, are you familiar with the concept of lying by omission? I really hate it when people I'm counting on do that to me. Would you like to revise any of your earlier statements?"
"Oh.... well, captain." EyeTee says carefully. "I have activated a homing beacon on a frequency that should help Captain Harsol locate us more quickly. That is, if he is still listening."
"Turn. It. Off. Now." I keep my voice as steady as I can. "Did you stop to consider that Captain Harsol could have helped cyber up those nexu? He could easily be a threat to us and to our mission, and you have pointed a nice shiny arrow right at us."
"He did not, I assure you." EyeTee says, holding up its hands defensively. "It is the work of Cratala, assuredly. If she is still alive, then this is protection for their, well, for lack of a better term, their warehouse. It is obvious the survivors stripped down most of the ship, but the access into the battle droid area indicates they return here from time to time to resupply. I would estimate they have a number of working battle droids. However, their munition supplies are not inexhaustible. I strongly recommend that we establish some method of contact. Cratala would be of immense value to Hontu. I assure you."
"EyeTee, you are here to advise, and have effectively made a command decision on your own. I appreciate the knowledge you can contribute, but must insist that you disengage the beacon and make no further attempt to contact your former owner or Dr. Cratala until I request otherwise. Understood? Squall, do we have the means to verify IT-3P0's compliance with that order?"
"Understood, Captain Vos." EyeTee says with a hint of dismay and trepidation.
Squall reaches into zir pack and pulls out a small spectrometer, "It's off, Captain. No more transmissions."
"Squall, please do an occasional check to make sure. Let's head to the bridge command tower and check out the situation. After that, we need to find Harsol and Cratala. Without further announcing our presence, if possible." I start back toward the ladder, assuming everyone will fall in.
What was once the bridge is now overgrown with vines, moss, and strange flowering plants. Consoles and electronics have been stripped from their housing, and transparisteel windows are shattered or missing. Even the seats have been salvaged. On closer inspection the shadows seem to crawl, and you can make out small insects and strange amphibians inhabiting the crevices. At the rear of the compartment is a bulkhead leading into the dark recesses of the abandoned hulk. The bulkhead door has been removed, apparently by fusioncutter.
Nothing of material value remains; anything useful was appropriated by the survivors or other explorers. Ladro, you find a hidden compartment. In it is a holoprojector. The unit looks like it might be in decent shape, perhaps operational.
What do you do?
I play it, of course. I'm as curious as a monkey-lizard during migration season.
"Okay, we know what happened, then. Aside from the scavenging, any evidence of what's happening now? Squall, EyeTee, can you gain access to the databanks at all? There may be more we can learn."
... or, you can Trust Your Feelings.
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 2, 3. Total: 4)
Here it is:
The rest of the crew is looking over, drawing weapons and calling alarm. You spot another one moving along some of the canopy near Jojee as she checks out the control panel by an empty window.
What do you do?
Seems like I'm the only one that has noticed the beast closest to Jojee, so I'll take a shot at that, first, letting Hosk, Squall and Amy address the thing that has EyeTee. I shout, "Jojee, get down!"
Jojee jumps when the shot hits the beast, then she glances up. The tentacle swings at her and she tries to dive to the deck, screaming, "Again! Kriff me!"
Hosk's extending his blaster and trying to get a bead on the one with EyeTee while Squall runs at the one near Jojee once ze sees your shot. Amy is scanning the place, checking for other threats.
I think you and the team are Going in Blazing here.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 9)
Hosk switches his blaster into a rifle and fires full auto on the creature that just dropped EyeTee.
Squall leaps up onto the console above Jojee and whacks the octopus tentacle closest to the pilot with the butt of zir rifle. Then, Squall crouches for a second like ze's going to jump onto the creature. One of its tentacles catches Squall with a back-swipe, and ze tumbles backwards, rolling off the console and out of the open window.
What do you do?
I rush toward the octopus that just knocked Squall out the window, shouting zir name. My blaster fires as fast as I can pull the trigger. I'm aiming for one of the eyes.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 4)
Hosk and Amy are still firing on their octopi, they can't help you.
What do you do?
I holster my blaster, pull out two of my knives, and leap toward the thing that has my friend, planning to dig into its flesh and use the knives like pitons until I can stick one of them into its eye.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 9)
What do you do?
If the thing wants to run away, I'm not going to interfere with that. I land as gracefully as I can, drop the knives and pull my blaster again, focusing on whatever is the clearest threat.
Jojee's had her bell rung, she's struggling to get up. Amarath looks around, a cocky grin on her face like "yo, check out what I just did!" Hosk is moving forward towards the corridor to finish off the last octopus.
What do you do?
I'm out the window after Squall. Don't know how much damage she might have sustained, or what's waiting for her down there. I grab a tree limb that's NOT moving on its own and climb down as fast as I can.
You get to the trunk and halfway down when you hear Amarath scream above you, seeing what's happened. She's crying Squall's name in a strangled sob. The trees here are slightly spongy, easy to climb and grip. You get down to the ground quickly, move to zir side.
Squall's head is bleeding, ze must have landed hard. There are a few deep cuts on zir forearm, possibly from a branch, and zir left leg has a compound fracture, you can see the dark blood and the bone. Ze is not awake, but you see slow, shallow breaths.
I do what I can, as quickly as I can, staunching blood flow. I fumble through her pack, looking for the med-kit, and apply a dressing as quickly as I can, trusting Amy to keep an eye out for threats as she makes her way down.
"Blast it! What happened, Ladro?" Her voice is bouncing between anger and panic. She edges close, but she keeps guard over you, letting you work.
"One of those... things... knocked zir out the window." I look around, then tell Amy to take over with caring for Squall. I know she has the motivation. "Jo, Hosk, we need to find the survivors, and EyeTee is right... the river is the right direction. Let's go."
After an hour of walking along the river paths, you hear noises, splashing, coming from upriver. Looking in that direction, you see three large creatures swimming towards you. Each has a prominent, lizard-like head on a long, upright neck about ten feet tall. Their bodies are underwater, but each leaves a strong wake as it approaches. Each wears a primitive bridle with reins that leads to a rider seated with several passengers in what appears to be a boat strapped onto the animal's back. They appear to be humanoid. As they come closer, each of the swimming creatures bend their neck and appear to take a long drink of water.
What do you do?
We're certainly not in any condition for me to pick a fight. I motion my party to halt, then call out a hail, blaster out but down. "Hello!"
The human has weathered, dark skin, and has visible scars across his bald head. He wears a battered Clone Wars-era blast vest and carries an old heavy blaster.
He looks like this:
Before he can speak, a familiar droid's voice comes from behind you.
"Captain Harsol, sir, I'm so glad to see you're still alive! You have no idea how long I've waited to find you again. Silly me! But of course you do! As ordered, I have all of the pertinent plans and distribution deals committed to memory. I'm happy to report that I have made great strides in developing your plans with Ropok, even if they have taken a more... generation time frame than we expected"
Captain Harsol looks at IT-3PO and laughs, "I knew you were clever, EyeTee, but... well done." He turns to you, Ladro, eyeing you suspisciously. "Well, you've got my old droid. Never expected to see that irritatingly resourceful thing again. Now, who the kriff are you and where's Ropok?"
"I'm Captain Ladro Vos, and Ropok is dead. I was engaged by his son, Hontu."
EyeTee butts in, "Captain Vos is correct, Captain Harsol. Ropok was captured by the Empire and died in captivity over a decade ago."
Harsol wasn't about to believe you, but the droid backing you up lessens his doubt. He angrily says, "Karking Imps." After a moment, he scratches his chin, looks over your crew. "What happened to the Rattataki? Nexu get her?"
Amarath. still holding her rifle, says with a scowl on her face, "We wasted your cybernexu. Some karking octos flung zir out the karking window and ze fell."
Harsol gives a hald nod, showing understanding, but there's no apology. "You know how damn many salvagers we've had to fight off? How many men I've lost? You don't. So stow it, or we have a problem." He glares at Amarath, who isn't about to back down right now.
What do you do?
I hold up a hand and speak in a steady but commanding tone. "Amarath, stow it. Captain, I can't imagine what it has taken to survive in this hellhole for as long as you have, but as far as I'm concerned, you are a complication in terms of the mission I was given, so I will thank you to show me some respect. Your droid has already been leaving out crucial pieces of information and putting us at risk."
"My droid has instructions to return to me. Your risk isn't my primary concern." Harsol replies in a clipped tone. "Why are you here then? What's your mission, captain?"
"In all honesty, I am here to recover your cargo and any useful cybernetics research I can salvage. Your well-being isn't my primary concern."
For some reason, that de-escalates things a bit. "Well... at least we know where we stand. You've got EyeTee with you, so that's a thing. We've got some medical supplies and a med droid or two back at The Retreat. Come on, you can ride with us." He orders a couple droids to carry the stretcher to the boat-saddles. They start moving closer, stowing their rifles.
What do you do?
Seems like time to play along, if I'm to secure any of the bonus Hontu mentioned. We'll see what happens next. "Crew, we're going to go along to Captain Harsol's 'Retreat'. Stay frosty and don't start anything." I nod to Harsol and indicate for Hosk and Jojee to allow the droids to pick up the stretcher.
Even paddling against the current, the river is still the easiest way to travel. The three reevos, as Harsol calls them, stick to the banks and under the shade of the jungle canopy, to minimize the chance of being detected. It takes about thirty minutes to reach the settlement.
During the travel, you see large creatures diving underwater, but staying away from the reevo. A clutch of arboreal octopi recoil their tentacles into the trees above. It's a dangerous place. You were lucky you located the wreckage so directly.
As you emerge from the thick foliage, you see a rocky bluff towering many feet over you. There is a wide, cleared area in front of the bluffs. A formidable wall made of tree trunks and starship hull plating curves outward toward you, with two tall sentry towers evenly spaces across its length. The entire Retreat is built into an enormous alcove in the bluff. Captain Harsol guides you to one of the two large gates.
The west gate opens smoothly, and you enter the Retreat. You are directed toward a large metal-and-wood building crafted from salvaged and local materials, just like the perimeter wall. A crowd of about thirty people and a few droids slowly part in front of you as the captain waves everybody inside their homes. They are dressed in patchwork clothing and primitive skins, clearly made on Cholganna. Only a few wear remnants of their old clothing.
As you pass the crowd, you hear the expected questions and whispers of curiosity. Just as you and Captain Harsol reach the door, someone yells out, "So, Harsol, why aren't they dead yet? Have you gone soft?"
Captain Harsol pauses to turn on his heel, firing back, "Could be things are changing for the better around here. Tell Cratala to get over here and we'll all find out together. The rest of you, follow us inside."
Harsol leads you into the central room. Enormous tree trunks hold up the two-story ceiling, composed of wood, playing and the occasional window. Several primitive doors appear to lead to other chambers. Hand-fashioned lamps add to the natural light streaming in through high windows. Harsol leads all of you up to the stage and indicates you should have a seat on a log as he steps to a podium.
What do you do?
So, I did not expect so many survivors. Truthfully, I expected none, coming into this. I will take a seat on the log, after I've made sure that Squall has been sent to the med droids with Amarath along with her to watch. I wait, but I am suddenly very worried about this mission.
Captain Harsol addresses them. He points to EyeTee-Three and says, "A few of you might remember ol' EyeTee here, the one that was supposed to get my scheme working with Ropok. He's the reason we have guests instead of prisoners tonight. When I say his homing beacon light up my old receiver, I thought it was just another malfunction. Well, Ninan analyzed the unit and signal, and it checked out. I knew we had a new situation here on the groun. Now, if it weren't for this welcoming committee here," he says, motioning to the crowd, "I would have already questioned these people and announced any good news."
A voice from the back suddenly interrupts Harsol, "Like we trust you! I bet we would have never heard from them again. It wouldn't be the first time!"
Harsol looks angry for a moment, and his voice takes on a defensive tone, almost threatening towards his fellow survivors, "Well, of course, it wouldn't be just me. I would have asked Cratala to join us, of course. Just like we always do here in our Retreat, right?" The crowd grumbles disagreement, but no one dares speak out again.
Harsol remains slightly defensive, but continues, "I know you worry about your safety. I know some of you think the Empire has forgotten about us. Well, maybe EyeTee and his friends here have a way to improve our lot. Maybe even escape this planet, and still stay out of an Imperial prison or execution chamber. Let's take a few minutes to ask some questions, and see what everyone thinks."
Harsol turns to you, Ladro, asking loudly so all of the crowd can hear, "How did you find the Sa Naloor, Captain Vos?"
"A message pod you ejected shortly before the Na Saloor hit atmosphere was recovered and sold directly to Hontu. He arranged for EyeTee to join us and we made our way here."
The Arkanian woman speaks up. Her voice is confidant as she speaks to the crowd, "See? I told you not to lose hope. Hontu... that's Ropok's son, he sent these people to help us escape." The crowd eats that up. You can see the two approached here, the two people. It might be a partnership. It could be a power struggle.
She continues, "My name is Cratala. I'm the science officer here. Can you tell us about the Empire? After all this time, has the Emperor been deposed?"
"Sadly, no. There is an active Rebellion, but I think it will take something like a miracle to actually bring down the Empire." I look at Cratala. "EyeTee speaks quite highly of your skills, Doctor. I assume the enhanced nexu were your doing?"
"Yes, they were an early experiment. We've had trouble with keeping the wreck site secure. They were effective guards, for a time. I assume your wounded friend was a result of an... incursion?"
Jojee answers, "Actually no. We killed your kriffing cybernexu. Squally was hurt when ze saved my shebs fighting some octopi." Cratala listens, not looking defensive about it.
Captain Harsol asks, "Captain Vos, why did you and your crew come to Cholganna? What did Hontu hire you to do?" People seem intent on that point.
"To be frank, Hontu seemed to be making the reasonable assumption that you were dead. He sent me to recover what I could of your supposed treasure store of a cargo and assess whatever of Dr. Cratala's work survived and bring it to him. Now that I know you're here, of course, I feel sure that Hontu would want me to help." Well, not necessarily, but there are more of them than there are of us.
While several people are dismayed, you can read it on their faces, Cratala nods, accepting it, "It makes sense. I would have chalked us up for dead..."
Captain Harsol speaks up, "Then we're all still at risk, and nothing's changed."
A male from the crowd yells, "We've changed! We need off this blasted rock!" Captain Harsol's eyes narrow, but he doesn't fire back a retort.
"How can you help, Captain Vos?" Cratala asks. "And what does Hontu expect out of this?"
I consider Cratala carefully. "Hontu expects profit, of course, and presumably advantages that will strengthen IsoTech, which is the same thing. As to how I can help..." I shrug. "I can't carry all of you and keep you fed. I'm open to other ideas, if you have them."
When you bring up getting people off Cholganna, Captain Harsol jumps in, "This discussion should be handled by the senior staff, then brought to the group as a whole."
People grouse, but there is still a semblance of order as they begin filing out. One of the argumentative men comes up to talk to Captain Harsol. Cratala takes that opportunity to walk up to you.
"Captain Vos," she says as she is close enough not to be overheard. "I'm rather sure your Rattataki crewmate will make a full recovery in time. She seems very tough. Your Kiffar crewmate, I noticed she had a cyberarm housing. Did she lose the arm in the Sa Naloor?"
I shake my head. "At The Wheel, as we were preventing EyeTee from being rather forcefully... appropriated... by a gang of Rodian salvagers. She took a blaster bolt" I chuckle. "Wound up jumping into hard vacuum and praying for a pickup from my pilot." It wasn't amusing at the time, but I suspect I'll be drinking on that story for a while.
Cratala is taken aback by that quick little story. "That's... rather impressive, Captain." The crowd is nearly gone, Captain Harsol is finishing up his conversation, but Cratala sneaks in one more question, "Would she be interested in a replacement?"
"From what I've seen of your work so far, I think she would be very interested."