We skip ahead to the moment you come out of hyperspace.
The Profit Margin comes out of hyperspace smack dab in the middle between the Imperial shipyard and the orange planet. Within moments, Jojee's brought you into a descending pattern when you're hailed.
"Unidentified frieghter. This is Raxus Prime Control. Please provide your designation, length of stay, and type of scrap or trash to be dropped. Also, you are required to transmit the proper permits for entry into atmosphere."
"This is independent freighter Margin of Error, designation JNY-8675309. Cargo breached containment during transport, those sister-kriffers in the Mines Bureau contracted the packing to the lowest bidder. We need to dump as soon as possible. And our permits were, quite sensibly, attached to the barrels, so I can't pull the data to send them to you." I give Jojee the signal to start an erratic course toward the atmosphere. "Sorry, apparently the caustic chemicals your people put on my ship are... poodoo." I close the connection.
As the Profit Margin drops toward the surface, you see an unending wasteland of wreckage. The junk piles and trash create their own landscape of winding canyons and lakes of sickening sludge. Building-sized recycling droids walk the piles, using massive claws to feed their fiery onboard smelters. A haze of hazardous gas covers much of the are, its color changing with the leaking chemicals around it.
Suddenly, your proximity alert sounds as four small ships appear on your scopes. They're fast, highly maneuverable, and flying in pairs.
What kind of ships are they? Imperial? Scavenger ships? There was no response from Raxus Prime Control. I was given to believe there were lots of places to hide on the surface, so I'm hoping we can find one, either way, and avoid an attention-grabbing fire fight. Why didn't Hontu just give us clear instructions on how to circumvent this? It's his secret base.
Those four ships are TIE Fighters, and they came from the ground. There are places to hide here, sure. Flying the canyons is dangerous and challenging. Unlike natural formations, the pathway through widens and narrows unpredictably. It splits off in unexpected directions and loops in on itself or dead-ends. The unstable junk is liable to collapse from any collision or blaster hit. It might suddenly emit vision-obscuring chemical fog, or a hidden tank might even explode.
As long as Jojee is able to evade them long enough, you should be able to find somewhere to hide. Or... you can tell Amy to open fire.
With our stabilizers on the fritz, I can't ask Jojee to thread this maze. I think about reiterating to the approaching fighters that we explained our situation to Control, but reason (okay, lying) apparently isn't an option. "Amy, fire at will." It's as good a day to die as any, I suppose.
"Oh yes! Now you people are going to see some real shooting!" Amarath yells this over the comms excitedly once you give her the order. The turret lasers start firing in controlled bursts and Amy keeps up her chatter, "Hot purple, you keep them close and I'll swat them off your perfect tail. Hoskie! You're gonna wish you could see this. You'd take notes! Yeeeaaaah!!!!"
Jojee shakes her head while twisting and turning around junkscrapers.
Why don't you Act Under Fire here to see how things shake out during this pursuit, Ladro?
I tune out Amarath's caterwauling and the (I'm sure) inevitable wordless grumble from Hosk, and focus on the big picture. I'm trying to see all the angles here, and guide my people as if I were a pilot, and they, the ship.
As you watch sensors and adjust shields, Jojee pushes the Margin down closer to the surface, weaving around towers of junk and skirting over industrial droids. The thoom-thoom-thoom of Amy's turret guns don't drown out her constant chatter as she yells at the TIEs. She nails one right as your ship dips into a tunnel.
A second is unable to follow, the top of it's "wings" clips the tunnel and it twists, ramming into the base of the tunnel and exploding in a fiery ball. The other two hang on your tail.
After only a couple heartbeats, the Margin comes out of the tunnel through an unexpected waterfall of chemical-laden sludge. Jojee banks hard to avoid the majority of it, but one of the TIEs doesn't swerve with her. It slows down, the pilot unable to make out their surroundings.
Jojee has a flash of inspiration and flies directly under a low archway of precariously balanced junk and wrecked vehicles. Amarath sees it, and switches targets to fire on the junk as you pass underneath. The whole thing collapses feet behind you, engulfing the last TIE. Jojee squeals excitedly, Amarath gives a Kiffar call not unlike yours.
For now, you're in the clear. Jojee starts heading for Scrapheap Point, located in the planet's southern hemisphere, not far from the equator. This is where Hontu told you to find IsoTech.
The place where Hontu has chosen to headquarter IsoTech on Raxus Prime is isolated from other smuggling operations, especially now that the Imperials have instituted a crackdown.
1. Like most of Raxus Prime, Scrapheap Point is a mass of junked starships, discarded equipment, trash, and wrecked equipment of all types. The junk specific to this area tends to be that of starships and other vehicles. Transports of virtually every type, both recognizable and unfamiliar, are among the wreckage. Some of it might be usable, but none of it is easily accessible. The junk pile is effectively a solid mass of metal, plasteel, and trash. After all these years, much of it is stable, but dislodging a major piece might cause other pieces to shift or areas to partially collapse.
2. The toxic lake below Scrapheap Point is a putrid mix of unidentifiable sludge and corrosive chemicals. Though its color changes over time, it is most commonly a disgusting brown-green color, with pools of chemicals of lighter densities sloshing around on the surface. It emits noxious and foul-smelling fumes.
3. Toxic Lake Islands and Platforms Scattered throughout the lake are junk-piled islands encrusted with rings of toxic sludge. Several starships and larger vehicles have been turned into makeshift platforms for past salvage operations. The islands are irregularly shaped and look difficult to land or walk on, whereas the platforms provide flat, clear spaces where a starship or speeder could land relatively easily.
5. Landing Alcoves and Passageways Three cave-like alcoves have been carved into the junk-bluffs of Scrapheap Point to allow incoming starships and other vehicles to land semi-obscured from aerial surveillance. They are used to offload equipment, supplies, and passengers. They are also used as maintenance bays when customs arrive for starship or vehicle modifications. This is where Jojee plans on landing unless you say otherwise.
Over the years, I've learned not to take every hidden base built into a toxic scrapheap at face value. Although it looks like a nice enough place, I'd like to do a thorough scan for anything we might be missing on a quick look.
Recently? You notice the telltale signs that another ship arrived here recently, docked in the northern alcove. You recognize the ship, it's Hontu's cruiser.
Wary of? Section 8 in the map you see, that's a Corellian Corvette wreck. It is huge, and looks like most of IsoTech is set up in parts of it, that's where you see lights and signs of life. What pieces you see exposed from junk looks to be in solid shape. It might be whole.
Along the shore, away from the ridge where IsoTech is located, you see several Jawa scavengers on skiffs, fishing a heavily corroded astromech droid out of the lake. As you get closer to this hidden base, you see a Rodian in one of the alcoves waving you in.
I point out the possibly-intact corvette, and indicate that Hontu is present. After I tell the crew to keep frosty and keep an eye on the exits. "Hontu is almost certainly going to try to negotiate, since we didn't bring back exactly what we were looking for. Amy, you and Jojee stay on the ship with Squall and Dr. Cratala. When I'm ready for Cratala, escort her to us. Any questions?"
Your crew listens close. Jojee heads for the cockpit, to keep the ship ready to take off quickly, if needed. Amarath will stay near Squall and Cratala, while Hosk grabs his blaster to come with you.
Jojee drops the ramp and the Rodian comes up to meet you. Here he is: "My name's Norta," he says, not offering a hand, but his tone is congenial. "You're Ladro, right?" he gestures towards the inside of this place, which has functional doors. "Come on in here. Need anything? Food? Medico?" His eyes are cybernetic replacements, they buzz and whir as he looks you over.
Norta shakes his head, "Bossman's in a big meeting right now. I'm authorizzed to take the hand-off." The double-doors to the interior of this place stand open. Hosk's taken a position to gun this guy down on your say-so, he seems wary.
Norta pauses, makes a weird little noise with his proboscis, that you know is a Rodian sound for annoyance. "Captain, I'm sure you've had some trials and tribulations getting here, but I'm on the level. What if I comm Hontu and let you talk to him?"
"If you're going to interrupt him in his big meeting, I may as well speak to him personally, right? This is non-negotiable, Norta." It makes no sense for Hontu to have sought this for so long and then pawn me off on a minion. It may be that I'm being paranoid, but I've earned the right.
"Well, at least come in and wait for a moment while I talk with him." Norta says this as he heads for the doors. He doesn't wait for you as he pulls up his communication device and starts coding in some information.
What do you do?
He's hiding Hontu, meaning he's playing keep-away with his boss, blocking you from seeing him for some unexplained reason. But there's something about his discomfort with this, like he doesn't exactly want to be doing it. He seems like a person who would prefer being forthright.
He's going to contact Hontu and tell his boss your demands, then follow through on whatever Hontu tells him to do.
I follow as far as the bottom of the ramp, but I'm not going inside until I understand what is going on. When he's out of earshot, I speak low into the comms. "Not sure if something's off or not, but we're getting the run-around for some reason." Then I wait.
Norta comes back outside a few minutes later. His proboscis twitches in a Rodian frown of displeasure. "Come with me, Captain. I'll take you to the med bay, where Hontu is right now."
I wait for Hosk to join me, then follow the Rodian, keeping track of my surroundings and any twists and turns. "Has Hontu been injured, then? I hope he's okay."
You walk past a male Twi'Lek and a pudgy female human working on moving some scrap into a treatment area, then down the corridor towards the med bay. This ship's interior is in surprisingly good shape. It's obvious that it's been restored carefully. This isn't a fully intact ship that someone parked in a dunghole.
As you follow him, Norta answers, "He'll be alright, but he needed to get off The Wheel. The medical facilities here are top notch, despite the surroundings."
This ship is interesting. I wonder if she's spaceworthy. I nod at Norta's statement. "I'm sure they are. I hope he recovers quickly from whatever happened, of course."
Norta doesn't answer you, but he doesn't disagree about hoping his boss recovers quickly. As he comes to the med bay, the door slides open, revealing a very clean medical facility that smells of heavy antiseptic and cleaners. Hontu is sitting up in a very large bed. He has a bandage on his left arm and smells of bacta. A 21-B medical droid is standing very close to the Hutt.
Hontu looks at you, then Hosk, back to you, "Well, things got exciting while you were getting off The Wheel. The Yiyar Clan decided they would try and pry the location of the Sa Naloor out of me. I barely got off the station in one piece. Came here to wait for you." He squints a bit, "What did you find? Where is EyeTee?"
I give Hontu what my baba used to call the "stink-eye." "Eye-Tee is with his actual owner, or was when last I saw them. There was no treasure of course, but I do have a great deal of data that you should find will generate some nice profits for IsoTech." I hold up the data crystal. I'm keeping Cratala close to the vest for now, until I see Hontu's response.
Hontu's eyes are fixed on that crystal, his voice is surprised, "Harsol... survived? My father always told me he survived, but I never believed him. That's the research?" He blinks, then realizes the bit about the treasure, straightens, then winces with the pain of the movement, "Ladro, my boy. There is a treasure. Just not a bunch of old Trade Fed dollars. You came through! You've earned your creds, that's for sure. I'd like to look over the data to see what we can use."
I nod, walk up and hand him the crystal. "A bunch of Imperials mysteriously arrived just after we did. I'm not sure whether Harsol is still there, but he's a tough old bird. Have we earned our bonus yet?"
"Where did you get this?" Hontu asks as he takes the crystal from you with his good hand. Norta hands him a device to read it and Hontu starts scanning it before you answer, he's visibly excited. He makes a few noises of elation, "Oh... oh Ladro. This is bonus-worthy."
Hontu smiles wide, which for a Hutt is a thing to see (and perhaps never forget). "More surprises? This isn't Lifeday, Ladro." He chuckles the customary Hutt laugh: "ho ho ho", and asks Norta to send someone to your ship.
I take a few steps away and comm Amy. "Amy, as we discussed. Please bring our second surprise, and stay cool. Someone should be there soon."
While we wait, I ask Hontu a question. "Hontu, I have to wonder. If you have a secret hidden base on an Imperial-controlled trash planet, why would you not give your valued contractor the required codes and clearances to talk his way past the desk-jockeys?"
"Affirmative, Captain." Amarath replies in a shockingly professional tone. "On my way now."
Another "ho ho ho" and Hontu answers, "If I weren't in such a good mood, I'd have a sharp reply. Instead, I'll answer that it was all with the droid. Which I fully expected would be traveling with you."
I nod. Despite the fact that the only copy of that critical information was with an antiquated droid with the landspeed of a Devaronian loris and we were headed to a planet with arboreal octopi and nexu among the known threats, I make the choice to be pleasant about it. "I concede the point, Hontu."
Hontu asks if you and Hosk would like something to drink or eat, and the medical droid starts checking his wound. Amarath comms to tell you she's at the door.
I postpone the question of food and drink for a second time, although I have every intention of taking advantage of some Hutt munificence before we leave, provided we're not bombarded from orbit or overrun by rabid Jawa.
When Amy comms, I interrupt the conversation. "Hontu, there's someone I'd like to reacquaint you with." I tell Amarath to come on in, making sure I clear out of Hontu's line-of-sight of the door. (Maximum dramatic effect, you know.)
Amarath comes in, followed by Cratala. She isn't smiling, but she does seem interested in seeing the big Hutt.
Hontu, for his part, is awash with wonder. "Dr Cratala? I can't believe it. You're alive?"
Cratala looks Hontu over, but her eyes are drawn to the facilities here. "Yes. Quite. Despite a crash from orbit, decades of living in a harsh jungle planet and the most recent attack by the Empire. Your man, Captain Vos did an excellent job of keeping me safe."
"I sent one of my best." Hontu replies.
"Would that you'd sent him sooner." Cratala says dryly. She waits a bit to see if Hontu looks offended or slightly apologetic. "I'm sorry Reom is gone, Hontu. You know we were... friends. This is an excellent medical facility." She trails off, looking at the place, then walking over to a console and checking out the readings.
Without hesitation, Hontu lays it on the table, "It's yours, if you'll continue your work. For IsoTech."
Cratala starts typing, "I'll need a few more things, along with a salary, of course. Guaranteed safety and a security team. I want my medical droid from Cholganna along with my research staff, also on Cholganna. Plus, anyone else from Cholganna who survived the Imperial attack. Except the stormtroopers, of course. They can rot there. The survivors not part of my staff will be offered employment at IsoTech if you deem them worthy. If not, then they should receive a stipend and passage to... Tatooine, where they can hide out in relative safety."
Hontu considers it for a few moments, "We'll need to negotiate fair compensation for the survivors who aren't suitable IsoTech employees, but I'm amenable to your other requests."
Cratala nods, "Then send your best man here to go save my people, and I will blow your mind with what I can do with this lab." She looks up, right at you, Ladro. "Captain Vos, if you would like to leave your engineer here, I could have the surgery completed by the time you return."
I hold up a hand. "A few things, here." I hold up a finger. "One. Hontu, would you say that we've earned the full bonus, here? That would be 10,000 credits and three years interest-and-payment free on the boat." I add a second finger. "Two. We need to have a conversation with Squall, so there are no assumptions here about my engineer, Dr. Cratala." My ring finger joins the first two. "Three. Any return to Cholganna would be a new job, and I'll need to hire on at least one decent-sized transport, and some fire support. It won't be cheap, especially since the Imperials have discovered the survivors." Finally, my pinkie comes up. "Four, we took some damage that requires repairs, and I need a scan to make sure that there isn't any sort of tracker on the Margin. Also, new papers and codes. For the ship and the crew. Good ones." I pause to take a breath, look at my thumb, and decide to stop for real.
Hontu follows all of it with nonverbal grunts and head nods. Cratala seems more interested in the console and the various facilities of the medical bay, but you have a feeling she's listening to you.
Hontu answers calmly, "The bonus is more than fair, as is the three years without interest. I'll... send along Norta to fund the support and transport, but do try to be frugal. As for repairs and the scan, that can be done immediately. Just have your crew disembark and Norta will get a team on it."
Cratala looks up, "Of course we'll have a conversation with her, Captain. I'm eager to get to work, so let me know when you wish to speak with her."
Amarath refuses any help, but she does it with respect. Its obvious this is a burden she wants to carry.
Let's skip ahead a bit here. The crew has disembarked, getting food and showers, checking out the place and ending up at a tight lounge relaxing. Amarath brought Squall in on a hoverbed, but ze is awake and alert. When Dr. Cratala and you have your chat with Squall, is Amarath there?
Dr. Cratala shares with Squall her diagnosis of the injuries your engineer sustained. Cratala is clinical and thorough. She doesn't mention the surgery, it doesn't feel like a sales pitch, it's simply a run-down of Squall's injuries, from her loss of mental acuity, memory loss, reduction of cognitive functions. Squall listens quietly, but zir eyes fill with tears as the list grows. Ze sniffs a couple times, but holds her countenance from breaking, powering through what must be an ordeal for zir.
"Wow.... that's." Ze looks around, trying not to make eye contact. Squall wipes at zir eyes with the back of zir hand, "You said there was head trauma, Captain. I didn't realize..." Ze deflates, zir shoulders slump, "That's a lie. I know it's bad. I did some tests, mostly playing some of Amy's physics games on a holo-projector. My estimates on the damage were low. I wasn't... very thorough." That's when zir eyes start leaking tears, and ze sniffs again, reaching a hand up to hide zir face, "Stupid karking octopi..."
Cratala is standing near you, quietly watching. She is wearing a crisp white lab coat now, her face scrubbed clean. She hasn't changed clothes, but she looks imminently more professional. She seems slightly affected by Squall's emotions, but she's keeping a distance here. She looks over to you, as if waiting for permission to discuss cybernetics.
Amarath is there. I wouldn't even try to keep her away.
I move up to take Squall's hand and give zir a kiss on the forehead. "Squall, I want you to know that right now, with whatever losses you've suffered, you're still far and away more capable than ninety percent of the engineers in the galaxy, not to mention more lovable. You're still my engineer, understood? That said, Dr. Cratala thinks she might be able to help. I'd like you to hear what she has to offer."
Amarath's on zir other side, nodding quietly at your assurances. She doesn't flinch at your assertion that Squall's "lovable". When you recommend Squall listen to Cratala, ze looks up at the doctor expectantly.
Cratala offers a polite smile, "Thank you, Captain Vos." She focuses on Squall, "You have a very lovely mind, Squall. As I told your captain, you are more than capable to be a fully functioning engineer for your ship. That said, I have some neural implants and some cranial gear that can help restore what you've lost. I can also offer some low-risk, high yield enhancements for you that can increase your capabilities for computation and memory, enhance your interaction with the ship and other machines, as well as control your mood and focus. There are a range of options, with the level of invasive procedures increasing the gains."
Squall listens, ze expected a cybernetic expert like Cratala to make an offer like this. Ze doesn't seem defensive, but the first thing ze says is, "The Givin won't talk to me if they know I'm a cyborg."
Cratala makes a small face of dismay, "Well, no. No, they won't."
I'm a little surprised when Squall reminds me of the Givin. Feels so long ago. "That would be a shame. I know how much you value your relationship with them." I blow out a breath. "Squall, I'm going to be honest. I feel helpless here. I know I'm usually quick with advice and opinions, but it's your brain we're talking about."
Squall pats your hand, "It's alright, Captain. I have been considering this for a little while. It's ultimately my brain." Ze looks up at Amarath. "I assume you're good with it?"
Amarath clears her throat, looks right at Squall and answers, "I'm good with whatever you want, Squally. Karked brain, Borg brain, it's still you." Squall smiles at that.
Squall swallows, like ze's got what was needed from you both, "Doctor, I want to get back what I've lost. As minimally invasive as possible. I would like to see how it feels, and maybe, down the road, try some of the enhancements."
Cratala's tone is slightly disappointed. "Very well, Squall. That's no problem. I'll draw up a set of schematics and work on the implants. Some time tomorrow, I should be able to walk you through the procedure, get your final approval, then we can operate. You'll be in recovery when your crew gets back."
Squall looks at you, Ladro, "Where are you going, Captain?"
With a grin of relief, I assure Squall that "We'll make that happen, Squall. You can wear them the next time we all go out dancing."
Once I've got the sense that Squall's comfortable, I'll excuse myself and get started on planning our return to Cholganna. I'm hopeful that Hontu's people can get the Margin's stabilizers back in trim quickly, and we can set out with as little delay as possible. I want a meeting with Norta and Hosk to determine what we need, then have us get to work implementing.
Within an hour, Norta informs you that the Profit Margin is free from scanners. He advises that the stabilizers will be repaired in a couple more hours. During the delay, your team takes some time to relax, except Hosk, who keeps a close eye on the ship.
You meet with Norta and Hosk to go over plans. Norta suggests picking up an escort and transport at Nar Shaddaa, where most everything is for sale. Hosk recommends looking up an old war buddy of his on Telos, which would save you a couple days travel.
After considering both options, I choose the quicker of the two. "I think that getting back to Cholganna soonest is the priority here. Let's get ready to leave for Telos as soon as the stabilizers are repaired."
You're on the capital city of Telos, a clean and sleek city of Thani. This place was built from the ashes of several wars. Hosk is leading you and Norta out of the Thani Terminal while Amy protects the Profit Margin and Jojee gets some rest. With Squall down, Jojee's taking on more of the load. Hosk keeps her form going overboard, though.
You come into a small cafe where Hosk set up a meet with his old war buddy, Ellorrs Madak. Ellors is there waiting, playing some small holosim of a flight game. He switches off the game and stands, offering Hosk a hand.
The crusty Bothan shakes his hand, turns to you, "Lad, this is Ellors. Ellors, Ladro here is my captain. Back there is Norta, an associate of ours."
Ellors shakes your hand next. He has a sure grip, a look about him of old confidence, "Any friend of Hosk Fey'la can't be half bad. Especially when you've got work." He gives Norta a nod of greeting, but Norta doesn't seem like a hand-shaking type. He's just the guy with the credits to back you.
"I return the sentiment, Ellorrs. I'm glad to meet you. You up for a challenge?" I lay out the gig. Cholganna, search for survivors, possible Imperial entanglements. Also the fact that Amy and I will be taking a little safari to bag some octopi.
Ellors listens to the rundown, asks a few questions about what you know and what you don't, then answers, "Imperials don't like me much. I haven't liked them since that dust up a few years ago at Mos Eisley. My wife and I will be happy to take this on, help transport your people off planet."
Once you've worked out some details, Hosk takes you aside and asks, "You mentioned some back-up with Ho-with our benefactor. I put word out to Kelb and she's free. Interested?"
I acquaint Ellorrs with the map and the aerial surveillance that we captured, then treat everyone to a good meal. (Not necessarily an expensive one, mind you, I'm relying on his local knowledge.)
You're all sitting around after a huge, not terribly expensive meal of roasted meat, freshly steamed vegetables and blue milk when Kelb notifies you that she's arrived, says, the Nova Whisper is pulling into Docking Bay thirty four right away.
A few minutes later, Kelb, Jazz, Pem, Nill and a few others that you recognize from Devaron when you first met the team.
"It is a fine afternoon, gentlemen. Good to see you again, Captain Vos." Pem says in greeting.
Jazz lights up a deathstick. He's got a couple new scars from your last op. They look damn sexy on him. He gives you and Hosk a nod.
Kelb saunters in, all smiles like the cat that ate a canary, grabs the bottle off your table and pours herself a drink, "Gentlemen. I hear we have a job to do, and credits for expediency?"
Nil gives you a nod, but she hangs back with the Rodian, the Quarren, and the Kel Doran.
"He did. An exfil on some backwater planet. Boys in white to deal with." Kelb says as she takes a drink. "That your YV-560, Captain Vos? She's choice."
I can't help but smile at the compliment, of course. "She is, isn't she? We've already been through a lot together, but she hasn't decided she hates me yet." I introduce everyone that needs to be introduced, which takes a few minutes. Then, indicating the food on the table, I ask, "Do you need to fuel up before we leave?"
Pem grins wide, "Oh, some meals to go would be welcome, Captain. Much obliged. Mind if I head back to your ship, say hey to my cousin?"
Kelborn chuckles, "Be careful, Captain. Next thing you know, he'll ask for a ride along. Pem here hates our autochef."
Kelb's crew doesn't linger after Pem gets some food to go. Norta and Ellors are ready, too. The walk back to the spaceport is a quick one. Do you make any small talk?
I'm ready to go, actually, feeling the buzz. I make sure everyone has the correct jump calculations, and that they know to pause for a few minutes on the other side to establish marching order and do some long-range recon before we go in. Then I'm ready.
I'll let Pem ride along if he wants and Kelb's okay with it. Might as well give him some time with Jo.
Pem sits in your chair as you start to take off, but Jojee shoos him off, reserving it for "the captain". That gets a laugh and a comment or two from Pem, but he doesn't push. Some small convoy is up and off Telos within half an hour and in hyperspace soon after. I assume there's nothing much happening on board, other than Pem chatting with his cousin, Amarath and Hosk going over battle plans and sims with you, and Pem eating. Eating lots of food, from the leftovers to choice selections from your "wonderful" autochef.
When you come out of hyperspace, the first thing you notice is the Imperial freight still floating in space. There's a new one, in geosynchronous orbit over the camp. You're not in hailing distance with them yet, but will be in about ten minutes.
Assuming that our convoy stops as instructed just after leaving hyperspace, I get everyone on comms. "No way of knowing if that undamaged frigate arrived just after we left, or just before we got back. We don't want to blow it out of the sky if they've already got prisoners aboard. Suggestions?"
Kelborn comes over comms first, "The Whisper can take that frigate and all six of the TIEs. Why don't you and Ellors head down to the planet and see who's left. I'll wear this frigate down and take out it's long range communications."
Ellors responds with a patient tone, "There are quite a few variables in that plan. Might be best if we pretend to be an aid group that's responding to older transmissions."
"I generally prefer sneaky plans to frontal attacks, Ellorrs, but there's no way of knowing whether the earlier frigate was able to transmit a physical description of my ship or anything else that would raise an alarm. Kelb, I understand your firepower, but two targets will at least dilute their response. Margin and Whisper will take on the frigate while Ellorrs and his lovely wife take advantage of the distraction to get planetside. I believe their armor will be sufficient for any Imperial resistance on the ground. Ellorrs, Harsol might be a little paranoid, with fair reason. Tell him Cratala sent Ladro Vos back for him."
"Absolutely. If this pattern follows the earlier one, they'll have troopers on speederbikes, and not much large artillery. Don't feel you need to engage, although if you see a shot you can certainly take it. Take a scouting pass first and report back, but keep safe until we get there."
I look to Hosk, checking his expression. He's more experienced in the actual arts of war than I am.
"Understood. I don't want to leave people in danger. We'll do what we can."
Kelb comes on to offer, "Captain Vos, if you want, I could send half my team in an escape pod, Captain Madak could pick them up. It will take a few minutes, of course."
"That's a great idea, Kelb. Please make it happen and let me know when you're ready to make our move. I assume the classic pincer maneuver is okay with you?"
"Alright. On my go, then." I search for something appropriate to say, but wind up with only, "May the Force be with you." Let them mock, after we win. Once I see the escape pod has ejected, I count back from five in my head, then call out, "Go!"
The escape pod jettisons out of the Whisper and Captain Ellors Madak deftly maneuvers his freighter to pick up the pod while Jojee kicks the Margin's repulsors into action. The Whisper zip in to your right. Kelb's in the cockpit, with Nill as her co-pilot.
"Unidentified vessels. This is Imperial Frigate The Venger. We are here on a samaritan mission, rescuing survivors from a cruiser-class shipwreck planetside. Please stand down."
The frigate is hailing you both. Kelb is following your lead unless you want her to answer.
A quick glance at the scans shows that the only lifeforms aboard are manning stations, so apparently they haven't started loading up the prisoners, or rather "rescuees" from their mission of mercy.
Spending 1-Hold from Methodical
Ignoring the hail, I comm Kelb on our own channel. "No prisoners, so long-range comms first, then weapons, then shoot to disable." I nod to Jojee to make the approach, then shout over all channels so the Frigate's skipper can hear, "UUUUHAI!"
The frigate starts scrambling their six TIE fighters as you approach. Kelb charges straight ahead, waiting for your war cry before she breaks right and banks hard to split their targets. The frigate fires turbelasers at the Margin first, while two TIEs drop and start heading for Kelb in the Whisper
Meanwhile, Captain Madak has picked up the fire support team and heads for the surface of Cholganna.
Your pincer technique splits the Imperial's fire, but this frigate is heavily armed. As you head to the port side and the Whisper heads starboard, the proximity allows the Imperial gunners to dial in on you. Amarath is quiet as she fires the turret guns, trying to take out at least one gun battery.
As you pass by and out of their immediate range, you witness a nice little explosion on The Venger and Amy lets out a victorious "Yesss! Karking Imperial vaping bucketheads! Take that!"
Your joy is shortlived as you see your sensors blinking red. Shields are down. Hyperdrive is offline.
Kelb comes over the comms, her voice steady, but slightly frustrated, "On of the TIEs slammed into my turret gunner. We've got a secondary and forward guns, but this is going to get interesting."
Keeping Kelb on the line, I try to keep my voice steady. "We're down shields and hyperdrive. Hosk, get the shields up. Think like Squally and improvise if you have to. Jo, get us in position to give Amarath a shot, even if it means getting in close. We need to end this quickly." The Whisper can take the frigate on her own? Really? Must learn to adjust for Kelb's overconfidence.
"On it, Lad! We can couple up with the Whisper on the ride home, don't worry." Hosk calls over comms. Jojee brings the Margin around in the Venger's weak spot.
Kelb draws off the TIEs, all five of them. I'll give you +1 on an Act Under Pressure roll here.
Jojee comes by on another strafing roll, then flips into a half barrel roll to expose the belly of the Margin so Amarath can take a solid shot. She unloads on the bridge and the long-range communications while you take fire. The ship shudders from three solid hits. The lights flicker, then dim.
After a quiet moment, the turret guns fire again.
As she continues laying hell on the frigate, Amarath yells, "AHAHAHAHA! The turret systems are on their own separate power matrix! I love you, Squally!"
The frigate lights up with several fires, then explodes. You feel the ship shudder from the ring of force from the blast.
"Nice work, Amy! Kelb, we're limping... how are you?" I tell Jojee to start heading down the gravity well to join Captain Madak, unless the condition of the Margin contra-indicates.
You're able to witness the Nova Whisper as the last TIE fighter is blown apart. Kelb's ship is worse for wear, but it's obvious that it was built for combat, and the armor plating held up enough to keep the ship intact.
"We're still down a turret, lost sensors and shields, but otherwise, it's a party over here." Kelb responds with a bit of a thrill in her voice. She sounds like she's smiling. "You five by five, Ladro?"
"We've got the party hats out, Kelb. Lets get down and support Captain Madak, if you're not too worried about your shields." That was an intentional challenge. I'm feeling like a reunion might be in order, if we have the opportunity.
Kelb replies with a husky tone, "Race you down, Captain."
Pem's in the engine room with Hosk trying to patch things together, while Amarath stays in the turret, happy to "Waste some more Imps."
Both ships head for atmosphere. The Margin limps along after the Whisper, both ships not at a hundred percent. The shimmy to your stabilizers (yes, back again) eases up when you pass through atmo. The valley where you last saw the Sa Naloor wreckage and The Retreat now has signs of several battles. There is fresh wreckage along the river, several tendrils of smoke from spots in the jungle as well as the encampment.
Kelb radios her team over your shared channel, "Ground team. The sky's clear. What's the sitrep here?"
"We've reached the encampment, Kelb, took down a couple squads. We're holding down the fort, picking off the last remnants of their forces, but we could use some fire support. Captain Madak's playing cat and mouse with the transport down here. I'm pretty sure he could use some help. They just went southeast over the horizon."
Kelb comms your ship, Ladro, "Captain Vos, we can assist Captain Madak if you want to help out the camp. Your call, boss."
"Kelb, that works for me. We'll hit the camp." Jo has the knowledge of the territory, and I'm also aware of the lay of the land. Trying to keep us from taking unnecessary risks, but I'll do whatever it takes to finish the mission.
The Profit Margin comes out of hyperspace smack dab in the middle between the Imperial shipyard and the orange planet. Within moments, Jojee's brought you into a descending pattern when you're hailed.
"Unidentified frieghter. This is Raxus Prime Control. Please provide your designation, length of stay, and type of scrap or trash to be dropped. Also, you are required to transmit the proper permits for entry into atmosphere."
What do you do?
"This is independent freighter Margin of Error, designation JNY-8675309. Cargo breached containment during transport, those sister-kriffers in the Mines Bureau contracted the packing to the lowest bidder. We need to dump as soon as possible. And our permits were, quite sensibly, attached to the barrels, so I can't pull the data to send them to you." I give Jojee the signal to start an erratic course toward the atmosphere. "Sorry, apparently the caustic chemicals your people put on my ship are... poodoo." I close the connection.
As the Profit Margin drops toward the surface, you see an unending wasteland of wreckage. The junk piles and trash create their own landscape of winding canyons and lakes of sickening sludge. Building-sized recycling droids walk the piles, using massive claws to feed their fiery onboard smelters. A haze of hazardous gas covers much of the are, its color changing with the leaking chemicals around it.
Suddenly, your proximity alert sounds as four small ships appear on your scopes. They're fast, highly maneuverable, and flying in pairs.
What do you do?
What kind of ships are they? Imperial? Scavenger ships? There was no response from Raxus Prime Control. I was given to believe there were lots of places to hide on the surface, so I'm hoping we can find one, either way, and avoid an attention-grabbing fire fight. Why didn't Hontu just give us clear instructions on how to circumvent this? It's his secret base.
As long as Jojee is able to evade them long enough, you should be able to find somewhere to hide. Or... you can tell Amy to open fire.
What do you do?
With our stabilizers on the fritz, I can't ask Jojee to thread this maze. I think about reiterating to the approaching fighters that we explained our situation to Control, but reason (okay, lying) apparently isn't an option. "Amy, fire at will." It's as good a day to die as any, I suppose.
"Oh yes! Now you people are going to see some real shooting!" Amarath yells this over the comms excitedly once you give her the order. The turret lasers start firing in controlled bursts and Amy keeps up her chatter, "Hot purple, you keep them close and I'll swat them off your perfect tail. Hoskie! You're gonna wish you could see this. You'd take notes! Yeeeaaaah!!!!"
Jojee shakes her head while twisting and turning around junkscrapers.
Why don't you Act Under Fire here to see how things shake out during this pursuit, Ladro?
I tune out Amarath's caterwauling and the (I'm sure) inevitable wordless grumble from Hosk, and focus on the big picture. I'm trying to see all the angles here, and guide my people as if I were a pilot, and they, the ship.
Acting Under Pressure
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 11)
A second is unable to follow, the top of it's "wings" clips the tunnel and it twists, ramming into the base of the tunnel and exploding in a fiery ball. The other two hang on your tail.
After only a couple heartbeats, the Margin comes out of the tunnel through an unexpected waterfall of chemical-laden sludge. Jojee banks hard to avoid the majority of it, but one of the TIEs doesn't swerve with her. It slows down, the pilot unable to make out their surroundings.
Jojee has a flash of inspiration and flies directly under a low archway of precariously balanced junk and wrecked vehicles. Amarath sees it, and switches targets to fire on the junk as you pass underneath. The whole thing collapses feet behind you, engulfing the last TIE. Jojee squeals excitedly, Amarath gives a Kiffar call not unlike yours.
For now, you're in the clear. Jojee starts heading for Scrapheap Point, located in the planet's southern hemisphere, not far from the equator. This is where Hontu told you to find IsoTech.
Anything you want to do during the short trip?
Just keeping my eyes and ears open. When we get close, I instruct Jojee to keep a distance and circle first, scanning for potential threats.
The place where Hontu has chosen to headquarter IsoTech on Raxus Prime is isolated from other smuggling operations, especially now that the Imperials have instituted a crackdown.
1. Like most of Raxus Prime, Scrapheap Point is a mass of junked starships, discarded equipment, trash, and wrecked equipment of all types. The junk specific to this area tends to be that of starships and other vehicles. Transports of virtually every type, both recognizable and unfamiliar, are among the wreckage. Some of it might be usable, but none of it is easily accessible. The junk pile is effectively a solid mass of metal, plasteel, and trash. After all these years, much of it is stable, but dislodging a major piece might cause other pieces to shift or areas to partially collapse.
2. The toxic lake below Scrapheap Point is a putrid mix of unidentifiable sludge and corrosive chemicals. Though its color changes over time, it is most commonly a disgusting brown-green color, with pools of chemicals of lighter densities sloshing around on the surface. It emits noxious and foul-smelling fumes.
3. Toxic Lake Islands and Platforms
Scattered throughout the lake are junk-piled islands encrusted with rings of toxic sludge. Several starships and larger vehicles have been turned into makeshift platforms for past salvage operations. The islands are irregularly shaped and look difficult to land or walk on, whereas the platforms provide flat, clear spaces where a starship or speeder could land relatively easily.
5. Landing Alcoves and Passageways
Three cave-like alcoves have been carved into the junk-bluffs of Scrapheap Point to allow incoming starships and other vehicles to land semi-obscured from aerial surveillance. They are used to offload equipment, supplies, and passengers. They are also used as maintenance bays when customs arrive for starship or vehicle modifications. This is where Jojee plans on landing unless you say otherwise.
Over the years, I've learned not to take every hidden base built into a toxic scrapheap at face value. Although it looks like a nice enough place, I'd like to do a thorough scan for anything we might be missing on a quick look.
Check Out the Scene
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 11)
Who or what should I be wary of?
Wary of? Section 8 in the map you see, that's a Corellian Corvette wreck. It is huge, and looks like most of IsoTech is set up in parts of it, that's where you see lights and signs of life. What pieces you see exposed from junk looks to be in solid shape. It might be whole.
Along the shore, away from the ridge where IsoTech is located, you see several Jawa scavengers on skiffs, fishing a heavily corroded astromech droid out of the lake. As you get closer to this hidden base, you see a Rodian in one of the alcoves waving you in.
What do you do?
I point out the possibly-intact corvette, and indicate that Hontu is present. After I tell the crew to keep frosty and keep an eye on the exits. "Hontu is almost certainly going to try to negotiate, since we didn't bring back exactly what we were looking for. Amy, you and Jojee stay on the ship with Squall and Dr. Cratala. When I'm ready for Cratala, escort her to us. Any questions?"
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 14)
Jojee drops the ramp and the Rodian comes up to meet you. Here he is:
"My name's Norta," he says, not offering a hand, but his tone is congenial. "You're Ladro, right?" he gestures towards the inside of this place, which has functional doors. "Come on in here. Need anything? Food? Medico?" His eyes are cybernetic replacements, they buzz and whir as he looks you over.
"Thank you, Norta. Some decent food would be great in a bit, but I'd like to speak with Hontu before anything else. It was a rather interesting trip."
I snort a laugh, we're all friends here style. "That's hilarious. I never get tired of that joke. But seriously, I need to talk to Hontu."
Norta pauses, makes a weird little noise with his proboscis, that you know is a Rodian sound for annoyance. "Captain, I'm sure you've had some trials and tribulations getting here, but I'm on the level. What if I comm Hontu and let you talk to him?"
"If you're going to interrupt him in his big meeting, I may as well speak to him personally, right? This is non-negotiable, Norta." It makes no sense for Hontu to have sought this for so long and then pawn me off on a minion. It may be that I'm being paranoid, but I've earned the right.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 10)
What does he intend to do about this situation?
"Well, at least come in and wait for a moment while I talk with him." Norta says this as he heads for the doors. He doesn't wait for you as he pulls up his communication device and starts coding in some information.
What do you do?
He's hiding Hontu, meaning he's playing keep-away with his boss, blocking you from seeing him for some unexplained reason. But there's something about his discomfort with this, like he doesn't exactly want to be doing it. He seems like a person who would prefer being forthright.
He's going to contact Hontu and tell his boss your demands, then follow through on whatever Hontu tells him to do.
I follow as far as the bottom of the ramp, but I'm not going inside until I understand what is going on. When he's out of earshot, I speak low into the comms. "Not sure if something's off or not, but we're getting the run-around for some reason." Then I wait.
"This smells worse than out there." Hosk says with reined-in frustration.
Norta comes back outside a few minutes later. His proboscis twitches in a Rodian frown of displeasure. "Come with me, Captain. I'll take you to the med bay, where Hontu is right now."
I wait for Hosk to join me, then follow the Rodian, keeping track of my surroundings and any twists and turns. "Has Hontu been injured, then? I hope he's okay."
As you follow him, Norta answers, "He'll be alright, but he needed to get off The Wheel. The medical facilities here are top notch, despite the surroundings."
This ship is interesting. I wonder if she's spaceworthy. I nod at Norta's statement. "I'm sure they are. I hope he recovers quickly from whatever happened, of course."
Hontu looks at you, then Hosk, back to you, "Well, things got exciting while you were getting off The Wheel. The Yiyar Clan decided they would try and pry the location of the Sa Naloor out of me. I barely got off the station in one piece. Came here to wait for you." He squints a bit, "What did you find? Where is EyeTee?"
I give Hontu what my baba used to call the "stink-eye." "Eye-Tee is with his actual owner, or was when last I saw them. There was no treasure of course, but I do have a great deal of data that you should find will generate some nice profits for IsoTech." I hold up the data crystal. I'm keeping Cratala close to the vest for now, until I see Hontu's response.
Hontu's eyes are fixed on that crystal, his voice is surprised, "Harsol... survived? My father always told me he survived, but I never believed him. That's the research?" He blinks, then realizes the bit about the treasure, straightens, then winces with the pain of the movement, "Ladro, my boy. There is a treasure. Just not a bunch of old Trade Fed dollars. You came through! You've earned your creds, that's for sure. I'd like to look over the data to see what we can use."
I nod, walk up and hand him the crystal. "A bunch of Imperials mysteriously arrived just after we did. I'm not sure whether Harsol is still there, but he's a tough old bird. Have we earned our bonus yet?"
"Where did you get this?" Hontu asks as he takes the crystal from you with his good hand. Norta hands him a device to read it and Hontu starts scanning it before you answer, he's visibly excited. He makes a few noises of elation, "Oh... oh Ladro. This is bonus-worthy."
I smile. "Is there someone available to escort another of my crew here from the ship? I've got a bit more to share."
Hontu smiles wide, which for a Hutt is a thing to see (and perhaps never forget). "More surprises? This isn't Lifeday, Ladro." He chuckles the customary Hutt laugh: "ho ho ho", and asks Norta to send someone to your ship.
I take a few steps away and comm Amy. "Amy, as we discussed. Please bring our second surprise, and stay cool. Someone should be there soon."
While we wait, I ask Hontu a question. "Hontu, I have to wonder. If you have a secret hidden base on an Imperial-controlled trash planet, why would you not give your valued contractor the required codes and clearances to talk his way past the desk-jockeys?"
"Affirmative, Captain." Amarath replies in a shockingly professional tone. "On my way now."
Another "ho ho ho" and Hontu answers, "If I weren't in such a good mood, I'd have a sharp reply. Instead, I'll answer that it was all with the droid. Which I fully expected would be traveling with you."
I nod. Despite the fact that the only copy of that critical information was with an antiquated droid with the landspeed of a Devaronian loris and we were headed to a planet with arboreal octopi and nexu among the known threats, I make the choice to be pleasant about it. "I concede the point, Hontu."
I postpone the question of food and drink for a second time, although I have every intention of taking advantage of some Hutt munificence before we leave, provided we're not bombarded from orbit or overrun by rabid Jawa.
When Amy comms, I interrupt the conversation. "Hontu, there's someone I'd like to reacquaint you with." I tell Amarath to come on in, making sure I clear out of Hontu's line-of-sight of the door. (Maximum dramatic effect, you know.)
Hontu, for his part, is awash with wonder. "Dr Cratala? I can't believe it. You're alive?"
Cratala looks Hontu over, but her eyes are drawn to the facilities here. "Yes. Quite. Despite a crash from orbit, decades of living in a harsh jungle planet and the most recent attack by the Empire. Your man, Captain Vos did an excellent job of keeping me safe."
"I sent one of my best." Hontu replies.
"Would that you'd sent him sooner." Cratala says dryly. She waits a bit to see if Hontu looks offended or slightly apologetic. "I'm sorry Reom is gone, Hontu. You know we were... friends. This is an excellent medical facility." She trails off, looking at the place, then walking over to a console and checking out the readings.
Without hesitation, Hontu lays it on the table, "It's yours, if you'll continue your work. For IsoTech."
Cratala starts typing, "I'll need a few more things, along with a salary, of course. Guaranteed safety and a security team. I want my medical droid from Cholganna along with my research staff, also on Cholganna. Plus, anyone else from Cholganna who survived the Imperial attack. Except the stormtroopers, of course. They can rot there. The survivors not part of my staff will be offered employment at IsoTech if you deem them worthy. If not, then they should receive a stipend and passage to... Tatooine, where they can hide out in relative safety."
Hontu considers it for a few moments, "We'll need to negotiate fair compensation for the survivors who aren't suitable IsoTech employees, but I'm amenable to your other requests."
Cratala nods, "Then send your best man here to go save my people, and I will blow your mind with what I can do with this lab." She looks up, right at you, Ladro. "Captain Vos, if you would like to leave your engineer here, I could have the surgery completed by the time you return."
What do you do?
I hold up a hand. "A few things, here." I hold up a finger. "One. Hontu, would you say that we've earned the full bonus, here? That would be 10,000 credits and three years interest-and-payment free on the boat." I add a second finger. "Two. We need to have a conversation with Squall, so there are no assumptions here about my engineer, Dr. Cratala." My ring finger joins the first two. "Three. Any return to Cholganna would be a new job, and I'll need to hire on at least one decent-sized transport, and some fire support. It won't be cheap, especially since the Imperials have discovered the survivors." Finally, my pinkie comes up. "Four, we took some damage that requires repairs, and I need a scan to make sure that there isn't any sort of tracker on the Margin. Also, new papers and codes. For the ship and the crew. Good ones." I pause to take a breath, look at my thumb, and decide to stop for real.
Hontu answers calmly, "The bonus is more than fair, as is the three years without interest. I'll... send along Norta to fund the support and transport, but do try to be frugal. As for repairs and the scan, that can be done immediately. Just have your crew disembark and Norta will get a team on it."
Cratala looks up, "Of course we'll have a conversation with her, Captain. I'm eager to get to work, so let me know when you wish to speak with her."
"Amarath, would you mind going back to the ship and bringing Jojee and Squall here? Do you think you'll need help with Squall?"
I fold my hands, contemplating three years with no payments, but trying not to look like the lizard-monkey that ate the mangaro.
Let's skip ahead a bit here. The crew has disembarked, getting food and showers, checking out the place and ending up at a tight lounge relaxing. Amarath brought Squall in on a hoverbed, but ze is awake and alert. When Dr. Cratala and you have your chat with Squall, is Amarath there?
Dr. Cratala shares with Squall her diagnosis of the injuries your engineer sustained. Cratala is clinical and thorough. She doesn't mention the surgery, it doesn't feel like a sales pitch, it's simply a run-down of Squall's injuries, from her loss of mental acuity, memory loss, reduction of cognitive functions. Squall listens quietly, but zir eyes fill with tears as the list grows. Ze sniffs a couple times, but holds her countenance from breaking, powering through what must be an ordeal for zir.
"Wow.... that's." Ze looks around, trying not to make eye contact. Squall wipes at zir eyes with the back of zir hand, "You said there was head trauma, Captain. I didn't realize..." Ze deflates, zir shoulders slump, "That's a lie. I know it's bad. I did some tests, mostly playing some of Amy's physics games on a holo-projector. My estimates on the damage were low. I wasn't... very thorough." That's when zir eyes start leaking tears, and ze sniffs again, reaching a hand up to hide zir face, "Stupid karking octopi..."
Cratala is standing near you, quietly watching. She is wearing a crisp white lab coat now, her face scrubbed clean. She hasn't changed clothes, but she looks imminently more professional. She seems slightly affected by Squall's emotions, but she's keeping a distance here. She looks over to you, as if waiting for permission to discuss cybernetics.
What do you do?
Amarath is there. I wouldn't even try to keep her away.
I move up to take Squall's hand and give zir a kiss on the forehead. "Squall, I want you to know that right now, with whatever losses you've suffered, you're still far and away more capable than ninety percent of the engineers in the galaxy, not to mention more lovable. You're still my engineer, understood? That said, Dr. Cratala thinks she might be able to help. I'd like you to hear what she has to offer."
Cratala offers a polite smile, "Thank you, Captain Vos." She focuses on Squall, "You have a very lovely mind, Squall. As I told your captain, you are more than capable to be a fully functioning engineer for your ship. That said, I have some neural implants and some cranial gear that can help restore what you've lost. I can also offer some low-risk, high yield enhancements for you that can increase your capabilities for computation and memory, enhance your interaction with the ship and other machines, as well as control your mood and focus. There are a range of options, with the level of invasive procedures increasing the gains."
Squall listens, ze expected a cybernetic expert like Cratala to make an offer like this. Ze doesn't seem defensive, but the first thing ze says is, "The Givin won't talk to me if they know I'm a cyborg."
Cratala makes a small face of dismay, "Well, no. No, they won't."
I'm a little surprised when Squall reminds me of the Givin. Feels so long ago. "That would be a shame. I know how much you value your relationship with them." I blow out a breath. "Squall, I'm going to be honest. I feel helpless here. I know I'm usually quick with advice and opinions, but it's your brain we're talking about."
Squall pats your hand, "It's alright, Captain. I have been considering this for a little while. It's ultimately my brain." Ze looks up at Amarath. "I assume you're good with it?"
Amarath clears her throat, looks right at Squall and answers, "I'm good with whatever you want, Squally. Karked brain, Borg brain, it's still you." Squall smiles at that.
Squall swallows, like ze's got what was needed from you both, "Doctor, I want to get back what I've lost. As minimally invasive as possible. I would like to see how it feels, and maybe, down the road, try some of the enhancements."
Cratala's tone is slightly disappointed. "Very well, Squall. That's no problem. I'll draw up a set of schematics and work on the implants. Some time tomorrow, I should be able to walk you through the procedure, get your final approval, then we can operate. You'll be in recovery when your crew gets back."
Squall looks at you, Ladro, "Where are you going, Captain?"
"We're headed back to Cholganna. Want to kill an arboreal octopus and have it stuffed for the common room on the Margin."
Squall giggles, then says with some seriousness, "I'd like some boots made out of them, too!"
With a grin of relief, I assure Squall that "We'll make that happen, Squall. You can wear them the next time we all go out dancing."
Once I've got the sense that Squall's comfortable, I'll excuse myself and get started on planning our return to Cholganna. I'm hopeful that Hontu's people can get the Margin's stabilizers back in trim quickly, and we can set out with as little delay as possible. I want a meeting with Norta and Hosk to determine what we need, then have us get to work implementing.
You meet with Norta and Hosk to go over plans. Norta suggests picking up an escort and transport at Nar Shaddaa, where most everything is for sale. Hosk recommends looking up an old war buddy of his on Telos, which would save you a couple days travel.
After considering both options, I choose the quicker of the two. "I think that getting back to Cholganna soonest is the priority here. Let's get ready to leave for Telos as soon as the stabilizers are repaired."
Telos IV
You're on the capital city of Telos, a clean and sleek city of Thani. This place was built from the ashes of several wars. Hosk is leading you and Norta out of the Thani Terminal while Amy protects the Profit Margin and Jojee gets some rest. With Squall down, Jojee's taking on more of the load. Hosk keeps her form going overboard, though.You come into a small cafe where Hosk set up a meet with his old war buddy, Ellorrs Madak. Ellors is there waiting, playing some small holosim of a flight game. He switches off the game and stands, offering Hosk a hand.
The crusty Bothan shakes his hand, turns to you, "Lad, this is Ellors. Ellors, Ladro here is my captain. Back there is Norta, an associate of ours."
Ellors shakes your hand next. He has a sure grip, a look about him of old confidence, "Any friend of Hosk Fey'la can't be half bad. Especially when you've got work." He gives Norta a nod of greeting, but Norta doesn't seem like a hand-shaking type. He's just the guy with the credits to back you.
"I return the sentiment, Ellorrs. I'm glad to meet you. You up for a challenge?" I lay out the gig. Cholganna, search for survivors, possible Imperial entanglements. Also the fact that Amy and I will be taking a little safari to bag some octopi.
Ellors listens to the rundown, asks a few questions about what you know and what you don't, then answers, "Imperials don't like me much. I haven't liked them since that dust up a few years ago at Mos Eisley. My wife and I will be happy to take this on, help transport your people off planet."
Once you've worked out some details, Hosk takes you aside and asks, "You mentioned some back-up with Ho-with our benefactor. I put word out to Kelb and she's free. Interested?"
"Hosk, that sounds great. How soon can she join us?" Time is ticking.
"They're on Ploo IV, a few hours down the Hydian Way. We could wait for them here." Hosk offers.
I nod. "Let's do that. It makes the most sense." I'm almost twitching, ready to get going.
I acquaint Ellorrs with the map and the aerial surveillance that we captured, then treat everyone to a good meal. (Not necessarily an expensive one, mind you, I'm relying on his local knowledge.)
A few minutes later, Kelb, Jazz, Pem, Nill and a few others that you recognize from Devaron when you first met the team.
"It is a fine afternoon, gentlemen. Good to see you again, Captain Vos." Pem says in greeting.
Jazz lights up a deathstick. He's got a couple new scars from your last op. They look damn sexy on him. He gives you and Hosk a nod.
Kelb saunters in, all smiles like the cat that ate a canary, grabs the bottle off your table and pours herself a drink, "Gentlemen. I hear we have a job to do, and credits for expediency?"
Nil gives you a nod, but she hangs back with the Rodian, the Quarren, and the Kel Doran.
I smile to see this crew. "A job indeed. Hosk gave you the outline?"
"He did. An exfil on some backwater planet. Boys in white to deal with." Kelb says as she takes a drink. "That your YV-560, Captain Vos? She's choice."
I can't help but smile at the compliment, of course. "She is, isn't she? We've already been through a lot together, but she hasn't decided she hates me yet." I introduce everyone that needs to be introduced, which takes a few minutes. Then, indicating the food on the table, I ask, "Do you need to fuel up before we leave?"
Pem grins wide, "Oh, some meals to go would be welcome, Captain. Much obliged. Mind if I head back to your ship, say hey to my cousin?"
Kelborn chuckles, "Be careful, Captain. Next thing you know, he'll ask for a ride along. Pem here hates our autochef."
Kelb's crew doesn't linger after Pem gets some food to go. Norta and Ellors are ready, too. The walk back to the spaceport is a quick one. Do you make any small talk?
I'm ready to go, actually, feeling the buzz. I make sure everyone has the correct jump calculations, and that they know to pause for a few minutes on the other side to establish marching order and do some long-range recon before we go in. Then I'm ready.
I'll let Pem ride along if he wants and Kelb's okay with it. Might as well give him some time with Jo.
When you come out of hyperspace, the first thing you notice is the Imperial freight still floating in space. There's a new one, in geosynchronous orbit over the camp. You're not in hailing distance with them yet, but will be in about ten minutes.
What do you do?
Assuming that our convoy stops as instructed just after leaving hyperspace, I get everyone on comms. "No way of knowing if that undamaged frigate arrived just after we left, or just before we got back. We don't want to blow it out of the sky if they've already got prisoners aboard. Suggestions?"
Kelborn comes over comms first, "The Whisper can take that frigate and all six of the TIEs. Why don't you and Ellors head down to the planet and see who's left. I'll wear this frigate down and take out it's long range communications."
Ellors responds with a patient tone, "There are quite a few variables in that plan. Might be best if we pretend to be an aid group that's responding to older transmissions."
"I generally prefer sneaky plans to frontal attacks, Ellorrs, but there's no way of knowing whether the earlier frigate was able to transmit a physical description of my ship or anything else that would raise an alarm. Kelb, I understand your firepower, but two targets will at least dilute their response. Margin and Whisper will take on the frigate while Ellorrs and his lovely wife take advantage of the distraction to get planetside. I believe their armor will be sufficient for any Imperial resistance on the ground. Ellorrs, Harsol might be a little paranoid, with fair reason. Tell him Cratala sent Ladro Vos back for him."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 10)
Ellors queries, "I don't have the crew for a ground assault. If there any imperials on the ground, should I wait for you and Captain Kelb?"
"Absolutely. If this pattern follows the earlier one, they'll have troopers on speederbikes, and not much large artillery. Don't feel you need to engage, although if you see a shot you can certainly take it. Take a scouting pass first and report back, but keep safe until we get there."
I look to Hosk, checking his expression. He's more experienced in the actual arts of war than I am.
"Understood. I don't want to leave people in danger. We'll do what we can."
Kelb comes on to offer, "Captain Vos, if you want, I could send half my team in an escape pod, Captain Madak could pick them up. It will take a few minutes, of course."
"That's a great idea, Kelb. Please make it happen and let me know when you're ready to make our move. I assume the classic pincer maneuver is okay with you?"
Kelb issues some orders to her crew, then replies, "Pincer sounds great. Our escape.pod will be on the way in two. Keep eyes peeled, Captains."
"Alright. On my go, then." I search for something appropriate to say, but wind up with only, "May the Force be with you." Let them mock, after we win. Once I see the escape pod has ejected, I count back from five in my head, then call out, "Go!"
"Unidentified vessels. This is Imperial Frigate The Venger. We are here on a samaritan mission, rescuing survivors from a cruiser-class shipwreck planetside. Please stand down."
The frigate is hailing you both. Kelb is following your lead unless you want her to answer.
'Samaritan mission.' I snort to myself.
A quick glance at the scans shows that the only lifeforms aboard are manning stations, so apparently they haven't started loading up the prisoners, or rather "rescuees" from their mission of mercy.
Spending 1-Hold from Methodical
Ignoring the hail, I comm Kelb on our own channel. "No prisoners, so long-range comms first, then weapons, then shoot to disable." I nod to Jojee to make the approach, then shout over all channels so the Frigate's skipper can hear, "UUUUHAI!"
Meanwhile, Captain Madak has picked up the fire support team and heads for the surface of Cholganna.
Why don't you give me a roll to Go In Blazing?
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 2. Total: 5)
As you pass by and out of their immediate range, you witness a nice little explosion on The Venger and Amy lets out a victorious "Yesss! Karking Imperial vaping bucketheads! Take that!"
Your joy is shortlived as you see your sensors blinking red. Shields are down. Hyperdrive is offline.
Kelb comes over the comms, her voice steady, but slightly frustrated, "On of the TIEs slammed into my turret gunner. We've got a secondary and forward guns, but this is going to get interesting."
Keeping Kelb on the line, I try to keep my voice steady. "We're down shields and hyperdrive. Hosk, get the shields up. Think like Squally and improvise if you have to. Jo, get us in position to give Amarath a shot, even if it means getting in close. We need to end this quickly." The Whisper can take the frigate on her own? Really? Must learn to adjust for Kelb's overconfidence.
"On it, Lad! We can couple up with the Whisper on the ride home, don't worry." Hosk calls over comms. Jojee brings the Margin around in the Venger's weak spot.
Kelb draws off the TIEs, all five of them. I'll give you +1 on an Act Under Pressure roll here.
(Rolled: 2d6+4. Rolls: 3, 3. Total: 10)
After a quiet moment, the turret guns fire again.
As she continues laying hell on the frigate, Amarath yells, "AHAHAHAHA! The turret systems are on their own separate power matrix! I love you, Squally!"
The frigate lights up with several fires, then explodes. You feel the ship shudder from the ring of force from the blast.
"Nice work, Amy! Kelb, we're limping... how are you?" I tell Jojee to start heading down the gravity well to join Captain Madak, unless the condition of the Margin contra-indicates.
"We're still down a turret, lost sensors and shields, but otherwise, it's a party over here." Kelb responds with a bit of a thrill in her voice. She sounds like she's smiling. "You five by five, Ladro?"
"We've got the party hats out, Kelb. Lets get down and support Captain Madak, if you're not too worried about your shields." That was an intentional challenge. I'm feeling like a reunion might be in order, if we have the opportunity.
Kelb replies with a husky tone, "Race you down, Captain."
Pem's in the engine room with Hosk trying to patch things together, while Amarath stays in the turret, happy to "Waste some more Imps."
Both ships head for atmosphere. The Margin limps along after the Whisper, both ships not at a hundred percent. The shimmy to your stabilizers (yes, back again) eases up when you pass through atmo. The valley where you last saw the Sa Naloor wreckage and The Retreat now has signs of several battles. There is fresh wreckage along the river, several tendrils of smoke from spots in the jungle as well as the encampment.
Kelb radios her team over your shared channel, "Ground team. The sky's clear. What's the sitrep here?"
"We've reached the encampment, Kelb, took down a couple squads. We're holding down the fort, picking off the last remnants of their forces, but we could use some fire support. Captain Madak's playing cat and mouse with the transport down here. I'm pretty sure he could use some help. They just went southeast over the horizon."
Kelb comms your ship, Ladro, "Captain Vos, we can assist Captain Madak if you want to help out the camp. Your call, boss."
"Kelb, that works for me. We'll hit the camp." Jo has the knowledge of the territory, and I'm also aware of the lay of the land. Trying to keep us from taking unnecessary risks, but I'll do whatever it takes to finish the mission.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 8)