Hosk has to take careful aim, but in a few shots, he's downed the nexu, warning that you need to hustle. Jojee rushes in with you to grab Cratala while Amy shuffles Squall in. Once Cratala is situated, you head for the outer exit.
Inside the camp, one of the towers explodes and starts burning. The battle droids put up a defense as a speeder bike comes flying over the hole in the wall defense, and storm troopers are climbing over. It's a desperate struggle. Harsol is leading his people bravely. They don't stand a chance.
Ahead is the jungle. You're slow, with two unconscious people on a small skiff, the size of a large bed. It hovers, but it has to be pushed, and stays at a constant three feet above any surface.
Hosk offers to scout ahead. Jojee looks like she's ready to bolt for the ship if you let her.
Here's a map of what the layout is: The Imperial ship hasn't landed, but the speeder bikes came from the northwest.
To get to the ship, you'll need to travel through two dangerous miles of jungle, or find some way to traverse the river quickly.
We stick together. There are too many potential threats not to keep our forces together. Amy and Hosk are spread out on point, one to the left and one to the right, still in line of sight, while Jojee and I stick with the skiff, taking turns pushing if need be. First step is to get down to the river. If we can, we liberate a boat/saddle from the water beasts and make our way down-river to the Margin. If not, we follow the bank as well as we can.
Your crew moves together down the hilly region of the Retreat, the bluff giving you shade on your backs. The speeder bikes zoom past. There are sounds of the firefight all around, echoing to and fro.
I don't want to tell you how to push through here, but I think you might find a way through if you were to... Trust Your Feelings here. Otherwise, I think you'll need a custom move.
You get a strong sense of where to go, which is a rather straightforward path to the river. There is a reevos there, one of the huge lizards that brought you here. But there are stormtroopers nearby, you see that as well.
"When we get to the river, I suspect there will be a half-squad of troopers close by. Hosk and Amy, you'll cover Jojee and me while we "liberate" the saddle-boat-thingie from one of those creatures, we'll attach a tow-line to the skiff and pull it behind us downriver to the Margin. Questions?"
Hosk gawks back at you for a moment, then walks on, asking, "How in the galaxy do you know that?"
"Darkal and Ladro always saw weird poodoo. The Force, or whatever. Never had a talent for it."
You all hustle down to the river, and yes, you see the troopers. They've moving to secure the reevos. If it gives them trouble, it looks like they'll shoot it. They aren't aware of you or your crew.
When you reach the river, you see the half squad of troopers as well as the reevos. They're approaching it cautiously, one of them in front, hands up, trying to grasp the reins. The reevos is watching them, munching on some grass, but alert.
You spy a speeder bike, hovering near the edge of the river. The trooper riding it is off the bike, his back to you.
Who stole the bike? I assume you're driving it? Who's on the skiff after you attached it, and who is holding onto you when you take off?
I stole the bike, but Jojee's driving, so I have a hand free for my blaster. I'm behind her, left arm around her waist. Hosk and Amy are crowded into the skiff with our two less conscious companions. We follow the river to as close as we can get to the Profit Margin, unless something interrupts us.
As Jojee takes action, I work to adjust to the skew and roll of the speeder, then squeeze off the best-placed shots I can, aiming for the bulk of the approaching speederbikes rather than the troopers themselves.
Hosk and Amy hold onto Squall, who os awake and groaning lightly with thr movement. Cratala is still out of it, which is quite a feat for a stunner.
You nail one biker as he almost makes it to your side of the river. He hits the water and the bike careens wild into a few trees, exploding in sparks and unspent fuel energy. The second biker is cagey, hugging trees and the ground, firing on your bike. The skiff takes a hit and When Jojee turns hard to protect it, you both take a glancing shot for 2 harm.
The Pilot Margin is up ahead. You're there, Ladro What do you do?
I trigger the cargo ramp and have Jojee drive straight in to one of the empty holds. Might as well keep the speeder and the grav-skiff for parts, at least. I hop off and cover us as the ramp closes behind.
As Amarath rolls off the skiff when Jojee slows down, she calls out, "Free speeder bike!"
Jojee hustles to the cockpit to start up the ship while Hosk heads to the turret and Amarath works on getting Squall and then Cratala secured. She's working fast with one arm, like she's had practice with it.
That last speeder bike is bearing down on you. Are you Going in Blazing here?
I am hot and sticky, and I've been attacked by enhanced nightmare kitties and kriffing tree octupusesesoctopusen octupi, and I've dealt with crazy survivors who are mostly probably dead by now and I left the encampment without Amy's new arm. And I'm hot. And sticky. And dirty. And there was no big pile of credits, just a datapad and a crazy genius.
You bet your sweet space heinie I'm going in blazing.
You stand there, in the space in front of the cargo ramp, and face off a karking speeder bike. The biker bears down on you, blaster bolts whizzing by to smash into the ship's hull, barely missing you. You hold fast, squeeze off a few well-placed shots, hitting the extended front section of the speeder bike. the front "wings" exploding in a hail of sparks fifty feet in front of you.
The bike immediately spins wildly, the forward momentum keeping it heading towards you, but throwing the rider and losing control. It veers a bit, and smashes into a foreward section of the hull. The bike explodes in an impressive fashion, and your ship has some ugly scoring and possibly some damage.
Amarath is still putting Cratala away when she hears the explosion. She runs to the open doorway to look out, "Cap, you alright?"
I'm grinning, almost grimacing, with triumph. "I'm fine." For some reason, when I turn to look at her, she blinks and flinches a bit. "Let's get this ramp closed and get the kriffing ship off the ground, yeah?" I tramp up, not in an obvious hurry, and slap the "Close" button. My blood is still up, and I would welcome something to fight or kriff or just rip apart with my hands right now. Instead, I'm going to pretend that Amarath doesn't see the feral look on my face and issue some orders. "Jojee, there's at least one Imp ship. They're focused on the encampment for now, but that won't last long. Do what you do, get us out. I'll be in the cockpit in a few seconds." To Amy, I say, "Secure Cratala. Lock the cabin from the outside for now. Then watch Squall. This might be bumpy."
If you want to get out safely, get off planet and hit hyperspace. They'll figure out Cratala was with you eventually, but you'll be long gone.
If you want to save as many survivors as possible, let the Imps know you've got Cratala and lead them on a merry chase. There will be danger in that path, but Hosk will get to shoot some Imps.
Captain Harsol was willing to make the sacrifice, I'm sure, but I can do what I can. Once I make it to the cockpit, I warn Jo that she's going to need to do some fancy flying and make it look like our hyperdrive is out of commission for a bit to draw the Imps' interest, then announce on all frequencies, "I've secured Cratala. Preparing to leave the system, but we have issues with our hyperdrive. Will proceed to Tatooine soonest. Kark me, is this set for clear-text broadcast? Comms! Tamp it doo.lknnofins pngoinasf ."
Hosk hollers from his place in the turret, "I love it, Lad! Bring on the Boys in White, Jo, serve 'em up!"
As Jojee pulls the controls back and the Profit Margin lifts off the ground, she answers Hosk, "Aye aye, Mate Hosk."
Amarath responds on comms, "Our wounded are secure, Cap. I'm strapping in now."
You feel the vibration of the ship now, and that odd sensation of equilibrium change as Jojee hits thrusters and your ship lurches forward. She banks hard, then heads for the encampment, asking you to watch shields as she buzzes the camp once before leaving atmo.
Why don't you give me a Stand in Defense roll here? This is for the crew trying to help out the survivors before drawing off the Imperial Transport.
With you front facing turbolasers and Hosk on the turret, you take out a squad of troopers and two speeder bikes as they fire at you wildly. The superior size of the Margin protects you for the most part, but Jojee complains about one of the telemetry dials as she heads for space.
This ship rises up over the horizon, it's a medium-class Imperial frigate.
They hail you, and this comes over the comms: "Unknown vessel. This is ISB Supervisor Cal Alsen, of the Imperial Frigate The Intrepid. I am only after the scientist Cratala. If you turn her over, I will cease pursuit of your vessel. My techs are capturing your IFF beacon right now, and you will become personna non grata in the Core and beyond if you continue to attempt to evade me."
This ship is bucking and vibrating now as you are almost out of atmo. Jojee is pushing the ship hard, ready to take evasive action at your command, but also ready to turn if you say so.
Jojee's eyes are alight as she kicks in the full thrusters. Meanwhile behind you, the Imperial frigate deploys all four TIE Fighters, and they quickly start gaining on you. Hosk fires on the frigate a few times, but quickly switches focus on the TIEs.
When you enter into a dogfight with TIE fighters, roll+Maneuverability of your ship (the Profit Margin is curently +1). On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+ choose two.
- Suffer little harm (you're just too quick) - You take out the TIEs you're currently facing - You create or find an opening on the "mother ship"
As long as we're in the fight, we might as well make it really sting. "Jo, take the opportunity! Hosk, be ready to fire on the frigate when you see the shot."
"Hold onto someone you love!" Jojee screams over the comms as she toggle flips the thrusters, letting the ship coast for a single moment as TIE Fighters zoom past, the turret pulsing and shaking the ship as Hosk fires like mad at the two remaining fighters while they're adjusting to their target.
Then, Jojee she shoves the stick forward, flipping the Profit Margin end over end. As soon as the cockput faces the frigate, she flips thrusters on to full, and the Margin careens for the bigger Imperial ship. The Intrepid gets some clear shots on you, and the ship takes 2-Harm in the exchange. One of your systems is compromised. Which one is it?
Stabilizers damaged, so we're going to be wallowing like a tub shortly, but my blood is up as we make this run at the frigate. Remembering the old stories, I issue forth with the old, wordless battle cry of ancient Kiffu. "UUUUHAI!"
The Margin shudders, but Jojee pushes on. As Hosk continues firing at the TIEs, you catch the broadside of the frigate and Jojee gives you the turbolasers so she can keep a handle on the ship.
You start firing in a tight circle, and The Intrepid takes four solid hits before you zoom by. Hosk adds in a few shots to add insult to injury, and the frigate has several very pretty explosions that should incapacitate it for a good long while.
"Yeeeeehah!" Jojee screams as she pumps a fist in the air, then quickly moves it back down to the controls as the ship shudders again.
Amarath comes on comms, "What is karking wrong with the ship? I feel like I'm in a sonic shower on the fritz back here!"
Jojee's working with your astromech droid on plotting the coordinates for your jump. Do you answer Amarath or leave her complaining?
"Get used to it, and keep your trap shut unless you have something to offer. We'll get repairs... eventually. Look at the viewport feed and let the sight of an Imperial frigate blowing up comfort you."
Jojee grins at you, but she's sharing in the excitement. The ship lurches forward into hyperspace, leaving behind The Intrepid, the wreckage of four TIE fighters, and Cholganna, with the unknown count of survivors, and whatever Imperial troops are still down there. Still down there hunting for the woman in your ship.
You'll be in transit to Raxus Prime for a couple days. What's the plan with Cratala?
I suspect that Cratala's time in "exile" has had an impact on her decision making process, so I start with an intellectual problem. "Doctor, we unfortunately left the new arm that you mentioned for my Chief of Security back on Cholganna. Do you think you can do anything with what we have onboard?"
Cratala, who is sitting in the common room, unstrapping herself, peers at you. "Amarath advised me that her slagged arm is still on board, in your engineer's workshop. I'd like to see how much of it survived. I've grown quite skilled at repair and adjustment along the way." She licks her lips, "I doubt I'l have the ability to product headgear for your engineer."
I nod. "You indicated that you could help Squall. Are you withdrawing from that? I mean, I want zir to make the decision, but I need to know what you're offering."
"Oh, quite the contrary, I prefer headgear, it's been decades since I did it, everything's been models and schematics." Cratala answers you with that zeal in her eye of a scientist in her element. "I doubt you'll have what I need here on ship. That's what I mean." She shifts in her seat a little, "How was Rel when you last saw him? I mean, Captain Harsol. Did he... did he make it?"
"He was fighting bravely. We cleared much of the trooper platoon, but the last look I had, he still had blaster in hand and his teeth bared, putting bolts in the boys in white." I shake my head. I suspect he went down, but he's a force of nature. I don't doubt that he'll survive, somehow.
She nods, silently. "I saw my pack. Are any of my assistants on board? My droid, at least?" She gives a slightly irritated expression, "Your Head of Security was not very forthcoming on details."
"My Head of Security had no need to be forthcoming. You are a pain in the space-heinie until you prove otherwise. You're the only one we pulled out. I hope it's worth it."
That takes her aback for a moment. She looks at you with new eyes. Her cybernetic eye housing whirs a bit and spins, "I'm worth quite a great deal, Captain Vos." She answers with confidence, but some of it is for show, like she's a tiny bit worried about her standing here. "If you'll show me to the workshop, I'll find her broken arm. See what I can do."
"I..." she begins softly, cowed by your presence. She always bent to Harsol. Now, she'll bend to you. "I didn't ask for you to take any damage, Captain. But, I'll do my best to make up for it." She pushes herself out of her seat. "I'll find the workshop, see how much I can recover." She heads towards the corridor that rings the ship, begins looking for the workshop based on her knowledge of YT-560 deckplans.
Anyone you want to check in on, or do we skip ahead a bit?
I've got no immediate plans. I'll spend time with Squall and keep an eye on the progress for Amy's arm, but nothing much until Squall, Cratala and I have "the conversation."
Squall's still healing. Zir head injury opened up again in the escape, and ze is in and out of consciousness for another day. When ze wakes, there's a good deal of pain, but Squall tries to talk with you. It doesn't feel like the right time for "the conversation".
Late the next morning, Cratala asks you to come see her in the workshop. When you arrive, she's there with Amarath. Amarath is sporting her old cyberarm, but it looks quite different.
Cratala talks while pointing out parts of the arm, "I added a housing to the bicep portion that took damage originally, reconditioned some droid replacement parts and manufactured wires to get it running again..."
Amarath pipes up with, "It's more responsive, Cap. And, pretty sexy, too. Doesn't take attachments anymore, though." She pouts a tiny bit at that.
"I'm sure that someone as creative and determined as you are can do without attachments, Amarath." I look to Dr. Cratala. "It does look great. Thank you, Dr. Cratala."
She seems relieved, "You are most welcome. I took care on what I used for parts. I can increase the grip strength and armor plating when you have more supplies."
Amarath ignores Cratala, commenting on your assertion about her creativity, "Squally liked the attachments."
Without any acid in her tone, Cratala assures you both, "I can rebuild it to have attachments, if you like. Just, not without tearing down some of the ship or your astromech droid for parts. I assumed that was out of bounds for now."
Amarath scowls at you for a moment, then says again, "Squally does like the attachments... but I don't want to strip down the ship or the kriffing droid."
"I assume that my Chief of Security will be, or arranging watches for it. Coordinate with Hosk, please?" I pause. "You're the Chief of Security, of course."
"Right." Amarath says, but it takes a second for the words to click. She bobs her head in a nod. "I'll take care of it, Cap. Don't you worry." She flexes her cybernetic hand once, then starts to move out, moving towards Cratala and patting Cratala's shoulder once with her right hand.
Once Amarath is gone, and Cratala is alone with you, she asks, "Will you hand me off to Hontu, Captain Vos? Have I avoided one master... for another?"
I ponder this for a moment, then pull out the datapad she gave me back in the gravity well and start transferring her research to a data crystal. Once the transfer is complete, I think about places where Cratala might be able to continue her research in safety. "Do you mind if I ask your first name, Dr. Cratala?" Once she answers, "Rane, how do you feel about confined spaces for periods of, say, a few days at a time? Also, how do you feel about dry, arid, hot climates? For much longer periods."
Cratala studies you for a long moment before replying, "I've learned a great deal over the last three decades about what I can endure. About what I need to stay productive, to keep working. Those situations would not be an impediment to me."
I hand her the decrepit datapad and hold up the crystal. "I believe that, with this, I can get what I need from Hontu. If you're willing to hole up while we're on Raxus Prime, I will try to get you to Tatooine, where I have a few contacts that might be able to help you hide and get established."
I ponder that, and decide to answer honestly. "It's a weakness. I won't sell you into slavery, Rane, even if it were to mean an end to my obligations. Not a requirement, but I do hope that you'll remember I did right by you, if I come asking for a favor. And I do also hope that you'll help Squall, if ze wants it."
Cratala nods, thankfully. After a moment of consideration, she crosses her arms. "Tell me about your employer. I know his father, but I don't know Hontu. Can he be trusted to treat me fairly? How well funded is IsoTech? Would I.... would I be safe?"
I think for a moment before responding. "His first motivation is and will always be profit, I believe. He will treat you well and keep you as safe as he can, since you are a valuable asset. I won't say that I trust him, but I will say that he has been more than fair with me, and he certainly has more resources at his disposal that you would hiding out on you own in the desert. As to keeping away from the attention of the Empire... the shadow of a Hutt is not exactly an inconspicuous place to hide."
Cratala nods, accepting the information. She peers at you for a moment. "I feel like I should at least meet with Hontu, hear what he has to say." She purses her lips, then adds, "If I accept the offer from Hontu, I'm going to ask him for something. I want to warn you, in case he sends you on the mission. But I have to know if Captain Harsol, my team, and the rest of the people of The Retreat survived. I'm not... I'm not a very sentimental person. But they were-are... they are good people."
I nod. "If Hontu offers the mission, I'll consider it strongly. I'd like to make sure we have some way to actually help Captain Harsol and the other survivors, assuming we find them. Now that the Empire knows where they are, just fortifying their position and providing some creature comforts isn't much of a relief for them."
"Of course." Cratala agrees. "I'm going to ask for my team and my medical droid, plus see that any other survivors are offered employment or a chance at that lovely desert planet of Tatooine. I think after Cholganna, most of them would like a place bereft of many things that want to eat you."
After a moment of consideration, she asks, "Captain Vos, why are you hesitant to offer my cybernetic upgrades to your engineer? You've seen my work, you know how others value what I have to offer. Are you afraid she won't be the same?"
She's direct, I'll give her that. "There are a few reasons why I'm hesitant, and they're more about presenting it the right way, rather than any concern about your work." I meet her eyes. "First, I want Squall to be as fully recovered as ze can be, so that ze can make the decision with every advantage. Second, Squall and I have... history. If I were to recommend anything, that would carry a great deal more weight than I would like, for a choice this personal and important."
She nods, filing that away. "One last item for now, Captain. I noticed that Amarath has the remnants of a kill switch in her headware. Also, what looks like a housing for an explosive. She said you were aware of this? Do you want me to remove the kill switch?"
Cratala shrugs, "I am rather sure she didn't have it implanted in herself, so I am confirming with you that it should be removed. It isn't without risk, however minimal."
"It's auditory, the code word is rare, I don't see it as an immediate threat. I recommend we delay that surgery until after Squall's?" Cratala says in a professional tone, brushing past your guilty look.
One quick talk with Hosk. "We're down an engineer temporarily, and Raxus system has some significant risks. I'd like to see your duty roster for re-emerging there. I'm assuming Jojee will be at the helm, but how do you want to arrange you, Amarath and me? Anything we need Cratala to do?"
Hosk nods, then beckons you to the scientific computer that sits near the common room area. "Not sure if you've followed Raxian politics, but you know things started getting hinky when we were gun running. Your girl Ahji Dar took it to the next level, and now Raxus Prime has an Imperial Shipyard." He hands you a datapad with some information he calls up on Raxus Prime:
"Knowing our luck, we'll be one of the lucky few to be inspected." Hosk continues. "Are you opposed to picking up some scrap from Secundus? Or should we roll the dice and head in? If we head in, and to answer your original question, Amy would take the turret, but I'm keeping the karking firing pins in until we're damn sure we have to shoot our way through or out. I'll be in engineering, with Cratala as my backup. I'm no Squally, but I know this ship well enough to keep her motoring, Lad."
After a moment of consideration, Hosk answers, "As long as you're ready for a fight, we should push through. Secundus is safer, but it means the Yiyar and the ISB get time to catch up to us."
I nod decisively. "Okay. That's the plan. Amy has a free trigger, though. I'll reinforce whatever you tell her to be clear she's not to fire until she gets the order from me. You can let them know."
Hosk doesn't argue the point on Amarath, just nods. "Got it, Lad." He smirks, which on his face is a long smirk, "On the way back, if it's free and easy, would you mind a stop over at Secundus?"
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 12)
Inside the camp, one of the towers explodes and starts burning. The battle droids put up a defense as a speeder bike comes flying over the hole in the wall defense, and storm troopers are climbing over. It's a desperate struggle. Harsol is leading his people bravely. They don't stand a chance.
Ahead is the jungle. You're slow, with two unconscious people on a small skiff, the size of a large bed. It hovers, but it has to be pushed, and stays at a constant three feet above any surface.
Hosk offers to scout ahead. Jojee looks like she's ready to bolt for the ship if you let her.
Here's a map of what the layout is:
The Imperial ship hasn't landed, but the speeder bikes came from the northwest.
To get to the ship, you'll need to travel through two dangerous miles of jungle, or find some way to traverse the river quickly.
What do you do?
We stick together. There are too many potential threats not to keep our forces together. Amy and Hosk are spread out on point, one to the left and one to the right, still in line of sight, while Jojee and I stick with the skiff, taking turns pushing if need be. First step is to get down to the river. If we can, we liberate a boat/saddle from the water beasts and make our way down-river to the Margin. If not, we follow the bank as well as we can.
I don't want to tell you how to push through here, but I think you might find a way through if you were to... Trust Your Feelings here. Otherwise, I think you'll need a custom move.
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 3, 5. Total: 7)
Any plain ol' boats, or any of the boat/saddle things not attached to a creature? How many stormtroopers?
"When we get to the river, I suspect there will be a half-squad of troopers close by. Hosk and Amy, you'll cover Jojee and me while we "liberate" the saddle-boat-thingie from one of those creatures, we'll attach a tow-line to the skiff and pull it behind us downriver to the Margin. Questions?"
Hosk gawks back at you for a moment, then walks on, asking, "How in the galaxy do you know that?"
"Darkal and Ladro always saw weird poodoo. The Force, or whatever. Never had a talent for it."
You all hustle down to the river, and yes, you see the troopers. They've moving to secure the reevos. If it gives them trouble, it looks like they'll shoot it. They aren't aware of you or your crew.
What do you do?
For the first of my three Hold, I choose: Reveal an escape route where none existed previously.
You spy a speeder bike, hovering near the edge of the river. The trooper riding it is off the bike, his back to you.
Who stole the bike? I assume you're driving it? Who's on the skiff after you attached it, and who is holding onto you when you take off?
I stole the bike, but Jojee's driving, so I have a hand free for my blaster. I'm behind her, left arm around her waist. Hosk and Amy are crowded into the skiff with our two less conscious companions. We follow the river to as close as we can get to the Profit Margin, unless something interrupts us.
That's when you see a pair of speeder bikes coming down a trail across the river. As they spot you, they start skimming across the water.
Jojee yells, "Hang on tight! "
Ladro, if you want to Stand in Defense, tell how and roll it. If you want to do something else, tell me what.
As Jojee takes action, I work to adjust to the skew and roll of the speeder, then squeeze off the best-placed shots I can, aiming for the bulk of the approaching speederbikes rather than the troopers themselves.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 6. Total: 12)
I see my crew and Cratala to safety.
You nail one biker as he almost makes it to your side of the river. He hits the water and the bike careens wild into a few trees, exploding in sparks and unspent fuel energy. The second biker is cagey, hugging trees and the ground, firing on your bike. The skiff takes a hit and When Jojee turns hard to protect it, you both take a glancing shot for 2 harm.
The Pilot Margin is up ahead. You're there, Ladro
What do you do?
I trigger the cargo ramp and have Jojee drive straight in to one of the empty holds. Might as well keep the speeder and the grav-skiff for parts, at least. I hop off and cover us as the ramp closes behind.
As Amarath rolls off the skiff when Jojee slows down, she calls out, "Free speeder bike!"
Jojee hustles to the cockpit to start up the ship while Hosk heads to the turret and Amarath works on getting Squall and then Cratala secured. She's working fast with one arm, like she's had practice with it.
That last speeder bike is bearing down on you. Are you Going in Blazing here?
I am hot and sticky, and I've been attacked by enhanced nightmare kitties and kriffing tree
octupusesesoctopusenoctupi, and I've dealt with crazy survivors who are mostly probably dead by now and I left the encampment without Amy's new arm. And I'm hot. And sticky. And dirty. And there was no big pile of credits, just a datapad and a crazy genius.You bet your sweet space heinie I'm going in blazing.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 8)
The bike immediately spins wildly, the forward momentum keeping it heading towards you, but throwing the rider and losing control. It veers a bit, and smashes into a foreward section of the hull. The bike explodes in an impressive fashion, and your ship has some ugly scoring and possibly some damage.
Amarath is still putting Cratala away when she hears the explosion. She runs to the open doorway to look out, "Cap, you alright?"
I'm grinning, almost grimacing, with triumph. "I'm fine." For some reason, when I turn to look at her, she blinks and flinches a bit. "Let's get this ramp closed and get the kriffing ship off the ground, yeah?" I tramp up, not in an obvious hurry, and slap the "Close" button. My blood is still up, and I would welcome something to fight or kriff or just rip apart with my hands right now. Instead, I'm going to pretend that Amarath doesn't see the feral look on my face and issue some orders. "Jojee, there's at least one Imp ship. They're focused on the encampment for now, but that won't last long. Do what you do, get us out. I'll be in the cockpit in a few seconds." To Amy, I say, "Secure Cratala. Lock the cabin from the outside for now. Then watch Squall. This might be bumpy."
Jojee calls over the loudspeakers, "Captain, you want us to try and draw off the Imp ship, but some time for Harsol?"
Hosk barks over the comms, "Lad, we can't leave them high and dry. Those are karking troopers down there."
I think back to the situation as we left The Retreat, and try to recall the capacity of an Imperial Frigate.
Check Out the Scene
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 4. Total: 9)
If you want to save as many survivors as possible, let the Imps know you've got Cratala and lead them on a merry chase. There will be danger in that path, but Hosk will get to shoot some Imps.
Captain Harsol was willing to make the sacrifice, I'm sure, but I can do what I can. Once I make it to the cockpit, I warn Jo that she's going to need to do some fancy flying and make it look like our hyperdrive is out of commission for a bit to draw the Imps' interest, then announce on all frequencies, "I've secured Cratala. Preparing to leave the system, but we have issues with our hyperdrive. Will proceed to Tatooine soonest. Kark me, is this set for clear-text broadcast? Comms! Tamp it doo.lknnofins pngoinasf ."
Jojee snickers, "This is gonna be fun, Cap."
Hosk hollers from his place in the turret, "I love it, Lad! Bring on the Boys in White, Jo, serve 'em up!"
As Jojee pulls the controls back and the Profit Margin lifts off the ground, she answers Hosk, "Aye aye, Mate Hosk."
Amarath responds on comms, "Our wounded are secure, Cap. I'm strapping in now."
You feel the vibration of the ship now, and that odd sensation of equilibrium change as Jojee hits thrusters and your ship lurches forward. She banks hard, then heads for the encampment, asking you to watch shields as she buzzes the camp once before leaving atmo.
Why don't you give me a Stand in Defense roll here? This is for the crew trying to help out the survivors before drawing off the Imperial Transport.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 9)
This ship rises up over the horizon, it's a medium-class Imperial frigate.
They hail you, and this comes over the comms:
"Unknown vessel. This is ISB Supervisor Cal Alsen, of the Imperial Frigate The Intrepid. I am only after the scientist Cratala. If you turn her over, I will cease pursuit of your vessel. My techs are capturing your IFF beacon right now, and you will become personna non grata in the Core and beyond if you continue to attempt to evade me."
This ship is bucking and vibrating now as you are almost out of atmo. Jojee is pushing the ship hard, ready to take evasive action at your command, but also ready to turn if you say so.
What do you do?
"Anybody feel like turning over our guest to the Imps? Didn't think so. Jojee, punch it. You're a better pilot than any of those sister-kriffers."
When you enter into a dogfight with TIE fighters, roll+Maneuverability of your ship (the Profit Margin is curently +1).
On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+ choose two.
- Suffer little harm (you're just too quick)
- You take out the TIEs you're currently facing
- You create or find an opening on the "mother ship"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 8)
As long as we're in the fight, we might as well make it really sting. "Jo, take the opportunity! Hosk, be ready to fire on the frigate when you see the shot."
"Hold onto someone you love!" Jojee screams over the comms as she toggle flips the thrusters, letting the ship coast for a single moment as TIE Fighters zoom past, the turret pulsing and shaking the ship as Hosk fires like mad at the two remaining fighters while they're adjusting to their target.
Then, Jojee she shoves the stick forward, flipping the Profit Margin end over end. As soon as the cockput faces the frigate, she flips thrusters on to full, and the Margin careens for the bigger Imperial ship. The Intrepid gets some clear shots on you, and the ship takes 2-Harm in the exchange. One of your systems is compromised. Which one is it?
Take a +2 to Go in Blazing here, Ladro.
Stabilizers damaged, so we're going to be wallowing like a tub shortly, but my blood is up as we make this run at the frigate. Remembering the old stories, I issue forth with the old, wordless battle cry of ancient Kiffu. "UUUUHAI!"
(Rolled: 2d6+4. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 10)
Take little harm.
You start firing in a tight circle, and The Intrepid takes four solid hits before you zoom by. Hosk adds in a few shots to add insult to injury, and the frigate has several very pretty explosions that should incapacitate it for a good long while.
"Yeeeeehah!" Jojee screams as she pumps a fist in the air, then quickly moves it back down to the controls as the ship shudders again.
Amarath comes on comms, "What is karking wrong with the ship? I feel like I'm in a sonic shower on the fritz back here!"
Jojee's working with your astromech droid on plotting the coordinates for your jump. Do you answer Amarath or leave her complaining?
"Get used to it, and keep your trap shut unless you have something to offer. We'll get repairs... eventually. Look at the viewport feed and let the sight of an Imperial frigate blowing up comfort you."
Hosk answers with a harsh laugh, "Makes me feel like a million creds!"
Jojee, looks down at the hyperspace coordinates for the third time. "Button's ready, Cap."
I can't help it. The dogs have slipped the leash. As I push the big red button, I call out again. "UUUUHAI!"
You'll be in transit to Raxus Prime for a couple days. What's the plan with Cratala?
I suspect that Cratala's time in "exile" has had an impact on her decision making process, so I start with an intellectual problem. "Doctor, we unfortunately left the new arm that you mentioned for my Chief of Security back on Cholganna. Do you think you can do anything with what we have onboard?"
Cratala, who is sitting in the common room, unstrapping herself, peers at you. "Amarath advised me that her slagged arm is still on board, in your engineer's workshop. I'd like to see how much of it survived. I've grown quite skilled at repair and adjustment along the way." She licks her lips, "I doubt I'l have the ability to product headgear for your engineer."
I nod. "You indicated that you could help Squall. Are you withdrawing from that? I mean, I want zir to make the decision, but I need to know what you're offering."
"Oh, quite the contrary, I prefer headgear, it's been decades since I did it, everything's been models and schematics." Cratala answers you with that zeal in her eye of a scientist in her element. "I doubt you'll have what I need here on ship. That's what I mean." She shifts in her seat a little, "How was Rel when you last saw him? I mean, Captain Harsol. Did he... did he make it?"
"He was fighting bravely. We cleared much of the trooper platoon, but the last look I had, he still had blaster in hand and his teeth bared, putting bolts in the boys in white." I shake my head. I suspect he went down, but he's a force of nature. I don't doubt that he'll survive, somehow.
She nods, silently. "I saw my pack. Are any of my assistants on board? My droid, at least?" She gives a slightly irritated expression, "Your Head of Security was not very forthcoming on details."
"My Head of Security had no need to be forthcoming. You are a pain in the space-heinie until you prove otherwise. You're the only one we pulled out. I hope it's worth it."
That takes her aback for a moment. She looks at you with new eyes. Her cybernetic eye housing whirs a bit and spins, "I'm worth quite a great deal, Captain Vos." She answers with confidence, but some of it is for show, like she's a tiny bit worried about her standing here. "If you'll show me to the workshop, I'll find her broken arm. See what I can do."
"I hope you will, Ms. Cratala. I hope you will. My crew and my ship have taken a great deal of damage on your behalf."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 10)
"I..." she begins softly, cowed by your presence. She always bent to Harsol. Now, she'll bend to you. "I didn't ask for you to take any damage, Captain. But, I'll do my best to make up for it." She pushes herself out of her seat. "I'll find the workshop, see how much I can recover." She heads towards the corridor that rings the ship, begins looking for the workshop based on her knowledge of YT-560 deckplans.
Anyone you want to check in on, or do we skip ahead a bit?
I've got no immediate plans. I'll spend time with Squall and keep an eye on the progress for Amy's arm, but nothing much until Squall, Cratala and I have "the conversation."
Late the next morning, Cratala asks you to come see her in the workshop. When you arrive, she's there with Amarath. Amarath is sporting her old cyberarm, but it looks quite different.
Cratala talks while pointing out parts of the arm, "I added a housing to the bicep portion that took damage originally, reconditioned some droid replacement parts and manufactured wires to get it running again..."
Amarath pipes up with, "It's more responsive, Cap. And, pretty sexy, too. Doesn't take attachments anymore, though." She pouts a tiny bit at that.
"I'm sure that someone as creative and determined as you are can do without attachments, Amarath." I look to Dr. Cratala. "It does look great. Thank you, Dr. Cratala."
She seems relieved, "You are most welcome. I took care on what I used for parts. I can increase the grip strength and armor plating when you have more supplies."
Amarath ignores Cratala, commenting on your assertion about her creativity, "Squally liked the attachments."
Without any acid in her tone, Cratala assures you both, "I can rebuild it to have attachments, if you like. Just, not without tearing down some of the ship or your astromech droid for parts. I assumed that was out of bounds for now."
"That was a good assumption. Amarath, say thank you to the nice genius, please."
Amarath scowls at you for a moment, then says again, "Squally does like the attachments... but I don't want to strip down the ship or the kriffing droid."
I sharpen my tone just a bit. "Amarath, say thank you to the nice genius, please."
Amarath breathes out of her nostrils loudly, then glances over at Cratala, "The arm's as good as new. Better, even. Thanks."
Cratala inclines her head, "It was a pleasure to work on another borg. I've got some tweaks for my eye that I can share with you, too."
Amarath inclines her head, looking at Cratala with curiosity, "Yeah? We've got to talk about that later. But Squally first."
"Yes, but we need to let zir get zir strength back first. We'll talk more when we get to Raxus Prime."
"Sure. Hey, Squally's not going to be one hundred percent for a couple more days. Is ze staying on ship?"
"Unless there are better facilities where we're going, yes. Why?"
She meets your eyes, "It's a rough place. Lots of trouble. Anyone gonna watch over the ship?"
"I assume that my Chief of Security will be, or arranging watches for it. Coordinate with Hosk, please?" I pause. "You're the Chief of Security, of course."
"Right." Amarath says, but it takes a second for the words to click. She bobs her head in a nod. "I'll take care of it, Cap. Don't you worry." She flexes her cybernetic hand once, then starts to move out, moving towards Cratala and patting Cratala's shoulder once with her right hand.
Once Amarath is gone, and Cratala is alone with you, she asks, "Will you hand me off to Hontu, Captain Vos? Have I avoided one master... for another?"
I ponder this for a moment, then pull out the datapad she gave me back in the gravity well and start transferring her research to a data crystal. Once the transfer is complete, I think about places where Cratala might be able to continue her research in safety. "Do you mind if I ask your first name, Dr. Cratala?" Once she answers, "Rane, how do you feel about confined spaces for periods of, say, a few days at a time? Also, how do you feel about dry, arid, hot climates? For much longer periods."
Cratala studies you for a long moment before replying, "I've learned a great deal over the last three decades about what I can endure. About what I need to stay productive, to keep working. Those situations would not be an impediment to me."
She seems pensive before asking, "Why?"
I hand her the decrepit datapad and hold up the crystal. "I believe that, with this, I can get what I need from Hontu. If you're willing to hole up while we're on Raxus Prime, I will try to get you to Tatooine, where I have a few contacts that might be able to help you hide and get established."
She touches her tongue to her lips lightly, then asks, "Why are you offering to do this, Captain?"
I ponder that, and decide to answer honestly. "It's a weakness. I won't sell you into slavery, Rane, even if it were to mean an end to my obligations. Not a requirement, but I do hope that you'll remember I did right by you, if I come asking for a favor. And I do also hope that you'll help Squall, if ze wants it."
Cratala nods, thankfully. After a moment of consideration, she crosses her arms. "Tell me about your employer. I know his father, but I don't know Hontu. Can he be trusted to treat me fairly? How well funded is IsoTech? Would I.... would I be safe?"
I think for a moment before responding. "His first motivation is and will always be profit, I believe. He will treat you well and keep you as safe as he can, since you are a valuable asset. I won't say that I trust him, but I will say that he has been more than fair with me, and he certainly has more resources at his disposal that you would hiding out on you own in the desert. As to keeping away from the attention of the Empire... the shadow of a Hutt is not exactly an inconspicuous place to hide."
Cratala nods, accepting the information. She peers at you for a moment. "I feel like I should at least meet with Hontu, hear what he has to say." She purses her lips, then adds, "If I accept the offer from Hontu, I'm going to ask him for something. I want to warn you, in case he sends you on the mission. But I have to know if Captain Harsol, my team, and the rest of the people of The Retreat survived. I'm not... I'm not a very sentimental person. But they were-are... they are good people."
I nod. "If Hontu offers the mission, I'll consider it strongly. I'd like to make sure we have some way to actually help Captain Harsol and the other survivors, assuming we find them. Now that the Empire knows where they are, just fortifying their position and providing some creature comforts isn't much of a relief for them."
"Of course." Cratala agrees. "I'm going to ask for my team and my medical droid, plus see that any other survivors are offered employment or a chance at that lovely desert planet of Tatooine. I think after Cholganna, most of them would like a place bereft of many things that want to eat you."
After a moment of consideration, she asks, "Captain Vos, why are you hesitant to offer my cybernetic upgrades to your engineer? You've seen my work, you know how others value what I have to offer. Are you afraid she won't be the same?"
She's direct, I'll give her that. "There are a few reasons why I'm hesitant, and they're more about presenting it the right way, rather than any concern about your work." I meet her eyes. "First, I want Squall to be as fully recovered as ze can be, so that ze can make the decision with every advantage. Second, Squall and I have... history. If I were to recommend anything, that would carry a great deal more weight than I would like, for a choice this personal and important."
She nods, filing that away. "One last item for now, Captain. I noticed that Amarath has the remnants of a kill switch in her headware. Also, what looks like a housing for an explosive. She said you were aware of this? Do you want me to remove the kill switch?"
I furrow my brow. "Why would you ask me? It's her head, yes?"
Cratala shrugs, "I am rather sure she didn't have it implanted in herself, so I am confirming with you that it should be removed. It isn't without risk, however minimal."
I have the briefest flash of guilty memory. "Provided she's willing to accept that risk, I think it would be best if it was removed."
"It's auditory, the code word is rare, I don't see it as an immediate threat. I recommend we delay that surgery until after Squall's?" Cratala says in a professional tone, brushing past your guilty look.
"That's fine. You're the expert. Thank you, Dr. Cratala."
Anything else before you come out of hyperspace? Want to chat with anyone?
One quick talk with Hosk. "We're down an engineer temporarily, and Raxus system has some significant risks. I'd like to see your duty roster for re-emerging there. I'm assuming Jojee will be at the helm, but how do you want to arrange you, Amarath and me? Anything we need Cratala to do?"
Hosk nods, then beckons you to the scientific computer that sits near the common room area. "Not sure if you've followed Raxian politics, but you know things started getting hinky when we were gun running. Your girl Ahji Dar took it to the next level, and now Raxus Prime has an Imperial Shipyard." He hands you a datapad with some information he calls up on Raxus Prime:
"Knowing our luck, we'll be one of the lucky few to be inspected." Hosk continues. "Are you opposed to picking up some scrap from Secundus? Or should we roll the dice and head in? If we head in, and to answer your original question, Amy would take the turret, but I'm keeping the karking firing pins in until we're damn sure we have to shoot our way through or out. I'll be in engineering, with Cratala as my backup. I'm no Squally, but I know this ship well enough to keep her motoring, Lad."
"Are Raxus and Raxus Secundus still shooting at each other, or are we just worried about the boys in white?"
Hosk chuckles, "Oh, Orux is still making trouble in Secundus, and he's kept the war going. Jaleena's his second-in-command now."
"So, what's your recommendation? Secundus first for a fake cargo, or straight to Prime and hope?"
After a moment of consideration, Hosk answers, "As long as you're ready for a fight, we should push through. Secundus is safer, but it means the Yiyar and the ISB get time to catch up to us."
I nod decisively. "Okay. That's the plan. Amy has a free trigger, though. I'll reinforce whatever you tell her to be clear she's not to fire until she gets the order from me. You can let them know."
Hosk doesn't argue the point on Amarath, just nods. "Got it, Lad." He smirks, which on his face is a long smirk, "On the way back, if it's free and easy, would you mind a stop over at Secundus?"
"Hosk, if we pull this off I'll do my best to make sure you get some time with your ladyfriend." I shake my head in wonderment.