This is the thread for wrapping up session one.
At the end of every session, choose a character who knows you better than they used to. If there’s more than one, choose one at your whim. Tell that player to add +1 to their Hx with you on their sheet. If this brings them to Hx+4, they reset to Hx+1 (and therefore mark experience). If no one knows you better, choose a character who doesn’t know you as well as they thought, or choose any character at your whim. Tell that player to take -1 to their Hx with you on their sheet. If this brings them to Hx -3, they reset to Hx=0 (and therefore mark experience).
Does anyone want new highlights?
I think Bon knows me better. Wouldn't mind my Weird highlight getting replaced.
I think Bon knows me better, too. I'm cool with my highlights as they are.
I think August knows me better.
Gates knows me better. I'm good with my highlights, but it almost seems like cheating for Vignette to have Weird and Hot highlighted.
I am not a 1-barter girl. Spending 2 barter for beginning of session lifestyle upkeep.
Dog seems to have gotten a bit of SeaTac's schtick, so +1 to Dog. I'm okay with Highlights as they stand, but not resistant to change.
Valentine highlights me again.
Vignette, keep being Weird, please.
(Also, I pay my upkeep with the jingle I earned from working Admiral's gig)
Bon, love, be Hot. I want you to know how I see you.
August, dear, be Sharp. Sometimes it's better to look than to be seen.
Gates, sir, would you highlight me? Your eyes regard as Mssr. Eckleburg's.
August, highlight Cool. I want to see you under pressure.
Bon, highlight Weird. We shall see what you see of the machines.
Dog, highlight Sharp. Because a smart dog knows where to bite.
Vignette, highlight Sharp. Let's see what you learn about the world.
August, Admiral paid you one jingle for your work entertaining during the motor duel.
Dog, Admiral paid you and your crew two jingle for patrolling outside during the motor duel.
SeaTac, Admiral, through Kitsap, paid you a jingle for "security".
First off, Vignette knows me better. Odd one she is.
Valentine: Highlight Hot. Of course.
SeaTac: Let's see Cool.
I get highlighted by Val. Do your thing, Val.
Gates, I am delighted to reciprocate with your highlight. Show me Hard. I think you'll need it out in the world, and I want you to come back.
Valentine, highlight Cool
SeaTac, highlight Hard
Gates, highlight Weird
Also, I'm spending 1 barter to keep us house and home.
I will spend the 1-barter I received from Admiral to keep my frugal lifestyle afloat.
As the Maestro D', my lifestyle is taken care of by the income from my establishment, the Yacht Club. Have you been lately?
Huh? Rent? Taken care of, little bribes here and there, the food, the fuel. One of my pay units from Admiral evaporates into stuff I need.
Valentine I've been scarce lately. So busy.