This is the thread for wrapping up session two.
At the end of every session, choose a character who knows you better than they used to. If there’s more than one, choose one at your whim. Tell that player to add +1 to their Hx with you on their sheet. If this brings them to Hx+4, they reset to Hx+1 (and therefore mark experience). If no one knows you better, choose a character who doesn’t know you as well as they thought, or choose any character at your whim. Tell that player to take -1 to their Hx with you on their sheet. If this brings them to Hx -3, they reset to Hx=0 (and therefore mark experience).
Does anyone want new highlights?
Gates, sir, it seems that you know me better.
Bon clearly knows SeaTac better.
As to Highlights, I'm fine as they are, but wouldn't object to a shift.
You as well, Valentine.
Vignette knows me better.
And I'd like new highlights please.
Seatac knows me better
I think it's fair to say Vignette learned about me.
August and Dog both. August learned about what I can do, but Dog learned about who I am. Dog knows me better.
I'm okay with my highlights, though I think it would be interesting to see Vignette be Cool.
New Highlights have been requested. Everyone, please look on your sheet for whoever you have the highest HX "on" (or "with", however you call it) and ask that character's player to highlight one of your stats.
Feel free to note if you have any "stat swaps", meaning Moves that allow you to substitute a stat for a Basic Move.
Valentine still wins! Highlight me.
SeaTac or Gates highlights me once more!
Dog highlights me.
I have Brainer Weird moves that take the place of Go Aggro and Read a Person.
So... I know there are rules and all. According to the RULES, Gates should highlight me. That doesn't feel great, given the fiction as it's played out. Todd, are you willing to cede your highlight "authority" to Trevis? Or Jen, either one.
Vignette highlights me.
I act under fire with Weird.
Gates, how would you see me? My highlight is with you.
Dearest Bon, I miss your face and words. Be Hot as you go, mon petit chou.
[OOC: I Go Aggro with Hot.]
SeaTac: Yes, I'll cede my highlight. Totally agree.
Valentine: Let's see hot, of course.
Dog: I'm gonna let SeaTac take this one.
Gates, you have been everyone's advisor... Let us see what happens when the time for words has passed. Be Hard.
Valentine, please highlight me.
Seatac, highlight sharp.
August, I always want you to be Hot... but this time, let me see you be Weird.
Vignette, I want to see how you hustle it. How you gonna smooth waters? Highlight Hot.
I'd like to see Dog be Cool.
MC Highlights:
Bon - Sharp
Valentine - Hard
Gates - Hot
SeaTac - Hard
August - Hot
Dog - Ho
Vignette - Hard
Until I know otherwise, I'll spend 1-Barter for SeaTac's lifestyle. Question... are Laika and/or the Arrows going to contribute for Joey during the "transition" period?
Yeah of course we'd chip in for Joey's food but it's not like he's 15 ladies who eat multiple Barter's worth of food in a month.
I pay 1 barter for upkeep. Think that puts me down to 1-barter.
I also pay my barter in upkeep, making the growers happy and such, maybe get myself some fresh new socks.
I only have the one barter. I pay what I can.
Running the Yacht Club provides for my daily sundries. I need not spend barter for lifestyle upkeep.
How are my lapels?
I'll spend 1 barter. I still have a surplus, but there's that failed wealth roll still pending.